This Sleepy Little Boy Struggles To Stay Awake. But What The Dog Does Is Priceless!
You know the saying, “sleeping like a baby”? Well, the little one in this 30 second video clip you are about to watch below, is very, very sleepy. It’s the kind of the fatigue, where you are already kind of asleep before your eyes are even closed.
This little darling, is sitting beside his big dog on the floor; the dog offers a few licks, in an effort to help out his little friend with his overwhelming fatigue. The dynamic duo is probably the most adorable thing I’ve seen all year. If you are having a rough day this is sure to turn that frown upside down.
As you will see, the pup’s efforts, don’t do much to keep this baby boy from giving in to “sleepy time”. The exact moment that this little guy succumbs to sleep, is so adorably captured in the footage below. If you tried to choreograph this, it could never happen with such perfection!
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Stop This From Happening To Your Dog’s Paws This Spring and Summer Using This 5 Second Trick!
I’m sure you’ve had the experience of walking out your front door barefoot on flagstone or blacktop on a warm day, and your feet feeling a burning sensation within seconds. The air can feel quite comfortable, in the high 70’s to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, yet the sun-drenched pavement is scorching to the bottoms of our feet. We run inside to get sandals or flip-flops before walking out on hot cement again!
The pads of a dog’s paws offer some protection against the heat of pavement, but very often that natural protection is not enough. In the video you are about to watch below, the man uses an instrument to show us the actual heat of blacktop and even non-blacktop surfaces on a sunny day that is only 80 degrees outside. You will be shocked to see the difference in degrees between the air and the surfaces your dog’s paws will be forced to endure!
According to “Pet Sitters”, 120 degree Fahrenheit surfaces (common on an 85 degree day) will be painful for dogs, but won’t permanently damage their paws. However surfaces at 140 degrees will cause permanent damage within one minute, and at 150 degrees dog’s paws will immediately burn and blister! In warmer climates like Florida, such daily hot surfaces are to be expected, and can occur in summertime all around the country.
The thermometer carried by the man in the video to measure surface temperatures, isn’t something most people carry, so taking precautions suggested by “Moon Valley Canine Training” will help to ensure that your pup’s paws are protected.
They suggest placing the back of your hand on the pavement for 5 seconds; if that hurts then the surface is unsafe for your dog. “Dog shoes”, disposable dog booties or socks are available if you have to take them onto dangerously hot surfaces. Walking them in the morning, staying on grassy surfaces, and moisturizing your pup’s paws will also help.
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She Places Fondant Over This Cake. When She’s Done A STUNNING Surprise!
Watch this lifelike 3-D cake come to life before your eyes! What takes 4 days is shown in 4 minutes. Anyone can try their hand at crafting a sculptured cake at home. The ideas and possibilities are limitless. Any occasion can merit a personally created cake that is sure to be a crowd pleaser.
Some helpful insights into the process include starting with a quality, moist cake as your base. Try to avoid any mix-ins like chocolate chips or nuts as they make the carving process difficult. Next, whip up a smooth ganache or buttercream for your cake layers. The smoother the better for when the sculpting part comes.
Depending on your design the next step may involve inserting doweling rods down into the cake to ensure the structure stays secure. Once the cake layers have been assembled, the carving begins.
Try and have a selection of knives for this part and experiment to see which ones work best for the creation your working on. Another helpful tip is to place the cake on a turntable. It will make the shaping and moving of the cake much easier.
Once your cake has been designed and shaped it is time for the icing. Many professionals use fondant, an edible type of icing that molds to your cake and is easy to shape. Typically it is smoothed out with a rolling pin and then draped over and fitted to the shape of the cake, with the excess being cut off.
You can also make shapes out of it and add further details by painting it as well. When your done it is time to store your cake in either a safe place or the refrigerator. Lastly, it is time to eat your cake!!
Remember, there is no one way to carve a cake. Trial and error are inevitable and overall just have fun with it. Get creative and add candies, decorative touches and personalized messages with piped icing. People will love that you even tried, so go forth and carve cake!!
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Nobody Believed Mom When She Described Her Dog’s Nightly Ritual. So She Caught This!
Pet owners love chatting with their animal companions and oftentimes our furry friends love talking back! Just about everyone is guilty of having full-on conversations with their pets as if they were a fellow human being at some point in time. After all, they’re part of the family and besides, it just happens!
Which leads us to this adorable video of a family trying to figure out what the heck their dog is trying to say. The camera is trained on the sweet white puppy named Charlie and as you can see he’s very vocal. He’s hanging out in the kitchen with a little girl, probably his sister, who’s egging him on and getting him to talk!
Charlie makes some interesting noises that can be interpreted to sound like “blahblahblah” and “i love you,” but it’s anyone’s guess as to what he’s truly saying. If he’s like most dogs then he’s most likely asking for food!
When we talk to our pets it’s a natural, normal, and possibly even instinctual way to both communicate and bond with them. Some pets will even initiate conversations rather than just talk back and a recent survey found that 67% of pet owners claim they understand their animals barks, meows, purrs and all of the other sounds they make. Out of those surveyed, 62% reported that when they speak their animals seem to understand and get the message!
The numbers above are from an AP-Petside poll conducted in 2008 so they’ve likely higher now, as pets are increasingly being considered important family members. Many people even place their beloved animals on equal footing with children, hence the name fur-babies!
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This Guy Says Hello To These 2 Pups. Now Watch The Small Ones Unexpected Response!
We are SOOOO attached to our dogs, that we often project human-like characteristics to them. Dogs are certainly loving and are definitely capable of being trained to understand commands, however the question often remains as to whether they actually understand our words, or is it our tone of voice?
Personally, when it comes to my little pup being asked in a lively voice, “Do you wanna go for a walk?”, his wagging tail, jumping up with excitement and heading towards the door, leads me to believe he knows what the word ‘WALK’ means. Comprehension is one thing, but actually having the ability to mimic and produce words is another!
In the video you are about to watch below, two friendly neighborhood dogs are hanging out, when a man passes by and greets them with “Hello!” A Boston Terrier and his buddy look up, and as his buddy seems to smile, the terrier’s barked response makes you think you’re hearing things…
As the interchange continues you will be laughing out loud, along with the incredulous people around them.
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Animal Adopts THIS Unlikely Orphaned Baby. What They Look Like Years Later Is An Unexpected Surprise!
The depth of compassion that one animal has for another, when they come from different species, never fails to amaze me. The touching video you are about to watch below, tells the story of little Poncho the opossum, whose mom was killed by a car, when he was just a newborn.
Poncho was found by animal rescuers, as the tiny infant clung to his dead mother’s side, after she had been hit by the car. In fragile condition, and an unlikely chance of survival, little Poncho was lucky to be found. Receiving veterinary attention, he was nursed back to health, but the sweet little guy was still a motherless child…until Hantu came along.
A most unlikely surrogate mom, the white German Shepherd had never had pups of her own. It seemed like her need to nurture met with Ponchu’s need for a mother figure, and a bond was formed. Ponchu clung onto to Hantu’s side just as he had with his mother! The two brought comfort and happiness to each other.
To this day, years later, they are still inseparable! Though bigger, Poncho still clings to Hantu’s side as they take walks in the woods. This is truly a sight to behold.
You will find this footage of Ponchu and Hantu so heartwarming and simply adorable. It is an uplifting video that will make your day! Let us know how you feel about this unlikely interspecies relationship!
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