This Husky Attempts To Act Tough In Front Of The Baby. But After The Baby Does THIS I Lost It!

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I wasn’t a dog person when I was growing up, but have come to love them. I usually favor small dogs because they remind me of babies…and I have always been a baby lover! I had three of my own, but we didn’t get a dog until they were older. She ended up being a large dog, but nowhere near the size of the one you are about to watch in the video below.

I’m not sure if the dog is a mixed breed, but it has a head the size of his baby playmate! The baby looks to be 6-9 months old and she has absolutely no fear at all of this giant laying on the floor next to her. Clearly a parent is filming the video, but I still held my breath as I began to watch the vigor with which the baby handled her canine friend.

It was literally incredible to watch their interaction, as this adorable baby started to play. It looked for a moment like the big guy next to her wasn’t so keen on her approach. The baby seemed non-plussed and when on to explore her furry friend. This is footage that is priceless!

Watch the video below it will totally make your day!

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THIS Guilty Dog’s Human Walks In And Asks The Pup Who Did This. HIS Response Is PRICELESS!

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Dogs can get a little carried away sometimes and they can’t help it if they make a mess in the process. Usually they just don’t know any better and only find out that they’ve been less than a good dog when their owners scold them.

Lots of us have walked into the house after a long day only to find that a scene of utter chaos and destruction awaits, courtesy of our furry companions. Even if you question them or tell them that they’ve been bad, it’s usually too late to make any difference in the situation.

Plus, when they look at you with those wide, sad, remorseful looking puppy eyes, it’s really hard to stay mad for more than 5 seconds. The faces dogs make when they have been caught red-handed are perhaps the cutest ones in the animal kingdom known to man.

It’s like we are wired to melt at the sight of their adorable “I’m sorry” expressions. In fact, you’d have to be pretty heartless to not react kindly to one of those sweet, sad and happy all at once, seemingly innocent looking faces peering up at you from a guilty dog’s lowered head.

For me personally, there is something about that look that gets me every time. This video features the best guilty dog reactions the web has to offer. All the dogs in it have been caught doing something naughty and I bet all of them got off lightly in the end.

It’s all thanks to their cute and lovable little faces, so check it out and prepare to smile and say “awww” because that’s the normal reaction to these adorable types of videos!

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Woman Comes Home To A Unexpected Surprise Puppy But Moments Later She Completely Loses It!

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If you weren’t able to see, and just heard the audio to this video, you might guess that the woman’s tears were due to a wedding proposal, seeing a baby for the first time, receiving an unbelievably life change event but it’s not what it sounds like. Her crying certainly had that tinge of joy in it.  And sheer joy it was.

She comes home in scrubs and opens the door to bedroom to find the most precious gift on her bed.  Why? She was meeting the most darling soft puppy for the first time. The little guy already looks like he claimed his new bed and is completely comfortable in his new home after being rescued! We are about to witness the life-long bond that will last between this pup and her new human!

He woke up to greet her as she cooed at him. He may have been a little weary of the hysterics and waterworks but it looks like he may just want some belly rubs and a tasty snack. Watch and enjoy the love fest as the two meet.  My heart melted and I’m sure yours will too.  It’s a real feel-good moment that will carry you through your day!

Let us know how you felt about this adorable video!

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Hidden Security Cam Caught This Dog Walking Into The Store. What He Does Made Me Spit My Drink Out!

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When it comes to dogs and toys, you just never know what they might end up loving, or hating, to play with. They can be real hard to shop for and thankfully the story is much different when it comes to dogs and food, they often love whatever treat is offered to them and rarely turn their noses up at a bone.

These days there are thousands of different foods and treats available for every type of canine need or desire. Pet stores are packed with various sized bones, from ones meant to improve oral health to the more traditional rawhide types.

The latter of the aforementioned two is what proved irresistible for one dog in Murray, Utah. The four-legged canine was captured by security cameras trotting into Smiths Food & Drug Store alone and unaccompanied by any person in sight. Once inside, the dog stopped briefly to sniff a few of the customers checking out before quickly heading straight over to aisle 16.

It was there in the pet food aisle that he turned from a strange visitor of the store into a brazen criminal. Trying to appear casual, he chomped down on a rawhide bone, took it off the shelf, and headed straight for the exit.

The store’s manager, Roger Adamson, was watching the thievery take place from behind the scenes and rushed to confront the culprit. Adamson managed to intercept the dog before he could make it out the door and firmly ordered him to “Drop it.” However, the dog knew he could escape if he made a run for it, which is exactly what he did.

Footage shows the moment he bounded out the exit with the bone held securely in his mouth. The not so sneaky dog took the bone and ran off with it! In the end, the store was down $2.79 and the dog was up one tasty bone of rawhide.

For the dog, his random crime of opportunity paid off and according to reports, he got away and was never apprehended. Something tells me that it he ever tries this type of stunt again store employees will immediately see and recognize his furry face, and he’ll most definitely get caught.

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These 4 Pups Line Up For Their Treats. But Keep A Close Watch On The Guy On The Left!

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It never ceases to amaze me how clever dogs are. In the footage you are about to watch below, it is treat time for this man’s pups. The four of them are all of the same breed and approximate size, so it’s a little hard to keep track of who has gotten what. Dogs are so intelligent but there is definitely a sliding scale and some pups are just a just a littler sharper than the others!

It seems that one of the dogs has an inkling that his human isn’t paying very close attention, and he has come up with a scheme to work that to his advantage. Honestly, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I watched him get the most out of this situation. This clever pup has truly mastered his human and has him trained perfectly!

As he does his thing, his siblings don’t even catch on. OK, maybe he’s not the most honest of the bunch, but what he lacks in morality he makes up with entertainment and intelligence. Enjoy this laugh-out-loud footage, and it is guaranteed to make your day! I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did!

Let us know what you think of this pup’s hilarious scheme!

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Brother And Sister Are Hiding Under The Blow Up Pool. What The Dog Does Next Made Me Spit My Drink Out!

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The mom and kids in the video you are about to watch below, are always going to remember this hilarious moment that happened in their back yard.  As the warm weather arrives so does the fun and the sun for families all around the world. Thankfully, mom had her camera handy to catch the fun, so we all get to have a good laugh too.

They had a big blow up pool and their black lab to play with.  No water had been put in the pool yet, so the kids decided to hide under it.  The dog dashed over to try to find them and the giggles ensued as the dog knew exactly where to find them.

What happened next was straight out of a sitcom; you couldn’t ever choreograph such a hysterical scene.  They all watched as the dog took off with the pool…except you couldn’t see the dog.  All you can see is a giant blow up baby pool running around the back yard.  Enjoy this good belly laugh!

Watch the video below it is guaranteed to make your day!

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