4-Year-Old Is Scared Of The Dark So He Cuddles With His Goldfish. But Then He Wakes To a Terrifying Surprise!
image via – shutterstock.com
Ever since he could remember, little four year old Everett Hamlin from Bonaire, Georgia loved his pet goldfish named Nemo. The boy was just months old when his parents decided to get him his first pet and, being fond of fish, they ended up bringing home Nemo. Everett would spend hours sitting in front of the tank just watching the goldfish swim around in his bowl and he’d often pick out special little things to decorate Nemo’s home with.
As far as pet goldfish go, the average lifespan is not very long with most living about 2-3 years. Being 4 years old, Nemo had outlived that average. Everett’s mother, Tori Hamlin, attributed Nemo’s long life to taking excellent care of him and cleaning his tank often but none of that mattered after one February night
After putting Everett to bed Tori and her husband heard a sound coming from his room. They asked him what was going on and he told them that his dresser had made the noise. Brushing it off as him being fidgety and playing around, they told him to go back to bed and resumed watching TV. A little while later, Tori went to check in on her son and immediately noticed that he had pushed a chair in his room up to the dresser. There on the floor beside it lay the fish tank but Nemo was not in it. Everett was fast asleep in bed, so Tori cleaned up the tank yet saw no sign of the goldfish.
After looking all over the place with her husband for Nemo they finally found him and could not believe their eyes. There in little Everett’s hand was the poor goldfish. Tori was shocked but managed to take a picture before she woke him up. When he saw that Nemo was dead, he was heartbroken and explained that all he’d wanted to do was cuddle with his pet fish.
Everett’s parents knew he had never tried to pick up Nemo before and chalked it up as an innocent, one-time mistake. After explaining what happened to their son the next morning, he told them that if he got another fish, he promised to never touch it and that from now on he would only touch fish when he went fishing.
Trying to make the most of the sad situation, Tori decided she wouldn’t punish her son. Rather, she saw it as a chance for him to learn from his mistake. In the end, the family went to the pet store and got a brand new tank along with several goldfish, which Everett has promised not to touch. After the story went viral, people everywhere praised Tori for showing empathy and understanding and giving her son a second chance to get it right.
Watch the video below for the full story:
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Mama Believes Her Baby Is Safe and Sound At Daycare. Then She Sees a Pic Of Her Asleep In THIS Crib.
image via – youtube.com
Having a baby is probably the most life changing event in a person’s life. You go from just taking care of yourself all day everyday, to now taking care of a new little human at all times. Trying to juggle everything in life such a job, going on a date with your husband or wife, a nice hike in the woods, or seeing your friends, all becoming harder and harder to accomplish because of your new huge responsibility.
At times it can become very overwhelming and parents can easily become exhausted, run down and burned out. This is where grandparents, a nanny, a baby sitter or daycare come into play. This gives parents a well deserved breather and a time to rest and recover from the hardest job in the world parenthood! Parents will spend exorbitant amounts of money on nannys, babysitters and daycare so they expect that the people caring for their children will do a wonderful and amazing job.
This isn’t always the case which leaves many parents, to stress out and be anxious while their baby is under the care of another individual! This brings us to today’s story which took place in April of last year. A couple from Kansas sent their 6-month old baby Elora off to daycare. They were paying a good amount of money and the place had a reputation for being great and had all good reviews.
One morning a call came in from the Kansas Department for Children and Families. This department makes sure that children are not being neglected and treated properly. During this surprise phone call they were told that the department received a very alarming picture of their innocent little baby Elora.
The representive from Kansas Department for Children and Families explained to them that they received a very unnerving picture of baby Elora wearing a sleep mask, she was turned face down and wrapped way too tight in something that resembled a sack or bag.
At first Elora’s parents were just completely stunned and couldn’t even fathom that this could be their infant. This had to be some kind of mistake! How could this be true? Was it really their sweet baby girl Elora? After the initial surprise wore off they realized it was indeed their daughter!
Her parents obviously fearing the worst went into full panic mode, because Elora had been attending this place since she was only 5-weeks old! Luckily for them, a good samaritan employee who worked at the place realized what horrible things were taking place!
They snapped pictures and sent them out to the proper authorities! Elora wasn’t the only baby being mistreated, there were also other babies being horribly treated at this daycare. Mom got on social media and told everyone about her story and experience to help raise awareness about keeping your children safe!
This is a good lesson to parents everywhere, that no matter what, if it’s a nanny, babysitter or a daycare they must always remain vigilant and trust their gut. If something seems off there is a good chance it is! Always follow your instincts and keep your children safe!
Watch the video below for the full story:
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THIS New Mama Just Had a Litter of Puppies But Wait Until You See What She’s Holding In Her Mouth!
image via – abc.com
Two tiny four week old kittens had been found abandoned and alone. With no mother around and no time to spare, a woman decided to rescue the babies and took them in. She tried her best to hand feed the kittens with a dropper but they just weren’t eating and soon started to grow weak. In need of an alternative solution, she reached out to a family friend whose dog had recently given birth and the two decided to try and place the orphaned kittens with the new mother.
The new mother happened to be a 3 year old Jack Russel terrier named Annabelle. Two weeks prior to the kittens arrival she had given birth to a litter of two puppies. Her owner, Kristy, was unsure about how she’d react to the new additions but any apprehension or worries were soon forgotten.
In no time at all Annabelle had taken the kittens in and adopted them as her own babies. She performed all the motherly tasks that a cat would do for their young and groomed, fed, cleaned, and protected her two new additions. She would gently pick them up and carry them around the house in her mouth to keep them safe and close and snuggled with them day and night.
The ABC News clip of the new family is absolutely adorable and heart warming, it’s the kind of positive story that you actually want to hear about! According to Kristy, Annabelle “has accepted them as her own, no questions asked.” In fact, she’s even more protective of the kittens than she is of her own puppies, but that’s because the kittens are older and more active, moving around a lot, so she has to keep a closer eye on them to make sure they’re safe.
It looks like everyone in Kristy’s household is happy, from Annabelle to her puppies to the kitties! Even though life started out rough for the kittens, in the end it all worked out for the best thanks to the woman who saved them and for Annabelle taking them in as her own.
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Mom Shows Up At Her Kids Cafeteria. She Sees The Teachers Did THIS To Him and Is Disgusted!
image via – youtube.com
School is a place where children learn important lessons and expand their minds, they’re supposed to feel safe and included in the classroom. However, some schools have rules and policies in place that end up making students feel bullied and the opposite of welcome.
Lincoln Elementary School in Gates Pass, a small community located in southern Oregon, had a strict policy where any student who was late would have to go to detention. There were no exemptions and if a child was late for reasons beyond their control, it didn’t matter. One day six year old Hunter showed up late to the school because his mother, Nicole, was feeling under the weather.
She suffers from osteoarthritis, a chronic health condition that makes it hard to function and painful to move, especially in the morning. On top of that, the family car had conked out the same morning when she went to start it. Nevertheless, Nicole did her best to get Hunter to school, but by the time he arrived he was a minute or two late.
Watching him walk in the door with tears in his eyes she decided to return at lunch time to cheer him up. When she walked into the school cafeteria, she was completely shocked to find her 6 year old son sitting all by himself at a lunch table crying.
In front of him was a white partition that served to block his view of all the other kids and a cup with the letter D written on it. This served to loudly denote his detention status to everyone in the room, as if the isolation and partition wasn’t humiliating enough.
Upon seeing this, Nicole pulled her son from school and took him home but before she left, she took a picture of the sad scene. She shared the photo with Hunter’s grandmother who in turn posted it on Facebook where it quickly went viral and amassed over 75K shares. According to the post caption this was the 6th time Hunter had been in detention for reasons beyond his control.
Meanwhile, the school district was being flooded with calls from concerned people across the country who had seen the post. The Camello family had no idea the story had garnered such interest and were going about their business. Hunter’s father Mark had gone to pick up the car and was suddenly pulled aside as he went to pay the bill.
Expecting some bad news about the car, he was instead shocked to find out that people in the community and a local car dealer had rallied together to buy them a new family car! Hunter’s picture and the family’s story had hit a chord and people wanted to do something good for them.
In the end, the school’s detention policy was changed and now there is a designated supervised room that is used instead of the cafeteria, so kids don’t feel singled out and are not publicly shamed.
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These Text Messages From Moms To Their Kids Are So Hilarious. Jimmy Can’t Stop Laughing!
image via – youtube.com
With the meteoric and widespread rise of cell phone usage has come an equally large and confusing disconnect, between the young people who have embraced it, and the older people who are doing their best to catch up and learn the new technology. Mothers in particular use texting as an easy way to keep in touch with their kids.
While some moms are tech savvy, others often have a difficult time figuring out how to send, type, and interpret messages. There are countless issues they encounter with the ever evolving lingo and shorthand kids use in texts, and it has led to some amusing exchanges.
Which leads us to this video. Late Night TV host Jimmy Fallon sometimes goes on twitter and sends out a hashtag asking people to tweet back things based on that topic. He recently tweeted #momtexts looking for people to share funny, weird, or embarrassing cell phone texts that their mothers sent.
The response was immense and so many tweeted back that it quickly became a worldwide trending topic within just 20 minutes of posting. Below are a few of the responses he received and for more hilarious #momtexts watch the video!
– MRsCruZThompS- My mom texted me, “Aunt Mary died. Lol.” She thought lol meant “lots of love.”
– JesseMentz- My mom couldn’t figure out punctuation so she would type it out: “how are you question mark.”
– Thereal_kahg; My mom texted me, “Hello son. This message took me 10 min to type.”
– HollyLouHarris; On Valentine’s Day last year, my mom texted me, “Enjoy your VD.”
– PmortSupreme; My mom once texted my phone at home saying, “Hey you forgot your phone at home.”
– bailey_witt – When I send my mom anything remotely funny, she replies “C.L.A.H.”–Cackle Like A Hen.
Enjoy the video below this will totally make your day!
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She Got Her Mother To Help Her Pop THIS Giant 6 Year Old Pimple. The Results Are Oddly Satisfying!
Pimples are one of life’s little annoyances. They pop up out of nowhere and often it’s at the worst time possible. They make people feel self-conscious and sometimes they even can be quite painful. What they are is excess oil, dirt, dead skin cells, bacteria, and other pollutants that get trapped in our pores!
Just one of the ugly suckers can ruin your day and there is little you can do to avoid getting them at some point in your life. A recently uploaded video on YouTube shows the case of a young girl who had a pimple pop up on her ear when she was just 2 years old. Doctor’s misidentified the lump, located on the front of her ear, as a growth and nothing was ever done to treat it.
Six years later, the girl decided to finally pop the nasty pustule and the moment was recorded for everyone to witness, and get grossed out over. As she starts to squeeze the lump it begins to slowly ooze out a string of pus. The nauseating stream seems to be never-ending as it just keeps coiling out of her ear.
The girl’s mother can be heard saying “I’ve never seen anything like this” and I think it’s safe to say that we can all agree with that sentiment. The scene goes on for 6 minutes, but I bet few can stomach that long. This girl’s experience is, thankfully, very uncommon. Usually zits do not grow for years at a time and they tend to disappear after awhile.
Regular face washing and practicing good hygiene helps diminish the likelihood of zits appearing on your skin, but there are so many other causes like stress, hormones, medication, and so on that factor in to whether or not they develop. Worst of all, pimples can leave behind scars or blemishes, especially if you choose to pop them.
It’s their way of marking you forever and a constant reminder of a less than pleasant experience.
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