A Dog Crosses This Woman’s Path At Night. What The Dashcam Caught Nobody Expected!
Dogs are known as one the smartest animals on the planet. They can be trained to do just about anything, especially under the care of a great trainer/human. Dogs can sit, fetch, run, speak and all sorts of other neat tricks under the right conditions. But the dog in this video has taken his tricks to a whole new level..
It was a normal night, as a woman was riding down a dark road in Russia. A figure darts out from the woods in front of her car before she can even react to it. She gets out of her car believing that she ran over the poor animal. She goes over to inspect it, and realizes it is a dog. Before she can even get her bearings, the dog leaps up from ‘playing possum’, runs towards her open car door, jumps in the front seat and steal the unsuspecting woman’s car ride from under her nose!
As he drives off, he even tries to change the music on the radio! The dog set the whole thing up and will now be taking this Subaru for a wild ride! I wonder where he drove off to? Maybe doggy Disney World or to the pet store to buy unlimited treats and hang out with all his doggy friends! Enjoy! 🙂
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A Dog Was Drowning In The Raging Colombia Flash Floods. But Watch When The Cops Do THIS
This video captures the heart pounding moment that a dog was pulled from raging debris filled flood waters in Colombia. The lucky dog was spotted in the town of Salgar by the National Police of Colombia. He had fallen in the swollen Liboriana River and was in immediate danger of being swept away and drowned! The Officers ran along the bank and made several attempts to rescue him from the muddy, rubble, stone filled waters. Finally, on their third attempt they intercepted the battered and exhausted animal and managed to pull him out of the treacherous waters!
Once safely on shore, the police worked immediately to help revive the semi-conscious dog giving him CPR and, at one point, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Their tireless and selfless efforts paid off with the dog surviving despite suffering minor injuries likely sustained from hitting rocks in the river.
He is expected to make a full recovery and is now referred to as “Prince” by the officers who saved him. The flash floods, heavy rains, and deadly mudslides in Colombia have been the worst natural disaster in over a decade. The officers risked their lives and health to save Prince, and deserve recognition for their unselfish, kind act of bravery. The National Police said that if his owner cannot be found, Prince is welcome to stay with them, and we bet he’d love that!
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Video: This Funny Goat Licks A Dog. The Dog’s Reaction Is Priceless!
Dogs are some of the most patient animals on earth. We consistently see them showing the zen nature of a Buddhist monk in videos that feature kids with dogs, new kittens with older dogs, and most recently even tortoises pestering pups. Dogs are so loving it is no wonder they are mans best friend. Dogs give off the most consistent positive energy that is contagious to anyone around them.
In the video below, a rather annoying goat continuously pokes, licks, and prods this extremely patient pup. A lesser animal would not put up with such shenanigans, but this dog is a saint. The dog stays calm while the goat inspects the stoic pup. The goat keeps speaking to the dog in goat language, but the dog basically just ignores the banter, and allows the goat to do what he has to do.
It is possible that this relentless goat is trying to pick a fight with this peaceful dog who would rather just turn the other cheek. Goats are fascinating creatures and they are slowly taking over the internet. They can be cute and precious, while at other times they can be insane and totally ridiculous.
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A ‘Scary’ Little Cockatiel Approaches A Huge Great Dane. The Giant Dog’s Reaction Is Hysterical!
One of the best traits Of Great Danes is their accidental and adorable way of making us laugh without them even knowing it. The are so big, cute, and goofy that their reactions to life usually always put a smile on our face. The video below is no exception to the rule, a tiny Cockatiel approaches this giant Great Dane and then hilarity ensues.
Every time the Cockatiel takes a step closer or tweets The Great Dane becomes started and twitches uncontrollably. The funniest part of the whole video is how the bird is completely calm and collected and has absolutely no fear of the giant dog. I think we can tell who the boss in this relationship is.
I guess in the animal kingdom, size doesn’t necessarily matter. Most youtubers agree that the Great Dane in this video looks a lot like the character Scooby Doo who is always being startled by ghosts and monsters. This video is sure to put a smile on your face to start the week off right. Enjoy!
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A Cop Beats Him But This Homeless Man Doesn’t Fight Back. Now Watch What The Kid Behind Him Does
Homelessness is one of the most tragic issues in the United States. Many of the homeless are mentally ill and without family support or treatment, to help them cope. Others become ill and have no medical insurance, lose their jobs and have nowhere to turn.
One of the most startling and upsetting group of homeless are vets who have served our nation, try to get employment, and end up on the streets. Often they are suffering from PTSD and do not get the psychological support they need and deserve, from the government they have served.
There are more and more YouTube channels that are dedicated to social experiments. Their aim is usually to either reveal the kindness or cruelty of humanity. In the video you are about to watch below, OCK TV who has done a number of experiments looking at both the reaction to the homeless and the homeless reaction to unsuspected circumstances.
In the following footage the two older brothers have their younger brother, who appears to be 12-13 years old, pretend to be homeless. They have him sit a few feet away from a homeless vet, with a similar sign that says he is hungry and would appreciate some change.
The reactions to the posing boy and to the homeless vet are startling. The unbelievable cruelty and conversely generous acts you will witness in the upcoming footage will stay with you for some time, and will hopefully make you think twice when you pass the homeless.
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This Pup Has The Cutest Freak Out In Her New House When She Notices THIS Strange New Thing Outside!
Moving to a new home can be exciting and terrifying all at once, especially for our animal companions. A new house is full of strange smells, unfamiliar sights, and sometimes even new rules, like no going on the couch or upstairs. Our pets often need a little extra time and space to process and become accustomed to their new surroundings.
Then, once they settle in after a bit, it’s as if they’ve always lived there. It’s always interesting to see how animals approach and explore their new digs, especially dogs. They are quicker and less cautious than cats and when it comes to sniffing out every single nook and cranny they come across.
Where cats run and hide under furniture, dogs run and jump straight into the new pool. Well maybe not all dogs, but that is exactly how one adorable puppy named Christy reacted when she saw her new house had an in-ground pool in the backyard. When the happy, snow white West Highland Terrier caught her first glimpse of the pool all her attention immediately was focused on gaining access to it.
She spun in circles, jumped up on the screen, and barked in delight at the awesome new upgrade in her life. Her little tail was wagging back and forth a hundred miles an hour and when the door was finally opened she bolted outside and went full speed straight ahead right into the pool.
Christy didn’t hesitate even slightly and jumped right into the water like a champion. The excited terrier looked like she was on cloud nine as she swam around happily in her new pool, nipping at the water. She paddled over to the stairs, got out, and ran to the other end of the pool to jump in and do it all over again.
After watching Christy’s reaction, it’s safe to assume that she will be one happy puppy in her new home. Now that she has a pool to go swimming in whenever she’d like, she’s probably already forgotten about the previous place she used to live in.
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