She Is STUNNED When She Discovers Her Ex-Boyfriend Living In Her Attic 12 Years After They Had Broken Up!

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Almost everyone human on planet earth has gone through a loving relationship which at some point soured and led to a really bad break up. There are few things in life that can turn your life upside down and backwards like a really messy and disturbing end to a relationship. Dealing with life after a break up, can become quite tricky for many people. Depending on how long you were together, there’s a good chance that you made a lot of friend together and a lot of times, those friends have to make a choice between who they are going to ghost and who they will remain friends with.

Then there is a good chance you built relationships with your ex-spouses family which can become very touch and awkward quickly. To add on to all these big changes in inter-personal relationships there is also the psychological devastation of losing the person that you loved. This can wreak havoc on your work life, personal life and every other possible aspect of your world. Everybody deals with loss differently so if you have been through it you know from personal experience what coping mechanism you use.

This brings us to today’s disturbing break-up featured story which really may take the cake for one of the strangest and scary break-ups I have ever seen or heard about it. I mean this one isn’t only disturbing it sounds like something literally out of a horror movie. It involves a woman who went through a really terrible break up 12 years ago. She and her boyfriend fell in love and were together for a while, but like many other relationships this one slammed into a brick wall.

She broke up with her boyfriend and let’s just say he didn’t handle it very well at all. Sometimes when someone is broken up with it can leave them completely stunned especially when they don’t suspect or see it coming. Then the break-up just keeps going on and on sometimes even for months because one of the parties just can’t let go even if there is 0 hope of ever reconciling the relationship. In most cases, within a year even the worst break-ups will finally come to a conclusion but there are definitely exceptions to the rule.

Prepare yourself for the video below because it’s not for the weak of heart. Without giving too much away, just imagine for a minute if you were at home alone at night and you began hearing footsteps and strange sounds coming from the attic, not mention weird odors coming through the air vents…..

Watch the video below for the full story:

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What Does Your Palm Line Reveal About Your Love Life and Marriage?

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The future is never far off and when you look down at your hands you can even get a glimpse of it. The ancient art of palmistry can help you lay bare what’s to come in your life and you don’t need to be a professional palm reader in order to do it!

Palmistry centers around the belief that the lines and indentations on a persons palms can be interpreted to reveal different aspects about their life. Some indicate strengths, weaknesses, personality traits, and other specific characteristics. Others reveal our destiny and what’s to come. If you’d like to know more about the subject, this video does an excellent job describing how to read your palms and what the main lines and patterns on your hands signify.

Out of all the lines on our palms, the one that people most often wonder about appears as the first major line on the palm, located right below the base of the fingers. This sharp crease is called the line of marriage due to the belief that it reveals things about our future relationships and love life.

To read your own line of marriage do the following; bring your hands together with your pinky fingers touching and palms facing up towards you. Now look to see where and how your lines of marriage match up and read about what it all means below!

Both Lines Match Up:
If the lines are located at the same height and align neatly at the center it means you are a very peaceful, calm, nurturing, and loving person. You have your priorities in order and think rationally about things. At the same time, you are very resistant to changes because you dislike disruptions in your normal routine. You will most likely find and marry a partner whom your friends and family accept and get along well with. Their approval means a lot to you and without it you’ll hesitate to settle down

Right Hand Line Is Higher:
If the line on your right hand is higher than the one on the left it signifies that you are both wise beyond your years and are drawn towards older types of souls. You’re a free spirit who is unconcerned about the judgments others pass on you. Instead, you choose to see not only things, but also people, for who and what they truly are. You follow neither society’s nor others expectations of you and it’s more than likely that you’ll end up choosing an older partner to settle down with.

Left Hand Line Is Higher:
If the line on your left hand is higher than the one on the right it means you are fierce, self-assertive, strong, and face tough challenges head on. The love that you want, need, and search for is the kind people crave; passionate, fiery, and torrid. As such, you are most attracted to very good looking people. The chances are high that you’ll most likely end up with a younger student type an exotic foreigner, or someone you meet under crazy, yet romantic, circumstances.

Do yours line up? let us know in the comments

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