This Guy Pours 7-Up Into a Vase. The Reason Is Brilliant!
Soda is not only a popular beverage, it also happens to be quite versatile. There are a number of helpful things that can be done involving the carbonated drink. This awesome YouTube video from the HouseholdHacker channel illustrates seven different ways in which you can use it around the house.
If you ever step in gum and track it all over, don’t sweat it. Simply pour soda on and let it soak into the nasty gum for several minutes. It will be easier to scrape off and this also works to safely remove gum from hair or clothing as well. If you want to keep flowers fresh and vibrant for longer place them in a vase with equal parts water and soda.
The plants love the sugar they draw out of the mixture and this works best with clear soda. Next, you can clean gunk off your car without using harsh chemicals or risk ruining the paint job. Pour the pop on the stubborn area, let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe it off with a paper towel. Also, pour water on the spot to get rid of any leftover stickiness.
If your having trouble with bees or wasps take an empty plastic soda bottle and carefully cut off the top half with a knife or razor. Fill the bottom/base portion with soda then flip the top half upside down and place on top. The pests will be drawn to the sugary liquid, crawl down the hole, and get trapped. Next, recycle soda that has gone flat by freezing it in ice cube trays for use later in fresh drinks that need cooling. The soda ice will stop your drinks from becoming watered down and you’ll get your moneys worth out of the flat stuff.
The sixth hack makes the best out of a dark situation when you only have dinky little candles for light. Take an aluminum soda can, carefully cut several slits down the sides, pry open the slits, and press down on the top to help make it pop open. Place a candle inside, light it, and enjoy your new lantern.
Lastly, use a can of cola to clean the toilette by pouring it all around the bowl. Wait one hour for the citric acid to eat away at the nastiness then flush. That’s it! Of course, you could just do the obvious and refreshing thing with your can of cola and drink it. But if you ever find yourself in one of the above situations, try using soda to solve the problem!
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Woman Pours Baby Oil On a Roll Of Paper Towels. The Reason Is Brilliant
Baby wipes are needed, and arguably essential, for cleaning and freshening up babies and young children. Some brands are well made yet expensive, others cheap but low quality, and almost all contain ingredients that can cause irritation in some babies with sensitive skin. It is hard to truly know what different wipes contain. Oftentimes there are additives like perfumes, chemicals, and alcohol, which have been shown to increase the risk of irritation. Mothers want the best for their children and the only way to know for sure what wipes contain is to make your own.
The key to DIY wipes is to start with a good quality paper towel, if cheap ones are used they will just fall apart and disintegrate. Take a roll and cut it in half with sharp knife (the sharper the better, you want as smooth an edge from the cut as possible). Now you have 2 rolls which should look like 2 rolls of toilette paper. Place one of the halves in a bowl and set it aside. Now it is time to mix up 1 and ½ cups of water with 2 tablespoons of baby wash and 1 tablespoon of baby oil.
Pour the liquid over the entire roll, making sure to soak it completely, and let it sit in the bowl for about 10 minutes. Turn the roll over and pour any remaining liquid on top, if there is none left just let it soak for another 10 minutes on that side as well. When that is done you can pull out the middle cardboard part. This should be easy to pull through if your roll is wet enough.
Another way to make these wipes is to cut up the paper towels into pieces. Place them in a nice water-tight container (like a plastic food storage type) and pour the mixture over it. Allow this to soak for 10 minutes before placing the lid on and turning it over to again soak for an additional 20 minutes. That’s it!
These make thoughtful and unique baby shower gifts as well. The woman in the video explains that she is going to tie a pretty ribbon around the container to dress it up a bit. She also plans to include a nice tag with directions on how to make them. The whole project is very easy, inexpensive, and will put any mom’s mind at ease knowing that the wipes don’t contain potential irritants or unknown ingredients.
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This Guy Places Tea Bags In His Car. The Reason Is GENIUS!
Nothing is worse than a stinky car. Odors seem to stick around longer and smell 10x worse in heated, small, enclosed spaces. Sometimes automobiles become foul smelling for a variety of reasons, such as old spilled food, kids making messes, or too much moisture trapped inside. Now there is a cheap, easy, and natural way to combat nasty smells.
According to YouTube channel OnePotChefShow, all you need to do is take a few dry tea bags and place them around the car. In no time at all the smell should disappear. It is recommended that flavored teas be used such as cinnamon or vanilla tea. The tea bags will also absorb moisture in the air, which is a common cause of stale smelling interiors.
Plus, they will last for months and are a lot more affordable than any store bought air fresheners. One box should last a year or so. They also lack harsh chemicals and are much cleaner than aerosol or spray scents. Chances are you have some tea bags in your kitchen right now, so grab a few, toss them under your car seats, relax, and enjoy the ride.
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This Guy Mixes Butter and Toilet Paper. The Results Could Save You In An Emergency!
Grant Thompson AKA ‘The King Of Random’ is at it again with another MacGyver like Life Hack. He came up with this original idea one day when he was making candles with vegetable oil. Then an idea flashed in his head that maybe he could make a candle out of melted butter that would be a perfect light source for an emergency situation. WARNING: before starting this project be aware that an open flame is a fire hazard, do not us near anything explosive or flammable. Use this video tutorial at your own risk.
So to get started you will need some rolled up toilet paper which will be used as a wick. You next take the toilet paper and push it down into the middle of a block of butter. At this point you have just created the world’s most simple candle.
When you ignite the toilet paper, the butter under the wick will start to melt and soak up the toilet paper. The liquid butter is then vaporized and it is the vapor butter that is the flammable part. In this video Grant uses an 8 oz piece of butter and he cut it into two pieces. Each half of the butter burned for almost 4 hours!
If you ever are in an emergency situation, with no light source or heat try out this awesome life hack. You never know when you might need to utilize this awesome technique!
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Woman Escapes Duct Tape With One Easy Trick. The Result Could Save Your Life One Day!
Self-defense technique classes are given all around the world. In martial arts training, self defense is one of the cornerstones of their teachings. Besides for martial arts training, there are courses given that specifically deal with real world situations and how to defend yourself. There are a large number of of self defense classes taught commercially and many are targeted to specific audiences, for example, how to defend yourself using self defense for kids, teens and moms.
Some of us carry mace or pepper spray and always lock our doors, but it couldn’t hurt to be extra prepared for a circumstance we would never expect to be in it would probably be a good idea to learn this woman’s technique to get your hands out of being stuck together by duct tape.
With all being said we really hope you never find yourself in a situation where your hands are duct taped together, however the following video will show you a quick and easy technique to escape. You will need to place your hands above your head, then in one quick movement, swing them down and to your sides with a ton of force. The duct tape will split and you will be free!
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She Puts A Pair Of Shoes In The Freezer. The Reason Is Brilliant!
Have you ever had shoes that were too tight to wear comfortably for extended periods of time but you wore them anyway because they were cute or matched the occasion perfectly? Nothing is worse than suffering through the pain and discomfort that shoes too small can cause. Even if the pair “sorta” fit there is a trick you can do to get that extra breathing room and increase your toe space. Best of all it is simple, cheap and quick to do.
Simply take 2 plastic sandwich bags and fill each one a quarter of the way with water, put one in each shoe and place the shoes in your freezer. Leave them there long enough for the water to fully freeze before taking them out. The video suggests waiting 20 minutes for the ice to thaw a bit before taking the bags out of the shoes.
However, you can also break the ice with the end of a knife or utensil and avoid any potential damage the melting bags could cause, or even wiggle out the ice bag. Make sure you wipe off any water or residual moisture and try on the shoes to see how they now fit. If they need to be stretched more, simply repeat the process.
When water freezes and turns from liquid to solid it expands. The baggie filled with water stretches your shoe as the water becomes ice. Be careful to not over stuff your shoes because it could tear them.
This method works best on real leather but can also be used on fake leather and man-made materials. However, if you are going to use it on fake leather you will likely have to repeat this process several times because it tends to shrink back to it’s original shape.
In the end your shoes can be stretched out half of a size up to potentially one whole size. It is also a great way to break in a new pair of shoes quickly and painlessly. Your feet will thank you for the extra room and comfort.
On a related note, freezing shoes can also get rid of smelly odors. Put the shoes in a sealed bag and place them in the freezer. The cold temperature of the freezer will kill any odor causing bacteria. Also, if you step in gum toss your shoe in the freezer so that you can easily chip it off. The possibilities of freezing shoes are seemingly endless.
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