He Holds His Wife’s Hand While Taking His Last Breath But The Daughter Spots Something Odd Leaving Her STUNNED!

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You’ve probably heard the statistic saying that 50% of marriages end in divorce. While this remains true, it focuses far too much on the negative. Most don’t think about the fact that 50% of marriages last. This is the story of one such marriage.

Floyd and Violet Hartwig first met in grammar school. For their childhoods and teenage years, they were good friends but never anything more. After school, Floyd joined the Navy. The two friends fell out of touch. It was only upon his return that things began to change.

When Floyd got back, the two reconnected. Initially, their friendship reverted to normal but soon, they realized that they wanted more. They began dating and when Floyd returned to the Navy, they wrote letters back and forth. Floyd waited as long as he could, but couldn’t bear the idea of not being with Violet anymore.

Floyd left the Navy for good this time. The two immediately wed. The happily married couple moved to eastern California where they bought a ranch. They set about raising a beautiful family. In total, they had three children and they were proud of each one.

Together, the two were entirely content. After many idyllic years together, they realized that their time together would soon come to an end. Floyd was suffering from kidney failure and Violet had debilitating dementia. Their kids helped transfer them to the hospital and even pushed their beds together so they could hold hands.

Surrounded by their 3 kids, 4 grandkids, and 5 great-grandkids, Floyd soon passed. Only 5 hours later, Violet passed as well. While sad, this passing was ultimately a final gift for the couple as they were able to go out together just as they had spent their entire life beforehand.

Watch the video below for the full story:

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5 Signs a Deceased Family Member or Friend Is Near You.

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I never was a person who believed that after someone dies, that it would be possible to feel their presence in any way. I thought that people who talked about these experiences had memories so strong and missed their loved one so much, that they imagined their presence in a way that felt so real. That is…until I lost my grandmother.

On many mornings after she died, (for years) I would reach for my coffee mug and would feel as if someone gave my arm a reassuring squeeze. The first times I would look around, thinking my husband was there, and was shocked to see he wasn’t. Later on, I would smell her famous apple pie, at the same moments. Perhaps this was all in my head, but it happened on so many different occasions in the same way, that I actually began to believe she was looking over me in some protective way.

Grieving is a very long process, that is most acute in the first few years that you lose someone whom you love, but it truly does go on in different forms for the rest of one’s life. Whether you are someone who has some belief in the paranormal, or just don’t know, watching the video below will be most intriguing. It discusses ways in which we may experience our deceased loved ones, and whether you believe they are signaling us, or it is just our psyche’s ways of getting to experience or see them again…well, that is up for personal interpretation.

Discussed in some fascinating detail in the footage below, are reported ways in which people have been touched by their loved ones, after they have died.


After you watch this footage let us know your thoughts and feelings about these reported phenomenon:

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6 Clear Signs a Lost Loved One Is Near You and Attempting To Send You a Message.

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When it comes to spirits and the afterlife there are countless theories and beliefs about what, if anything, happens next. Yet despite all the differences, people generally fall into one of two groups; those who believe in a spiritual afterlife and those who do not. The idea that after death our soul passes on to another dimension, or life, or realm is entirely possible. No one truly knows for certain what actually happens when we cease to exist or where our spirit goes when it leaves our body. In fact, what comes next remains one of the biggest mysteries in all of life.

Despite all the uncertainty, many people from all over the world and all walks of life believe that they have been contacted by the spirit of a loved one after they had passed. You may be one of them. Most people report feeling a special type of presence near to them, one that is unlike any other they’ve ever experienced before. The feeling they get from it is not a threatening or haunting one, rather it’s more mystical, positive, and reassuring. In the end, they attribute whatever they’re feeling to the spirit of a loved one who is close by.

These otherworldly interactions seem to randomly occur in our lives when loved ones send us messages, signs, and other subtle signals. They communicate with us indirectly and if you’re familiar with what to look for, and are open to the whole idea of spiritual connectivity, then you can pick up on these signs and know what each one means. If at some point you’ve ever wondered if the spirit of a loved one was trying to get through to you, then the following information will help you figure that out. These are just several of the main ways to interpret the signs that a deceased loved one is close by:

1. You Can Sense Their Presence:
This usually manifests as a sudden drop in temperature or a slight chill that is immediately noticeable. The air may become heavy or still and it means the spirit of a loved one is nearby. This is perhaps one of the most common experiences we’re able to have with spirits and while it may be off-putting for some, it need not be. The next time you feel it happen, embrace it.

2. Lights Flicker and Electronic Devices Act Up:
It’s commonly believed that the spirit world tries to make contact with us through electricity. While no one knows for sure, it’s thought that electricity charges them up and forces us to pay attention when electronics go haywire. Lights will suddenly turn on and off, bulbs will burn out, computers and laptops will act strange, speaker volume may go up or down, radio and TV channels inexplicably change, your car won’t start. When these types of things occur out of the blue with seemingly no explanation, this means a loved one’s spirit is attempting to gain your attention and let you know they are present.

3. You Dream About Them:
When a loved one who has passed appears in your dreams it’s often believed that they are trying to tell you something important. These types of dreams contain messages or answers to questions you’ve been searching for. Don’t ignore or write them off as just a dream, it’s guidance, advice, and comfort coming from your loved one.

4. Familiar Scents:
When you suddenly smell a pleasant scent that is somehow familiar, it’s a sign that your loved one is nearby or present. Spirits use smells that are special to us because we immediately notice and pay attention to them.

5. The Sudden Appearance of Random Things:
Objects such as feathers or coins that you find in random spots may not be so random after all. The spirits of our loved ones will often stick pennies, nickels, quarters, and other loose change in unusual places knowing that we’ll stumble across them. They do this as a way to help make us feel happy and to signal that they’re close by. So the next time you find a penny or a dime somewhere random, like on your front porch, thank your loved one for the thoughtful gift.

6. You Just Feel and Know They Are With You:
Sometimes there doesn’t need to be an overt sign that forces you to stop and think about a deceased loved one. Instead, you simply can sense and feel that some loving, otherworldly spirit is present and guiding you. This 6th sense or inkling is calming and peaceful. It’s the type of feeling you get inside which you automatically attribute to the spirit of a loved one. For some people it even feels like they’re inside their head talking and sending them messages. When this occurs, and should it ever happen to you, it’s never scary or unsettling, rather it’s reassuring and welcome.

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6 Clear Signs a Lost Loved One Is Close By You and Trying To Send You a Message.

image via – shutterstock.com

When it comes to spirits and the afterlife there are countless theories and beliefs about what, if anything, happens next. Yet despite all the differences, people generally fall into one of two groups; those who believe in a spiritual afterlife and those who do not. The idea that after death our soul passes on to another dimension, or life, or realm is entirely possible! No one truly knows for certain what actually happens when we cease to exist or where our spirit goes when it leaves our body. In fact, what comes next remains one of the biggest mysteries in all of life!

Despite all the uncertainty, many people from all over the world and all walks of life believe that they have been contacted by the spirit of a loved one after they had passed. You may be one of them. Most people report feeling a special type of presence near to them, one that is unlike any other they’ve ever experienced before.

The feeling they get from it is not a threatening or haunting one, rather it’s more mystical, positive, and reassuring. A feeling of love peace and happiness will blanket you. In the end, they attribute whatever they’re feeling to the spirit of a loved one who is close by.

These otherworldly interactions seem to randomly occur in our lives when loved ones send us messages, signs, and other subtle signals. They communicate with us indirectly and if you’re familiar with what to look for, and are open to the whole idea of spiritual connectivity, then you can pick up on these signs and know what each one means.

If at some point you’ve ever wondered if the spirit of a loved one was trying to get through to you, then the following information will help you figure that out. These are just several of the main ways to interpret the signs that a deceased loved one is close by and sending a message:

1) You Can Sense Their Presence:
This usually manifests as a sudden drop in temperature or a slight chill that is immediately noticeable. The air may become heavy or still and it means the spirit of a loved one is nearby. This is perhaps one of the most common experiences we’re able to have with spirits and while it may be off-putting for some, it need not be. The next time you feel it happen, embrace it.

2) Lights Flicker and Electronic Devices Act Up:
It’s commonly believed that the spirit world tries to make contact with us through electricity. While no one knows for sure, it’s thought that electricity charges them up and forces us to pay attention when electronics go haywire.

Lights will suddenly turn on and off, bulbs will burn out, computers and laptops will act strange, speaker volume may go up or down, radio and TV channels inexplicably change, your car won’t start. When these types of things occur out of the blue with seemingly no explanation, this means a loved one’s spirit is attempting to gain your attention and let you know they are present!

3) You Dream About Them:
When a loved one who has passed appears in your dreams it’s often believed that they are trying to tell you something important. These types of dreams contain messages or answers to questions you’ve been searching for. Don’t ignore or write this off as just a dream, it’s guidance, advice, and comfort coming from your loved one.

4) Familiar Scents:
When you suddenly smell a pleasant scent that is somehow familiar, it’s a sign that your loved one is nearby or present. Spirits use smells that are special to us because we immediately notice and pay attention to them.

5) The Sudden Appearance of Random Things:
Objects such as feathers or coins that you find in random spots may not be so random after all. The spirits of our loved ones will often stick pennies, nickels, quarters, and other loose change in unusual places knowing that we’ll stumble across them.

They do this as a way to help make us feel happy and to signal that they’re close by. So the next time you find a penny or a dime somewhere random, like on your front porch, thank your loved one for the thoughtful gift!

6) You Just Feel and Know They Are With You:
Sometimes there doesn’t need to be an overt sign that forces you to stop and think about a deceased loved one. Instead, you simply can sense and feel that some loving, otherworldly spirit is present and guiding you. This 6th sense or inkling is calming and peaceful.

It’s the type of feeling you get inside which you automatically attribute to the spirit of a loved one. For some people it even feels like they’re inside their head talking and sending them messages. When this occurs, and should it ever happen to you, it’s never scary or unsettling, rather it’s reassuring and welcome.

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This Dog Has Been Waiting 5 Months For Her Human. The Reason Why Tore My Heart Up!

Indubitably, there is no creature which better showcases the splendid virtue of loyalty, than the admirable dog. As you will soon see for yourself, in the simultaneously heart wrenching and heartwarming actions of a dog whose abundance of fierce devotion is rarely matched, among any known species.

Five months ago, her human met a tragic end by the hand of a drunk driver. Still, she continues the routine that she had followed for years prior. Every day, down the country road she saunters, guided by the desire to greet her best friend.

She waits In the field, where she had always waited to greet him on his way home from work every day. There she has waited since, leaving only for necessities and the occasional social visit with her human’s surviving family.

Her display of love and loyalty is an inspiration rarely witnessed, and it is inclined to bring a tear of bittersweet affection to the eyes of many a viewer. The beautiful expression of unconditional love that pets embody is a powerful therapy for the human race.

Even once her human is gone, she remains dedicated even without reinforcement. Why does she do it? What is her motivation? Truly, we can only speculate. But for anyone who has enjoyed the unparalleled experience of loving a pet, the answers to those questions might be felt better than spoken.

We can see why she waits, for we know that our furry friend would do the same for us. Protect your pets, they love you so very much.

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6 Clear Signs a Lost Loved One Is Close By You and Attempting To Send You a Message

When it comes to spirits and the afterlife there are countless theories and beliefs about what, if anything, happens next. Yet despite all the differences, people generally fall into one of two groups; those who believe in a spiritual afterlife and those who do not. The idea that after death our soul passes on to another dimension, or life, or realm is entirely possible. No one truly knows for certain what actually happens when we cease to exist or where our spirit goes when it leaves our body. In fact, what comes next remains one of the biggest mysteries in all of life.

Despite all the uncertainty, many people from all over the world and all walks of life believe that they have been contacted by the spirit of a loved one after they had passed. You may be one of them. Most people report feeling a special type of presence near to them, one that is unlike any other they’ve ever experienced before. The feeling they get from it is not a threatening or haunting one, rather it’s more mystical, positive, and reassuring. In the end, they attribute whatever they’re feeling to the spirit of a loved one who is close by.

These otherworldly interactions seem to randomly occur in our lives when loved ones send us messages, signs, and other subtle signals. They communicate with us indirectly and if you’re familiar with what to look for, and are open to the whole idea of spiritual connectivity, then you can pick up on these signs and know what each one means. If at some point you’ve ever wondered if the spirit of a loved one was trying to get through to you, then the following information will help you figure that out. These are just several of the main ways to interpret the signs that a deceased loved one is close by:

1) You Can Sense Their Presence:
This usually manifests as a sudden drop in temperature or a slight chill that is immediately noticeable. The air may become heavy or still and it means the spirit of a loved one is nearby. This is perhaps one of the most common experiences we’re able to have with spirits and while it may be off-putting for some, it need not be. The next time you feel it happen, embrace it.

2) Lights Flicker and Electronic Devices Act Up:
It’s commonly believed that the spirit world tries to make contact with us through electricity. While no one knows for sure, it’s thought that electricity charges them up and forces us to pay attention when electronics go haywire. Lights will suddenly turn on and off, bulbs will burn out, computers and laptops will act strange, speaker volume may go up or down, radio and TV channels inexplicably change, your car won’t start. When these types of things occur out of the blue with seemingly no explanation, this means a loved one’s spirit is attempting to gain your attention and let you know they are present.

3) You Dream About Them:
When a loved one who has passed appears in your dreams it’s often believed that they are trying to tell you something important. These types of dreams contain messages or answers to questions you’ve been searching for. Don’t ignore or write them off as just a dream, it’s guidance, advice, and comfort coming from your loved one.

4) Familiar Scents:
When you suddenly smell a pleasant scent that is somehow familiar, it’s a sign that your loved one is nearby or present. Spirits use smells that are special to us because we immediately notice and pay attention to them.

5) The Sudden Appearance of Random Things:
Objects such as feathers or coins that you find in random spots may not be so random after all. The spirits of our loved ones will often stick pennies, nickels, quarters, and other loose change in unusual places knowing that we’ll stumble across them. They do this as a way to help make us feel happy and to signal that they’re close by. So the next time you find a penny or a dime somewhere random, like on your front porch, thank your loved one for the thoughtful gift.

6) You Just Feel and Know They Are With You:
Sometimes there doesn’t need to be an overt sign that forces you to stop and think about a deceased loved one. Instead, you simply can sense and feel that some loving, otherworldly spirit is present and guiding you. This 6th sense or inkling is calming and peaceful. It’s the type of feeling you get inside which you automatically attribute to the spirit of a loved one. For some people it even feels like they’re inside their head talking and sending them messages. When this occurs, and should it ever happen to you, it’s never scary or unsettling, rather it’s reassuring and welcome.

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