Somehow THIS Tiny West Highland Terrier Got This Huge Rottweiler Pregnant. But Wait Till You See The Puppies!

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Like magnets, opposites often attract. People with completely different personalities somehow get together against all odds. The ying and the yang, the dark and the light somehow compliment each other perfectly. Apparently the same can be applied to the animal world. Specifically, two dogs of very different ilks found love.

Just like people, dogs don’t let things like breed stop them from finding their soul mate. In one case, the owner of a rottweiler was surprised to find her dog pregnant. However, everyone was stunned when these unique and adorable puppies were born. You won’t believe who she fell in love with and mated with!

A West Highland terrier named Joey has made an impressive accomplishment for a dog his size. He successfully mated with a rottweiler named Zara. Zara is several times Joey’s size furthering the accomplishment. The ambitious little dog is now the father to a litter of puppies. This almost never happens, so this litter is so very special!

Officially, the puppies have been labeled “Wotties.” Teresa Patterson, the owner of the two canines, had no idea the dogs had even mated until the puppies were born. According to Teresa, the puppies take after their parents in terms of their great temperament. They’re very high maintenance and they love attention. Get ready for the most adorable thing you will see today!

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Very Depressed and Unhappy Lioness Has The Most Amazing Reaction When She Realizes Who Her New Neighbor Is!

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Lions are one of the world’s most powerful, majestic, and beautiful animals.  The big cats are second in size only to tigers and can run up at speeds of up to 50 mph in short bursts.  Besides having physical prowess, they are also highly social and intelligent animals.

They live in prides often consisting of several adult females, their cubs, and one or a few adult males.  Each member has an important job to do, with the lionesses hunting and the male lions defending the pride and their territory.  

That is the way lions have operated for thousands of years in the wild.  These days that natural order has been interrupted and messed with by greedy people who wish to exploit lions for entertainment and money making schemes.  Whether lions are forced to perform in circuses or used at petting zoos before being killed in canned hunts, when they’re forced into captivity, they suffer regardless of the reason why.  

The lucky ones are saved by big cat rescue groups who do their best to rehabilitate the often abused, neglected, and malnourished lions that come into their care.  One such place, Texas based In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Education Center, ended up rescuing a beautiful light haired lioness named Sheila from her abusive owner.  Because of her good looks, Sheila had been forced to take part in movie and photo shoots, perform tricks, and attend parties and events where people posed with her.  

When Sheila fist arrived at her new home she was not in good shape.  Years of forced labor, abuse, and living in a confined space all alone had left her weak and underweight.  She could hardly stand up and refused to eat or drink, when she did eat, she’d usually throw it up. She was obviously depressed, but it seemed as if she wanted to die and had lost her will to live. 

Sensing something else was wrong with her, the rescue center ran tests on Sheila and finally had an answer as to why she was so sick; she was suffering from toxoplasmosis.  The diagnosis was grim, most cats die from the parasite, but vets decided to treat her anyways.

Shortly after her first treatment, Sheila showed marked signs of improvement.  In fact, she was looking and acting so much happier and better that her caretakers wondered if perhaps her new friend could have something to do with her new lease on life.

As it turned out, a new male lion named Khan had been brought to live at In-Sync and he was housed right next door to Sheila.  He had been abused by the same man who mistreated Sheila but was much livelier and feistier than her. The two got along great and seemed to really like each other so they were given time to play together.

It wasn’t long before Sheila and Khan recovered from their malnourishment and health problems.  They were eventually moved into the same enclosure where they spend their days cuddling, grooming each other, and relaxing.  As for their former owner, he lost his license which means he can no longer own or neglect lions.

Thanks to the volunteers and everyone at In-Sync who makes stories like this possible, Sheila and Khan get to have a happy ending!

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The Family Dog Begins Acting Super Strange. They Look Out The Window and Immediately Call 911!

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There is nothing in this world that will unconditionally love you more than a dog. Canine and Humankind has bonded into a mutual symbiotic relationship that has been evolving for thousands of years. The bond between these amazing species of animal and their humans is simply remarkable. Dogs have learned how to help people in almost everyway you could ever imagine. From service dogs, police dogs, sled dogs to family dogs their adaptation, loyalty, intelligence and devoted love to their pack/family are unmatched. This brings us to today’s featured canine tale.

Midnight a Beautiful Lab Mix followed her human Tim Cufman outside to git rid of the trash. Almost immediately her spidey senses began to tingle and she knew something wasn’t right! Before this day Midnight had not been much for security as a watch dog so Tim thought something really must’ve spooked Midnight and that there was something or someone out there who couldbe a potential threat to himand his family.

That night it just so happened to be during one of the ‘polar vortexes’ in Minnesota that year. The temperatures had dropped below 0 and being outside for a prolonged period of time could put you in grave danger. In fact, it was so cold in Minnesota that week that all public schools, public transportation, air travel. offices and even the postal office were closed until the dangerous freeze passed!

Tim had watched a report earlier that the freeze has already been fatal to 20 people. So his plan was just to get the trash to the bins and run back into his warm and cozy home. The problem was Midnight was going wild and was trying to get her human to follow him so he could see what it was. Eventually after Midnight wouldn’t give up, Tim decided to follow her outside to see if something was really lurking.

Little did Tim know, there wasn’t a threat out there, but he was actually going to save a person’s life!

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Weird Dog Shows Up On The Trail As This Couple Hikes! Then They Notice The Words Written On His Collar!

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One of the things that dogs love most in the world is going for a walk.  They like being outdoors with their human companions and the change of scenery it provides.  They also usually need to burn off some energy and a brisk walk to the local park or around the block is the perfect way to tire them out.   Plus, many dogs are not allowed to roam freely, so they look forward to their daily walks and get upset if they miss one.  

For one dog living near Teneriffe Falls in Washington state, he gets the best of both worlds, and then some.  The big black dog is named Smokey and he is allowed outside to roam as he pleases. Since he lives so close to the popular hiking spot, he often heads over to the trail head to wait for people to come along and then joins them on their hike.  He basically takes himself for walks whenever he wants, and he does it so often that his owners made a special tag for him!

Recently a young couple went for a hike and spotted Smokey gingerly coming towards him as they set off.  The friendly animal walked right up to them and then alongside as they started down the trail. After going a couple hundred yards they realized Smokey was tagging along which was fine by them.  In fact, the unexpected guest was delightful and very well mannered. He stopped whenever they did and waited patiently as they snapped pictures, he clearly knew the drill.

Once they reached the falls the couple started to worry that maybe the big black dog was lost, and they didn’t want to just leave him in the wilderness after their hike.  Seeing that he had tags on, the man, Scott Brown, reached down to check them.

One side of the faded blue bone shaped tag said “Hi, I’m Smokey. I live nearby so please don’t take me.  I like to follow hikers sometimes.” The flip side read “Don’t worry, I’ll go home when I get tired. My people love me a lot. Thanks for being nice!”  

Upon reading Smokey’s tag the couple laughed with relief.  The sweet dog was simply out on one of his walks and they needn’t worry about him because his loving family was waiting for him to come home when he was ready. 

With Smokey leading the way they returned to the parking lot near where they first saw him. He waited patiently as they changed out of their hiking gear and prepared to go home before barking once, turning, and heading back to his home.  

The couple was thankful that Smokey had joined them and felt he’d made their hike all the more memorable.  It seems the fluffy black dog made a lasting impression on them and that’s just one reason why dogs are so awesome.

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THIS Guy Was Swimming In The Lake When Something Brushed Up Against His Leg. But Then a Small Foot Appeared!

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Nothing cools you down faster on hot summer’s day than taking a dip in a cool mountain lake.  That was exactly what Angelo Mondragon set out to do on a sizzling hot July afternoon. The 32 year old plumber from Fort Collins, Colorado was in the middle of his summer vacation when he decided to visit friends and family at nearby Windsor Lake.  He was looking forward to relaxing by the waters edge and took along his wife and children.

Once they got to the lake, Angelo and his family found a nice spot to set up on the beach.  Since it was a hot Sunday afternoon in July the place was pretty packed with other young families hoping to escape the oppressive heat.  After settling in and making sure everyone was all set, Angelo headed straight towards the water for a that refreshing dip he’d been looking forward to.

When he entered the water, nothing seemed amiss.  Kids were yelling and splashing all around, playing games and having a blast while their parents and older adults chatted on the beach.  As he waded in further to waist deep water, he suddenly felt something bump against his leg. Whatever it was felt soft and very strange, and Angelo later explained that “It felt like something you normally wouldn’t feel in the water.”  Wanting to find out what the heck it was, he gently toed at it to bring it up towards the surface. That’s when he saw the bottom of young child’s foot floating in the water.  

Looking down in shock and horror, Angelo gasped before quickly grabbing the baby and screaming for help.  He carried the little girl out of the water, yelling for her family all the while and for someone to call 9-1-1.  The toddler was limp and lifeless in his hands, wasn’t breathing, and had already turned blue. It didn’t look good at all. 

Once he got the child onto the beach two off-duty nurses and an off-duty police officer ran over to help him administer CPR.  As they waited for the ambulance to arrive, he prayed that the girl would make it. Working together, they all managed to revive the girl and by the time the ambulance brought her to the hospital she had regained consciousness and was alert.  

The following day Angelo got to meet the little girl he’d saved less than 24 hours earlier at the Children’s Hospital in Aurora where she was in good condition.  Her name was Sitlali Hernandez, she was just 3 years old, and had been at the lake that day with her family, just like he was with his three young kids. He also met Sitlali’s mother, who thanked him for his quick action and saving her child’s life.  

In a later interview Angelo remarked that “If I was not in that right spot at the right time, it could have been a search and rescue mission.  As I told the little girl’s mom, when I saw the baby’s toes, that became my baby.” In the wake of the incident, he decided to try and rally the local community and businesses around collecting flotation devices for anyone who might need but doesn’t have or can’t afford them.  He was inspired to act, and who knows, he may end up saving more lives down the line.

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Forest Ranger Accidentally Finds a Mysterious Hidden Cabin In The Forest But There Is An UNTHINKABLE Surprise Inside!

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When someone doesn’t wish to be seen or found, they often go to the most isolated, rural place they can find in the middle of the woods.  To survive for any extended amount of time there you would need to know a lot about the native flora and fauna, how to make shelter so that it can withstand the weather and climate, how to find food, make a fire, get clean drinking water, and the list goes on. 

Most people don’t have this sort of knowledge about basic and essential survival skills and even those who do might not be able to rough it in the wild for more than a few days at a time.

With that in mind, clearly whoever set up this impressive squatter’s camp in the middle of a Northern California forest knew what they were doing.  They expertly constructed a house that was virtually undetectable from even just a few steps away until Mark Andre, the Environmental Services director in Arcata, California, stumbled across it on a walk in the woods one day. 

He had been out marking trees that needed to be harvested in an area of the Arcata Community Forest he hadn’t visited in quite some time when up ahead he spotted something. When he moved in to investigate the strange sight it dawned on him that he’d found a very well camouflaged cabin in the middle of the woods!

Whoever had built the cabin picked the most remote, out of the way spot in the forest in hopes of not ever being found.  The illegal building had been made by someone who knew what they were doing, and it was the most elaborate find Mark had ever seen. 

Measuring 8 by 12 feet and about 15 feet tall, it was up on concrete blocks and had features like a peaked roof, front porch with awning, plywood walls covered in tarps, and windows.  The entire outside blended naturally with the forest as it was covered in either brown tarps or branches and leaves.

Just the cabins presence alone was strange, but Mark and other investigators who looked at the house noticed a number of other quirks.  One was that there were no worn paths anywhere around the house. Whoever came and went from it had been careful to take a different way every time. 

It was also very clean and orderly, something not common at illegal campsites which are often trashed and disgusting. The person who had made this had respect for nature and wasn’t out there doing even more illegal things.

After initially finding the cabin Mark did not go inside, instead he waited to do so when he was with an environmental services team investigating the illegal build site.  When he returned with the team, they had to break open a lock on the front door and after announcing their presence they entered the cabin. Inside it was neat and orderly with cans and jars of sealed food lined up on shelves and a tea kettle alongside a potbellied stove. 

A bookshelf held an assortment of old VHS tapes and books, including “Catch Me if You Can” and “Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West.” They also found lists of things the cabin owner needed to do and get that was dated, as well as a copy of a Humboldt State University newspaper being used as kindling in the stove.  The dated objects gave them an idea of how long the person had been living there, which was at least from 2011-2015. 

Before leaving the team posted an eviction notice on the front door with contact information, but no one ever called.  They returned about one month later to check on the site and found that the person was moving out. When they came back a couple of weeks after that, the entire area was cleaned up and nothing remained of the cabin.  The place was spotless save for one thing; the international symbol for squatter was written on the ground in charcoal.  

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