They Ask Their Dog To Speak Multiple Languages. His Response Is PRICELESS!

There’s nothing cuter than a dog seemingly talking back to his humans, except a dog talking back in different languages?! It’s the ultimate in the “man’s best friend” scenario. The charm of the banter is just delightful. This trio is definitely one of a kind and more importantly they are internet gold. Get ready for one of the most entertaining videos I’ve seen all year!

In this video, Junior, a French bulldog rides along in the car cozily between his two owners who talk to him in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Their facial expressions as the dog talks back make for priceless “conversation”.

Enjoy this video of the comical trio riding along in the harmony of their international exchanges. It’s really clever and engaging. Some people just have that ability to find a creative edge to a scenario that just comes more alive with this twist.

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This Guy Claims His Dog Can Talk. When She Begins To Sing The Entire Audience Loses It

Meet Marc Metral and his talking dog Wendy.  These two hail all the way from Paris France.  When they first come out on stage, everyone seems pretty skeptical about this dog actually being able to speak. Marc insists this dog has a special talent and really can actually speak. The judges and the crowd obviously think he is full of it, but they are soon quite surprised!

Then the act begins, and somehow it seems as if this pup can actually speak!  Then the dog breaks into song and the entire place explodes.  All four judges are left with their mouths wide open, and they just can’t believe how impressive this act is.  Even the world’s toughest job revealed later on that he had to call his girlfriend and explain how amazing this dog is!

Marc the ventriloquist is world renowned for his skills and was even asked by Princess Diana to perform at Buckingham Palace back in 1988. Not only can Wendy talk and sing, she can also speak 7 languages.  This pup is quite impressive.  Enjoy!

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This Special Needs Dog Waited 6 Months For Her Dad To Return Home. Her Reaction Stuns Her Family!

Mikey, Jesse, and Emma were all in for a huge surprise.  Their father had been away on deployment for 6 long months and they had no idea when he was due back.  So when the airman unexpectedly walked through the front door they excitedly ran to greet him.  Tails wagged back and forth rapidly, faint whimpers could be heard and tears of dog joy flowed.  And one little girl, Emma, did something she had never before done, she greeted her dad at the door.

Emma was born with a severe birth defect that causes muscle and neurological problems known as Polyradiculitis.  It caused her to lose the use of her back legs and thus she relies on her 2 good front ones.  She’d been adopted by her new family and had grown really close to her new daddy before he had to leave.

Normally she sits and waits at the end of the entrance hall for her mom to pick her up when she arrives home.  But this time she is so excited and it is too much for her to wait so she goes to the door under her own strength to greet the man she missed so much.  It is the sweetest thing to see and, personally, it brought me to tears.

The American Bulldog and Pitbull mix had been adopted by Melissa Swanson and her husband 3 years ago (she was one years old in the video) from SNARR, a special needs animal rescue.  The organization agreed to let the Swanson’s keep Emma for the rest of her life, and yet still keep paying for her expensive and ongoing medical bills.

SNARR truly wants the best for their animals and by placing them in forever foster homes the animals can get the love and attention they deserve.  Best of all, for every single view of Emma’s video, SNARR receives money that they put towards helping pay the costs of her medicine and care!  Help them out by checking out their site and the work they do as well as by passing on the video.

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This Is One Of The Most Powerful Videos You Will Ever See Just Make Sure You Watch It To The End

This powerful short film about adoption and abandonment is so hard-hitting that it really deserves a warning about what irresponsibility and cruelty can do to living beings.  It is set to music, and is able to tell a story without any dialogue, that will stay with you forever. It tells the story of a very normal looking family who adopt an adorable little red-haired girl.

Over time she does “little girl” things like fighting with her older (not adopted) sister, spilling a drink, making messes, interrupting when parents are busy.  We watch the parents get angry and less inclusive of this little girl. She grows more remote and sad, and acts out more.  She has a stuffed doll whose insides she keeps pulling out.  The symbolism is evident.

What happens next is the father takes her for a ride, and just when you think he is about to give her the attention she so sorely needs, the “Gift” (as the film is named) takes a very dark turn.  It needs to be watched to the bitter end.  I must say that I was shocked and really moved by this beautiful little film that manages, without words, to say everything there needs to be said about the responsibility of adopting both children and animals.

We live in a society that has a throw-away mentality.  We have short attention spans, and often don’t have the patience nor the commitment to deal with life when it becomes difficult. This short film is truly a Gift that should be watched and watched again.

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Baby Was Too Young To Tell His Parents The Babysitter Was Hurting Him. So His Dog Decided To Do THIS

After moving, Benjamin and Hope Jordan needed to find a new babysitter for their baby boy Finn.  After doing a thorough background check they hired someone who had no negative history and felt that she would be a good fit. The babysitter was left to care for Finn and their dog Killian on a regular basis.  After about five months into her employment, the Jordans noticed Killian becoming very protective and growling whenever the babysitter would arrive.

They actually had to restrain the dog from becoming physically aggressive towards her, on several occasions.  As the dog’s defensive behavior increased, the Jordans became suspicious that something might be seriously wrong. Finn, being seven months old, couldn’t verbalize, and they felt that the dog was clearly alerting them.  They decided to leave an iPhone recording the audio, under the couch, while they were gone.

What you will hear on this video was alarming.  At first they heard her talking to the baby in a very angry and suspicious way, and then heard things getting physical as Finn’s crying escalated. They went straight to the police to report the what they heard.

This dog clearly was the hero of this tale, and thank goodness the Jordans didn’t ignore his behavior.  However, what could have happened to baby Finn, had they not owned a dog, could have had a far more devastating ending.  The babysitter was arrested and the boy was safe. It probably is a good idea to set up a “nanny cam” when you leave a child with any babysitter, to ensure the safety and well-being of the little ones who need our protection.  This video certainly provides a cautionary story.

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This Little Dog Takes A Trip Everyday By Herself That Left Me In Tears.

It is often said that “dogs are man’s best friend”.  What you are about to see will assure you that dogs are both men’s and women’s best friends!  How does such a tiny little creature have the sensitivity, on its own, to be so caring and loving? Nala, the Teacup Poodle seems to be a gift from heaven for elderly residents at the Minnesota Lyngblomsten nursing home.

It all started when her owner, Doug Dawson, brought her to work one day when she was a tiny little pup.  As Doug was dispensing the residents’ medication, Nala was dispensing love. She had no training as a therapy animal, but instinctively knows that her presence and affection is doing more for these people than any medicine that can come out of a plastic container.

As Nala has grown she has learned to cruise the nursing home on her own. Not only does she scurry from room to room visiting her friends each day, but she rides the elevator by herself so that she can reach everyone! This totally made my day. If you need a smile and a good lift me up watch the video below to turn that frown upside down!

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