Mama Cow Kept Hiding Her Baby Calf Every Day. The Reason Tore My Heart Up!

At Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary in Australia a dairy cow named Clarabelle was acting nervous and not like her usual self. She paced around the paddock and seemed to have lost her normally strong appetite. Knowing she was pregnant and her baby due in about a week the sanctuary workers quickly honed in on an engorged teat and inferred she must have already given birth. But where was her baby? It was nowhere in sight and nothing gave any indication of where it could be!

After searching around for the baby they found the little brown calf carefully hidden in tall grass and brown logs. She was laying down and looked up with her big soft eyes innocently blinking and curious at the sight of them. Clarabelle had given birth, but must have done so awhile ago as there was no umbilical cord and the calf was clean and dry. She had hidden her baby.

Cows are best known in many places for producing milk and associated dairy products. In order to make that milk a cow must become pregnant and give birth to a calf, whom it will nurse. However, in the dairy industry young calves are taken away from their mothers shortly after birth so that the milk can instead be collected for human consumption.

This separation of mother and child is done early on so as to try and cause minimal stress to both but it is also done repeatedly in order to keep the cow producing milk. Clarabelle had tried to hide her calf to prevent it from being taken away, as time and again her calves had been in the past.

This time around Clarabelle will stay with her baby at the farm sanctuary. Her life has changed dramatically for now she is able to live alongside and nurse her calf the natural way. On a side note, Clarabelle’s calf was discovered on Valentine’s Day and named Valentine “in honor of the love between mother cows and their babies” according to the Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary website ( Thanks to them and the work they do, Clarabelle and Valentine have a chance at leading happy and comfortable lives.

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Mom Was Filling Up The Pool When Her Baby Got Splashed and Started Crying. The Reason Is Scary!

Summer officially starts on June 20th but much of the country has already experienced extremely high temperatures, especially in the Southwest region which is currently in the midst of a heat wave. Cities all across America will soon all be under the heat of a long summer,

When the thermostat is soaring people turn to all sorts of different things to beat the heat. They stay indoors and out of the sun, crank the air conditioning, drink lots and stay hydrated, and play in the water. Nothing cools you down faster like jumping in a pool can and floating around in the refreshing water is just about the most relaxing thing you can do on a super-hot day.

Residents in and around Phoenix, Arizona, aka the hottest city in America, know the simple joys a dip in the pool can bring. About a week ago Dominique Woodger, a mother who lives in San Tan Valley, Arizona, decided to set up a small kiddie pool for her 9 month old baby boy.

It was extremely hot outside and she thought her son would enjoy a nice cooling dip. She took him outside with her, grabbed the garden hose, and started to fill the pool up when she heard her son crying.

She told the local news station KNXV that at first “I thought he was crying because he was mad. He hates when he gets sprayed in the face.” However, after checking on her baby to see what was the matter she was shocked to find that his tiny body was covered with red, blistering skin. Realizing the seriousness of the situation she rushed him to the hospital where she later found out he’d suffered second-degree burns on over 30% of his body.

The water from the garden hose that Dominique accidentally sprayed on her son was what caused his burns. When a hose sits in the sun and the temperature is 115 degrees outside, close to what it was on the day Woodger’s son was injured, the water inside of it can reach temperatures as high as 150 degrees.

According to Phoenix Fire Department Captain Larry Subveri, it takes only about 10 seconds of exposure to waters at that temperature for a person to develop second-degree burns, and for a young infant, even less time.

Woodger is speaking out about what happened to her son in order to warn others about the hidden risk and to urge parents to be extra careful when turning the water on outside in the heat. Water trapped inside the hose can easily become super-heated and most people don’t stop to think about this, or even realize it, before it’s too late.

Test the water temperature first before letting any young children near it, and please pass this warning along to help spread the word. Stay safe!

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4 Year Old Girl Was Hit By A Boy At School. How The Mom Responds On Facebook Has Everyone Talking!

A 4-year-old little girl went to school one day and got hit in the face with a rock.  She was so badly hurt that her mom had to take her to the emergency room for stitches.  Traumatized both physically and emotionally, they went to check in when they arrived at the hospital.  Standing there with a swollen eye, bruised and clearly hurting, the man behind the desk looked at this 4-year-old and said, “I bet he likes you.”

Somehow I think this man believed that he was being of comfort to this child; somewhere in his life he had learned or come up with the equation, that a girl being hit hard enough in the face to require stitches, meant that the perpetrator “liked” her.  It is truly horrifying that an injured, impressionable young girl would ever receive such a terrible message.

The fact that any adult would tell a child that being hurt by someone was a sign of affection is just so disturbing.  We all know that children hit each other when they are young, and part of our job as adults is to teach them that hitting is not an acceptable way of expressing their emotions.  It should never be tolerated or rationalized.  Her mom, who was outraged by the man’s comment wrote the following:


Source: Merritt Smith

This was posted on Facebook, and really says it all.  “I bet he likes you” are not words of comfort at any age.  Would he actually say those words if a young woman came in battered and needing stitches?  Is it ever okay for a girl or woman to rationalize abuse as being a sign of affection?

The answer is a clear NO.  The same answer applies to boys and men. In the video below watch the responses of little boys when they are asked questions about aggression towards girls.

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Pregnant Mom Turns On Music And Touches Her Belly. When She Lifts Her Hand An Unexpected Surprise!

The very first time you feel your baby move inside your womb is both wondrous and exciting. It is like no other feeling a first-time mom has ever experienced.  The sensation of those little kicks never get old.  They continue to be wonderful throughout each pregnancy, intensifying the bond that begins building, between mother and child, before birth.

However, the first time experience is nothing short of magical. The magical moments of her baby’s movement were so lively, that this new mom felt she had to record the child’s wavelike dance for posterity.  The resulting video you are about to watch is just delightful.

It makes me wish I had recorded the movements of my children in utero.  I still sometimes imagine those sensations, and remember how alive it made me feel. Watching the activity of this baby is both awesome and makes you giggle.  The new mother is 33 weeks into her pregnancy as she records this crazy amount of movement.

The video is set to a cute child’s song about fingers and toes…It seemed like the mom was quietly chuckling. She was so lucky to capture this little dancer’s moves, that one day she will share with her offspring.

The sensation of your baby’s movements inside of you is exhilarating for the new mom, but let’s not forget the dad’s delight as he places his hand to feel those knees and elbows dancing around!  It brings the anticipation and reality of the miracle that is about to enter both parents’ world to life!

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THIS Baby Falls Into The Water and Can’t Swim. Now Watch Her Mom’s Unexpected Reaction!

You may remember a strange story that came out of Japan, of all places, a few years back. The strange series of events first began back in 2005, when zookeepers at Kushiro Zoo welcomed a new male polar bear cub. They named him Tsuyoshi and waited a couple of years until he matured before eventually introducing him to one of the zoo’s longtime resident female bears, Kurumi.

The plan was that the two would hit it off, mate, and have some baby polar bears together. Several unsuccessful years went by without any babies, let alone any mating behavior or even a single amorous advance between the two.

At first zookeepers thought Tsuyoshi was too young, then they started to give weight to the fact that he peed just like Kurumi. Sensing the peculiarities, the zoo sent out samples of his hair for DNA tests and the results suggested that “he” was a “she.”

The zoo still was not 100% positive about Tsuyoshi’s gender and so they anesthetized the bear and did a first hand observation, which confirmed the tests and suspicions. Tsuyoshi was a female, and that’s why her and Kurumi were not successful in having babies!

The mix up caused quite a stir and people wondered how could they have gotten it so wrong? Apparently, it’s easy to confuse polar bears for the opposite sex. In fact, Tsuyoshi’s other brother, who was also adopted by a zoo, turned out to be a female as well! It’s all very strange.

All that aside, Kurumi did end up falling in love with another polar bear, who was indeed a bona fide male. Shortly after she met him she gave birth to a sweet, playful cub, who was verified female and named Milk. In this video you can see the 4 month old youngster and her mother playing and frolicking around. They look happy, healthy, and thrilled to be together.

Above all, one thing is for certain; Kurumi is an excellent mother. The mama bear’s instincts kicked right in when her young cub suddenly got into a bit of deep trouble. Little baby Milk fell into the icy cold water, which was way over her head, and didn’t yet know how to swim.

Thankfully, her mother was nearby and immediately noticed her cries of distress. She sprung into action and rushed to the pool’s edge, dove right in without a flinch of hesitation, and surfaced protectively behind Milk to nudge her up. After a brief struggle, and slipping quite a bit on the wet poolside in her attempts to claw her way back onto firm ground, the cub made it to safety.

Milk was definitely not fazed by her near death experience and immediately got back to what is really important, playtime! Kurumi certainly has a lot of work ahead of her and if this is any indication, her little tyke is going to be a handful.

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Mama Cow Couldn’t Stop Crying All Night Over Her Missing Baby. But When They Reunite It’s INCREDIBLE

This is Karma the cow’s story. Her rescue stemmed from an animal cruelty case in which her owner failed to provide her with any food, water, or shelter. She arrived extremely stressed out and malnourished to Gentle Barn and kept crying out, mooing all night long.

At first rescuers couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but they soon noticed she was dripping milk and then found out she’d recently had a baby, something her cruel owner had failed to mention. The volunteers set to work, eventually located Karma’s baby, and rushed out to pick him up. As soon as the trailer pulled up Karma instinctively sensed and knew that her newborn was inside of it.

Her reaction is both heart-warming and heart-breaking all at once. At first her poor calf stumbled and fell over from weakness, stress, and being away from his mother and her milk for so long. But he finally gets to her and as she checks him over he starts nursing right away, which is exactly what he needs.

You have to see the video to truly understand how heart wrenching and awesome it is to see mother and son reunited and safe. According to the Gentle Barn website, Karma is a great mother and the foundation managed to save 2 of her sons, the one you see in the video is one of them!

The Gentle Barn Foundation is dedicated to saving animals and educating children. Their staff and volunteers work tirelessly to help rescue and rehabilitate animals who have been severely abused, neglected, or abandoned. It started out as one woman’s dream and has since grown into a sanctuary program with two locations in the United States.

The original one is in Santa Clarita, California and the second opened in Knoxville, Tennessee. There are currently over 170 animals including horses, cows, pigs, dogs, cats, chickens, and more, who call Gentle Barn home.

Every animal they rescue gets a second chance at life. They often take in some of the most severely abused ones and many of the animals living there suffer from sickness, deformity, old age, and blindness. They arrive scared and mistrusting of all humans and their rehabilitation immediately begins.

It involves both traditional and non-traditional medicine, physical therapy, and volunteers provide them with ongoing emotional support. Over time they slowly start to regain their trust in people and come out of their protective shells. Once an animal has been fully rehabilitated it becomes an animal ambassador.

At risk children from foster care, mental health facilities, group homes, the inner city, and schools come to visit the farm and interact with the animals. They’re told about the animals stories and get to see first-hand how they overcame horrendous odds to become kind, gentle and trusting despite their past treatment.

The children often take away valuable lessons of compassion and courage, and for many it is a form of therapy in and of itself. Pass on Karma’s story and help spread the word about the incredible work Gentle Barn does!

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