Full Harvest Moon On Friday The 13th: Prepare For a Big Energy Shift.

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A beautiful, awe-inspiring, stunning full moon will soon be lighting up the night sky on this coming Friday The 13th. The September Full Harvest Moon in Pisces is set to stun and leave powerful energy all across the globe, but not because of what you’re likely assuming, but rather due to the cosmic shift in energy that will be accompanying it. Because this moon is on Friday The 13th maybe you should keep an eye out for witches, black cats and of course werewolves! (just kidding kind of. . .)

The moon is called the Harvest Moon because unlike other moons whose names coincide with a particular month; the harvest moon is the full moon closest to the Autumnal Equinox.  The Harvest Moon can happen either in September or October depending on the year. For the most part however, the Harvest Moon does tend to happen in September.

As with almost all of the other full moon names, like April’s Full Pink moon January’s Full Wolf moon, they were derived from seasonal occurrences that Native American’s observed happening in nature around them when the moon was at its fullest point. This moon not only gets it’s name from the Native Americans but it also is derived from farmers.

The reason for the name Harvest Moon, is because back in the day farmers noticed that the night sky would be brighter and they would have more light to work with being that the moonrise happens immediately after sunset! This extra light, would help them work the crops later into the evening and for the harvest.

Whether you’re aware of it or not, full moons seem to have some of the strangest effects on our lives. It’s no secret that a full moon brings out the crazy and wild in people, hence the word lunatic which was originally used by ancient Greeks to refer to madness and epilepsy that they believed were specifically caused by the moon.

During this particular moon, keep in mind it’s also Friday The 13th so people could potentially act even whackier than usual.. For years doctors, cops, nurses and firemen have all noticed a sharp uptick in crime, fires and a rise in hospital emergency room visits on nights featuring full moons. The reason for this has yet to fully be explained, but you ask any healthcare worker, policeman or firemen what are the most busy days of the month and they will always tell you during the full moon!

There is simply something about them that gets to people, but it isn’t always negative, it’s just that the bad tends to stick out and make the headlines more than the good, as is often the case in today’s modern world. If you see someone in need, help them out, be kind and above all us try not to be mean or cruel to anyone.

At the end of the day, full moons are essentially times of heightened energy and it all depends on how you channel that energy. You can either use it for nefarious purposes or you can put it towards bettering both your life and yourself! I recommend the latter because in general we all need to be more kind to one another especially these days when everyone just seems to bickering about everything.

If you choose to welcome the shift with a positive attitude, equally positive effects can be gained from it. Below is a general overview of all the best things that this Full Harvest Moon in Pisces is expected to feature and what you should aim to focus on doing in order to bring in the positivity and not let the negativity tear you down!

Follow Your Intuition. In the days ahead if you suddenly have a gut feeling about something, go with it and don’t second-guess yourself. Full moons are a heightened time where we tend to be more deeply connected to our inner selves, whether it be our wants, needs, desires, intentions, or beyond. Especially with this particular Full Moon where renewal will be one of the biggest things to look for.

There’s never a better time than now to listen to your instincts and follow through with them. A lot of things that you have repressed and put deep down inside may become exposed during this moon. Be mindful of this and try not to get caught off guard if you start to feel negativity. All that junk that has been trapped inside you will now surface, it’s up to you to just let it go..

Let Go Of What Is Holding You Back. Facing the truth and owning up to whatever problems or issues that may be plaguing your life right now will help lift the burden they’re placing on your health and progress moving forward. In astrology the full moon has long been viewed as a time for starting over and new beginnings so use it to close one chapter of your life and open the next.

Awaken and Realize. A wave of conscious awareness that leads to meaningful self-discoveries is a prominent feature of this September Full Harvest Moon shift. Use this time to re-center yourself and find balance in your life. Remember, that all the baggage and negativity that you tucked deep down inside of your soul will now be exposed, so instead of fighting it, shed it and just let the pain go..

Be Social. Many areas of communication in our lives will be highlighted in the days before and after the full moon. Now is the ideal time to catch up with friends, family, and loved ones and to re-connect. Reach out to people you haven’t seen or talked to in awhile and catch up because you’ll be buzzing with things to talk about and your social/communication skills will be spot on and sharp as ever.

Try Something New. This Full Harvest Moon will be associated with rebirth, new life paths, new beginnings, and starting fresh. If there is something that you have wanted to try out for awhile now but never got the chance to, then go for it and just do it! Be mindful though that because of the increased energy you could potentially feel more agitated due to things in your subconscious being revealed.

Whether it be taking up a new hobby, tending to your garden, learning a new language, starting a new diet or fitness plan, or anything else that interests you, make it a point to commit to it. Stop making excuses and don’t let anything or anybody get in your way. Use the buzz that’s in the air to re-focus and charge yourself up, and there’s no better time than now to do that!

As you can see, the shift in energy accompanying the September Full Harvest Moon will be positive for the most part. If you go with the flow and don’t fight against the universe, you’ll end up being better connected with yourself and the people in your life. So relax, breathe steady, and get ready to usher in the shift with an open optimistic attitude and positive mind-set.

This full moon also takes place in the Constellation Phoenix and you guessed it just like in popular greek and other old civilizations the Phoenix has always represented a rise from the ashes, adding power, ambitions, renewal and rebirth. Use your increased emotional strength and gut instincts to guide you through the shift as weigh end summer and reign in Autumn!

In one word in the comments section let us know how you feel right now with this Full Harvest Moon on Friday The 13th so close: 

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Husband Films A Bear In His Yard. But Then He Sends Out His Wife The Intimidator To Get It To Leave.

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The Grillo family has been getting an unexpected visitor on their porch for the past few weeks.  They weren’t really sure what their best course of action was to going to be to handle this specific situation. Everyday a black bear would show up around the same time of day and take a nice stroll through the backyard, exploring the Grillo family’s property. A few times the bear got a little too curious and caused a little bit of damage and left a mess. Finally on this day they had enough of their new neighbor taking over their property when ever he felt like it.

The patriarch of the family Mr. Grillo grabbed his video camera and started filming the bear doing his usual walk across the property like he owns the place.  Then the bear ascends the staircase on to the porch which he likes to do most of the time. Mr. Grillo knew his wife was sick and tired of this big old black bear taking over their backyard so he yelled for his wife when he saw the bear about to make himself comfortable on the porch.

At first there was no response, however soon Mr. Grillo’s intimidator/wife Mrs. Grillo swings the door open like she is ready to have a championship boxing match against Mike Tyson in his prime! She comes around and you can tell by her body language and voice she is not messing around and she means business!

Mrs. Grillo makes her presence known and stands up to the black bear with absolutely no fear. Instead of running the opposite way like most people would do if they were standing toe to toe with a big old black bear she walks right towards the confused animal! I know if I was her I would be terrified and immediately run back inside, but she doesn’t even flinch.

Watch the below for the full story and enjoy:

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Mommy Tells Giant Great Dane To Get Out Of Bed But He Proceeds To Throw a Silent Hissy Fit Instead

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Oftentimes our four legged friends are by our sides when we wake up in the morning. Some are eager to start the day off and get in a morning walk while others are there to kindly ask for a tasty treat. Then there are those animals who are less enthusiastic about the prospect of leaving their perfect, cozy, warm beds. If they had a choice they would much rather stay in bed than get up or go outside. The following video features a huge goofy white and black spotted Great Dane who just does not want to get up at all. His mama tries almost every trick in the book to get the big guy out of bed. However, the big guy won’t budge and doesn’t want to partake in mom’s plan and schedule for the day…

The giant puppy, named Reeza, is clearly in no mood for a morning walk and would rather stay put on his well cushioned couch bed. Reeza only wants to snuggle further into the couch, before he finally lets out a big yawn and sits upright on his hind quarters, but then he lays back down to try and get a little more shut eye. In the background his owner pleads, to no avail, for him to start moving and get out of bed.

She even threatens to dump him out of his spot but he could care less. When she moves in closer to him he fakes another try at getting up and for a brief moment it looks like he’s about to jump out of bed. However, he has second thoughts and goes back down on his belly for more blissful rest. At a point near the end of the video Reeza begins to see that there won’t be anymore peaceful time for relaxing as his owner keeps up her urging and renews the threats to pull him out of bed. After a few snuffles, wide yawns, and mushing his face into the cushions he makes a few more false starts before he finally gets up on all fours legs and leaves his bed.

I know all too well how this tired puppy feels. Sometimes you just want to sleep in and when someone is trying to get you out of bed all you can think is ‘go away and leave me alone.’ We have all felt like Reeza at some point in our lives and had moments where getting out of bed is the last thing we want to do.

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This Male Seahorse Is About To Do The Unthinkable! I Had No Clue They Could Do THIS

Seahorses are some of the most majestic and magical creatures on earth.  Like many animals during different parts of the year they go through some major behavioral changes.  When the changes start happening to the male seahorses you know one thing is about to happen.  The males are getting ready to give BIRTH!

Yes you read that right, male seahorses are the ones who give birth to their young. The male seahorses store the eggs and then eventually give birth to anywhere from 100-1000 baby seahorses!  While watching the video below you will see the males start to breathe fast and heavy.

Then his colors begin to transform.  Finally the contractions begin, and the seahorse begins shooting baby seahorses out of his stomach! Nature never ceases to amaze me.  Wait till you see this. This incredible clip below made my day.  Enjoy!

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An Awesome and Time Saving Leaf Raking Hack Everyone Should Know This Autumn.

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I don’t know about you, but Fall is one of my favorite seasons, coming in a close second to Springtime.  The transition from the heat of the Summer to the crisp air of a beautiful autumn day, with the awesome color changes of the leaves, is simply magical. Before we know it, all that uncomfortable heat and humidity from summer will dissipate into a nice cool and pleasant fall vibe. The air begins to smell so fresh and autumn-like as the leaves begin to slowly change from green to yellow, orange and red revealing a stunning mix of beautiful hues and saturations as nature goes through it’s natural cycles.

As these magnificent leaves flutter to the ground giving off an earthy intoxicating smell, we get to walk through their crunchy texture, so reminiscent of the best days of childhood.  Unfortunately, as adult homeowners we can’t just let the leaves stay on our lawns and driveways waiting for the cover of snow.  We have to deal with the drudgery of clearing them week by week, only having more fall, until the cycle ends.

Some people still ‘take to the rake’ in order to remove leaves, making the back breaking effort that takes hours.  Still others have gone to the expense of purchasing a leaf blower as an alternative.  If you find neither of these choices appealing, the following Video Below that you are about to watch is totally for you.

I’m always amazed that simple and clever solutions to problems are out there for so many things, and through the ease of the internet we get to see things that never occurred to us.  In the following entertaining footage you will watch a guy who came up with a technique that gets rid of huge sections of leaves on his lawn quickly and easily, while he still gets some healthy exercise, and has many more hours to spend on his weekend having fun!

It’s no joke, ingenious and laugh out loud funny…one of those things that begs the question, “Why didn’t I ever think of that?” Note: if video doesn’t play on your tablet or phone turn it horizontal and it will begin to play..

Watch the video below for the full leaf raking life hack tutorial:

Please SHARE this UNIQUE Leaf Raking Hack With Your Family and Friends 🙂

She Calls Out To a Creature In The Water! Moments Later It Surprisingly Reveals Itself!

image via – youtube.com

There is some surprising news in Freeport, Maine;  Kylie Brown has become a mother at the age of five years!  Did you gasp?!  No need, because her child is a duck called Snowflake, whom she has raised from birth.  So why call her a mother, as opposed to a pet owner?  The answer lies in the unique behavior of baby ducklings, known as imprinting.

A young duckling naturally identifies with any animal larger than them, whom they see in their very earliest days of life.  This need not be a mother duck…it could be any larger animal from a different species, including a Human Animal!  That human animal came in the form of young Kylie.

Amazingly enough, a duck who imprints on a human, not only sees that human as it’s mother, but identifies himself as a human!  In the case of Kylie and Snowflake, the understanding of the relationship is reciprocal…Kylie views herself as Snowflake’s mom.  They have been inseparable since they met;  Snowflake sticks by “Mom” Kylie’s side, never venturing away from her.

In this absolutely charming video you are about to watch below, you will hear Kylie interviewed about the activities she does with her “son”.  The interview is conducted by Steve Hartman of CBS Sunday Morning;  Kylie’s seriously innocent responses in discussing her “son”, at one point just breaks Steve up into uncontainable laughter.

You will be charmed and awed by the video, and will also enjoy a good laugh…not at her expense, but at her wide-eyed serious conviction.  I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

Watch the video below and enjoy:

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