Apparently THIS Is Why You Should Be Placing Butter In Your Coffee Every Morning!

Butter was once vilified for being a large contributor to obesity rates and people’s ever expanding waistlines. Even just a year or two ago it was a major no-no for anyone who considered themselves to be health conscious or on a diet.

Now it’s all the rage and there’s a growing trend in which people are putting a spoonful of the fatty stuff in their morning coffee and calling it “Bulletproof” coffee. It now seems that butter is an acceptable, even healthy, replacement for standard coffee additives like cream and sugar.

This all may sound very strange, but once you learn why, it makes much more sense. First and foremost, even medical professionals and doctors say that drinking butter coffee is acceptable.

They only warn against it if you have high cholesterol levels and urge people to get a check up before they start downing the drink. Secondly, you absolutely must only use grass fed, unsalted butter. No other type will give you the same type of health benefits and without it your coffee is going to be worthless.

Grass fed butter is superior because it contains certain types of fats that actually help to regulate cholesterol levels rather than add to them. The omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio is ideal and can actually help reduce overall body fat.

It’s also comprised of the short-chain acid butyrate which has been linked to increased energy levels and the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases and heart disease because of it’s ant-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, grass fed butter not only provides your body and brain with healthy fats, it’s also an excellent source of vitamin k.

If bulletproof coffee now sounds slightly more appealing, here’s how you should prepare it. Melt one or two tablespoons of grass fed butter in your morning coffee plus a tablespoon of MCT oil and stir until well blended and frothy.

MCT oil is shorthand for “medium chain triglyceride” oil and its derived from the healthy fats naturally found in coconut oil. These help our bodies make ketones, which are things that are produced when the body makes energy from fat instead of carbohydrates.

Drinking one cup of enhanced coffee a day is supposed to be more of a meal replacement, rather than a type of supplement, and if used properly it can help you lose weight. Check out the accompanying video for much more interesting and informative details on the science behind the coffee and why it’s being called “bulletproof.”

You may just find it’s the right kind of change you’ve been needing to make in your diet.

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This Simple Effective And All Natural Recipe Will Permanently Remove Unwanted Hair On Your Face!

There is not a woman alive who has not had to deal with unwanted facial hair.  At different points in the developmental cycle, and post-menopausally, most women find this hair distressing, and want to get rid of it. Depending on your hair color, some women have more facial hair than others.

Most women have it above the lip,  peach fuzz on the sides of the face, and dark hairs under the chin.  Some women wax, for temporary removal, which can be irritating.  Chemicals in the wax can have long term bad effects on the skin.

I have stopped waxing for this reason, and have just been plucking, which doesn’t really take care of the whole problem.  I was really happy to come across this natural, at home remedy for unwanted facial hair.  YouTube User Homeveda offers a solution that has been used by middle-eastern women for centuries.

Not only do these two different remedies do the trick, but they utilize ingredients that have nutrients and vitamins that are actually good for the skin! Harsh chemicals be gone!

No one wants to absorb chemicals into their bloodstream, when they can mix: chickpea flour, milk, turmeric powder and fresh cream for Remedy # 1; Remedy # 2 requires mixing: peeled and crushed potatoes from which you extract the juice, crushed yellow lentils, lemon juice and honey.

The exact amounts and how to apply each remedy to the face, is beautifully illustrated in the video below, for maximum benefit.  I am definitely going to try both of these to see which works better.  I love the idea of using natural ingredients on my face that have been time-tested.

The good news is that after a month the hair will be gone completely!

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With 3 Simple Steps You Can Unshrink All Clothes Back To The Size They Once Were!

Whether you like doing laundry or not, it is a necessity of life that can’t be avoided.  There is nothing worse than washing cotton clothes that haven’t been preshrunk, and forgetting about NOT putting them in the dryer.  I just cringe when my favorite new tee shirt or pants get shrunk!

Until I came upon this incredible DIY, I never even thought that UNSHRINKING clothes was a possibility!  When cotton clothes shrink, that is known as CONSOLIDATION SHRINKAGE.  The combination of moisture, heat, and the back and forth motions of machine washing and drying causes this type of shrinkage.

Amazingly enough you are about to watch the solution for UNSHRINKING YOUR CLOTHES. All that is required is baby shampoo and water.  The steps in doing this are easy to follow, and I can attest that this works, because I decided to try it myself before passing this on.

This will save you lots of money in replacing ruined clothes!

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This Woman Starts Poking Holes In THIS Cake. But When She’s Done YUM!

There is nothing better than a delicious dessert DIY that not only makes an impressive presentation, but is super easy to make and is actually DELICIOUS!  This recipe presented by DIY Projects in the video below swiftly gives you the ingredients and 3 steps to make this incredible cake.

All that you will need for this yummy dessert is: Red Velvet cake mix, cheesecake-flavored pudding, crunchy, crushed Oreos, and Light whipped topping.  Bake the cake according to the directions, and then the magic begins!

After the cake is baked, you take a large straw and poke holes evenly across the cake and all the way through.  Watch the video below to see how the pudding is mixed and spread, chilled in the frig, and followed with whipped topping and smashed Oreos.

This looked so good and actually fun to make, that I tried it…cakes don’t get better than this one! Let us know if you’ll try it.

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The Easiest Way To Transfer VHS Tapes To Your Computer In Under 3 Minutes!

So many of us started video recording back in the day, of the breakthrough, into what was then a new and exciting technology. VHS tapes held our precious memories that we played on our coveted VCR players.

As we all know these are now the dinosaurs that still lurk in our closets and basements.  Many of us have converted the tapes to the higher quality DVDs, but have still held on to the original VHS tapes that are collecting dust.  I know I’ve held onto mine after converting them to DVDs, “just in case”.  I still have a couple of VCR players sitting next to my DVD players.

When I came upon this YouTube video, I was so excited to learn how to upload the tapes I hadn’t converted, onto my computer.  This other method of preserving memories and getting to share them directly with my children, friends and other relatives is a great addition to DVD conversion. By offering the capability of storing certain footage on my computer, I now have the capacity to email them memories that otherwise wouldn’t be shared.

The video below, which you are about to watch, offers a step by step simple tutorial of how to do this in less than 3 minutes.  I am so happy to have found this information that required little effort, and is so cost efficient.

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I’ve Been In An Elevator A Million Times But I Had No Idea You Could Do THIS!

If you’re like me and the mere act of stepping into an elevator sends you right to the edge of a panic attack, then this is a good trick for you. When you are in the seemingly eternal moments of enduring claustrophobia and wondering if the elevator door is ever going to open again, it could be handy to get the ride over with as quick as possible.

Usually, you have to keep your cool through the repeated stopping of the lift, feeling the enclosed box come to a sudden halt and the instantaneous loss of gravity which provides the feeling of all your innards moving toward your mouth.

Apparently, there is a way to lessen the amount of time spent suffering in this manner. You can actually control whether the elevator stops along the way while you are in it. When you step inside and push the number of the floor you wish to get off at, you can hold down that number together with the close door button for five seconds, and the elevator will go straight to that floor without interruption.

You no longer have to have your anxiety multiplied by every floor and by each person that enters into the tiny space effectively making it smaller and smaller. Conversely, maybe you are a thrill seeker and happen into an elevator with an attractive person whom you might be able to put the moves on.

By inhibiting any disturbance from other elevator riders, you could squeeze in a quickie if the building is tall enough. If you’re only traveling a few stories, a good make out session, or some touchy feeling, is feasible without the intrusion of unsuspecting visitors.

No matter what your incentive, this is a great trick for the elevator regular, except not if you’re the one waiting to get inside.

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