Kid Spots a Weird Pattern Near The Lake. What They Pull Out Buried In Dirt Is UNTHINKABLE!

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This incredible story is years in the making, beginning in World War II and ending only recently. It came to light thanks to the keen observations and lasting memory of one young boy who was waking beside Lake Kurtna Matasjarv in Estonia in 1944 and noticed something strange in the mud beside the bank.  It appeared to be tracks that went into the water, but there were no other tracks anywhere that indicated anything had come out of the lake.  

At the time World War II was raging in Europe and in Estonia the Russians had been fighting the Germans in the area.  The boy thought the deep, gouged out tracks could have only been made by one thing, a heavy armored tank. He watched the spot for months and after seeing air bubbles ripple up from the lake, he became convinced there was one submerged beneath the surface.

Years went by and while the boy always thought about what he had seen in the woods, he never mentioned it to anyone.  Finally one day he did tell people and soon word of his tale reached the ears of Mr. Igor Shedunov, a war history aficionado.  Mr. Shedunov was intrigued and put together a diving expedition to find out what was in the water. Upon reaching the spot he found that the lake was really just a small body of water in the middle of the woods, it was not large enough for recreational boating, and was more of a local fishing hole.       

The dive team went in and when they emerged, they confirmed the boy’s theory, there was indeed a tank sunk in the lake!  Getting it out was going to be difficult as it was covered in seven meters, or about 23 feet, of peat. After two weeks of clearing silt and mud from around the tank steel cables were attached to it so that a massive bulldozer could slowly yank it out.  

When it finally breached the water and emerged, officials were able to identify the tank as being a Soviet built T-34/76A tank and it had been so well preserved in its muddy grave that it was in near perfect condition after almost 56 years!  The Russian tank had likely been captured from the Soviets by the Germans during fierce fighting in the region. The tide had turned by September of 1944 however, when they started suffering setbacks and massive losses against the Russians. As the Germans retreated, they did not want the tank to be re-taken by the Soviets and so they sunk the 27 metric ton machine in the lake where it sat undetected for all those years.

The pristine condition it was found in was thanks to the low oxygen levels in the marshy bog area it had been in.  This helped preserve the metal while minimizing any corrosion. Everything was intact as if it had been sunk a year ago, even 116 shells were found inside and carefully removed.  In fact, it was in such good shape that after it’d been cleaned it started right up and ran properly, not one spare part was needed!

A spectacular piece of history was recovered thanks to the boy who had noticed the strange tracks near the lake all those years ago.  If he hadn’t spoken up about what saw, the tank would very likely still be sitting under 27 feet of muck.

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Boy Was In The Water By Himself! Then THESE Creatures Approach and Creep Up Behind Him!

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It has long been said that Earth’s final frontier is the vast oceans that cover a majority of the planet’s surface.  An estimated 95% of the oceans have yet to be explored and it seems that every time a deep sea probe is sent to the depths, new species are discovered.  From gigantic bus size whales to microscopic transparent shrimps and all the fish in-between, there’s a whole other world under the seas! 

The ocean is certainly filled with creatures of every sort and size, but the one thing universally feared above all else is far and away sharks.  The stealthy apex predators are more than capable of inflicting great bodily harm or even death, and when you step into the ocean, you’re in their house.  Even though shark attacks on humans are rare, every year dozens of people get bit. For one little boy swimming in the Bahamas, he could have easily been among them.  However, a guardian angel of sorts stepped in and brought the boy to safety before any harm could come to him.  

Artem Tkachenko had been flying his drone over a beach in the Bahamas on a sunny December day when he spotted the young boy swimming in shallow water below.  The idyllic scene was interrupted when a school of four sharks approached the child and appeared to be headed straight towards him. Seemingly unaware that he had company, Artem yelled to the boy telling him to run and get out of the water, which he quickly did.  Once the boy had both feet safely planted on the warm sandy shore, the sharks simply turned around and swam off.  

If Artem had not warned the child, who knows what would have happened and it just goes to show how incredibly close encounters between sharks and swimmers often are.  Even when you’re in crystal clear shallow water, just feet from the shore, there could be a shark nearby that you fail to see. Being extremely agile and fast swimmers, they can easily close in on a person before they even have time to react.

Other people who have found themselves in similar situations to what the young boy was in have not been so lucky.  Thankfully, there are several ways to help prevent and limit your risk of ever getting bit by a shark. They include not swimming at prime feeding times, dusk and dawn, not wearing metallic jewelry that is believed to resemble fish scales, and to avoid going in the water if you have an open cut or wound.  For more information on shark attacks and what scientists believe may incite a shark to bite, please refer to the video. It’s always good to arm yourself with knowledge and the points that it covers are quite interesting.     

Watch the video below for the full story:

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She Gives Her Parakeet An Egg From The Supermarket To Play With. But Days Later She Gets The Biggest Surprise Ever!

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No one ever really stops to think about the carton of eggs they buy at the grocery store.  All most people care about is how fresh they are that they aren’t broken. When YouTube user Luna Angel went to the supermarket and spotted some quail eggs for sale, they initially grabbed her attention because they made her think of her pet parakeet at home, Pi-chan. 

She ended up buying the quail eggs and when she returned home, she gave one of the speckled eggs to her little yellow and blue bird to see what it would do and how she’d react.

As soon as the egg was placed inside her cage, Pi-chan sat on it as if she had laid it herself.  Her maternal instincts were strong, and Luna was happy to see her little bird so interested in the egg.  Not long afterwards, she went to check on Pi-chan and was shocked at what she saw inside her cage. The egg had hatched, and a tiny, fluffy, unbelievably cute baby quail was sitting next to her songbird! 

Naturally Luna was not expecting this, she had assumed the quail egg had been unfertilized, as most grocery store eggs are.  The chances that she somehow picked up a carton that contained a fertilized one were extremely slim and yet there was a baby bird right in front of her. 

It must have been fate because Luna was an experienced bird owner and lover, she knew that she’d be able to care for Pi-chan’s new friend, even if she had never raised a baby bird before!

As it turns out, baby quails don’t require very much work.  Right after they’re born, they can eat pretty much anything and so feeding the little chick wasn’t an issue.  In just a few days the bird was noticeably growing and getting stronger, much to the relief of Luna. Now instead of one she has two adorable little birds in her family!

Watch the video below for the full story:

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THIS Fisherman Noticed A Strange Log On The Lake. As He Approached He Realized THIS Desperate Creature Was Drowning!

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For many people, a day well spent is day spent fishing.  For them, even a bad day of fishing is better than a good day of work.  If you’re an avid fisherman, then you know the feeling and one Pennsylvania man was feeling the lure of the open water, so he headed out to one of his favorite spots.

Brad Meck decided to take a fishing trip to Raystown Lake, a reservoir in Huntingdon County Pennsylvania, one weekend in late May.  He chose a secluded area called James Creek and cast his line hoping for something good to bite. As he settled in Brad noticed something moving in the water.  At first, he simply assumed it was a fallen tree bobbing and floating along. As the supposed log came closer however, he saw that it was covered in brown fur. At that point, he thought it must be a beaver, after all it was in the middle of a huge body of water.

Upon closer inspection, it dawned on him that the animal swimming towards his boat was in fact a baby bear!  The poor cub was struggling to stay afloat and was so exhausted that he could barely keep his nose out of the water.  Realizing the dire situation the bear cub was in, Brad had only seconds to decide whether to save him or not.

Thankfully, he did come to the bears rescue and reached down to haul the utterly exhausted baby bear out of the water.  For a split second the thought crossed his mind that the bear might bite him, but as he placed him in the boat any worries that he had disappeared.  The cub was simply grateful to be saved and showed no ill will towards Brad. It was so exhausted that all it could do was sit down and rest.

At this point Brad switched gears and started thinking about what he should do next.  Being in such a remote area, he had no cell service and couldn’t call anyone for advice, so he turned to common sense.  He’d seen the direction the cub had been headed in and assumed it had been following its mother when it fell behind crossing the lake.  He decided to head off in that direction and when he reached the shore, he let his passenger off. The bear cub departed and scurried up the bank into the woods, but not before stopping briefly to glance back at Brad.  It’s as if he was saying thank you and goodbye to the man who had saved him.

Now that’s one of the best fishing stories anyone has ever heard told.  Brad went angling for fish, caught a wild bear cub, and saved its life without any harm coming to either of them.

Watch the video below for footage photos and the full story:

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Guy Started To Remove Bricks From THIS Wall. That Is When He Reveals a Giant Hidden Unexpected Surprise!

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No one wants animals, bugs, or any sort of creature living in the walls of their home.  For one family living in Germantown, Tennessee, that was their living nightmare. It all started the September prior when the family first heard strange noises that seemed to emanate from the walls.  Thinking it was just a mouse or something, they ignored it, assuming it would go away.  

Rather than disappear, the weird noises only got louder and worse with time.  Months passed and the family decided to finally get to the bottom of the endless noise.  They first tried a bug bomb and fumigated the kitchen, but that failed. Next they tried a professional exterminator, but they didn’t have all the tools or skills necessary for the job that lay before them.  Instead they recommended the one man they knew who could save the day.

That’s when the family called in David Glover, aka the self-described “Bartlett Bee Whisperer.”  He went to the family home and got straight to work by taking a thermal scan of the house’s exterior walls to see what he could find.  That revealed where the insects he was seeking were located and the next step was to break open the wall. After removing the first brick, he saw the telltale signs of honey bees and was able to confirm to the homeowner that they had a bee infestation.

Brick by brick David dismantled the wall and what he found hidden away behind it was like nothing he had ever seen before.  Sitting there in front of him was the largest honeycomb he had ever seen in his whole life! The massive hive measured about 3 feet wide by 5 feet tall and contained 13 capped queen cells, that’s 13 future queen bees, plus an estimated 35,000 honey bees.  

With the wall opened, David could begin to remove the hive and after four hours he had mostly completed that part.  Rather than exterminate the bees forever, he simply removed and relocated both them and their hive to a more suitable location.  After cleaning up the mess they had made over the course of the last 2 years they’d been living in the wall, David built it back up.  Before he sealed it off for good, he placed a small box inside the hole. This was to catch any stray worker bees who may have been out and about or that flew off amid all the commotion.  That way, when they eventually returned, he could re-unite them with their colony.

In the end, the honey bees all got re-homed with a number of local honey farms and beekeepers who were more than happy to have them.  Colony collapse is a growing problem among honey bees and so the influx of new bees only helps to bolster their numbers and helps them thrive.

Watch the video below for video pictures and the full story:

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You Will Not Believe Your Eyes When You See How This Pup Saved THIS Toddler’s Life!

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Experts believe that man and the canine first became friends and later domesticated anywhere from 16,000 – 32,000 years ago. Over thousands of years the bond between our two species has become even more intertwined. The canine is almost always refferred to as “Man’s Best Friend”. Anybody who has one of these incredible fur babies can attest to just how strong a friendship and bond can be between a pup and his human. Over 1000’s of years dog’s have evolved with humans and sometimes this evolution can be visually striking as the sizes and shapes of canine’s continues to change.

Whether its burrowing into small holes to catch badgers and rabbits, being a home security system, cleaning up rats and other rodents, being a service dog for the handicapped, tracking scents in hunting or police work, saving people from fires, herding sheep for farmers our furry little friends can do just about anything! Sometimes just sitting on the couch and binge-watching some shows with your pup can be one of the most fun and fulfilling ways to spend your day.

In today’s incredible video we will be featuring the story of a young 14 month old boy named Stanley, Labrador Retriever named Bear, and his mother Patricia.  If you have ever had children you know what’s they get past their first birthday, toddlers start to be able to explore their environment. This is obviously just a natural and healthy part of childhood development, however during the time the child is this age, you have to remain extra vigilant to make sure your baby doesn’t wander off into a dangerous situation.

Stanley like many other kids his age, loves to shadow and follow behind his mom wherever she goes. Whether it’s to the kitchen, the yard or to the driveway your toddler is most likely to be right behind you kind of like a dog. On one particular morning mama Patricia had been doing some gardening with Stanley by her side getting some fresh air, sunshine and some exercise.

When Patricia finished up the job in her garden, she headed to the garage to put away all the gardening tools. After she put the tools back in their proper place, she looked around and Stanley had vanished. Patricia like any other mom immediately began to panic screaming out his name, searching everywhere and hoping and praying he would just show up safe.

When she got to the backyard she saw Stanley in the pool, but he wasn’t swimming, he was in the pool floating face up, but he was unconscious. She jumped into the pool grabbed him and luckily he was breathing but still not conscious.

Somehow, Bear the Labrador Retriever sensed that his little brother could possibly be in grave danger as he heard him splashing around in the water. Without hesitation, the dog leaped into action, jumping into the pool, swimming beneath Stanley, lifting him up to the surface and finally turning the toddler face up so he wouldn’t drown or swallow any water! What is even more amazing, is Bear stayed underneath the boy, keeping him floating above the surface and stayed as still as possible so the boy wouldn’t tip over sideways and go back under the water’s surface!

Patricia carried him out of the water and brought him to the local fire station where he regained conscious and made a complete recovery! His big bro Bear had saved his life and became a local hero among the community! Good boy! 🙂

Watch the video below to see the top 10 best dog’s saving humans. Stanley, Patricia and Bear’s story begins at 3:59:

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