Mama Dog Thought Her Pups Were Gone For Good. But Watch Her Reaction When They Are Reunited

The ties that bind mother’s and their offspring are universally found throughout the animal kingdom.  Sometimes, as humans, we think we corner the market on the extent of that bond and and the power that it invokes in how far we will go to protect and nurture our children.

It is true that humans have a far more prolonged duration of care taking than other species.  This, however, does not in any way diminish the pain experienced by mothers in other species, when their young are prematurely separated from them.

There is an innate attachment between mother’s and their children that is so powerful that it can cause a mother to do things beyond her natural physical power to protect her young.  We often hear tales of human mothers able to lift a car to save her child.  Within the animal kingdom, less powerful creatures find the capability to save their offspring from more dominant animals.  This power of love is truly one of the most amazing qualities found throughout nature.

The following video which shows a mother dog shedding tears after being reunited with her lost pups.  Some may see this as particularly human.  The pain of loss and separation is not, however, unique to the human species.  The relief shown by this mother dog is something that we can totally identify with as humans.  The love and protection of our offspring is probably the most potent emotion found in nature.

It would truly be wonderful if the universality of this kind of love could be spread beyond our offspring to make our world a place where love, rather than selfishness and hatred is so dominant. Enjoy the poignancy of this mother’s relief when reunited with the pups she loves with all her heart.

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Mom Raccoon Teaches Her Baby To Climb A Tree For The 1st Time. The Result Is Unexpectedly Awesome!

Raccoon babies are often born in the spring to protective mothers who don’t even allow the father near them. Like all babies, the little ones look to their mothers to teach them the ways of the world and how to survive in nature.

The furry masked animals are incredibly smart and their intelligence has made them skilled at a range of activities that include climbing, vocalizing, adapting, and figuring things out. Mother raccoon’s are very hands on and make excellent teachers who always ensure that their babies have the care and guidance needed for surviving on their own.

Part of every young raccoon’s education involves learning how to properly climb trees. They need to be able to climb because up in tall trees is where they are the safest and away from animals that prey on them.

In this awesome YouTube video, uploaded by Jeffrey Reid, a mama raccoon can be observed teaching her young kit how to climb a tree. The mother gently places her baby up against the base of the trunk and hesitates to let go, unsure of whether or not the baby will cling to the bark and catch on naturally.

Soon after she has decided to take another route and brings her kit up higher onto a roof surface. After a quick inspection of the area she again tries to guide the baby onto and up the tree, but he just doesn’t seem confident enough to try.

She then demonstrates the act of climbing by jumping on the trunk and scampering around, but her leap seems to cause the baby to almost fall off the roof! After a lot more tries, fails, near falls, and encouragement, the cute little baby manages to hold on by himself. Then he starts to climb up the tree with his proud mother looking on, and all the effort immediately becomes worth it. 

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This Little Girls Mom Died Of Cancer. The Song She Sings At Her Funeral Tore My Heart Up!

Life is tough when you are growing up as a kid. But when you lose a parent at the age of 7 life can become extremely difficult. Rhema Marvanne’s mom died of cancer leaving her alone. She coped with this devastating situation the only way she could, by singing.

In the following video Rhema beautifully sings ‘Amazing Grace’ in honor of her late mother. She travels to all the places they shared their experiences together, while singing this song that is guaranteed to make you cry. This is so emotional. You are going to need to grab the tissues for this one.

Were you as moved as we were by this performance? This so powerful it really is a reminder about how precious life is and how important music is to convey feelings. Rhema is so talented and I am sure we will be seeing much more of her as she grows up!

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