He Pours Boiling Hot Water On His Dented Bumper. Now Watch What Happens To The Dent!
Who wouldn’t like to save on the expense of bringing your car to a body shop when your bumper has been dented without any damage to the paint. There are plenty of auto body repairs that you can take care of yourself, but the DIY approach you are about to watch in this video is so simple with incredible results!
Using a pail or teapot of boiling water, you will see how miraculously this guy fixes a dent to perfection. Probably using rubber gloves for the safety of your hands would be advisable. He pours a good amount of hot water on the outside of dent. I’m watching, and can’t imagine where this is going!
He then reaches into the wheel well while the urethane is still hot and malleable, and pushes the bumper out to it’s original shape (This is best done on newer cars that have urethane rather than the metal on much older cars). It just pops right out, looking exactly as it did before the damage.
How does that magic occur? The heat causes the plastic of the bumper to expand, allowing for flexibility that enables you to pop it back into shape. Pouring a pot of cold water on it once it’s been reshaped will quickly cool it down, shrinking the plastic back into place and setting it in it’s repaired position.
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This Guy Rubs A Raw Tomato On Cheese Grater. The Reason Is Brilliant!
What is more delicious than a great tomato sauce on pasta? Traditional homemade sauces that some of us remember our Italian grandma’s cooking for family Sunday dinners, hold great memories, but took many hours simmering and stirring until it arrived at the table. Although such sauces are fantastic, what if you could actually skip all of that cooking and achieve a fantastic home-made sauce to pour over your pasta?
After watching this tantalizing and simple DIY video, in which Food & Wine’s Justin Chapple illustrates how to make a completely fresh tomato sauce that can be ready in minutes, I tried making this. All that I needed was a square grater, some fresh ripe tomatoes, salt, pepper and olive oil.
What’s so amazing about the technique Justin demonstrates, is that it eliminates the need for peeling and dicing the tomatoes. I added some oregano, and fresh basil (as he did) and I have to tell you that my family was blown away at how delicious the sauce was! If you try this, please let us know how yours came out.
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He Puts An Egg In Some Cling Wrap. But When He’s Done You’ll Never Cook Eggs The Same Way Again!
Everyone has preferences for how they like their eggs: Scrambled, fried, over easy, over hard, soft boiled, hard boiled and then there is that illusive poached egg. Poached eggs somehow always seem to fall into the realm of a chef. There is something so perfect about the shape, and achieving the perfect consistency of a runny yoke to place on a delicious piece of toast, that seems almost magical.
Until now! The video you are about to watch will enable you to produce that precisely graceful poached egg, without having to deal with complicated fancy directions. The repipe and directions are so easy and the final product is perfection!
This lovely Brit has concocted a simple way to produce the perfect poached egg with great charm. All you need is a coffee cup, plastic wrap and some boiling water. Make sure your plastic wrap is BPA free.
Watch this video and you too will be able to impress your overnight guests with perfect poached eggs on toast in 5 minutes. As a plus, it was fun to make. I tried it this morning and it worked perfectly. You never have to ruin an egg again!
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The Simple Way To Remove Hard Water Deposits On Your Faucets And Sinks. I’m So Glad I Learned THIS
Hard water can be a real pain in the neck when it comes to the unsightly stains that it leaves behind on bathroom and kitchen surfaces. Those blemishes are nasty looking and it can be extremely hard to fully remove them. The ugly spots and stains are caused by water that contains large amounts of minerals such as limestone, calcium, and magnesium.
These metals and minerals are naturally occurring, most often in areas with low water tables and mountainous regions, and water that contains them is perfectly safe to use and drink. The biggest downside to it is the crusty, whitish colored mineral deposits and stubborn stains that it leaves behind, which over time gradually build up on stuff.
Many people struggle to remove these stains and often think that they need strong, harsh chemical cleaners to get rid of them effectively. However, there is a better, more simple, and affordable way to go about cleaning surfaces with mineral build up that has been caused by hard water.
In this easy to follow tutorial YouTube’s Crouton Crackerjacks channel shows us how to clean a kitchen sink. Watch the video for more information and to see how it turns out, and read on to see how it’s done. Start off by placing a bowl in the sink and pour some distilled white vinegar in it.
Take an old cotton cloth, rag, towel, or whatever you have on hand and fully soak it in the vinegar. Make sure the sink is completely dry and not wet in any places, especially the cracks. Drape the soaked towel on the surfaces that are stained and press it firmly against the sink and into any seams or cracks.
Let it sit for an hour, then place it back into the vinegar. Take an old, worn sponge and gently scrub the sink to further remove the hard water stains. You should notice the whiteness coming off and the sink getting shinier. Take your rag and again place it on any remaining stains, paying attention to areas that are more built up, and leave it on for an hour. Repeat the gentle scrubbing as before and you should have a shiny, sparkly, clean and renewed sink!
This works for porcelain surfaces as well, and if you need a quick and easy way to brighten up the commode, read on. Grab a roll of paper towels, distilled white vinegar, and a pair of rubber gloves. Pour some vinegar onto paper towel squares so they are soaked, then fold them up and place them all around the rim of the toilet, making sure to cover all the stains.
Stick them to the inside bowl and as close to the water line as you can get without them touching the water. Then, fill the bowl with vinegar until it is above the stains. Let this sit for a few hours while the vinegar works before removing the paper towels from the rim and bowl, and scrub away any remaining stains. Make sure to fish out any paper towels from the water and don’t flush them because they will clog pipes and the septic system.
This may be the fastest, easiest, and most natural way to clean hard water stains. It requires minimal effort or exertion on your part so try it the next time you clean the house!
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Apparently This Is The Reason You Should Always Be Drinking Out Of A Copper Cup!
Copper drink-ware is one of the hottest trends right now. The shiny metal cups, mugs, and pitchers have been steadily showing up on store shelves and at bars across the world. The copper cup resurgence is due in part to the renewed popularity of a cocktail that was all the rage back in the 1950s called a Moscow mule.
The alcoholic beverage is made up of vodka, ginger beer, and lime juice, and is traditionally served in a copper mug. However, most people unaware of the fact that copper cups can provide our bodies with numerous health benefits. In fact, there is a long list of all the natural and positive ways it impacts health, and you can gain them simply by drinking out of a copper cup!
When water is placed into a copper vessel it not only takes on the metal’s positive charge, but also all of the other positive properties inherent within it. Copper is known to scientists and the medical community as having anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties which can help in first aid to speed up recovery times and heal wounds.
Copper is also a necessary part of our diet and our bodies use it to produce new cells and to thrive. It helps strengthen our immune systems and if you drink water which has sat in copper for several hours it can greatly improve, and heal, parts of your digestive system.
A few of the basic points you should know are that it is most beneficial to store water overnight in a copper pitcher or bowl. If the water sits for less than four hours in the copper it may not take on all of the positive qualities and won’t be as good for your health.
Also, to get the most out of copper infused water you should aim to drink it directly from a copper cup as soon as you wake up and before you eat or drink anything. Check out the accompanying video for more information and keep reading.
Other benefits that have been touted are that it slows aging, makes skin glow, fights and prevents cancer, stimulates our brains, regulates our thyroid, reduces the risk of heart disease and hypertension, helps or bodies absorb iron and thus helps prevent anemia. These benefits are not new age psychobabble, there is scientific evidence and studies backing them.
One of the more interesting and consequential findings had to do with the anti-microbial and anti-bacterial aspects of copper in conjunction with contaminated water. Scientists measured the number of harmful microbes found in the water before it was placed in copper, then again 16 hours later, after it had been placed in copper.
They found that the level of harmful microbes was greatly reduced just because of the simple fact that the water was in the copper. Another study was equally promising and found that in one hospital with copper surfaces, infection rates were reduced by 40%. The drop was attributed to the copper surfaces alone, and researchers found that it also killed 97% of the harmful bacteria which can cause infection.
This article only touches on most of the benefits that copper can provide our bodies with. There is a lot more details, studies, research, and information available on the topic and the accompanying video covers a good amount as well. What it all comes down to is simple. If you want to harness the healing power of the golden amber metal, start storing and drinking water out of copper cups and mugs.
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After You Watch This You Will Never Cut Watermelon The Same Way Again!
There are many ways to cut a watermelon and some are a lot less messy than others. One of the biggest obstacles you face when carving up a ripe melon is all the water in it. The pink, juicy balls of deliciousness are rightly named water melons because approximately 92% of the fruit is water!
According to watermelon.org, it was because of their naturally super-high water content that early explorers used to use watermelons as canteens. However, all that water can make a mess when a melon is cut open and the juices run out all over the place. Then the knife starts slipping on the tough rind and before you know it you almost sliced a finger off.
People often try to avoid this cutting hazard by slicing the watermelon in half length-wise. The resulting upturned bowl, half-shell type of shape retains all the juices, but it also leads to another hazard; instability. Trying to cut a rocking, unbalanced chunk of melon is hard to do, and it’s just as hazardous to your health as cutting a slippery one.
So when life hands you watermelons, what is the best way to cut them up safely and cleanly? For starters, you need an innovative and different approach because none of the existing methods that people use to carve them work all that well.
That’s the logic that designers followed at an Italian company called Genietti. They came up with a neat and easy to use stainless steel watermelon slicer that they named Angurello. The tool cuts evenly and cleanly through the juicy fruit with just a bit of pressure and minimum effort on your part.
There are no razor sharp blades to deal with and all the juices stay contained within the melon. Once you make the cuts, you don’t even have to dig them out. The tool also doubles as a pair of tongs so you can handily grab the slices out of shell and serve them right away.
No mess, no stress, no cut fingers, and a whole melon sliced up perfectly in just seconds. Sounds too good to be true, but it’s real. Check it out and see for yourself how neat and easy life can be.
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