A Hurt Marine Salutes For Over Three Hours

images via: youtube.com

In the scorching midday heat a lone man stands at attention in the middle of the street.  He is in full military dress uniform, proudly displaying patches and medals he earned throughout his time serving.  He raises his right arm to his forehead in salute and unwaveringly holds this rigid pose for the next three hours.

The soldier’s name is Sergeant Tim Chambers, a veteran who served in the United States Marine Corps from 1994-2009.  He was attending the Rolling Thunder event in Washington DC and standing at salute as a way to honor fallen or missing in action soldiers.  Those who had lost their lives in service to the country were being memorialized that year, with their names being etched into a new war memorial.  For Tim, the event was personal, and he was on a mission to stand at salute the entire time no matter what.

The event was packed and despite the commotion and crowds, he remained solidly in place, feet planted firmly with his right hand raised in a seemingly unending salute.  As time ticked by, others began to take notice of his silent stand and soon a crowd had gathered nearby.  People lined the road, watching silently, some waved American flags, while others who passed by nodded in his direction in silent solidarity with the soldier.

As he stood under the hot sun, he couldn’t help but think of his fallen brother, Mark.  The two were identical twin brothers and had been inseparable all throughout their lives.  Sharing the same interests and passions, they naturally joined the marines together and eventually ended up serving side by side.

The brothers had been sent to a war zone where their unit came under attack in an ambush set up by enemy spies who knew the area well.  The soldiers fought back with everything they had, but the enemy had planned their attack well with multiple snipers in place and intimate knowledge of their surroundings.  As soon as the attack started, two marines were killed immediately.  Amid the chaotic scramble to return fire and get to safety, Tim was shot by a sniper, taking a bullet to the leg.

Fully exposed out in the open and bleeding profusely, he struggled to get to cover.  That’s when Mark spotted him and raced out into the open to pull Tim to safety, shielding him with his body as bullets flew by, narrowly missing them and kicking up dust.  It was during their dash to find cover that one of the snipers took aim at Mark and shot him in the head.  He died immediately, coming to a final rest on top of Tim, shielding him from the sniper fire in one final act of bravery.

The memory of that day and those final moments were constantly on Tim’s mind.  While he initially had blamed himself for Mark’s death, over the years he had come to terms with what had happened and no longer felt such heavy guilt.  Now he was on a mission to keep the memory of his brother alive, and his unwavering salute was part of his tribute to Mark.

As the two hour mark passed, Tim’s hand grew heavier, his arm ached, and his injured leg was acting up.  The sun was beating down making him drip sweat, but he held steady standing at full salute.  Time ticked by, and the crowd that had gathered began to thin out a little, when suddenly a low rumble filled the air.

In the distance a group of bikers appeared.  They were decked out in leather, and many wore patches.  While expected, their presence nonetheless caused a bit of unease among those gathered.  Many bikers were assumed to be outlaws or part of a gang, and with their loud bikes and tattoos, it only added to their reputation as being mostly troublemakers.  The group pulled up and parked their bikes, then silently formed a circle around Tim.

Looking on, the crowd had gone silent as the bikers stood at attention.  Then, they raised their arms in salute alongside Tim and remained with him for minutes on end.  This simple symbolic act of honoring and showing respect for the fallen and missing soldiers and their families was not lost on everyone who witnessed it.  Those who sacrificed all while serving their country would not be forgotten and the actions of Tim and the bikers helped to keep their memories alive and well.

Suddenly, one of the bikers approached Tim.  He reached into a pocket and pulled out a cold bottle of water, saying to Tim “Take a sip brother, it’s too hot out here.”  The biker twisted off the top and held the bottle up to his mouth so Tim could drink without breaking his salute.

More minutes passed and Tim joined the bikers in the circle, all of them still saluting and holding steady.  Another biker stepped forward silently and took out a pocket fan.  He held it up to Tim’s face, giving him some much needed cooling relief from the brutal sun.  Then another biker went over to Tim and stood behind him holding an umbrella to help shield him.  Their kindness brought a tear to his eye and reinforced his will to hold his salute until the very end.

When the sun started to go down and the event was over, Tim finally lowered his arm and ended his salute.  The bikers also ended their salute and one by one they acknowledged or thanked him for his service, many having shared that same connection being veterans themselves.  The mutual respect and silent understanding between the lone soldier and bikers was not lost on anyone watching.  They were honoring the memory of those who had made the ultimate sacrifice in a simple yet powerful way.

Watch the video below for the full story:

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Everytime I went to my best friends house it smelled incredible. But then she showed me This Trick:

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It is wonderful to have our homes smell good, and scented candles became very popular over the last decade.  That is, until it was discovered that many of these candles and scented sprays contain really dangerous chemicals, that can cause permanent lung damage.

I, myself, have stopped using those candles that I used to love, because of the inherent health hazard they carry.  I’m always looking for natural alternatives that are chemical free, to provide a nice fresh smell in my home.  When I came upon this DIY video for creating a natural air freshener I was intrigued.

The video below is a great tutorial for how to easily, inexpensively and quickly make your own fresh and chemical-free deodorizer.  Two alternative versions are demonstrated, which differ slightly in how they release the fragrance.

For both versions, all you will need are: a MASON JAR WITH A TIN LID, HAMMER, FORK, EMPTY CANDLE CONTAINER, SCREWDRIVER, BAKING SODA AND SOME ESSENTIAL OIL.  The DIY is easy to follow, and gives you a great means to slow-release a pleasant scent into any room in your home.

Watch the video below for the full simple, easy and cheap DIY air freshener life hack:

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Check out this Awesome Vinegar Shower Head Cleaning Life Hack everyone should know:

image via – shutterstock.com

Vinegar is arguably one of the most useful substances on the planet, at least when it comes to making life in your home easier, less expensive and safer! Why use nasty chemicals that cost an arm and a leg when you can use something that has been proven by time and countless mothers and grandmothers? I personally use vinegar for more things than I can count, and I have known about the wonderful liquid since before I can remember because my mom used it for literally everything. We are going to thoroughly run through some of the best little known vinegar life hacks that will make your life so much easier.

Is your drain clogged? Try pouring baking soda, followed by vinegar, down the drain and watch the magic. Something gooey sticking to your wall? Grab the vinegar and give it a squirt, then easily wipe it away.

Does your trash can smell like garbage, even when it’s empty? Soak a piece of bread in vinegar and leave it in the garbage can overnight, and voila, no more stank. It can also be used as an all-purpose cleaner: just fill up a spray bottle with one third vinegar and two thirds water.

Too many fruit flies? Fill a glass with apple cider vinegar, cover it with plastic wrap, and poke a few holes. The flies enter, but cannot escape. It can even be used to straighten clothes if an iron isn’t available. A few other uses include keeping cats off the furniture, helping cut flowers stay fresh longer, getting tough stains out of pots and pans and cleaning glasses for a smudge-free sheen. Let us know what you think in the comments.

Hopefully you find these helpful tips and tricks over the next few weeks and months.

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If you found these 10 Vinegar Life Hacks helpful keep scrolling for more awesome vinegar life hacks:


Check out this Awesome Vinegar Shower Head Cleaning Life Hack everyone should know:

image via – facebook.com

When it comes to cleaning just about everyone loves learning new simple ways to get the same old things done. It can be fun and interesting to discover what nifty and quick solutions people have come up with to solve common problems. This video, from YouTube channel Outdoors and Gear Review highlights a helpful trick for dealing with a common and difficult problem you’re likely to encounter when tidying and cleaning your bathroom up; hard water deposits and stains.

Hard water can be a real pain in the neck and the nasty looking stains and blemishes that it leaves behind on bathroom and kitchen surfaces can be extremely hard to fully remove. The ugly spots and stains are caused by water that contains large amounts of minerals such as limestone, calcium, and magnesium.

These metals and minerals are naturally occurring, most often in areas with low water tables and mountainous regions, and water that contains them is perfectly safe to use and drink. The biggest downside to it is the crusty, whitish colored mineral deposits and stubborn stains it leaves behind. Over time these gradually build up on stuff, especially faucets and shower heads.

Many people struggle to remove these stains and often think that they need strong, harsh chemical cleaners to get rid of them effectively. However, there’s a better and more affordable way to go about cleaning a shower head with crusted on mineral build up. All you need is apple cider vinegar, a Ziploc bag, and a rubber band.

Simply pour some apple cider vinegar into the plastic bag and place it over and on the shower head. Use a rubber band to secure it in place and then leave it on overnight. Remove the baggy the following day, wipe the shower head clean, and it should be restored to its former glory!

Check out the video for more information and to see just how shiny and spotless looking it turns out. This may be the fastest, easiest, and most natural way to clean hard water stains. It requires minimal effort or exertion on your part so try it the next time you’re stuck cleaning the house!

Have you tried any of these? Will you be trying any? Let us know..

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If you found this gross and grimy vinegar shower head cleaning life hack helpful keep scrolling for more awesome life hacks


Check out These 5 Awesome Vaseline Life Hacks Everyone Should Know:

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While you may only think of Vaseline as an integral part of your grandmother’s home remedies and go to solutions, it actually really is a product that can seemingly do it all. People use the petroleum based, gooey, slippery substance for all sorts of things. There are countless household and beauty tricks that involve it, whether it’s loosening stuff up or smearing some on minor cuts and burns to help them heal. This article and video focuses on several beauty related uses for the product that may prove useful and come in handy, and will definitely save you time and money.

If you love to paint your nails then you likely have encountered polish bottles with their tops stuck on them. It takes almost superhuman strength to loosen and get them them of when they dry on and stick like that. To prevent this, take a cotton swab and dab some Vaseline around the base of the bottle opening and on the threads where the cap twists on, now it won’t stick the next time you go to open it.

Another nail polish trick is to coat the skin around your nails with some Vaseline before painting them. This will keep the polish from sticking to your skin, cut down on the clean up, and make your paint job look all the more professional.

If you have rough, dry skin on your feet rub a little Vaseline on them before you go to bed. Slather some all over your feet, then put on a pair of socks, and wake up to smooth soft skin. For those of us with sensitive ears that act up and become sore when wearing earrings, try rubbing Vaseline on the metal stud part that goes through your ear.

By coats the earring it helps them slide through and lessens any negative reaction or sensitivity you may have. If the scent of your perfume disappears way too quickly take some Vaseline, apply a thin coat to the area where you plan to spritz it on, then spray the perfume over that area. This works great at holding the fragrance and makes it last much more longer, plus it won’t alter the perfume’s scent.

If you haven’t already, toss a small jar of the wonder product in your bag so it’s always on hand close by. Use it to touch up makeup, soften rough skin, loosen stuck tops and lids, or as a lip gloss/chap-stick stand in when you inevitably lose or misplace them.

Besides being versatile, it’s also widely available and can be found in practically any pharmacy, health, convenience or grocery store around the world. Best of all, Vaseline is relatively cheap and costs only a few dollars, with a jar of it easily lasting a year or two before running out. With Vaseline, the possibilities may just be endless!

Have you tried these life hacks?

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The Next Batch of Life Hacks are some incredibly useful winter life hacks that will make your life so much easier this winter:

image via : shutterstock.com

Along with the cold weather, there are a number of special challenges that winter brings along with it, and we all have to just deal with them! Dry skin, chapped lips, stuffy noses, darkness at 4PM, winter storms, the list goes on and on. One of the most annoying things by far is clearing walkways and driveways of snow and ice. The same goes for cars, but while you can often drive through a little bit of snow, you can’t with an ice-covered windshield. Not only is it illegal to drive with an obstructed view, it’s also insanely dumb and extremely dangerous!

While defrosting the car and scraping ice off the windshield seems like a necessary evil, it doesn’t have to be. You really don’t need to wake up extra early just to stumble around in the freezing cold darkness so that you can drive to work. Instead, you can save yourself some time and energy by doing the following:

In a spray bottle container mix together 2 parts isopropyl alcohol with 1 part water and then add in 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap. Shake it up, spray it directly onto an icy windshield, and watch the ice literally melt away right before your very eyes!

This rubbing alcohol spray is the perfect thing to have on hand for freezing cold mornings and icy windshields. You can leave the bottle in your car and it won’t even freeze, unless it gets well under zero. That’s because the freezing point of isopropyl alcohol is -128.2 degrees Fahrenheit, so when you spray it on the ice, it doesn’t freeze up. Instead, it helps to melt the ice and keeps it from re-freezing. Since all you have to do is mist it on, it’s by far the quickest and easiest way to clear a windshield that’s coated with a thick layer of ice.

Don’t forget to check out the video to see exactly how well this works in action and be sure to pass it along to those who could use the smart tip. If it can make someone’s life a little bit easier this winter, then it’s worth it!

This is super helpful for those rough winter months.

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If you found this awesome winter life hack help keep scrolling and reading for 7 More Amazing Winter Life Hacks:

image via – Shutterstock.com

Winter is tough. Along with the cold, dry weather comes a number of challenges that we all have to deal with. Cars need to be cleared of snow and ice and the same goes for walkways and driveways. Traveling often becomes way more difficult than usual and to top it off our health also takes a tumble for the worse.

Many of us are plagued by dry itchy skin, sore chapped lips, and stuffy noses that just won’t go away. These things quickly add up and can make it seem like winter is dragging on forever, especially when problems pop up outside on top of the health issues we may be facing.

Which is why these simple winter hacks, covered by the Millennial Moms YouTube channel, are perfect for right now. The video features some of the most clever ways to solve common winter woes and it might offer a solution to a problem you’re currently dealing with. These are some of the best hacks shown in the clip, but there are a total of fifteen, so be sure to check it out for all of the rest.

1) Winterize Boots- This trick does the job to keep feet warm and dry inside of boots that aren’t waterproof. After putting on your socks take two large plastic Ziploc bags and stick a foot in each. Grab a couple of rubber bands and slide them on over the bag to secure it in place and seal the top off around your leg. Pull on your boots and say goodbye to cold, wet feet.

2) Prevent Static Build Up In Hair- Pull a dryer sheet on over the bristles of your hair brush so that they poke through. Brush your hair as normal to eliminate the static, plus it’ll smell clean and great.

3) DIY Boot Inserts- Maintain the shape of tall boots by cutting a foam pool noodle into thirds or fourths, then stick a piece in each boot and they’ll stay upright, making them easier to organize and wear later on.

4) Stop Wipers From Freezing to a Car Windshield- Take an old pair of long cotton socks and slide them over each wiper, puling it down as far as it can go or reaches. This will prevent wipers from freezing and/or sticking to the windshield, and makes life all the more easier.

5) Organize Winter Gear- Hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, hand warmers, neck warmers and all other winter accessories can be neatly stored in one accessible place with a shoe organizer. Hang it over a door and never search for lost gloves again.

6) Windshield Treatment- This one is the best! A combination of vinegar and water works wonders at preventing frost and ice from building up on car windshields and windows. Mix the two liquids up in a spray bottle, spritz it on car windows, then wipe off with a soft cloth.

7) Boot Tray- Keep floors safe, clean, and dry by making your own boot tray. This one is much more appealing than commercially available ones and works even better. Fill a large metal cookie sheet with a layer of decorative rocks and put it near the door so that when people enter they can immediately place wet boots on the rocks. The water will drip through the rocks to the bottom and soon evaporate. Don’t forget to check out the rest of the tips covered in the clip and be sure to pass it along to those who could use these smart hacks to make their own lives easier.

These are just really helpful.

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If you found these 7 incredible winter life hacks to be helpful keep scrolling for a — For 12 Awesome Car Cleaning Life Hacks You Probably Haven’t Heard About:

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Having your car professionally detailed can easily end up being quite expensive. While it’s always nice to have a sparkling clean car, it’s even better when you can have it without spending a small fortune. Thankfully there are all sorts of cheap ways to clean your car with common items that you probably already have around the house. They can do the job just as well, if not even better, than what professional cleaners use.

These are just a few of the handy tricks covered in the accompanying video so be sure to check it out for even more:

Clean your headlights with toothpaste. Use regular toothpaste, not the gel type, to polish up car headlight lenses by rubbing it on evenly with a cloth. Move in quick circular motions to then buff it off and you should notice the grime and fogginess disappear.

Remove stubborn old bumper stickers cleanly and completely with WD-40. Simply spray the sticker with WD-40 and let it sit for a while, the sticker will absorb it, then you can peel it right off.

Remove pet fur from carpets and seats with a spray bottle, water, and a squeegee. Spray the water on the seat and then move the squeegee over the area, it will gather and lift up the hair so you can easily pick it up.

Clean air vents with small foam brushes. They can easily fit in even the smallest vents and pick up all the dirt and dust inside them.

Use coffee filters to dust your car dashboard. Unlike cloth towels and paper towels, coffee filters won’t leave behind lint or just push dust around. Instead they work great at picking up dust and you can toss a few in the glove compartment for whenever you might need one to freshen up the dash.

Get streak free windows by cleaning them with newspaper. It’s the cloths and paper towels that leave streaks when you clean your windows so don’t even bother using them. Instead, spray down the window with cleaner and wipe it off with a piece of newspaper as you normally would.

Get rid of stubborn, lingering odors by sprinkling baking soda on car seats and carpets. Let it sit for a couple of hours before vacuuming it up. The baking soda should absorb the foul odors, leaving your car smelling fresh and clean.

There are even more clean car tips covered in the video and it might just have the solution you’ve been looking for so be sure to check it out!

Will you be trying any of these? Let us know

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A Shark Swims Up To A Diver At An Aquarium And Surprises Him. Then Things Get Strange!

A lot of people have a fear of sharks.  Maybe it’s because of the movie Jaws or maybe it’s because they have read stories of people getting their limbs torn off by the vicious and hungry apex predators.  Whether you are scared of sharks or not, being stuck in a shark tank seems like something most people would try to stay away from.

But what happens if you work at an aquarium and your job is to clean the shark tank?  In that case the number 1 rule is to just stay calm and avoid panicking at all costs.  In the following video a shark approaches the tank cleaner but then something happens that no on expected!

The shark begins to act like a puppy and all he wants from the cleaner is a nice belly rub and some love.  Somehow, the tank cleaner knew exactly what to do and the shark seemed to enjoy it immensely. Maybe sharks will be man’s new best friend instead of good ol’ puppers!  This is so wild. Enjoy The Video Below.

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Enormous Whale Will Not Let This Diver Swim Away. She Is Stunned When She Realizes The Reason Why!

image via – youtube.com

If you ever have been lucky enough to go whale watching, you know how incredible the first moment is when you see a giant whale breach the surface. Their sheer size and magnificence is breathtaking and an experience you will never forget. It’s even better if you get to go scuba diving and swim with the giant aquatic creatures.

This brings us to today’s incredibly unbelievable story featuring a marine biologist named Nan. For almost 30 years Nan has been following whales all across the planet. Nan like many other marine biologist is fascinated with these gigantic mammals of the sea. She has studied their behaviors, biology, physiology and every other aspect of these beautiful animals. Over the past 30 years, Nan has been an avid scuba diver as she loved swimming beside the creatures she has tried so hard to protect and understand.

Nan lives on the Cook Islands located in the stunning South Pacific. She created a Research center called the Center For Cetacean Research and Conservation. Throughout her 30 years as a marine biologist she has all been an avid activist and a spokesperson for protecting whales from illegal poaching which if left unchecked will ultimately lead to their extinction from planet earth.

One morning September morning Nan put on her scuba gear jumped into the ocean, began to swim and explore the area that had lots of active whale sightings. Within just a few minutes a giant humpback whale swam toward the veteran marine biologist. Most people would probably be terrified if a 40 ton/60 foot long animal was coming directly at them, but not Nan, she was used to this sight and was pleasantly surprised by how quickly she came across the humpback.

But very soon, Nan realized this wasn’t going to be like any encounter she had previously had with a whale. It began displaying very odd behaviors for a humpback and she really didn’t know what to make of it. For some weird reason, the giant whale was holding Nan under its fin! Luckily she had enough oxygen in her scuba gear, but she was beginning to panic because the whale was showing no sign of releasing her. She wasn’t being hurt by the whale, but it just wouldn’t let her go. While Nan was underneath the whale she had all her camera and video equipment because she was making a documentary on whales.

After about 10-20 minutes of this Nan’s panic go even worse as she knew if the whale didn’t release her soon she was most likely going to die that September morning. As she began to come to terms that she was going to die by the fin of the creature she devoted her entire life to, a second whale was coming towards her. As the second whale got closer the first humpback who had her pinned under his pectoral fin finally released her near the surface of the water and she jumped back onto the boat as fast as she could happy to be alive!

Besides for a couple scrapes and bruises Nan escaped with very minimal injury. Immediately after she got on the boat, the scientist within her quickly kicked into gear. She was completely baffled and could not understand what had just happened between her and the giant male humpback whale. She began watching the two whales she had jus encountered in the waters swim by the side of the boat.

She then looked over and spotted another fin that had just breached the surface.  This was no whale, it was the second most lethal shark to humans in the world Tiger Shark. The only other shark that is responsible for more human deaths per year is the notorious Great White Shark! It suddenly dawned on Nan what the giant humpback was doing for that 10-20 minutes where she was pinned beneath his fin. She believed the whale was actually protecting her from coming into visual sight of the ferocious and deadly Tiger Shark.

She couldn’t be 100 percent positive, however humpback whales have been known to do this exact same thing to their babies and sometimes even other aquatic creatures such as sea turtles and seals. Also the fact that the second whale approached when it did was a clear sign both whales knew of the oncoming danger. Humpback whales usually come together as a group to try to avoid predators from attacking.

Whether the whale was truly trying to shield her and save her life from the threat of the looming Tiger Shark is still up for debate. However Nan, is thankful and completely amazed that whales could potentially have the capacity to exhibit such behaviors! Nan has spent her whole life helping whales and this humpback may of just paid her back by saving the veteran marine biologist’s life from the hungry Tiger Shark!

Watch the video below for the footage and full story:

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He Tries To Rob A Gas Station. But He’s In For An Unexpected Surprise With This Marine Working The Counter!

This man chose the wrong gas station to rob. I imagine he was thinking he would get some easy cash by threatening the innocent clerk and running off with the winnings, and I’m sure he assumed that the clerk would be terrified and easily give up the stash.

He would probably be right in almost all cases, but not this one. What made this robbery go very poorly for this would be thief? In this case, the clerk turned out to be a former marine combat instructor, as well as a karate blackbelt who had been practicing kung-fu for the last 25 years.

How did an untrained, common thief sneak up on such a well trained veteran? That part is simple: the clerk lives in a town where the crime rate is low, allowing him to be trusting of his fellow man. This is a rare thing in many places, but there are still areas left where people trust each other for good reason.

In this rare instance, his customer was the antithesis of trustworthy, but his experiences on the job up to this point warranted giving him the benefit of the doubt. The young man walked up under the pretenses of buying soda, but when the clerk turned to put the cash in the register, the suspect snuck up behind him, brandishing a menacing knife.

The former marine’s training kicked in and he immediately disarmed the attacker and stunned him by putting him in an arm lock and pushing him into the wall. He was being careful not to mess up the store too much, he says, because he knew he would have to clean it up after.

In the end, he sent the suspect running out the door, not likely ever to return again.

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Westboro Baptist Church Protesters Attempt To Ruin a Marine’s Funeral But They Didn’t Expect This.

The story you are about to hear in the video below, will simultaneously evoke emotions about mans’s inhumanity to man, and restore your faith in our ability to stand up to intolerance and cruelty. Why would members of the congregation from Westboro Baptist Church, come to protest the funeral of a serviceman who had given his life for the United States?

Marine Corporal Richard Bennet, was being laid to rest after dying in a helicopter crash in Iraq, at the age of 25.  This radicalized group of congregants didn’t think he deserved respect; they firmly believe that American troops are punished by God because our country accepts homosexuality.

They were all revved up chanting angry slurs at Corporal Bennet’s grieving family, never expecting that their hateful speech would be prevented from being heard, and intruding on the family’s ability to grieve with respect and privacy.

The video you are about to watch, will tell the loving and courageous interference of “The Patriot Guard”, a group of bikers who used their bodies and American flags to form a wall that would prevent the hateful speech from being seen or heard by the grieving family.  The hateful rhetoric was spewed, as free speech allows, but the bikers made sure that their it was not heard by the people mourning.  This was all done without any violence; the revving of their bikes combined with the human wall of visual protection, allowed this family to grieve in peace.

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