They Attempt To Get Their Baby To Say His First Words. But What The Dog Says Is Hysterical!

Dogs love eating. Whether it’s their kibbles and bits, stuff they find outside, or a special treat, they’re usually ready and willing to chomp down on it. Even if they come across something that’s really gross to us humans, they’ll give it a bite and see how it tastes. However, nothing seems to taste better to them than people food!

When a dog sees their owner eating, they will hone in on it and instantly become their new best friend. They will sit and watch you eat your dinner, waiting for a piece of it to fall or for you to offer them a bite. Some are more clever than others and will perform tricks or commands in hopes of a reward, like the adorable Australian Shepherd dog in this video. The dog’s owners were videotaping their attempts at getting their young son to say his first words but they captured something just as cute instead.

The clip starts off with the mother trying gently to coax her toddler into saying “mama” while holding up some food on a fork that’s hovering over her plate. She’s offering it to her son who’s standing right in front of her and the food has definitely got the family dog’s attention because he’s right beside the baby begging and whining for a bite!

While the mother’s attempts at encouraging her child to speak are not going so well, the dog is a different story. He’s giving it his best shot and after what sounds like several attempts to say the magic word, “mama,” he works up the ability and finally ends up speaking the word successfully! The dog managed to do what the baby couldn’t and definitely earned a bite to eat!

All the while the adorable baby boy has been standing by the dog, switching his attention from looking up at the camera, to the dog, to his mom and the fork, and back again. His mom’s bribe didn’t end up working but maybe he didn’t like the food she was offering, either way he looks sweet as can be. And one last thing- many viewers commented on the video and noted how the dog never got a bite to eat.

They expressed a lot of concern over this, in fact they were so up in arms about it that the dog’s owners posted a second follow-up clip to this one, showing that the dog did indeed get a treat! All’s well that ends well so check it out, share the love, and enjoy!

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Mama Confronts Her Dogs About The Poop In The Kitchen. The Pup Points And Rats Out The Guilty Party.

Many of our four-legged canine friends have bathroom manners that are slightly lacking in certain areas. Sometimes they get excited and pee all over the floor, other times they just have to go and can’t help but make a mess. There are times in life when you just can’t hold it in any longer, and when you gotta go, you gotta go! That seems to be the case for the little dog in this video.

The poor guy just couldn’t help himself and ended up going potty in the house while his owners were out and about. When they returned they noticed the stinky mess and decided to ask their two dogs who did it. So to find out who did it, mama begins an ‘intensive investigation’ to see which one of these 2 adorable fur babies is the guilty party.

While dogs may be known as man’s best friend and loyal to the end, this doesn’t appear to ring true when it comes to doggy friendships. The bigger of the two dogs knew what was being asked of him and ended up ratting out his guilty friend right away! All he had to do was raise a paw up and point it at the smaller dog, bringing the investigation to a quick end.

The guilty party didn’t try to deny it or shift the blame like most people would attempt to do when accused of such a crime. Instead, he played it cool and just sat there looking as cute and adorable as he possibly could. How could anyone be mad at that face for more than just a second, if you’re a dog lover, you just can’t!

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Mama Asks Her Dog To Make His Happy Face. He Proceeds To Make The Most Hysterical Face Ever.

A relaxed and smiling dog is a happy and content dog, at least that’s the viewpoint most people have in regards to their pets upturned facial expressions. While that could very well be the case for many animals, when it comes to dogs a smile is not as simple and straight-forward as we often assume it to be.

Dogs have their own special way of showing happiness that doesn’t always include smiling with their mouths. Instead, many dogs express emotions of joy and contentment through their overall body language. When a dog appears completely loose and at ease, with their mouth parted and tongue hanging slightly out, then they are well and truly happy.

In regards to a human looking smile on a dog’s face that could be an indication of a number of things that include anxiety, aggression, subordination, nervousness, or even fear. It differs from dog to dog and the key to deciphering whether or not it’s a genuine smile lies in both the context of the situation and the at rest of their body language.

In the case of the dog featured in this video, his smile is as real as can be! The handsome yellow lab knows how to turn the charm on and gives the camera his best goofy-looking grin, all on command. When his mom tells him to smile he instantly raises the corners of his mouth, it’s so darn cute! As you can see, his body language tells us that he’s relaxed as can be. In fact, he’s so relaxed that he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. And while his tongue doesn’t loll out of his mouth, it likely would have, had he been fully awake and alert.

This is one intelligent and adorable dog, be sure to check out his awesome smile and pass it on because it’ll instantly brighten anyone’s day!

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Baby’s Parents Couldn’t Stop His Crying. But Watch What Proceeds When The Dog Does THIS

Nothing is quite as adorable as a newborn baby is. They’re just so precious and innocent with their tiny hands and feet, you can’t help but fall in love with them. As lovable as babies are, there also happens to be a few dogs out there that rival their cuteness. The sweet, angelic looking white Maltese in this video is one of them!

When the dog heard the little baby in the clip crying it went over and sat beside the child. Every time the baby cried out, the cute Maltese tried his best to soothe him by throwing his head back and howling at the ceiling. The technique seems to work because as soon as the baby hears the dog it quiets down and stops crying. While some people and pets have the magic touch, this dog has mastered the magic bark!

While it’s unclear as to what exactly the dog was doing, there are several possibilities. Perhaps he was commiserating with the baby or just showing it some extra love and attention. It even looks as if the dog was trying to drown the newborn out, as he focused his yowling on when the cries came. Either way, the pair are simply adorable together and who doesn’t love babies and puppies?

On a final note, the child’s mother was close by watching the adorable interaction the whole time. The parents seem to have already made sure that both their newborn baby, and their fur baby, get along well together.

Any pet that lives and shares a house with a young child needs to be comfortable around them. In this case it looks like the two little ones are going to grow up just fine together, they’re already bonding and getting close. Soon they’ll be best friends, if they aren’t already.

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VIDEO: Husky Wants His Bath Time But His Human Says No. His Response Is A Hysterical Tantrum!

Bath time definitely doesn’t fall into “My Favorite Activity” for most dogs.  In fact they try to avoid it at all cost.  However, just the word “walk” usually gets the tail wagging,  running in circles in anticipation, and waiting at the door for the great event!

Well, that is the case for most dogs….but not Zeus the adorable stubborn Husky.  Apparently Zeus has made up his mind, that his majesty, is ready for his bath to be drawn.  He has placed himself in the empty bathtub, and every time he is told it isn’t bath time, but time to for a walk…well you will see his hilarious reaction in the video below.

Let’s just say that Zeus is like a big toddler, who practically sounds like he is talking, as he responds to his mom saying “Get out of the bathtub!”  He knows it’s time for his walk, but his preference for a nice relaxing bath is something he is willing to fight for. Watch the laugh-out-loud footage to see who wins!

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The Family Dog Was Flipping Out So This Girl’s Mom Called Her School. What The Dog Sensed Is Unbelievable!

4-year-old Sadie, developed Type 1 Diabetes, at a very young age.  It is a disease that is hard to deal with, for adults, let alone for managing in young children who have difficulty comprehending what is happening to their bodies.  Strict dietary control and constant monitoring of blood sugars, can mean the difference between life and death!

Sadie’s parents made the decision to get her a ‘diabetic alert dog’, whom they named Hero, to aid in the monitoring of her blood sugar levels, so no severe change ever gets missed.  This gentle loving dog is trained, and has the ability to detect a dangerous blood sugar change through scent.  He is actually capable of letting her parents know whether it is too high or too low, by raising his right or left paw!

This ability, in and of itself is amazing, but the story you are about to hear in the video below, about Sadie and Hero is mind boggling.  Little Sadie was at school, more than 5 miles away from home and Hero, when the dog began to act up.  Atypical for his behavior, he began to whine relentlessly, until Sadie’s mom called the school to check on her condition.  She was told Sadie was fine, but what happened next…well, you let us know your thoughts are, after watching the footage below.

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