This Fan Came To Enjoy The Game, But When The Music Starts He Steals The Show
Have you ever felt like just going wild and letting go of all your inhibitions when your favorite song comes on? Many of us have experienced the urge to spontaneously start dancing but we suppress the urge and bob our heads instead because we either care what other people think or we don’t want to embarrass ourselves or make a scene. Not Jeremy Fry, he could care less what anyone thought of him and that’s part of what makes this video so awesome.
Fry is a Boston Celtics super-fan who has been following the team since he was seven years old. He was at one of the Celtics home games back in 2009 when Bon Jovi’s mega hit “Livin’ On A Prayer” started playing over the sound system during a break. The arena’s Jumbotron was flashing between shots of different fans dancing in the crowd when the camera suddenly found him, and the rest as they say is history!
Jeremy was already feeling the beat and getting into his groove, waving his fingers around and tapping his foot. In hindsight, the look on his face says that he had something special in store for the crowd that evening. A few seconds later he exploded out of his seat, performed an elaborate kick move, and began dancing like no one was watching! To truly understand how unbelievably awesome this video is you have to simply watch it. No words or description can do it the justice that it deserves!
On that night Fry truly embraced his inner rock star as he worked his way down the steps. All the while he interacted with members of the crowd in between busting out sweet moves and dancing up a storm. He clearly knew the 80s classic by heart because he danced so well to the beat and lip synced the ballad perfectly. The audience loved it and cheered him on enthusiastically the entire way. By the time he was finished he’d won over the crowd and years later, the internet.
Fast forward to November 2013 and the Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ On A Prayer” is on the Billboard Hot 100 chart at the number 25 spot! How could that be, at that point in time the song was almost 30 years old. It’s all because the video of Jeremy Fry dancing at the Celtics game had re-surfaced and gone completely viral. It was so popular and viewed so many times that it managed to influence song sales and chart positions! That just goes to show you the power of an insanely popular video and of course, a classic hit song too!
Please SHARE This Hilarious Video With Family and Friends Who Need a Smile Today 🙂