During His Weather Report The Map Gets Completely Messed Up.

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The ability to improvise if you’re on live TV, is a really remarkable skill, as you will see in the video you are about to watch below. But before we get into today’s hilarious video let’s just discuss weathermen in general. For some reason growing up as a kid I always had a dream of one day becoming a weatherman so I could tell all the kids school was cancelled and they had the greatest thing anyone could ever wish for….A SNOW DAY or what I like to call it heaven on earth! lol 🙂

Anyway, in today hilarious video we feature the school closing guy the local weatherman  in the middle of reporting the weather, when he looks at the green screen and is facing a really incredibly funny computer projector glitch. He could have been “like a deer in headlights”, but this consummate professional has that uncanny ability to improvise like the cast of SNL. Not skipping a beat, he keeps his broadcast of the weather going flawlessly.

What he does with this outrageous error, is turn it into a truly hilarious moment, that gets funnier and funnier as he builds on the joke. Honestly, he should win an award for turning a ridiculous mistake into a moment worthy of comedic stand-up. I nominate this man for a well deserved Emmy! Enjoy the fun!

Please SHARE this Hilarious Video with your family and friends 🙂