They Feed Their Pups In Opposite Corners But Watch What The Adopted One On The Left Does!

Little Bonnie, a Chihuahua, was luckily rescued by Jeannine who adopted her from the Sato Rescue Organization.  So much good can be done and lives saved when people make it their business to care about animals that are homeless. Often adopted dogs can be skittish and be fearful of abandonment and being treated badly.

One can only hope that whatever damage has been done can be remedied with time, after entering their “forever homes”.  This video shows that not only was Bonnie happy to be in her new family, but she showed moxie and dexterity that was incredible. Bonnie had joined not only a family of humans but a fellow canine.

Thinking it was best to place their dog dishes at opposites sides of the kitchen, Bonnie proved otherwise.  This delightful video shows her taking two bites of her food, pausing, and then swiftly picking up her dish with her mouth and backing up to where she could join her new buddy.  She was determined to never eat alone again.  Enjoy this adorable video and watch Bonnie do her thing and never drop a morsel of food!

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No One Believed Her When She Told Them About Her Dog’s Laundry Room Ritual. So She Caught THIS

Let’s be honest, some of the least exciting work that must be done around the house is chores, especially laundry.  Some people will do anything to avoid dealing with the inevitable build up of dirty clothes, even waiting until they’re down to the last clean pair of underwear.  In this day and age there are numerous available products designed to automatically clean various things.  Showers and bathtubs can be made spic and span after each use by disinfectant misted on via an automatic sensor.

Dirty floors can be vacuumed spotless with the help of robotic gadgets, like the Roomba.  And now, one ingenious dog owner has found a way to get laundry done with the least amount of effort possible.  Man’s best friend has been trained to assist with the task, taking it from menial to exciting!

Baron, a clever German Shepherd, was taught all the skills needed for loading clothes into a washing machine.  Footage shows him reaching into a basket and picking up articles of clothing with his teeth.  He the gets up on his hind legs and places his front paws on the washer to steady himself before dropping the clothing into the machine.  Baron happily repeats the process until the basket is empty and all the clothes are in.  All the while he wears a big puppy smile and seems to take pride in his work.

The intelligent dog has been professionally trained, at the Hill Country K9 school in California, to do a number of other tricks and chores.  Notably, he has also been delegated the task of loading the dishwasher.  After his owner rinses the dishes he grabs one from the sink with his teeth, transfers it to the washer, and expertly loads them all in.

Another job Baron excels at is being a personal trainer.  Videos show him performing lunges, step aerobics and even canine style push ups alongside his owner.  It seems like there is no limit to this dog’s abilities and it feels good seeing him so happy to be working.  Check out the video to witness his skills in action.  It may just inspire you to train your dog to help with the housework!

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Video: No One Believed Him When He Told Them About His Dog’s Nightly Ritual So He Recorded This

Alaskan Malamutes are very fond of people, a trait that makes them particularly sought-after family dogs, but unreliable watchdogs. Malamutes are nimble around furniture and smaller items, making them ideal house dogs, provided they get plenty of time outdoors meeting their considerable exercise requirements. If they are year-round outdoor dogs, letting them play in a baby pool filled with cold water in summer keeps them cool. In the winter, they love snow.

Malamutes are usually quiet dogs, seldom barking.  When a Malamute does vocalize, it often appears to be “talking” by vocalizing a “woo woo” sound. It may howl like a wolf or coyote, and for the same reason.  These dogs are so big and beautiful and have such a good relationship with their humans! Source: Wikipedia

The guy in this video described his adorable Malamutes nightly ritual to his friends but no one believed him.  So he set up a camera and captured this.  Dogs are truly man’s best friend and this video further proves it.  This video just warms my heart and makes me smile.  It totally made my day. Does your dog give you hugs?

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Video: Woman Asks Her Pup Not To Bark So Loud. What He Does Next Is ADORABLE!

Overall, many pet owners love to talk to their animal companions as if they were fellow humans. Whether it is in a regular tone or as baby talk, everyone has chatted with their furry pals at some point in time. It is a natural, normal and perhaps instinctual way to communicate and bond with them.

Sometimes our pets will even initiate conversations or talk back to us. In fact, around 67% of pet owners claim they understand their animals barks, meows, purrs and all the other sounds that they make. Of those surveyed, 62% say that when they speak their animals seem to understand them and get the message. These numbers are from a 2008 AP-Petside poll and are likely to have increased since then, as pets are more and more considered important family members, in particular as children.

In this hilarious clip below a woman asks her dog not to bark so loud.  His response is absolutely adorable.  He really knows how to use his doggy inside voice! Just wait till a little bit past the 1 minute mark and it will totally make your day! I had to watch this over and over! It’s the best video I’ve seen all week!

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Video: Newborn Pitbull Puppy Was About To Die. But Then This Cat Did Something Unbelievable!

A one day old puppy was found abandoned, fly covered, and all alone in a garage. With no mother around and no time to spare the baby pit bull mix was brought to the Animal Protective League Shelter in Cleveland, Ohio. Upon the little black and white puppies arrival an assembled team treating him had to quickly determine what his best options for recovery were. They decided to try and place him with a stray cat who had just given birth two days earlier at the shelter. The two were carefully introduced and almost immediately the mama cat sniffed and nuzzled the tiny dog. Her affection and acceptance were clear and from then on the puppy had a new mother.

The video clip here shows the happy part of this incredible story. Noland, the puppy, and his feline mother, Lurlene, can be seen snuggling together along with the other four now-sibling-kittens. They look so warm and cozy all curled up in one big fur ball. It is a touching testament to the love and affection that a mother has for her babies and for ones she adopts. The maternal instinct seems to know no boundaries for this mama cat. She lovingly took in a puppy right beside her own kittens, watching over and nurturing them all.

The cutest part of the video is when the foster mother/volunteer is feeding Noland and Lurlene is right by her side watching over her new son. She looks so concerned about him and like she wants to be part of the additional feeding that the growing puppy needs. When she licks and paws at him while he is in the lap of the volunteer it seems like she is saying to her new baby ‘I’m right here, don’t worry.’ It melted my heart to see that!

Update to this story: Noland’s mother was found chained, emaciated and too scared to care for her puppy and the owner was convicted of animal neglect. Noland thrived and stayed with his new cat family in a foster home until he was too big whereupon he was placed with puppy litter. All the cats and dogs were eventually adopted, even Noland’s mother. The story got the shelter national attention and won them a Petco Foundation Grant worth $25,000. All this because one mother cat’s love for a puppy in need.

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Video: Dog Licks A Lemon For The First Time. He Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Fit!

When life hands you lemons make lemonade. So the saying goes- turn a negative situation into a positive one and make the best with what life throws your way. That common phrase works fine and dandy in theory, but in an alternative sense of it, what if you hand your dog a lemon? Dogs can’t make lemonade. Heck, most dogs don’t even know what a lemon is.

One golden retriever was recently introduced to the sour fruit and when he got a taste of it he was shocked. At first sight, he pranced around wagging his tail not sure of what to do with it. To a dog it must kind of resemble a tennis ball or play toy but picking it up by mouth would quickly prove otherwise. He carefully licks the lemon a few times and realizes this is no toy. The bitterness causes him to snuffle and sneeze as he jumps up and down surprised by the unpleasant taste. Not wanting any more of it he pushes it away and goes towards his human as if to say “we’re done here.”

While variety is the spice of life and it is good to try new things, I am sure this dog will not be partaking in any more lemon feasts. He came, he saw and he licked the tangy citrus, and now he knows what it tastes like. Dogs are often drawn to odd smells and are even known to roll around in disgusting things such as other animals poop. That is more appealing than rolling around in lemonade. Their behavior is bizarre to us humans but to them its just another dog day in the life. So if you hand a dog a lemon, this reaction and scene is likely what you will get.

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