This Guy Takes 2 Sharpies and Colors The Flash On His Smartphone. The Result Will Amaze You!

With just two permanent markers, one blue and one purple, and some Scotch tape, you can create a germ finder out of your camera. Simply place the scotch tape over the flash on your phone. Color the light with a blue Sharpie and allow the ink to dry. Layer another piece of tape over the blue and color again with the same marker. After another piece of tape, color with the purple Sharpie, and your black light is ready for use in any completely dark area.

The long wave ultraviolet light emitted by this contraption allows for the observation of fluorescence. The colored glow radiates from many substances when exposed to UV light, and can be used for a plethora of things. Artistic lighting effects, medical diagnosis, detecting fluorescent dyes, identifying counterfeit currency, authentication of paintings, curing plastic resins, attracting insects and hunting rocks are all practical applications of a black light.

The low power UV light is not harmful to the skin or eyes, but powerful UV sources do require protective equipment, such as goggles or gloves. The non-threatening version of UV light can illuminate skin diseases as well as fungal and bacterial infections.

Manufacturers often add fluorescing compounds to poisonous substances to allow it to be detectable by black lights if an individual is poisoned. Different substances glow various colors, and therefore can be identified with the shining of the darkened light. Check out what you can find with your own black light camera!

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This Guy Pours Olive Oil All Over The Inside Of His Car. But The Reason Is Brilliant!

This car cleaning trick works great and is a safe alternative to the harsh chemical products that people usually turn to when cleaning their car interiors. Since you only need olive oil and a napkin there is absolutely, positively no toxic chemical residue left behind on surfaces or lingering in the air. It won’t smell heavy like a factory either. Instead, there will be a pleasant and barely noticeable scent of olive oil, which is much better than fake chemical odors.

This video was made courtesy of YouTube channel CrazyRussianHacker. He shows us how he cleans his car’s leather interior with olive oil and thoroughly explains the nuances of the technique. Getting right down to it, start by taking a napkin or paper towel and fold it in half several times over. Take some olive oil and pour a few drops onto the napkin. The key here is to remember that a little goes a long way.

Don’t pour on too much oil because you’ll end up making a mess and wasting it. Next, rub it in evenly onto the dashboard, making sure to cover all exposed surface areas. Once you have put down a coat of oil, take another clean napkin or paper towel and wipe over the surface again.

This will just pick up any excess oil that may be present or didn’t get absorbed. The oil will help pick up and remove the dust and leave behind a pleasant odor and a nice, shiny sheen. It’s the safest and most effective way to clean your car’s interior, and probably the cheapest too.

The best thing about this ‘crazy Russian hack’ is that it can be done for pennies on the dollar. Most people have olive oil on hand in their kitchen and paper towels or napkins. If not, gas stations often have paper towel dispensers near the pumps, and inside there are most likely napkins if they sell food so just grab a few.

If you have young children and/or pets who spend a lot of time in the car, you don’t want them being exposed to whatever chemicals and harsh ingredients auto cleaners contain. Keep them safe with olive oil, plus your skin and hands will thank you if you get some on them!

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These Kids Were Being Huge Brats During Dinner. But No One Expected THIS Punishment!

Sitting down for a meal should be a social and interactive event for everyone gathered around the table. Dinners are a time to catch up in our busy lives with family and friends and good old fashioned conversation seems to flow better over food and drinks.

For years people have taken time in their lives to stop whatever it was they were doing so they could sit down to enjoy meals with others. However, in recent times the dinner table dynamic has taken a drastic turn for the worse.

People now bring their phones, tablets and other gadgets to dinner, whip them out, and bury their heads in the devices. They pay no attention to others and focus on the little glowing screen, oblivious to the world around them. Others can’t tear themselves away from the TV and blast the distracting box way too loud so they can hear it through their chewing.

No one else present can get a word in and it’s becoming all too common for people to eat mindlessly in front of TVs. Texting is basically a person typing private messages to another and when it’s done at the table it’s rude and shows nothing but a lack of respect for fellow dining companions. It’s that simple yet people still do it, like they’re addicts.

That is the sad reality shown clearly in this video from Dolmio, a company that makes Italian sauces and now a new clever invention aptly named the “Pepper Hacker.” The pepper hacker looks like an ordinary wooden pepper grinder but it contains a powerful hidden secret within.

With just one simple twist it activates a technology type signal blocker and shuts down TVs, WiFi, and mobile devices in an instant. To show its effectiveness, the company gave them to frustrated mothers and recorded the families reactions. Kids went nuts, cursing their devices and throwing fits, and frantically tried to figure out what was wrong with their phones, tablets, and TVs.

However, it was also time for dinner so they put aside their confusion and sat down for a nice homemade family meal. The scenes without gadgets at the dinner table tell the real story. Children talked, interacted, and engaged fully with one another and their parents instead of staring at their phones like checked out zombies. People all smiled, joked, and enjoyed themselves for once, which is how dinner should always be.

As awesome and neat as the Pepper Hacker device is, it’s also sadly unavailable for purchase right now. According to it’s creator, Brendan Forster, the gadget is still in development and prototype stages and has yet to be produced on a large scale.

Either way, you can always make it a house rule that cellphones, iPads, and similar devices are banned from the dinner table, or just turn off the WiFi and lay down the law!

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He Attached THIS Hose To A Coffee Can. The Final Result Is Unexpectedly Awesome!

There’s something about dry ice that just fascinates people. Maybe it has something to do with it’s powerful nature that makes it so dramatic! It was once the “go-to”, before refrigeration, to get perishable items sent long distance. Today, in the medical and scientific fields, it is still widely used for cooling.

This DIY revolves around the more theatrical nature of dry ice. YouTuber KipKay cleverly shows us how to manipulate dry ice to become misty fog, that happens when it gets converted from solid to gas. It’s a great weekend project to do with your friends or kids.

For those of you who just love the mysterious atmosphere created by a fog machine, watch this creation and let us know if you have fun making it. Always remember that you need proper ventilation when manipulating dry ice, because it is carbon dioxide. Keep your work space filled with oxygen!

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These 9 Hotel Workers Reveal Secrets Their Bosses Don’t Want You To Ever Know About!

Every night in America it is estimated that 2 million hotel rooms are occupied. When you check into a hotel you often expect a first rate service experience along with a nice, clean, well-appointed room. After all, most hotel rooms are not cheap and a business’s reputation is everything these days.

With instant review and rating sites online and accessible for anyone to see, a hotel could easily face ruin if it accumulates too many negative reviews. To keep their customers happy, appearances up, and costs down, many hotels have secret ways of operating and providing services. In this video nine hotel industry workers reveal secrets that their bosses don’t want you, the customer, to know. Check it out!

1) Many hotel rooms will comp movies you watch in-room, which means they won’t charge you for viewing them. When you’re about to check out ask if they do and you may just score some free movies.

2) You know those miniature bottles of lotion, mouthwash, soaps, shampoo, conditioner, and more? Take them with you, hotels assume and expect you to do exactly that since they cannot give open and used toiletries to other guests.

3) To get the best deal on rates and amenities call the hotel directly and speak to someone over the phone. Hotels often pay commission fees of up to 30% to online booking agents and then pass that expense onto you.

4) Avoid having to pay cancellation fees ever again by moving your reservation up a couple of days, that way you can call and cancel it a few days later.

5) Valets don’t care about your car and most hotels are not liable for whatever may happen to it once the valet gets behind the wheel. Skip the valet fees, tips, and liability issues by parking it yourself.

6) Always hand wash any glasses in your room before you use them. Hotels often clean glassware with furniture polish to make them shine and appear spotless. This is not only gross and unhealthy, but also very bad for your teeth.

7) One of the filthiest items in hotel rooms are the remote controls. Most people don’t wash their hands before or after using them and the staff never cleans them. Disinfect remotes with an antibacterial wipe to kill most of the germs and be aware of the dirtiness they hold.

8) To get clean linens, you have to specifically ask for them. Hotels usually wash and change the sheets everyday, but blankets are only washed weekly, and bed covers are cleaned monthly, if that.

9) If you really don’t need an early check-in time, don’t ask for or demand one. Hotel housekeepers have a lot of rooms to clean and are very busy. If they need to get to your room first to accommodate your early arrival they likely will be rushed and you’ll have no idea how dirty your room may be.

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This Is A Very Strange Way To Whiten Your Teeth. I’m So Happy I Learned THIS

While the process is counter-intuitive to the result, this woman is living proof that charcoal makes beautifully white teeth. The natural substance is a less harsh way to dazzle your pearly whites than using traditional chemical treatments.

It also is extremely more cost efficient as a bottle of activated charcoal capsules can be purchased for around five dollars, where as professional teeth whitening systems can cost hundreds.

Activated charcoal, or activated carbon, is widely known as a medication used for various types of orally ingested poisoning, as it binds to the poison to inhibit absorption into the body. This is only recommended if the type of poison is not acidic, alkaline, or petroleum based.

If charcoal gets into the lungs, it can cause pulmonary aspiration which could be fatal without immediate medical assistance. The over-the-counter treatment can also be used to remedy diarrhea, indigestion, and flatulence, as it reduces intestinal gas content.

As a teeth whitener, activated charcoal is easy to use. After wetting a tooth brush, empty a capsule of charcoal onto the bristles. Then brush your teeth with the powder for several minutes. Once all of your teeth have been sufficiently covered, rinse with water.

Extra care is required to rinse the charcoal, as it can be very messy. Your teeth will feel sparkly clean! Repeat the treatment once per day for three to five days, depending on the amount of stain on your teeth. Maintain your bright smile by using the charcoal again every few months.

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