This Baby Emu May Look Awkward, But When The Dog Walks In The Room She Throws A Hysterical Fit

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The world has seen its fair share of animal odd couples. There are cheetahs and dogs, monkeys and bears, cats and gorillas, rhinos and turtles, coyotes and lions, and so many more unlikely pairings. While they may be completely different animal species, that doesn’t get in the way of their incredibly close friendships and the bonds they share.

Most animal odd couples gravitate towards one another in the wild because of the circumstances they find themselves in. It’s either that or they’re brought together by people, which is how the baby emu bird and dog in this adorable home video met each other.

Their owner, Sue Holmes, captured the heart warming moment when Emee the baby emu did a sweet little ditty upon seeing her favorite dog friend in the whole entire world! The video starts off innocently enough with the young black and white feathered chick relaxing next to Sue on the carpet. At first the little bird is all calm and composed, nary a feather is ruffled, but her demeanor completely changes when the family dog enters the room.

The sight of her big furry four-legged friend is what amps Emee up and gets her super excited. In fact, she’s so happy to see the dog that she throws her body to the floor, does a quick 360 degree bird roll, and then hops back up on her two feet. She’s not done yet though, she’s just getting started as she begins to dance around the room in absolute joy and excitement. She hops from leg to leg and throws in some quick spins, her peculiar movements are easily the cutest thing by far that you’ll ever see an emu do!

While the dog may not appear to be so interested in Emee at the moment he definitely is getting used to her crazy antics. He quickly steps past his baby sister to sneak in a few pets from Sue before turning around to head out. However, the excited bird is blocking his path and so he has to fake a move in order to make his escape. He pulls it off with grace and it looks like he has clearly done this more than a few times before.

Even so, he and Emee are best friends and the emu loves to chase and mimic her pal, which is probably why she was rolling around on the floor just like a dog would do! In the end of the clip the pair are back beside their owner and they both look healthy, happy, and as cute as can be. It’s enough to brighten anyone’s day so check out this animal odd couple for an instant smile!

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