This Guy Looks Normal But When He Wipes Off His Make Up My Jaw Dropped!
I didn’t know what to expect when this video started. At first, the man referred to as “zombie boy” looks like a normal person you would see walking down the street. Since I knew his nickname, I expected something crazy to happen, but nothing could have prepared me for the transformation that took place next. As it turns out, what meets the eye at first glance is not always the case upon further inspection.
When we first see or meet someone, we form impressions, or prejudgments of that person based on our experience with others who share similarities. It is impossible to avoid doing this, but a good lesson we are taught over and over again is that we should try not to judge a book by its cover.
This video is a new take on this idea, presented in reverse to show us how much our first impression informs our view of a person. If you are like me, you didn’t have a strong impression, negative or positive when I first saw him.
But as he removed the heavy layer of professionally applied makeup that was covering his entire body, the impressions and associations started to form. If they had started the video with a picture of zombie boy as he looks at the end of the video, I would have formed those impressions almost immediately.
By showing the process in reverse, the makers of this video uncover our own preconceived judgments and buried stereotypes at the same time as they uncover the tattooed skin that lies hidden beneath the makeup. Once again, we are taught the valuable lesson that things are rarely as they seem at first glance!
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When Her Fiancé Lays His Eyes On Her Make-Up Transformation He Can’t Hold Back the Tears!
What started as an interesting experiment turned out to be an incredibly moving and emotional experience for this young couple, engaged to be married in a month. Through the magic of professional make up artists, this couple received a rare opportunity to glimpse into the future. At less than thirty years of age, each of these two were able to see what the other might look like in their fifties, seventies and nineties.
I wonder if these two were nervous before they embarked on this journey? I know I was when I first started watching. What if they didn’t like what the other might one day look like? What if they hadn’t thought it all the way through, or when they had thought about it, they underestimated the changes that would take place?
Far from increasing my trepidation, the results made me more confident in my own relationship and ability to see the beauty in my loved ones even as time changes things in ways we cannot control. Their touching words in response to each other’s changing appearance left everyone watching with wet cheeks.
Instead of being appalled by the physical side effects of the aging process, the experience brought them even closer. Each gray hair, every spot and wrinkle told a story. What deep experiences are written into the superficial changes that form each face?
What memories have been created, what joys and sorrows have brought them closer together and strengthened their bond of love beyond what any superficial change could possibly restrain? By the end of the experiment, they were more in love than ever, and even more ready to get married and start creating the memories that would form their shared life.
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He Wrote A Suicide-Note and Left His Room. When He Returns He’s Stunned When His Dog Does THIS
Animals are incredibly in tune and aware of everything around them, so when something seems off or strange, they tend to notice it right away. Our pets are very emotionally connected to us, when they see their human companions upset or crying, they often approach the person gently and offer them lots of licks, sweet puppy eyes, and tender reassurance.
Most often it is man’s best friend, dogs, who react as if they know the person needs some extra love and affection. In a way, it’s as if dogs have a 6th sense for these types of situations. They just feel and intuitively know what to do when humans are deeply upset and sad.
Twenty-three year old Byron Taylor knows this all too well. He says that his six year old Rare Welsh Bull Mastiff, Geo, saved his life. The normally gentle, peaceful, loving dog saw something was amiss with his owner and took action when Taylor was about to attempt suicide.
He had gone so far as to fashion a noose out of rope and left it for a moment to write a suicide note to his family. When he returned a few minutes later Geo had grabbed the rope with his strong jaws and wouldn’t let go of it. Even when Taylor tried to wrestle it back, Geo held on tight and even snarled and growled uncharacteristically at him. Eventually the dog tore the rope to shreds, Taylor says “He chewed up the noose…
In a way, I think Geo knew what I was going to do.” It certainly seems as if his faithful companion truly did know what was going through Taylor’s mind and he stepped in at the right time to put a stop to it. Geo gave him a clear reminder of exactly what he had to live for, and in his darkest hour Geo showed him that he cared and was not about to let his best friend go out like that.
That was a few years ago, and now Taylor is at a better place in his life. However, Geo has only days to live. His veterinarian found an aggressive tumor on his head which turned out to be cancerous. It has since been rapidly spreading to other parts of his body and sadly his condition is incurable.
Taylor wishes that he could return the favor and save Geo’s life, but he can only continue to stay by his loyal companion’s side and give him the most love he can until he passes. For now, he plays with the happy dog and cherishes every precious moment he has left. Geo will always be in his heart, forever remembered as the dog who saved his life.
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VIDEO: He Stops His Car On The Road When He Sees This Lost Goose. What Happens Next INCREDIBLE!
Wow! That’s the first word that comes to mind after watching this amazing video depicting the unbelievable kindness of a man who comes upon a wild goose seemingly lost on a country road near Alberta, Canada. He was driving along in his pickup truck when he noticed the goose wandering along without direction.
Wild geese can be very aggressive towards other animals and humans, but that didn’t stop this caring man from stopping to get out of his truck and speak gently to the lost goose. He spoke in such a soothing and encouraging tone, that the goose never let out one squawk. He seemed to sense the man’s compassion and trusted him on such a gut level, that what happened next was awe-inspiring.
The man got back into his truck and the goose began following on foot and then took flight following the truck. After going a ways, the driver got out and spoke to the goose again telling him he would lead him back to his buddies at the nearby Shining Bank Lake. Getting back in his truck again, the goose takes flight, continuing to follow this amazingly kind man.
This was no wild goose chase! Rather, it was a beautiful example of trust between a human and a wild animal, that not only saved the goose from being run over, but led him back to the safety of his natural environment.
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Disabled Homeless Man Falls To The Ground and No One Helps. But Then I Can’t Hold Back The Tears
A social experiment in New York City displays the tendencies of the general public regarding giving assistance to strangers based on their appearance. A black suited man, staged with crutches, walks the streets and periodically falls to find out if passers by will help him back up. Without hesitation, there is consistently someone, if not several people, who stop their trajectory to aid the injured and fallen businessman to his feet. They respectfully call him sir as they lend their hand and ask if he is alright.
A different observation is made with a man who is dressed in dirty, tattered clothing. The seemingly homeless fellow hobbles along the street on crutches, tripping many times to take hard blows onto the sidewalk. Surrounding witnesses gape at the man in dismay, but do nothing in the way of offering help.
Some people just stare and slowly walk away, while others are oblivious to the struggle and avoid the obstacle in front of them by walking around. No one even asks the man if he is okay.
There is one person who immediately responds to the wounded hobo and it is another homeless person sitting against a building on the sidewalk. With obvious sympathy and concern, the man leaves his collection cup unattended to make sure the distressed vagabond is not in need of serious attention.
The consoler guides the consoled to standing and helps him gather his belongings before he continues on his way. The story ends with a perfect quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, “You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.”
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This Dog Has Been Waiting 5 Months For Her Human. The Reason Why Tore My Heart Up!
Indubitably, there is no creature which better showcases the splendid virtue of loyalty, than the admirable dog. As you will soon see for yourself, in the simultaneously heart wrenching and heartwarming actions of a dog whose abundance of fierce devotion is rarely matched, among any known species.
Five months ago, her human met a tragic end by the hand of a drunk driver. Still, she continues the routine that she had followed for years prior. Every day, down the country road she saunters, guided by the desire to greet her best friend.
She waits In the field, where she had always waited to greet him on his way home from work every day. There she has waited since, leaving only for necessities and the occasional social visit with her human’s surviving family.
Her display of love and loyalty is an inspiration rarely witnessed, and it is inclined to bring a tear of bittersweet affection to the eyes of many a viewer. The beautiful expression of unconditional love that pets embody is a powerful therapy for the human race.
Even once her human is gone, she remains dedicated even without reinforcement. Why does she do it? What is her motivation? Truly, we can only speculate. But for anyone who has enjoyed the unparalleled experience of loving a pet, the answers to those questions might be felt better than spoken.
We can see why she waits, for we know that our furry friend would do the same for us. Protect your pets, they love you so very much.
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