These Guilty Dogs Are So Happy To See Their Human Until They Realize He Knows What They DID

The two female dogs in the video you are about to watch, are really happy that their human daddy is finally home. Wagging their tails as he greets them jovially, asking them with great glee, “How was your day?! Did you guys have a good day?” Tails wagging and wagging until he asks them why they have chewed up his pants.

When he changes his tone to a mock scolding sound they turn and walk away, each time with their tails between their legs, and repeatedly scamper out of the room. It is hilarious to watch, because their “dad” obviously loves his “girls” and isn’t abusively shaming them in any way. It is so cute how they know he’s not happy about his pants.

On a serious note, however, destructive behavior such as chewing objects that aren’t theirs, is usually a sign of separation anxiety for dogs. It is often more prevalent in adopted animals who have experienced early abandonment.

Regardless of the reason, dogs who show evidence of separation anxiety when their human parent leaves, can be counter conditioned. This can be done by providing a new positive association with being left alone. Over time this new positive association replaces the fear they once had of being left.

Some ways to develop this new kind of association is by pairing being left with a yummy food. Dog puzzle toys can be stuffed with low-fat peanut butter, cream cheese or any delicious treat they enjoy. Freezing a KONG toy stuffed with something yummy will take them even more time to eat.

If they get busy with this pleasant activity for 20-40 minutes after you leave, the positive reconditioning will occur and destructive behaviors will cease. All this being said, these dogs obviously love their owner and vice-versa, and the footage is adorable to watch.

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She Spots A Helpless Fox Being Attacked By A Pack Of Hounds. Her Reaction Puts Her Life At Risk!

Men in dashing red coats and fancy riding gear looked very elegant on their beautiful horses, who’s tails had been tied in what looked like french braids, were about to go on a hunt.  The scene could have been out of a movie staged in the 1700’s.

In fact, it was a fox hunt about to commence in Britain, that was current.  Fox hunting has been outlawed in Britain, but despite this ban it still goes on in aristocratic circles (in this video), with many foxes being killed. Fox hunting occurs with dogs.

In this video the Old Berks Fox Hounds were being tracked by a group called Hunt Monitors.  Animal welfare activists and hunters often clash, as this activity that is so gruesome, continues.  As the fox hounds spot a fox and go in for an attack, about to maul the fox to death, a woman emerges screaming for them to stop!

Risking her own life, she runs into this very dangerous group of hounds in the midst of their attack, desperately screaming as she tries to save the fox from certain death. This monitor certainly could have been badly injured or killed herself both by the dogs, and even the fox itself, who was terrified, having been surrounded and bowled over onto her back.

With her stomach exposed the savage killing was about to commence, had this brave woman not risked her own safety to whisk the terrified fox to safety. The dogs were about to maul the poor animal to death. She was in fact bitten by the fox whom she had snatched to safety!  Impervious to her own well being, she cradles the animal and runs screaming for help to her fellow monitor’s car, to get the fox to safety.

It was reported that the fox was checked by a vet, and no serious dog bites were found.  The Hunt Monitors went on to say that after rehabilitation, this fox was brought to an area in which it would be safe from the hunters.  Watching this scene unfold in this video, was somewhat surreal.

The “elegant” hunters on horseback about to kill for sport, contrasted with the sudden appearance of this courageous woman willing to risk her life to save this fox, was mind-boggling to watch.  Often the activists will spray oils to mislead the hounds from the scent of the fox, but not in this case.

This unbelievably brave young woman was willing to risk her life, rather than allowing a helpless animal be destroyed for sport.  Her dedication is awe-inspiring! Watch the incredible footage below and let us know what you think!

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This Pup Is Scared Of The Carpet. How He Overcomes His Fear Is An Unexpected Surprise!

People and animals face their fears in all sorts of different ways. The most common advice that you often hear given involves going head first and staring whatever it is that you’re afraid of in the face. If you have a fear of heights, go to somewhere high enough to make you uncomfortable and look down.

If you are afraid of swimming in the ocean, go to the beach and jump in the water. While this is sage advice, it doesn’t work for everyone. Instead, people turn to alternative ways in which they can try to stand up to their fears. Whether it’s through meditation, hypnosis, therapy, or something else, if you can find a way to get past personal fears it should be considered a huge success.

Many people like to say “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” and that’s the attitude you should adopt before, and after, you conquer your inner demons and fears. Take a page out of this dog’s book, and watch what he does in the video to do just that!

The adorable Golden Retriever has a very unique way of facing his fear of carpet. While he doesn’t mind walking on hardwood floors, the sight and feel of carpet beneath his paws makes him very nervous. As you can see, he whines and glances at the carpet before him with fear in his eyes as he hesitates to step on it.

Finally, he gathers the courage and strength from deep within himself, turns his body around a full 180 degrees, and backs up rear-end first onto the carpet. He successfully faced his fears in the cutest, most comical way possible. What an awesomely clever dog and more power to him!

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This Tiny Kitten Was Terrified and Nervous In Her New House. Until The Dog Did THIS

We have all watched many cute videos of animals on the internet, but the only word for this one is blissful. This tiny little kitten, Rosie, found solace after her first shaky night in her new home. Usually that first night of transition is very stressful, particularly for baby animals, and so it was for Rosie.

Her owners noticed that she was sluggish and not responding to their attempts to comfort her. They came up with a unique idea, hoping to turn her around. They had a full grown husky, Lilo, who despite the fact that she had never had any puppies, had always displayed a strong maternal instinct.

It is probable that Rosie had just been taken from her mother, and had been nursing, so her instinct to snuggle up to Lilo is far less surprising than Lilo’s reaction. It is always a bit of a gamble when an adult animal of another species is approached for comfort and care.

It certainly is not uncommon to see adult animals nurture across species, but Lilo’s immediate tender and loving care taking of darling little Rosie is just so special. The music set to their interaction in this beautiful video makes it all the more heartwarming. Sit back and enjoy these four minutes of sheer bliss!

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This Dog Has Been Waiting 5 Months For Her Human. The Reason Why Tore My Heart Up!

Indubitably, there is no creature which better showcases the splendid virtue of loyalty, than the admirable dog. As you will soon see for yourself, in the simultaneously heart wrenching and heartwarming actions of a dog whose abundance of fierce devotion is rarely matched, among any known species.

Five months ago, her human met a tragic end by the hand of a drunk driver. Still, she continues the routine that she had followed for years prior. Every day, down the country road she saunters, guided by the desire to greet her best friend.

She waits In the field, where she had always waited to greet him on his way home from work every day. There she has waited since, leaving only for necessities and the occasional social visit with her human’s surviving family.

Her display of love and loyalty is an inspiration rarely witnessed, and it is inclined to bring a tear of bittersweet affection to the eyes of many a viewer. The beautiful expression of unconditional love that pets embody is a powerful therapy for the human race.

Even once her human is gone, she remains dedicated even without reinforcement. Why does she do it? What is her motivation? Truly, we can only speculate. But for anyone who has enjoyed the unparalleled experience of loving a pet, the answers to those questions might be felt better than spoken.

We can see why she waits, for we know that our furry friend would do the same for us. Protect your pets, they love you so very much.

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This Pup Sees A Ball Pit For The First Time. His Reaction Is Priceless!

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If you’ve ever experienced a ball pit then you know how this adorable French Bulldog feels. The first time you jump into a box filled with thousands of small plastic balls is a feeling like no other. You instantly have the urge to flail about and bury yourself in them and because there are so many that is inevitably what happens!

The little black French Bulldog in this video got a taste of the fast food play life when he was given a couple of kiddie pools filled with the colorful balls to play in. He romps around from one to the other wildly, like a little kid on a sugar high, and he just can’t seem to get enough.

The dog is clearly overjoyed with his new playthings and his face shines with that happy, delighted type of look only a dog can make. He’s so worked up by the ball pits that he can barely catch his breath! One of his doggy friends can also be seen following him around, back and forth between the tubs full of balls.

That white and gray furred pup seems a little more apprehensive about jumping into the balls and is content to stand on the sidelines and watch Frenchy play.

If you need to smile, or make someone else smile and cheer them up, send them this video. It should do the trick and will lighten up anyone’s bad day, a least just a little smile 🙂

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