This Math Equation Is Breaking The Internet. Can You Figure Out The Right Solution?
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If you suffer from mathematical anxiety, which is basically like a math-induced phobia, you may want to take a deep breath before you try to solve this problem. The seemingly simple equation below has managed to stump people left and right and social media users are divided over what the correct answer happens to be. Watch the video below to see a step by step tutorial on getting to the right answer and seeing if you actually solved it correctly. Take a moment to work through it yourself and see what answer you come up with:
6 ÷ 2(1+2) =
The vast majority of people end up with an answer of either 1 or 9. Some even think it is 0, 3, or even 6, but if you came up with any of those three numbers, you’re wrong and way off! However, the reason why 9 and 1 are given as the main answers for this problem comes down to how people were taught to do math. However, in the end only one answer can be correct and if you came up with 9 then congratulations, you solved it!
So why has this equation caused so much confusion that its managed to go viral!? According to Presh Talwalkar, the man behind the YouTube channel MindYourDecisions which posted the explanation, there is an ‘old’ way and a ‘new’ way to approach the problem. Depending on which method you use, you will end up with either 1 doing it the old way, or 9 doing it the modern way.
Check out his video for a much more thorough and complete explanation of each step and see if you agree with what’s being asserted. Despite the comprehensive run through, it looks like a lot of people are still confused and arguing over what the correct answer is in the comments!
If you completely botched the answer or failed to come up with the correct solution, don’t be too hard on yourself. Forgetting how to do math problems like this one is normal and inevitable. Other than simple addition and subtraction, most of us don’t do any type of complex math once we’re finished with school.
If and when we do need to solve something above our abilities, we use a calculator or simply Google the answer. Between changes in the way math curriculum is taught, modern technology, and the passage of time, our math abilities tend to decrease and fade away.
Whatever the case may be, it’s fascinating and quite interesting how one equation can end up causing such a stir. People are really passionate about what they think is the correct answer and way to go about solving this equation. It just goes to show that even what we view as simple math isn’t as straight forward and predictable as we often assume it to be. Check out the video and see what you think!
Watch the video below to see a step by step tutorial on getting to the right answer and seeing if you actually solved it correctly:
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This Math Problem Is Breaking The Internet: Can You Figure Out The Right Solution?
Math. You either love it or you loathe it, but regardless of how you may feel about the subject, you need to know the basic fundamentals of it. From an early age we are drilled in numbers and things like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Because math builds on itself you really have to be on top of it before you can learn more advanced stuff. It’s also very straight-forward in that you are either right and get the answer correct, or you are wrong.
That’s part of what makes it so unbelievably frustrating for so many people out there. They have trouble grasping it or they forget the certain order of steps and soon they simply give up on it all because they’re always getting the wrong answers. If you happen to feel like this and the mere sight of numbers and equations makes you anxious or nervous, you may suffer from mathematical anxiety, which is kind of like a math-induced type of phobia.
If the above sounds familiar then you are likely not going to like this next part! The simple looking equation featured below has proven to be anything but easy for people all over the world. It was originally included as part of a Japanese math study on generational abilities and what researchers found was quite interesting.
According to Presh Talwalkar, who runs the YouTube channel MindYourDecisions, studies show that 60% of twenty year old Japanese adults correctly answered this exact problem. In comparison, in the 1980s that percentage was a whole lot higher, with 90% of Japanese adults answering it correctly. That doesn’t seem to bode well for society! Take a moment to work through the equation yourself and see what answer you come up with:
9 – 3 ÷ 1 + 1 = ?
If you’re confused or at a loss as to how to solve this equation, the video below explains exactly how to arrive at the correct answer. Check it out to see if you solved it and good luck!
Did you get it right? Let us know in the comments
Please Share This With Family and Friends To See If They Can Solve This Viral Math Problem
This Simple Math Problem Is Breaking The Internet Because Most Adults Can’t Figure Out The Answer. Can You?
Forgetting how to do math problems is inevitable, normal, and now thanks to one single equation, it’s also very interesting to test out. See if you’re able to solve this problem correctly or not. According to Presh Talwalkar, the man behind the YouTube channel MindYourDecisions, studies show that 60% of twenty year old Japanese adults correctly answered this exact problem. However, back in the 1980s that percentage was much higher with 90% of Japanese adults getting it correct.
The sharp drop in the number of people who are able to solve the problem is worrying and some are attributing it to modern technology. The reasoning behind the theory is that more and more people are relying on calculators, especially online ones like Google’s calculator, to solve equations. However, when they input the numbers they do so in a linear fashion and forget to apply the correct order of operations, aka PEMDAS which stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. Those little old rules make all the difference.
Don’t feel too down on yourself if you botch the answer and fail to answer the “simple” equation, you’re in good company. If it’s been decades since high school your memory of math lessons may be faded and over time we slowly forget and lose our recollections of many things. Even facts that seemed so important and easy to remember back then have gone from our brains. Perhaps the easiest subject to forget overall is math. Math builds on itself and all the concepts, rules, variables, and whatnot that it involves are easy to mix up or completely draw a blank on. Plus, unless your job or profession requires it, most of the stuff we learned in algebra we just don’t use in everyday life. Also, if you were never good at math back then, the odds are you won’t be good at it now. Were you able to solve it? Let us know in the comments
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