Nobody Believed Her When She Said What The Pups Do Everytime He Enters The Room. So She Caught THIS
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The sight of 16 energetic puppies pouring out of a doorway is likely the cutest thing you will see today. The herd of little Basenji doggies seen in this video is comprised of puppies from three different litters that were all born around the same time.
Each individual pup sports similarly colored brown or black markings set against a white fur coat, and all appear to have a white line down the center of their heads and noses. The big family gets along well and no puppy ever needs to worry about not having a playmate to romp around with!
The puppies were born and raised in Norway and live with Dag Christer Lie and his wife Liv, who own and run Kingwanas Kennel, which is Swahili for “Congo.” Their two sons, aged 4 and 6, also share the house with the puppy herd and can be seen in the video getting swarmed by the baby Basenjis.
The kids love to play with and among the dogs, and are definitely living every child’s dream of having a gang of puppies to run wild with. The family has an active passion for the breed and have been very involved in the Norwegian Basenji Club and Norwegian Kenel Klub over the years.
The breed’s origin can be traced back to Africa, around the Congo Basin, where they were kept mainly for hunting. They make excellent hunters due to their strong prey drive and are also extremely intelligent. Basenji’s have big personalities and are incredibly curious, attentive, smart and active.
They also love to groom themselves and keep their fur so clean that they rarely need to be bathed, like a cat. Best of all, they are nearly odorless, so you never have to worry about stinky dog smells if you own one. One of the most interesting traits about these dogs is that they don’t bark, hence their nickname the “barkless dog.”
Instead they make a wide range of other sounds, including a common yodel-like noise and deep growls. Some even produce hair raising screams that can scare the pants off a person. Then there are the other usual dog sounds that every dog seems to make such as whimpers, whines, and groans. Finally, they have adorable, cute as a button, furry, and lovable puppies, as evidenced by this video so check it out and enjoy!
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They Walked Outside and Saw A Puppy Who Escaped From A Dog Fighting Ring. What Follows Is INCREDIBLE
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A five month old pit bull puppy ended up in a rescue shelter after he was found wounded on a porch this past May. The punctures to his neck and face are thought to be from illegal dog fighting. Lovingly called Jax, the pup was in rough shape.
His head was swollen, eyes shut, with a big gash on his neck. Jax showed his appreciation for being taken in by loudly thumping his tail at the approach of a person, despite his painful state. Nightly visits to Jax revealed perseverance and recovery. His tail wagged a little longer, his eyes opened a little wider.
Jax began showing interest in play and even began to smile. The poor thing spent two weeks in emergency care before he was released to foster. The young lady who was the recipient of the porch pup thought he was going to die on the way to the hospital. She confessed being angry when she saw what had happened to him. She felt saddened and needed to help.
A victim of dog fighting, Jax was fully recovered after three weeks. He was allowed to go to his self appointed home by the magic of Grace. This heart breaking story serves to send the message that dog fighting is detrimental.
If you suspect this sort of animal treatment anywhere, it should be reported immediately to your local authorities. Don’t let animal abuse go without penalization! There are animals everywhere suffering and you can save them.
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They Strapped A Camera Onto THIS Stray Dog’s Collar. What It Caught Tore My Heart Up!
This is a heart wrenching video taped by a go pro camera that was strapped to a dog’s neck in Mumbai, India. It shows an abridged version of a day in the life of a stray in the populated city. The dog frantically wanders the streets in search of nourishment and shelter, but instead he encountered numerous assaults.
More than once people dump water on the dog, they hit and kick it, push it around, honk at it, and other dogs attack it. It even appears as though the dog was hit by a van at the end of the video. From a pet-loving standpoint, this video is terrifying.
We like to think of our canines as cute and cuddly, well-loved and taken care of, however, in the densely packed city of Mumbai, the vast quantity of dogs on the street are a nuisance. Thousands of people are bitten every year by the undomesticated animals.
The dogs get into trash, generally making a mess of things, so it is no wonder why people are driven to disregard and mistreat them.The good news is that there are people out there trying to help. Many organizations have been established for the sole purpose of saving the street dogs.
Although there are street-dwelling people who care for the free-range animals, and there is abundant food for them in the form of dead carcasses and human scraps, the dog’s lives are not what you would call comfortable, so the organizations are aiming to improve the situation. The dogs are being put up for adoption to get them the care they need.
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A Young Girl Gets In Between Six Pit Bulls and Their Food. Now Watch Their Reaction!
Pit bulls are often viewed by many as dangerous dogs who behave unpredictably. Over the years there has been an ongoing debate about whether or not they deserve this reputation and the saying “it’s the owner, not the breed” always comes up. People invoke this expression to defend the animals, claiming that it’s how owners treat the dogs and their environment that factor into whether or not they turn out to be viscous or sweet.
If a pit bull is treated well and trained properly then the dog will act in line with how it was brought up to behave. The same goes for the opposite, if the dog is treated bad, untrained, and never disciplined, then it will likely act mean and aggressive.
One woman made a video displaying how the right training and environment can turn out pit bulls who are incredibly patient, attentive, loving, and non-aggressive. In the clip, uploaded to YouTube by the Pitbull Channel, a little girl stands in front of 6 adult male pit bull dogs.
She tells them all to sit and makes sure they fully comply before turning to prepare their dinner. The girl is only 4 years old and not much bigger than each of the dogs that surround her. Yet they all sit patiently waiting for their food, and not one of them whines, barks, or moves out of position.
She pours the dry food onto the floor as they watch, spreads it out, then counts to three before giving them the okay. All six dogs immediately spring forth to scarf down their dinner and even while they are eating the girl moves around them. They don’t nip, growl, or bite at her, as some dogs do around food, and clearly they have been trained extremely well.
In the background a woman explains “six male pit bulls, some people say it could never be done. They live and eat together. We are a family.” She is indirectly referring to the stereotype that many people cite when talking about pit bulls and how uncontrollable and aggressive they can be.
Her video is proof that this definitely is not always the case and that she trusts them around her young child. It’s strong evidence that the dogs have a bad reputation based on a few bad apples in the bunch. They have the ability to be family dogs who are gentle and patient, and should be loved just the same as any other type of dog.
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2 Dogs Are Having A Tug Of War. But The 3rd Dog Shows Up With An Unexpected Surprise!
Golden Retrievers are known to be extremely friendly, nice, and gentle which makes them some of the worst guard dogs ever. The breed is highly intelligent and was ranked 4th by the ‘Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs’ and one of the most popular dogs in the world.
In the following video these two hilarious pups get into a tennis ball tug of war battle. Neither side will give in to the other and they show no signs of giving up. As a matter of fact, there isn’t much tugging going on at all.
The two just seem to be in a total stalemate with adorable squished noses, staring directly into each other’s eyes. But then out of no where a 3rd dog comes in to try and mediate the issue. He takes quick action and what he does is guaranteed to make your day!
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4 Kittens Were Being Threatened By A Bully Dog Until An Unlikely Surprise Hero Saves Them!
Even though Chihuahuas are the recognized as the smallest breed of dog in the world, they have just as much courage and heart as any other larger dog out there. Charlie the Chihuahua is living proof of this. He can be seen on film defending four tiny gray kittens from a much larger black dog, named Roxy.
Charlie is clearly intent on seeing no harm come to his adorable little fur babies. When Roxy gets too close and rambunctious, Charlie puts himself between the kittens and the larger dog, and drives her away. The protective Chihuahua makes sure that the helpless newborn kitties are always at a safe distance from the excited dog.
He even drives Roxy back with threatening growls, nips and warning bites, as if to say “get out of here and leave the babies alone!” All the while, the poor little cats sit in a tight cluster looking bewildered and confused, as he scene plays out all around them.
At several points Charlie forces Roxy to bow her head down low to the ground and sit in a submissive position. It is obvious who is in control in this particular situation. Charlie the Chihuahua is not a dog you wanna mess with.
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