He Cracks An Egg Into Onion Rings. But When He’s Done The Most Unexpected Tasty Surprise!
Everyone loves to learn new and simple ways to get the same old things done. It can be fun and interesting to discover what nifty and quick solutions people have come up with to solve common problems. This video, from the HouseholdHacker YouTube channel, highlights 10 tricks for dealing with difficulties you may have encountered when cooking or bustling about in the kitchen.
The tastiest hack shown is the eggs and onion gourmet breakfast. Take an onion and cut out a couple of large circles, place them in a pan on medium heat, wait one minute and then crack an egg into each one. Cover the pan and cook for 3 minutes, then sprinkle on some salt and pepper.
The most useful trick for cookie lovers is to place a piece of bread into the container holding the treats. It will release moisture and keep the cookies softer for longer. Also included is a great way to reheat pizza on the stove top, which avoids the soggy, limp, microwaved effects of zapping it.
Heat up a burner on medium-high and place a pan on it. Once it’s heated up set the leftover pizza into the pan and cook for one minute, then flip and cook for another minute. The slices will come out crisper and as if they’d just been pulled out of the oven.
The most interesting alternative technique shown was cooking hard boiled eggs in the oven, which makes them not hard boiled at all, but they come out that way nonetheless. Heat the oven to 325 degrees, place the eggs on a tray, and put them in to cook for 30 minutes.
After you take the eggs out place them in a pan of cold water and allow to sit for a few minutes. Once they are cool you can eat them right away or store them in the refrigerator. There are six additional innovative and useful kitchen solutions covered in the video so be sure to check it out. And remember to share the knowledge because they may end up making life easier for you or someone you love!
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The Most Simple Way To A Fold A Fitted Sheet. How Did I Not Know This Earlier?
I don’t mind folding most laundry, because I have figured out the way that works best for my needs for each item. There is one notable exception: the dreaded fitted sheet! My experience folding most laundry consists of daydreaming while mindlessly accomplishing the task at hand.
The experience of folding a fitted sheet, on the other hand, consists of pulling my hair out after the sheet looks worse after folding it than it did before, even though I have tried ten different ways! Then I just give up and shove it in with the other sheets, whilst cursing whoever came up with the idea in the first place.
But that was before this video came along and saved my life. Or at least my hair. And maybe my sanity. If you have ever tried to fold a fitted sheet, you will benefit from the nifty trick shown in this video. It is surprisingly simple, and after a few practice runs to get it down, it becomes as easy as folding a t-shirt.
Ever since I learned this trick, I actually look forward to the fitted sheets! I relish in the feeling that I am taming a beast that is the bane of the laundry folder’s existence.
Watch the video, and in less than two minutes you will be a new person, one who smiles when you come across that fitted sheet in your laundry basket. How many tries did it take you to get it right? Do you have any other laundry tricks? Please let us know.
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Secret Trick To Picking Out A Ripe Watermelon This Year. I Wish I Knew About This Sooner.
Imagine, for a moment, that you are standing in front of a sea of watermelons, thinking about how delicious that crisp, flavorful red flesh will be when you cut it open. As you pick up a melon closest to you, your mind wonders to the delectable aroma that will waft into your nostrils as you take your first bite. You can almost taste the juicy goodness as the cool flesh melts on your tongue.
Then reality hits. You look down at the fruit smiling slyly at you, and then to the ocean of melons that all seem to be mocking you as you try to figure out which one might be ripe. You imagine the despair that will ripple through your very soul if you choose the wrong one, your knife cutting into rotten, mushy flesh. As the first tear runs down your cheek, you set the triumphant produce down and walk away, despondent.
But wait! Thanks to this knowledgeable grocer, we now have the skills required to pick the perfect melon, every time. Watch the video to find out how he uses the weightiness of the fruit, how it sounds when you knock on it, and the size of the yellow spot to determine which one is perfectly ripened for human consumption.
Do you have any other tricks for determining which fruit is ripe? Let us know.
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Apparently I’ve been Cooking Pasta Wrong This Entire Time. How Did I Not Know About This Earlier?
Even people who are not culinary aces know how to make pasta in the centuries old traditional manner. Most everyone starts the process off by putting a fair amount of water into a big pot. Some even add a couple of shakes of salt or a drop of olive oil to the water.
Then the pot is placed on the burner and heated until the water begins to boil, at which point the pasta is dropped into it and cooked until done. The problem with this way of cooking is that the pasta tends to stick together in mushy clumps that are unappetizing.
However, there is a better and more efficient way to properly whip up a delicious batch of the family favorite food. Cooking pasta with this alternative method eliminates the all too common problem of it sticking together in blobs, and instead leaves you with perfectly prepared noodles that everyone will actually want to dig into. It involves using less water and swapping out the bulky metal pot with a frying pan.
Start by placing the pasta in a large frying pan. Pour about a quart and a half of cold water in the pan and over the pasta. Turn on the stove and cook until the desired consistency is met. If you prefer al dente pasta, or a slightly firmer texture, less time is needed. You should end up with perfectly cooked pasta that lacks any clumpy stuck together pieces, because the cold water was added to the pasta before it began to cook.
You also will have a thick, dense liquid leftover from the water than remains. This can be used to make a variety of different sauces with and gives you further use of the leftover water that most people simply throw out. Check it out and share with others so that you’ll never have to endure lumpy pasta again!
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This Is The Only Way You Will Ever Cut A Mango Again. How Did I Not Know About This Earlier?
Cutting a mango can be a tricky process. They tend to be very slippery and many people cut themselves when they are peeling the skin off the fruit. To reduce the risk of injury it is best to use a serrated edged knife, being very careful that the knife doesn’t slip.
A lot of accidents are caused by simple carelessness and rushing through things, and by being mindful and extremely cautious you can prevent mishaps. To learn more on how to cut a mango check out this video where it’s done in an unusual yet simple and effective manner.
The man with the amazing mango skills is a Mexican street vendor. It looks like he must specialize in speed cutting techniques because he makes slicing and dicing a mango look effortless. First he hacks off one end of the fruit and pushes a stick up into it, then holds it in one hand with the stick pressed against his chest.
Expertly and steadily he slices off half the skin before grabbing the stick and removing the rest. Then he starts to twirl it around while making downwards cuts evenly all around the mango, spiraling until he reaches the topmost part. The result looks like a flower and resembles a pine cone in the way the pieces fold out from the middle. With the fruit on a stick and cut in this fashion it can be easily eaten and enjoyed.
Mangos are the most widely consumed fruit in the world and their popularity is steadily growing. They are so delicious and healthy for you that they are even referred to as the “king of fruits.” Each mango is packed with soluble fiber, vitamins C, A, E, B6, as well as 25 different kinds of carotenoids.
Research has shown that antioxidants in the popular fruit help to protect against colon, breast, leukemia, and prostate cancers. Their high fiber content improves digestion and lowers cholesterol while high levels of tartaric and malic acid help to alkalize the whole body. The list of mango derived health benefits is lengthy, they even improve intimacy drive and are a good remedy for heat stroke, so grab yourself one and eat it today!
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This Guy Makes A Weird Slice Into These Raw Potatoes Before He Boils Them. The Reason Is Brilliant!
Potatoes are among the most popular and versatile food items that are readily available at any local grocery store. Just like rice, corn, and wheat, they rank among the world’s top grown crops and consumed foods. A potato can be transformed and prepared in many different ways and be served hot or cold. People love them mashed, baked, fried, hashed, steamed, and chipped.
One of the easiest and most basic ways to cook them is by boiling them in hot water until tender the whole way through. However, this leads to the biggest downside of whipping up a tasty batch of spuds, which is hands down having to scrub and peel them.
Their rough, pocketed skins are a pain to remove with a conventional peeler and if you have a bunch to get through it takes seemingly forever. This negative type of potato peeling experience can be forever banished if you employ a simple new method for doing the task.
YouTube extraordinaire and life hack genius DaveHax shows us the light in his video on how to quickly peel a potato. Start by picking one up and carefully cut a skin-deep slice all around the center of it.
Try to ensure that the ends of the cut meet each other and don’t make it too deep, cut just enough to break the skin’s surface. Place the prepped potatoes in an empty pan, pour boiling hot water over them from a kettle, then crank the stove up to boil them further, and remove them once fully cooked.
Drain the hot tater water into a separate pan and run the potatoes under cool water until they are safe to handle. Grab one and gently pull the skin off, pulling outwards from where you cu tit earlier. The skins should all slide right off and the potato will still be hot and ready to eat.
Try this almost effortless peeling method the next time you’re having potatoes for dinner, or when you need to shave minutes off your dinner prep time, and pass it along to convenience others!
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