This Woman Takes Out Her Puppy Carrier Case. The English Bulldog’s Reaction Is Priceless!
According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), a Bulldog’s disposition should be “equable and kind, resolute, and courageous (not vicious or aggressive), and demeanor should be pacific and dignified. These attributes should be countenanced by the expression and behavior”.
Breeders have worked to reduce/remove aggression from these dogs. Most have a friendly, patient nature. Bulldogs are recognized as excellent family pets because of their tendency to form strong bonds with children.
Generally, Bulldogs are known for getting along well with children, other dogs, and pets. They can become so attached to home and family, that they will not venture out of the yard without a human companion. They are also more likely to sleep on someone’s lap than chase a ball around the yard. Source: Wikipedia
Meet the cutest English Bulldog puppy Lola. Lola was having trouble keeping up with the other dog on their long walks in the park, so she decided that being carried was a better way for her to get around. Every time Lola’s human pulls out the carrier case she knows just what to do. This video totally made my day. Enjoy! 🙂
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This Naughty Dog Thought No One Was Watching. Hidden Cameras Caught Him Doing THIS!
Who let the dogs out?!?! That was the question everyone was asking at the Battersea Dogs & Cats Home in London, England. Several times the staff had returned in the morning to the sight of open kennel doors and dogs roaming freely around. They had somehow gotten out overnight and raided the kitchen for all the food they could find.
At first the staff thought it was because of human error and that cages weren’t being properly locked. However, it kept happening even after new measures to prevent it were put in place. They had a real mystery on their hands.
Which is why they decided to get high tech and installed a few security cameras around the premises. One was placed strategically looking down the hall at all the kennels, another in the kitchen, and the third in a specific dogs cage; AKA Red, a lurcher dog.
The first couple of nights saw no action but on the third evening cameras caught Red breaking out of his cage by unlocking it with his mouth. He then was seen on the hall camera going strait to the kitchen. The camera there showed him stuffing his face with tasty dog food before returning to the kennel area. Which is where Red gets caught red-handed, or red-pawed, methodically going around and unlocking his friends cages and letting all the dogs out!
The crafty dog and his pals had a raucous overnight party and it was all caught on camera. Red and friends ran wild around the whole place and scarfed up all the food in the kitchen. He even broke his girlfriend out and brought her back to his kennel to snuggle up with.
Having solved the mystery staff decided to double lock the kennel doors. It has worked so far, as no more escaped dogs have thrown any parties since. And what happened to that clever dog Red? He was happily adopted two weeks later and went to his forever home!
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At First It Looked Like He Was Just Walking His Dog. When I Looked Closer It Tore My Heart Up!
Craig Mosher wakes up every day bright and early to go on a quarter mile walk with his best friend in the world, a gentle and loving pit bull, named Loois. For them, the daily walks are not just an opportunity to get fresh air and exercise, but also part of a vital routine Craig has devised to keep his beloved pet happy and healthy.
Loois is a paraplegic dog who lost the use of his hind legs after a 2004 surgery. He had been in pain his whole life leading up to the operation because he had an extra vertebra that prevented his spinal cord from moving correctly.
During surgery to remove the extra bone it somehow broke and the doctor accidentally touched his spinal cord which ended up paralyzing him. Craig was determined to not let this sad turn of events negatively impact him or Loois so he devoted himself to ensuring that his dog stays active, healthy and moving around.
To keep Loois in tip top condition Craig takes him for walks everyday using a special harness that supports the dog’s rear legs. With Craig holding the harness up beside him, Loois is able to walk forwards on his front legs. The walks are all about the dog and Craig says that Loois really walks him and that they both love it.
Afterward, they head to the garage to play baseball. Loois is hooked up to a tram his owner and a friend improvised and positioned so he is standing on all four legs, with the overhead hook helping to support him. Craig then squeezes a certain part of his tail which makes Loois go up and down.
The two do 80 repetitions of the exercise which helps keep the muscles working and toned. Once that is out of the way the pair move on to play a fun game of fetch. Craig throws tennis balls and Loois chases after them by pulling his rear-supported legs along the overhead tram. It is heartwarming and awesome to see that both are not letting any handicap limit the things they can do together.
Through it all the love and dedication shown in the video is mirrored by Craig’s tone of voice and attitude. He is positive and reassuring about Loois and clearly committed to doing whatever it takes to give his dog a long and happy life. These two are truly each others best friend and their story is an all around uplifting and memorable tale.
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She Tells Her Pup They Are Going To Grandma’s House. The Dog Throws a Hilarious Fit!
Remember how amazing it was when you were a kid, and your parents told you it was time to see grandma? I remember getting so happy and excited to go to my grandparents house. From getting fresh baked cookies, tasty cakes, and hearing the best stories from back in the day. It was just such a treat. Well as it turns out, dogs also love their grandmas.
When this adorable pup’s human, tells her pup they are going to see nana, the Dog has the most adorable reaction ever. I have a feeling that nana may be spoiling this pup just like she would with her human grandchildren.
According to this pup’s human Samantha Magowan, this is the reaction the dog has every time she mentions they are going to see grandma. Grandma definitely is giving this pup a few extra tasty treats every time he goes to her cozy house! This clip melted my heart. Does your dog enjoy going to see grandma?
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When He Missed His Mommy This Dog Called Her. What He Says Has Her Laughing Out Loud!
If you are really missing someone oftentimes you pick up the phone and give them a ring to check in on how things are. It feels good and can be reassuring to just hear their voice on the line. When one man’s dog, an Airedale Terrier named Stanley, was missing his mother, he had his human place a call to her.
When Stanley’s mom picks up he begins to talk to her as if he were just a regular caller. While we don’t yet have dog-human translation abilities, it really seems like he is telling her how he misses her. His dog tone and mannerisms suggest just as much. He leans towards her voice and responds to her questions. At one point Stanley even out-talks her, chattering away nonchalantly. Both his parents are thrilled with his eager responses and lively engage with him throughout the call.
According to Stanley’s owner, he has always been very verbal. He sings on cue when asked and will respond to questions. If he hears his owner make animal noises, such as a howl, he will try to imitate the sound and even the pitch. All the friends and neighbors who know Stanley find it easy to love him and this video shows why he is so cherished.
As a breed Airedale Terriers are clever, graceful and well tempered dogs. They commonly develop strong bonds with their masters and make excellent loyal companions. They are valued and known for being highly intelligent and strong willed. Perhaps now they will also be known for their vocal abilities!
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Woman Finds Her Glasses Chewed To Pieces. When She Confronts Her Pup I Can’t Stop Smiling!
Dogs love to chew on all sorts of things. Some love nothing more than to get their mouths on a smelly old shoe, or a new shoe, or a shoe they dragged into the yard and found who knows where. Others prefer a tennis ball or chew toy. In fact, nothing is truly off limits when it comes to what a dog will gnaw on.
Chewing is a normal canine behavior. Puppies oftentimes chew to explore things or to ease pain caused by incoming teeth. Older dogs do it to clean their teeth and maintain jaw strength. It helps to relieve anxiety, fears and frustrations some dogs go through. For others it is a way to stave off boredom and keep busy.
One woman knows this all too well. A video uploaded to YouTube shows Stephanie Lynn confronting her dog, Rooney, over a pair of what used to be glasses. She holds them out in front of the camera and explains she thought she had misplaced them but on a hunch checked around and found them in the garden.
They had been eaten away at and completely destroyed. After calling her dogs over she asks who did it. One of them, Rooney, immediately acts suspicious and ducks his head while looking up at the camera to make sad puppy eyes. He knows he has been caught and called out for his misdeed.
To atone for his guilt Rooney walks over to his kennel and effectively puts himself in time out. He seems to know that this situation is best handled by removal of himself from it. Out of sight, out of mind. If he is tucked away where he feels safe then this whole mess shall just go away. His reaction is so adorable that even Stephanie seems likely to have forgiven him.
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