She Pours Mouthwash Into The Washing Machine. The Reason Is Genius!
Laundry is one of those annoying chores that is always being avoided but has to be done. Although the machine does most of the cleaning, removing those tough stains, folding the clothes and putting them away all take lots of time and energy. Luckily this video was made which contains a ton of awesome laundry life hacks that will make your life a whole lot easier.
I tried a few of these tricks and they worked perfectly. Here at Sun Gazing we are always looking for simple life hacks that will make your life easier. This video produced by Buzzfeed was just to good not to share. First, they go over how to keep your jeans looking fresh and new.
Next, they cover how to stop your clothes from shrinking. Then, if you don’t have an iron, they have an easy trick that will get rid of those annoying wrinkles. Keeping your shirts looking vibrant is covered next. Finally, if your washing machine is dirty, they have the best hack to disinfect and keep it so fresh and so clean!
Enjoy and let us know if these laundry hacks worked for you. Also if you have any other laundry hacks share them in the comments below.
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This Guy Takes The Leaves Off The Top Of The Pineapple What He Does Next Is Unexpected!
Did you know that you can plant a pineapple simply by using one that you buy at the store? I didn’t, but now that I watched this video I’m going to try it as soon as I pick one up. It’s so simple and easy to do, and if you love pineapples and plants then why not? Clint, from explains and shows how it’s done in this tutorial. He originally tried two alternative ways to do this, but only one worked for him, which is what he’s teaching us. For this tried and true method all you need is a ripe pineapple, a pair of scissors, and a cup of water.
Here is how to prepare the pineapple for growing at home: Take a pineapple that is ready to eat. Grab the green top in one hand while holding the bottom in another, then pull upwards, and twist it up and off. Start to pick off the bottom leaves, gently removing them until you begin to see some roots on the piece. Remove the small leaves from all around until you are past the point where the roots are popping out of. Finally, take a pair of scissors and cut the leaf tips off so they are squared. Be sure to get the tight inner leaves as well. Doing this will show you later on where new growth is taking place. You may need to re-trim them if they start to turn brown.
Once the trimming is complete, stick the top in a cup of fresh water and make sure to change it daily at first. Place the cup in a window sill where it can get lots of sunlight and stay warm. Soon you should see more white roots beginning to sprout and once there is good growth it’s time to transplant it. Take a plastic cup, small planter, or container, and place some soil in it. Being careful to not damage the roots, gently place the sprouted pineapple top in the soil, and fill in more dirt loosely around it. It should start growing and soon you’ll have your own pineapple plant!!
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Make Your Own Organic Bug Spray With Two Simple Ingredients You Already Have. Glad I Learned THIS
With the warm weather and sunshine people are heading outside and spending more time enjoying the great outdoors. Unfortunately, this time of year is also when pesky mosquitoes come out in droves looking for blood. While bites can be annoying, itchy and uncomfortable, they can also be dangerous and transfer diseases or cause severe skin irritation in some people. Store bought repellants usually smell disgusting and are chock full of harsh chemicals.
Fortunately, there is a natural and organic alternative for keeping the bugs away that you can make in your kitchen. This simple 2 ingredient recipe for the homemade repellant was shared by YouTube user Colorful Canary. In her tutorial on how to make it she starts by placing 1 teaspoon of fresh parsley in her mortar and pours 4 ounces of apple cider vinegar over it.
Then, she takes the pestle and grinds it together, macerating the two ingredients until they are well blended. It is preferred that you use fresh parsley for this, but if you only have dried on hand that will work as well. Once it has been finely ground together allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes or you can let it sit longer overnight. All that is left to do is strain out the liquid into a small spray bottle and you’re done! You may also add essential oils to make it smell more to your liking, but stay away from citrus based ones because they tend to make skin more sensitive to the sun.
Even without essential oils the vinegary smell will fade and become unnoticeable when it’s spritzed onto skin and dries. The non-toxic formula can be sprayed anywhere on your body, skin, on clothes, and even in hair. While is works best for naturally repelling mosquitoes it also keeps black fly’s at bay. It is also beneficial for skin because it can help heal and prevent sunburns. Toss a small spray bottle in your bag so you’ll always be safe and covered when headed outside. It will make summer all the more enjoyable without having to slap at swarming mosquitoes or itching any bites.
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Guy Takes This Weird Slime And Pushes It Into His Car Vent. The Reason Is Brilliant!
Look down at your keyboard. Are there bits and pieces of dirt and dust stuck in between and around the keys? The numerous tiny cracks and hard to reach places on a keyboard are notoriously difficult to clean. Other similar areas include vents and the tight crevices and grooves in car interiors. These are areas where dirt, dust, and grime particles gather and happen to be the most pain in the butt places to clean. If you’ve ever tried in vain to tidy up those spots then this video is for you.
It shows a product called Cyber Clean, which is a silly-putty like compound that can be pressed into tight, narrow,, and hard to reach places. It forms on and into the vent, picking up any dirt particles it comes into contact with. Simply peel off to remove and if you want to use it again just knead it so any stuck on dirt gets enfolded into it.
To make your own cleaning slime at home follow the recipe below and hopefully make your life a little easier in the process. In a bowl mix together ½ cup of liquid starch, 14 ounces of clear or white Elmer’s glue, and ¼ cup of water. Sta-Flo liquid starch works best for this and, if you want, you can add food coloring to make the slime stand out more.
It also helps mask the dirt particles you pick up after using it. This recipe is safe for use with electronics and can even be used as a child’s toy, with proper supervision. Make your own today and add a little fun to the same old boring cleaning routine.
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You Must Learn This Simple Tick Removal Trick Before You Go Outside This Spring
Ticks are tiny, nasty, carriers of disease that can be found all over the place. They are most active in spring and summer months, but are resilient and may even be found in fall and winter, depending on where you live. They can spread numerous bacterial, viral, and toxic diseases other than the most commonly known ones such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Tularemia. A tick can harbor more than one disease and thus one bite can infect a person with multiple diseases.
The facts regarding ticks are scary and if you ever get bit by one you need to remove it as soon as possible. The quicker you can get it’s head out of your skin the better, because doing so greatly reduces the chance of infection. Most people remove them with tweezers, which can be effective, but oftentimes the tick’s body gets pulled off and the head/mouth remains attached. Instead, the next time you have a live tick biting you, try this quick and easy alternative technique to help remove it.
All you need is a cotton swab, water and good lighting. Take the cotton swab and quickly dip it in water to slightly moisten the tip, which will help make it glide smoothly along the skin. Place the cotton swab tip on the back of the tick so that it’s slightly angled, and not directly over it.
Push the tick around in circles so that it rotates around it’s axis, or hypostome which is it’s mouth part. After about 3-5 rotations the tick should release it’s bite and back itself out of the skin. Now you should be able to pick up the tick with the end of the cotton swab and can dispose of it properly.
The video explains that this method works by essentially coaxing the tick with cotton swab to let go of your skin. The sides of a tick’s mouth have a bunch of tiny, barb-like, bristles that project out and help to anchor it to the skin. These mouth-anchor attachments are what makes it so difficult to properly and completely remove a tick.
They anchor the tick’s head and mouth so securely that when you go to pull it off with tweezers you often end up separating the tick’s body from it’s mouth part. The tick’s mouth remains embedded and attached, still biting you, and is now even harder to remove. With this cotton swab method, the tick will back itself out of your skin and release it’s bite. There are no nasty body parts left behind and you don’t have to dig around in your skin with tweezers, which can increase the likelihood of infection.
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She Puts Vodka On Some Cotten Swabs and Rubs It On Her Face. The Reason Is Brilliant!
Vodka is the number one, best selling and most consumed, hard alcohol beverage in the world. People favor the spirit because it mixes well in cocktails and is widely available at a number of price points. Not only is it versatile in all the ways that it can be mixed and consumed, it can also be used in a variety of ways that don’t require any drinking. At it’s most basic form, vodka is mainly water and ethanol, which is produced by fermentation and then distilled. The distillation process removes any impurities or dilutions and leaves the alcohol in the vodka pure and ideal for doing a number of things.
One alternative vodka use is that it can be applied to a soft cloth and rubbed on eye or sun glasses to clean them. Gently rub the lenses until the dirt, smudges, and grease is gone and you’re done. Vodka is also perfect for cleaning shaving razors and preventing them from rusting. Simply pour some vodka in a cup and soak the razor blade in it, this will also disinfect the blades.
An age old, yet not widely known, secret for keeping cut flowers looking fresh for longer is to mix in a dash of the spirit with water in the vase. Flower bouquets will appear healthy for much longer, so long as you keep changing the water and vodka every few days. Also, to keep your skin and face looking fresh try using some vodka as an astringent. Apply it with a cotton ball onto your face to help reduce pores and clean up any acne or zits.
Another health and beauty use for vodka is that it can make dull hair appear shinier. When you shampoo add a few drops of vodka in with it and then wash and rinse as usual. When your hair dries you should notice that it looks healthier and shiny. Finally, vodka foot soaks can kill any bacteria on stinky feet and leave them smelling how they should be. The alcohol in the spirit is strong enough to kill the bacteria that are causing the smell, and if you don’t have time to soak feet you can also rub them down with vodka to clean them.
The above uses are just a few of the many ways that vodka can be utilized around the house and in beauty routines. If you have a bottle collecting dust, or the next time you happen to have one laying around unused, try using it in a non-traditional manner. Or, fix yourself a cocktail, relax, and cheers!
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