Pitbull Was Pregnant But Refused To Birth Her Litter! The Vet Was Stunned When He Saw THIS On Her Ultrasound!

image via – youtube.com

Rescuing and fostering animals isn’t easy, but for one couple it’s truly a labor of love.  Over the years Chris and Mariesa have opened their hearts and home to many dogs in need. They believe that their shared passion has only made them grow closer together and since there’s always animals who need rescuing, they take in new dogs whenever they can.  

The couple had seen that a pregnant pit bull named Storie was up for adoption at a local animal shelter and they immediately knew that they had to rescue her.  Shelters are incredibly stressful environments for animals with all the strange smells, noises, people and other animals around. For a pregnant dog the stress is amplified and that can mean bad news for both mom and her puppies.  Chris and Mariesa knew they had to take Storie in and they headed straight to the shelter to pick her up.

When they got their they talked to shelter employees who told them that Storie should have given birth already and that perhaps she hadn’t because she was stressed.  The couple brought the heavily pregnant dog straight to the vet to have her checked and that’s when they discovered something shocking. An ultrasound revealed that Storie was carrying 12 puppies!  

They were amazed and then the realization set in that they’d have to care for all the newborns and mother, so they got right down to business.  They set up a cozy place for Storie to give birth out of a kiddie pool filled with blankets in a kennel outside their house and the heavily pregnant dog settled right in.  

Thinking that they still had a couple of days to go before their new dog went into labor, the couple were shocked when just 12 hours after she went home with them, she gave birth to her first puppy.  Storie had gone into labor because she finally felt safe and comfortable enough! Incredibly, all 12 puppies were born healthy soon afterwards and within 18 hours of being in their new home.  

Chris and Mariesa were overjoyed that they’d been able to help Storie but now they had 13 new dogs to care for on top of the other ones they already had.  It wasn’t before long that the puppies became a handful, they loved to play, run around the house, and fight with each other. Each one had its own personality and quirks which made it easy to tell them apart and name them.  Even though they loved all they puppies, they knew that everyone would be better off in new homes.

Thankfully, Pibbles and More Animal Rescue helped them find forever homes for all twelve puppies.  People had heard about Storie and her babies and interest was high, the rescue group received numerous adoption applications.  Even Storie ended up getting a new forever home with Chris and Mariesa’s friend who offered to take her in.

It ended up working out for the best because the couple still get to visit and see her all the time, while being able to help other dogs since the space is freed up.  It’s amazing what a little love and understanding can do, and for one pit bull and her 12 puppies, it made all the difference in the world.

Watch the video below for the full story:

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Nobody Believed Her When She Described Her Dog’s Creepy Daily Ritual. So She Caught THIS Scary Video!

image via – youtube.com

Dogs are known as man’s best friend for a number of different reasons but the main one comes down to the unwavering love and loyalty they have for their closest human companions. The special bond between man and dog is the only one of its type that exists in nature. Many a dog wouldn’t hesitate to go above and beyond for a person they love and the innumerable accounts throughout history of dogs sacrificing their lives to save that of their owner backs that assertion up.

There are some dogs who re so attached to their owners that they can’t even let the person out of their sight. That’s exactly how Cyrus, a two year old Bullmastiff living in Perth, Australia, acts. His owner, Lauren Birney, says that no matter what she’s doing or where she may be, Cyrus is always close by keeping a watchful eye on her.

He follows her from room to room around the house, even if she’s in the shower he’s right there, and he tries to hide when he’s observing her. Cyrus likes to follow her around so much that it borders on stalking and that’s why he’s earned himself the title of ‘convicted creeper!’

When the large dog goes creeping, it’s pretty hard for him to hide and blend in. Cyrus’s hilarious attempts at being clandestine can be seen in this video compilation of pictures Lauren has taken of his antics. He looks like such a big-hearted teddy bear and is one handsome and adorable boy!

Cyrus is also a good Samaritan and every four months he donates blood to help save other dogs in need. Lauren takes him to the donation clinic at Western Australia Veterinary Emergency and Specialty (WAVES) three times a year and feeds him tasty bits of chicken when he’s donating to help keep him calm and happy.

With a sweet and caring owner like that it’s easy to see why Cyrus loves her so much, and it’s no wonder why he turned out the same!

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This Little Pup Climbs Up The Slide For The First Time. Now Watch When Her Big Sister Does THIS

Kids love going to the playground and so do their parents. They can run wild, explore the different play things, and get all their pent up energy out. It’s a great way to spend part of the day while having fun and staying active. Parent’s can sit back and relax while their kids play close by and it creates lots of happy memories.

Do you remember your first time at a playground? If not, just think about how confusing and daunting the whole set up and different features would be. When you’re young, and things in life are completely new to you, the experience would be a lot to take in all at once.

Think about how odd and perplexing the swings, slides, tunnels, monkey bars, climbing nets and whatever else there is on a playground would seem without knowing more about them. If you don’t know what they are or how to use them, you’d likely be miffed by it all.

Only when a friend, parent, or someone else shows you the way are you fully able to understand and grasp how fun and delightful a playground is meant to be!

That is exactly how a young Golden Retriever felt on her first trip to the playground with her human companion and older sister, a fellow Golden Retriever named Lil. Lil loves going down the slide and went straight for it once they got there.

Her little sister was less certain about the whole thing and hesitated to put her body in the plastic tunnel. So Lil demonstrated the proper technique and waited patiently at the bottom for the puppy to slide down to her. However, the youngster needed more time to sniff around and still couldn’t muster up the courage, so her human friend rode the slide down and again showed her how to do it.


The puppy got into the opening and looked down at the two below, and that’s when Lil grabbed the leash that was dangling down the slide with her teeth. She gave it a gentle tug and with that the puppy came sailing down the slide. She landed on her feet and sported a huge puppy grin that said it all; she loved it!

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Mom Tells Her Dog He Can’t Have Gravy On His Food. So He Decides To Throw a Hysterical Temper Tantrum.

image via : facebook.com

Anyone who has ever owned a dog knows what an event their pup’s dinner can be. As soon as one of these adorable fur babies realizes that it’s almost feeding time they tend to get super excited. They may begin to bark playfully at their human wagging their tale so hard that their entire body will sway from side to side. Sometimes, if they sense their tasty supper is not coming exactly on time they can throw a hissy fit or temper tantrum to help remind their human remember to fill that bowl now, or else….Most of the time you don’t want to know what the ‘or else’ leads to because they may just find your brand new pair of shoes and decide to eat them instead!

A lot of canines have unique and different quirks when it comes to food. Some will eat just about anything on Gods green earth, while others can be super picky and will only eat the specific foods they love. Some of these picky pups will even refuse to eat, even if it’s their favorite food but it isn’t prepared exactly to their liking. There’s a good chance if you ever had a dog or have on presently they fall into one of these categories…

This brings us to today’s hilarious video which features a pup named Gregory and his mama who is known as ‘Aunt Boo’ from Raleigh, North Carolina. From what we can gather from the video, it seems as if Aunt Boo’s special southern gravy recipe is just out of this world delicious! Her hilarious fur baby Gregory has obviously had a taste or two of Aunt Boo’s famous southern gravy and is clearly fixing to get his paws on some in order to make his less tasty dry dinner complete!

From the sound of it, Aunt Boo recently has been spoiling her son quite a bit lately while she tells him, “No, you can’t have gravy every time!” Gregory however isn’t going to go down without a fight as he vehimently refuses to eat his less palatable dry food. He begins by first barking at his mama which at first sounds like a nice deep bark, but quickly devolves into one can only be described as a hilarious pathetic whimper. Just like a child who stomps their feet when they don’t get their way, Gregory stomps his paws, jumps side to side and eventually begins rolling on his back while vocalizing a hilarious hissy fit.

Aunt Boo holds her ground just like any responsible mother would do if their child is throwing a ridiculous hissy fit just because they aren’t getting what they want, when they want it! She tries to explain to the spoiled fur baby, that under no circumstances is her famous gravy going anywhere near his food dish on this evening. Then she goes on to hilariously tell him that if he’s so ridiculously hungry, flopping around like a fish out of water and throwing a temper tantrum is not going to fill his belly! It’s hard to tell if Gregory understands this logic because the hissy fit persists and neither party will back down!

The whole ordeal is just too funny and by the end, Aunt Boo struggles to remain stern with him because let’s face it, this pup is not only adorable but his quirky personality is just freakin’ hilarious. Gregory might just be my new favorite internet dog superstar and I can’t wait to watch more videos of Gregory and Aunt Boo bickering back in forth like an old marry couple. This totally made my day and legit I had to watch the short clip multiples because I just couldn’t get enough of this dynamic duo..

Watch the video below and enjoy (note if video doesn’t play automatically on your phone or tablet turn the device horizontal):

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Dog Looks Out The Window And Sees a Fox Playing With His Toy. He Proceeds To Throw a Funny Tantrum.

image via : facebook.com

Foxes are often depicted as crafty, cunning little animals that sneak around. In books and literature they’re always raiding hen houses and getting into trouble, but in real life they’re not as shifty or mischievous as they’re made out to be. Think about it, they can be found all over the world and yet as soon as you catch a glimpse of one, they dash off quickly and vanish out of sight. At least that’s how a fox sighting usually goes. However, not all foxes are so sly and mysterious. Many foxes are just like dogs and cats in that they love to let loose and have fun!

That’s exactly what this cute one likes to do. The red fox was caught on camera playing with a doggy toy by Ardes Gayangos Ng who lives up in Yukon, Canada. Ardes shares her home with Lupe Johnson, the sweet little Chiweenie dog in the clip who’s not a fan of the fox! (Chiweenie = a mix of Chihuahua and Dachshund).

Poor Lupe can only look on helplessly as the wild fox has the time of its life playing around with a toy she left out in the yard. This may be the first real toy the red fox has ever come across and its clearly gotten him all riled up. He rolls around in the grass and tosses the toy high in the air before leaping up and pursuing after it. He plays better with toys than most dogs and cats do.

All this wild tumbling and bouncing around does not sit well with little Lupe. She sits in the window staring out at the scene, watching as her toy gets chased around the yard by some other animal. Lupe is either jealous or she’s eager to play along with the fox. She barks and growls while intently following the action that’s unfolding outside. While several comments on the video suggest she was angry, others are more sympathetic to the dog’s plight and thought that the fox was trying to tease her!

Regardless of what the fox’s intent or the hound’s true feelings may have been, the moment is definitely a sight you have to see. The red fox is showing a very special, rarely seen side of his nature, one that people never ever get to witness. He looks so happy and at ease in the grassy yard, not to mention the way he plays around with the toy is hilarious!

Enjoy the video below!

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Watch As Cop Makes This Lady Sit In Her Hot Car After She Locks Her Dog In It!

Talk about the punishment fitting the crime!  There is nothing more powerful to bring about change in a person’s attitude or behavior, than to have them walk in someone else’s shoes.  In this case, a woman from Ohio left her dog, that she supposedly loves, in a boiling hot car while she ran errands!

We have all been warned endlessly about the dangers of leaving pets in hot cars, as heat exhaustion and resulting dehydration can come on quickly, leading to death!  Yet we still see this going on in parking lots across the country. By law, the police are allowed to break car windows to save a dog or any animal or human in distress.

In this case, the officer made the woman walk in her dog’s shoes, by making her sit in the intolerably hot car, that she felt was perfectly okay for her dog.  He had her stay in it until she was quite uncomfortable, but not harmed.  The woman was eventually let out of the car. She was physically distressed and quite embarrassed. Imagine if she had winter clothing on that would approximated the heat generated by the dog’s fur?

Hopefully this experience will keep her from ever doing something so inhumane again.  Her distress would have been a lot worse had she found her dog deceased.  People really need to understand that this is not just irresponsible  behavior, but potentially tragic!

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