I Never Knew They Did THIS! The Super Slow Motion Video Reveals Something Fascinating About Dogs!

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Have you ever thought about how animals drink water, specifically dogs?  They certainly don’t pour it into a cup and gulp it down like many humans do.  It looks like they simply lap it up with their tongues and that’s about it. 

Man’s best friend is not the most elegant drinker either, they often make a mess and send water flying everywhere.  Between that and how fast they down water, it’s impossible to tell what’s really going on when a dog takes a drink.  

That’s where science and high tech video equipment come into play.  Researchers from Virginia Tech wanted to see exactly how a dog drinks and so they decided to slow down the process a lot.  With a special high speed camera, they recorded a bunch of thirsty dogs drinking from water bowls at 1,000 frames per second. 

They presented their findings at a summit on fluid dynamics and what they discovered puts the whole process, and the mess dogs make when they drink, into perspective. 

First, they observed the dogs slamming their tongues deep into the water.  They would then curve their tongues into a backwards facing ladle shape that worked to essentially pull up some water.  After that they would rip their tongues back towards their mouths crazy fast, so fast that researchers said the acceleration amounted to about five times that of gravity! 

This caused a column of water to be suspended in the air and the dogs would basically bite down and catch it.  Multiply that action by 100 and the dog ends up with a nice little drink of water. It all makes much more sense when you see it in action. 

The accompanying video of an Alsatian dog drinking water from a bowl has been slowed down so that we can see every movement described above.  As it turns out, how a dog drinks is not as simple as you probably assumed and the mess they make is because they’re slamming water and catching it!

Watch The Video Below and Enjoy! 🙂

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THIS Tiny Hummingbird Lands On This Big Dog Then The UNTHINKABLE Occurs!

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It’s been said that “what goes around comes around” and for one dog and his best friend, a tiny hummingbird, that age old expression has never been truer. Life started out pretty rough for the unlikely pair and both had to overcome dire situations before they could get to the happy stage they are at now.

It was just last year that Rex was a feral dog living a rough and tumble life in Los Angeles California. Without a home or friend to call his own, the tough street smart dog’s destiny changed forever when he was picked up and rescued. Soon afterwards he was adopted by his current owner, Ed Gernon, and welcomed warmly into his home.

Rex adjusted well to his new living situation, transforming from dangerous and unpredictable into a much calmer and tamer type of dog. Then one day when Rex and Ed were out for a walk they noticed a little hummingbird on the ground.

It was covered in ants and at first glance it appeared to be dead. On a local news station report, CBS LA, Ed recalled that “It was this little creature, this fragile creature that the whole world wanted to kill and (Rex) was trying to protect her, so I thought I’d go the distance.”

He took the half dead bird home and lovingly began the process of nursing her back to health. Under the close supervision of a very interested and concerned Rex he hand-fed the poor baby every 15 minutes homemade sugar syrup.

Before long the bird, now named Hummer, was strong enough to fly and go her own way. However, instead of leaving Rex and Ed, Hummer ended up staying and is now best friends with the dog who inspired her rescue.

The adorable pair now spend every moment of the day together enjoying each others company. On the YouTube video Ed posted of the two he wrote that Hummer “developed a total crush on Rex. Wherever he was, she wanted to be close by. She even started bathing in his water bowl, killing time while he ate before she’d start playing with him again. So strange, but amazing.”

That was over a year ago and today Hummer is still living with her new family. She’s unbelievably well-adjusted to her new domestic life, so much so that she lets Ed give her little kisses! In true karmic fashion, the good deeds have come full circle in this story.

Ed summed it up best when he said “I rescue this dog, he rescues the bird, the bird rescues all of us in a weird sense, and it’s just a miracle.”

Check out the videos to see the beautiful bird and happy family interacting and to hear more of their awesome story!

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He Films His Dog Digging At The Beach. When He Lifts Up His Head He Reveals THIS Surprise!

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A day at the beach is best enjoyed by laying in the sun, jumping in the ocean to cool off and swim in the waves, and digging in the sand! Of course, it’s always better when you have a few friends with you to play with, but even if you don’t you can always meet some new ones at the shore.

At least that’s one dog’s easy going approach to beach life and she sure makes the most of it! While there are lots of smart puppies out there in the world, this one is named Sheila. She’s gentle, sweet, energetic, and loves to make new friends on the fly.

One day she was out enjoying a walk down on Guanico Beach in Panama when she decided to suddenly rustle up a new play partner. It was quite easy for her and all she had to do was bury her nose in the sand, dig a hole, and out popped a little crab!

As you can see from the clip, Sheila was absolutely delighted to see her new friend, but the angry little crustacean was not so pleased about being disturbed. The crab darted around aggressively while throwing up its pincers for protection.

Despite all of his posturing, the cute little crab had nothing to worry about because Sheila was extra gentle while interacting with him. She took care to not step on him and while she snapped at it, she never truly went in for a bite, it was all done in fun.

After chasing and bouncing around on the beach with her new friend, the crab finally had enough and put an end to it. All he had to do was stay very still and soon enough Sheila’s attention shifted elsewhere and she lost interest.

All’s well that ends well and no crabs were harmed during the making of this video.

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Mom With Her Spoiled Child Hits This Lady’s Service Dog So She Teaches Em’ a Lesson They Will Never Forget

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A dog is probably the only creature on earth who is going to care more about you than you care about yourself. Their selfless devotion over thousands of years of domestication has made them the most popular pet in America and for good reason. There is pretty much the perfect dog out there for just about everyone. Whether you want a small dog for city living, a family dog if you have children, a guard dog for protection or you just want a best bud to hang out with everyday… the skies the limit!

These faithful companions come in all shapes and sizes and it’s really just a matter of finding that good pup that matches your personality perfectly.

Over the years service dogs have begun to really gain in popularity. The initial service dogs first showed up in 1929 when the first Seeing-Eye-Dog Training School opened up in Morristown, New Jersey. These dogs were trained to be the eyes and guides for blind people all across the country.

After they went through extensive training they would be matched with a person who was either born blind or had lost their vision at some point during their life. For many years this Seeing-Eye-Dog school in New Jersey was the only service dog training school in America.

In 1960, service dogs began to extend from only assisting the blind to other handicapped people who would benefit from these dogs skill sets. As the years progressed more and more disabled people began utilizing these amazing animals to make their lives much easier.  So many people were starting to gain huge benefits from these wonderful canines as the training techniques developed and evolved.

In the 1980’s people with disabilities and their service dogs gained more and more rights as federal laws were put in place to improve the lives of disabled people. The Air Carrier Access Act in 1986, followed by the Fair Housing Amendments Act in 1988 and finally in 1990 the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law. These 3 federal law/acts improved quality of life of handicapped people and in turn their service dogs as well.

Many people tend to confuse ‘service dogs’ with ‘therapy dogs’ however there is a big difference between the two types of canines. As mentioned above, service dogs are used to help handicapped people specifically with whatever their specific handicap might be. They also usually only have one person who they are dedicated to.

On the other hand, therapy dogs are used for emotional and psychological support for people who are going through different situations. Most of the time these pups are sent to schools, nursing homes, hospitals and hospice facilities.

Much like service dogs therapy dogs go through intensive training and a lot of times they are trained to give emotional and mental support to multiple people as opposed to just one human. When they are sent out into the field a lot of times they are accompanied by their handler.

In 1976 a woman named Elaine Smith was really the person responsible for the entire therapy dog movement. Through her specific training techniques and studies she found that these therapy dogs not only gave mental and emotional support but in turn also provided physiological benefits to their humans. Some physiological benefits include lower the blood pressure, giving stress relief, giving an increased overall sense of well being and helping patients overcome different psychological disorders.

Then in 1982 a woman by the name of Nancy Stanley took the concept of a therapy dog and evolved it even further. She opened the Tender Loving Zoo, where she researched the effects that therapy dogs had on disabled adults and children.

As time went on, other animals were brought into the fold under the umbrella of ‘animal-assisted therapy’. This extended to animals such as birds, cats, horses, llamas and in some cases even rats.

They can help the healing of people suffering PTSD, severe anxiety, trauma, alleviate pain post-surgery and research has begun to suggest that therapy dogs increase the feel good hormones in the people they help.

Increases in oxytocin and dopamine have been noted making them almost like anti-depressants without the side effects! Also it has been shown that over cortisol levels (the stress hormone) have in some cases been drastically reduced.

Now that we have thoroughly gone over the history and differences of service and therapy dogs let’s get into today’s story featuring a woman named Lauren Yeo who suffers from a rare disorder that causes her blood pressure to rise randomly, which then leads to her passing out unconscious without warning. Luckily for Laura, she has her faithful companion and service dog Polly who can actually anticipate when her blood pressure is rising to dangerous levels and get her to a safe place before she passes out unconscious without warning.

One afternoon Laura and Polly went to Walmart to run some errands and do a little shopping. Like almost all service dogs Polly wears a vest that clearly labels her as a service dog so that people understand they can’t just run up and pet the dog while it’s working. This tends to be a huge problem for people with service dogs, because people’s first instinct when they see an adorable dog is to run up to the pup and pet it. However, with a service dog this can be very dangerous and it’s important that we raise awareness about this and let people know not to disturb a service dog while they are on duty!

So Laura and Polly were in aisle and she heard a mom and her 3 kids talking about the dog that was down the aisle. She knew this could be trouble because she had been in this position before and usually she tries to avoid this situation at all costs and find a quick exit strategy. Unfortunately Laura and Polly were trapped in an aisle with carts on both sides and the mother and her kids were coming towards her rapidly. She was embracing for impact as she could see the kids were already reaching out their hands and yelling doggy.

Then she tried to get as far to the aisle as she could in order to make the most amount of space as the kids passed by. Then things went from bad to worse…. One of the kids instead of the usual reaching out and petting the dog he actually reached his hand up and smacked the dog! This is when the story takes a turn that Laura never could’ve even imagined….

Watch the video below for the full story:

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Nobody Believed Her When She Described Her Dog’s Morning Ritual So She Got A Camera and Caught THIS

Puppy English Bulldogs are one of the cutest things on planet earth. Their short little legs and adorable wrinkly faces are enough to put a smile on anyone’s face. Add a puppy hoody to the equation and the cuteness levels skyrocket off the charts.

Meet Sophie The very unique English Bulldog pup.  Her human Katheryn Miller noticed that she had a very strange morning ritual. Katheryn takes her to her favorite spot and she does something I’ve never seen a dog do before. Let’s just say gravity is Sophie’s new favorite thing.

I had to watch this twice because it’s just too good. Have you ever seen a dog roll down a hill like a little kid? This is totally a first for me and it was so enjoyable!

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Mommy Tells Giant Great Dane To Get Out Of Bed But He Proceeds To Throw a Silent Hissy Fit Instead

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Oftentimes our four legged friends are by our sides when we wake up in the morning. Some are eager to start the day off and get in a morning walk while others are there to kindly ask for a tasty treat. Then there are those animals who are less enthusiastic about the prospect of leaving their perfect, cozy, warm beds. If they had a choice they would much rather stay in bed than get up or go outside. The following video features a huge goofy white and black spotted Great Dane who just does not want to get up at all. His mama tries almost every trick in the book to get the big guy out of bed. However, the big guy won’t budge and doesn’t want to partake in mom’s plan and schedule for the day…

The giant puppy, named Reeza, is clearly in no mood for a morning walk and would rather stay put on his well cushioned couch bed. Reeza only wants to snuggle further into the couch, before he finally lets out a big yawn and sits upright on his hind quarters, but then he lays back down to try and get a little more shut eye. In the background his owner pleads, to no avail, for him to start moving and get out of bed.

She even threatens to dump him out of his spot but he could care less. When she moves in closer to him he fakes another try at getting up and for a brief moment it looks like he’s about to jump out of bed. However, he has second thoughts and goes back down on his belly for more blissful rest. At a point near the end of the video Reeza begins to see that there won’t be anymore peaceful time for relaxing as his owner keeps up her urging and renews the threats to pull him out of bed. After a few snuffles, wide yawns, and mushing his face into the cushions he makes a few more false starts before he finally gets up on all fours legs and leaves his bed.

I know all too well how this tired puppy feels. Sometimes you just want to sleep in and when someone is trying to get you out of bed all you can think is ‘go away and leave me alone.’ We have all felt like Reeza at some point in our lives and had moments where getting out of bed is the last thing we want to do.

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