Great Dane Notices A Scary Intruder On The Floor. His Reaction Is Unexpectedly Hilarious!

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At first sight Great Danes look like huge, powerful, and imposing dogs. Their high stature and sleek bodies combined with ears that stand at attention make them appear guarded and always alert. However, looks can be deceiving. The AKC describes the breed as having a laid back attitude and docile nature.

These dogs are often very gentle and loving in temperament and make wonderful family pets since they tend to get along well with other animals and children. Like many other dogs, they are naturally inquisitive and love to play with whatever strikes their fancy at the moment.

In this video, one Great Dane has found a banana to investigate and play with. The large black dog, named Hope, had been given a piece of banana by her human companion. At first she appeared to be mystified and unsure what to do. She got down low at floor level with the slimy piece of fruit then jumped upright and started to bark up a storm and run circles around it.

When her owner tried to show her the banana and peel she instinctively backed away from it while barking. The video cuts and Hope is seen sitting down staring intently at the banana peel. She looks as if she is waiting for it to come to life and play with, or attack, her. The whole scene and her innocently playful reaction to such a simple item makes for a heartwarming, funny, and memorable moment.

You can’t help but wonder if she ended up tasting or eating the banana or if she just played with her food! If Hope did eat the banana and peel it would have been fine. Many dogs love the taste, but it’s best to give them a few slices at a time, any more could potentially give them diarrhea.

Their high fiber content helps promote bowel movements, so if you have a pet with bowel problems try giving them a slice. Just remember, too much of anything is never a good thing!

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Nobody Believed Them When They Described Their Dog’s Nightly Ritual. So They Filmed THIS

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This  6-year-old German Shepherd/Border Collie mix has chops…musical chops that is! Sadie was saved from the animal shelter in 2009.  When her humans rescued her there was no way they could predict her unprecedented talent. Her owners, who live in Edmonton, had no idea she was a musical “virtuoso”.

Okay, maybe it’s a stretch calling her a virtuoso, but by dog standards of musicality she is impressive.  As her owner encourages her, Sadie’s posture and paw playing show incredible intelligence and coordination. I really don’t think I have ever seen a dog with this much musical skills…

She has that “it” quality that true performers embody.  Adorably she hides her snout when she feels she’s made a mistake that truly only she could sense.  Her owner lovingly encourages her, “It’s okay, try again,” and so she does.  Enjoy this clever video and don’t miss the finale where Sadie takes a bow!

Make sure you watch it the end! 🙂

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This Pup Tries Stealing A Treat But Instead Gets A Big Surprise. His Reaction Is Hilarious!

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For thousands of years cats and dogs have been at war, while both being the closest human allies on planet earth.  The war has been over petting time, sleeping areas, and table food.  The reasons behind their dislike for one another have been scientifically studied and glorified in pop culture movie, books and of course the internet.

In the wild, Lions and Hyenas are mortal enemies, while Wolves battle with Wildcats.  Now, when we take these two species and bring them into our human houses, that’s when things can really start to get out of control.  In the wild, the canines and the felines would rather avoid each other if possible, but in the confined walls of a house instinctual tensions are sure to rise.

In the following video, a naughty dog tries to steal some tasty treats.  He formulates a plan and goes for the gold.  Little does he know, he is in for a huge surprise.  I don’t think this poor pup ever saw this coming! This totally made my day. I hope you enjoy this delightful little video as much as I did! 🙂

Let us know what you think!

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He Told His Dog To ‘Play Dead’. But What He Proceeds To Do Made Me Spit My Drink Out!

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There have been countless videos of animals pretending to play dead out there on the internet. Some do it to avoid taking a bath and, more commonly, others do it for treats. Whatever the reason it is almost always adorable to see and enjoyable for everyone involved. The dog gets to please its human and work for a reward while people seeing it get to smile.

A beautiful German Shepherd named Sam performs one flawless performance of this age old trick and it may be the best version out there!  Sam’s rendition of playing dead is on par with what a professional canine actor would be expected to deliver. Her owner asks if she wants a treat and naturally she perks up with anticipation and goes towards him.

He tells her to stay and she obliges by sitting on her hind quarters with her two front paws dangling in the air, looking absolutely loveable. Then he backs up a few steps and says “BANG!” Right on cue Sam lets out a yelp as if she really has been shot and turns dramatically around in mock distress while going down on the floor.

She rolls over onto her back and puts all four paws up in the air, then looks proudly over at the camera. She has the trick down to an art and the yelp she adds is what places her above the competition. The trick is not done in vain as the owner then gives her a treat for doing such an excellent job. This puppy needs a role where she can showcase her acting skills and good-looking face.

She definitely has the most original and dramatic version of the playing dead trick I have ever seen!

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Dog Sensed Something Was Different In Her Home. When She Sees The Surprise The Reaction Is PRICELESS

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When you have a new baby, it is very important to slowly acclimate your dog to this new situation.  Some dogs can’t tolerate change and a new baby can be really stressful to them.  You must slowly prepare them during the pregnancy.  A good idea would be to play baby noise tapes, and rub baby lotion on your hands so that your cat can get used to the new sounds and smells.

You should set up the nursery furniture a few weeks before the baby arrives so your pup has plenty of time to investigate and get used to the new room. Purdue University did a study where they found 40 percent of children begin their life with a pet in the family.  Of that population 90 percent will live with these pets through their childhood.

Taking care of another living being is a wonderful way to teach your children skills that they will use throughout their lives. This is an amazingly precious moment when Piper the Husky meets his new sister Lily Ann.  According to his human Piper has done a great job being a big brother, and has been very gentle, loving and caring towards Lily Ann.  Watch their adorable first meeting below.

Let us know what you think! 🙂

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Nobody Believed Her When She Described Her Dogs Morning Ritual So She Got A Camera and Caught THIS

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This is such a heart warming video, that shows how important having a dog is to a young child.  A lot of people say they would rather have a dog than a child.  But, I think having both is the best combination.  Having a dog in the house is one the greatest things a family can do for their child.

Purdue University did a study where they found 40 percent of children begin their life with a pet in the family. Of that population 90 percent will live with these pets through their childhood. Taking care of another living being is a wonderful way to teach your children skills that they will use throughout their lives.  They will learn responsibility, nurturing, comforting and loving.

In the video below Mom finally catches her Boston Terrier’s morning ritual with her baby.  You can tell this wild eyed crazy Boston Terrier loves his little human.  This dog has a huge smile on his face as he jumps in and out of the baby’s crib.  His little human seems to enjoy the entertainment more than anyone.  A happy dog makes a happy human.

These two look like they are going to be best friends for life! 🙂

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