Video: They Just Put The Cover Over The Pool. But Some Unexpected Visitors Show Up Creating a Scary Situation!
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Boxers are usually super smart have unlimited energy and love to play. They are great family dogs and tend to be great with kids. They are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States. They can be a bit tough to train and can sometimes be hard-headed. However if you don’t give up on them and have a little persistence they can end up being really well trained and behaved pups.
The Boxers in this video may not be the brightest bulbs in the bunch, but they sure know how to have fun. Their humans had just put the cover back on the swimming pool when they looked outside and caught their do pups getting crazy on top of the pool cover! It looks like a doggy slip n slide and these two are having the time of their lives.
If you ever put your cover on your pool make sure your pets are inside. In the video below luckily no harm came to either of these boxer pups but your pet could easily drown in this situation. Luckily their humans were home and caught them in the act on camera. Can you imagine looking out and seeing this?
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Man Sends His Sheepdog Over The Hill. What The Dog Herds Is Hilarious!
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The Border Collie Is a herding dog breed that mainly herds sheep. They are extremely intelligent and obedient dogs. In Stanley Coren’s Intelligence of Dogs Rankings they ranked number 1! They are considered to be the smartest dogs on the planet. Besides being brainiacs they are also athletic, energetic and acrobatic.
They can follow direction by voice or whistle from very long distances while they herd. They utilize their intelligence, energy, and herding instincts by herding all kinds of animals from the traditional sheep and cattle, to free range poultry, pigs, and ostriches. They are sometimes used to get rid of unwanted wild birds from golf courses and airport runways.
These dogs can basically do anything. But in the video below even this extraordinary dog still pulls off something so that is unexpected, surprising, funny and smart! Wait until you see him on his way back to his human.
In this hilarious video below, this Border Collie herds something rather unusual. In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, this pup herds up his human’s ‘mates’ to make sure they get to the local pub right on time. I can’t stop laughing at this one. Source: Wikipedia
Let us know what you think of the video! Enjoy! 🙂
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An Engineer Just Built His Pup The Most Genius Toy Ever. The Dog’s Reaction Is Priceless!
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Usually the game ‘Fetch’ is played with a human and their dog. An object such as a ball or a stick is used in the game. The human usually launches the object a certain distance from the animal and then the animal goes and retrieves it and brings it back. Very rarely cats have been known to dabble and engage in this fetching behavior.
In the video below, an engineer has constructed a fetching machine for his pup. The apparatus works like this, the dog drops the ball into a slot. The dog then runs over to a wood 2×4 and starts pressing down on it like a lever. Eventually enough force is placed on the wood stick that the ball shoots out from the slot and flies into the distance.
The dog runs, fetches, and brings the ball back to the place it first dropped it. Some may say this human is lazy and should just play fetch with his dog. But as the old saying goes, work smarter not harder. That motto usually goes a long way when it comes to engineering and physics.
This pup seems so satisfied with his new toy, I think he will be enjoying this for years to come! 🙂
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This Man Notices A Garbage Bag Wiggling Near The Water. What He Finds In It Tore My Heart Up!
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If you have ever loved a dog, or not, the story depicted in the video you are about to watch will touch you to the core of your soul. Having rescued a dog myself, I have often wished he could tell me about what happened in his life, before he became part of mine. There is no creature who is more loyal and a better friend than a dog.
The story begins on a beautiful country road that runs next to a river, where a man is enjoying his morning jog. Looking toward the water, he spots a black plastic bag on the shore. Approaching what he thinks is trash, it appears that something is moving inside.
What he finds in the garbage bag is life-changing…a young dog that has been discarded! This incredibly beautiful short story is told from the dog’s perspective…if he could talk, this is what a rescued dog would tell you. No one watching this will have a dry eye; it is one of the most deeply moving stories I have ever seen.
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It Seems Like A Normal Leaf Pile But Keep Your Eyes On The Center For An Unexpected Surprise!
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It oftentimes turns out that the things which bring us the most joy in life are relatively simple. One such simple joy is playing in a massive pile of leaves. It’s easily one the most fun things that a child, adult, or dog can ever do in the fall. There is just something wonderful about leaping up in the air and crashing down into a pile of soft, crunchy, crinkly old leaves.
If the pile is large enough it can even swallow you whole, and popping out of them is just as fun as going in! It’s like leaf piles were meant to be played in, they are the perfect material for building up and jumping into, and act like a natural cushion. Humans are not the only creatures who love frolicking in leaves. Dogs are especially up for a romp through them as well, like this adorable yellow lab named Stella.
She is having a blast in the clip, ripping through the piles and jumping into them without hesitation, like a leaf diving professional. When her human companion throws a toy into them she bolts after it, searching through and disappearing under the masses of crunchy leaves over and over again.
She looks so darn cute when her head pops up out of the leaves. It looks like she is smiling even with the ball in her mouth! Stella is proof of the fact that fun and games just don’t get tiring when you’re outdoors playing in the cool, crisp autumn leaves and air. She’s one cute and energetic lab who knows how to make the most of what she has to play with.
Of course, the one thing everyone should be on the look out for when leaf pile jumping is dog poo (and sticks). They can get raked up with the leaves and no one wants to jump into a tainted pile. All the more reason to pick up after pets, or to train them to do their business in specific areas that are not on the lawn.
Once you dodge the poo problem, you’re set to jump into a pile of what can be aptly be described as heaven. Bombs away!
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Daddy Switches On The Vacuum Close To The Baby. Now Watch The Dogs Surprise Reaction!
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You are about to watch the most adorable “brother and sister”…well a puppy brother and his newborn baby human sister. Both little babies and dogs hate the sound of vacuums and hair blowers, and other machines that emit those kind of noises. So together they can give each other the perfect amount of protection.
The scene opens, in the video below, in which a darling baby girl lays on her pink blanket, She’s waiting for a diaper change, and her white fur ball puppy brother is cuddling with her, resting his paw and head on her chest. Too cute for words. Well, it only gets cuter. I’m not sure if it’s the carpet cleaning service man or dad who is there and turns on the machine.
The pup, who has wandered away from the baby hears the noise, which repeatedly goes on and off. Watch to see the actions he takes to protect his baby sister, and maybe get some protection and himself, from the big bad orange machine! He’s protecting his baby sister until this out of control monster is gone!…
Or is she protecting him?
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