Nobody Believed Them When They Described What Their Dog Started Doing. So They Caught THIS!
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Those of us who are dog lovers, know how easily just looking at out pup’s sweet face can make us smile. Whenever I have seen my dog approaching what looks like a smile on her face, it usually ends up that she has an upset stomach, which shows up later.
It wasn’t until I watched the video that you are about to view below, that I even thought it was possible for a dog to actually be able to smile…ON CUE!! The footage was posted to YouTube by Amanda Robles; through PAWS in the Chicago vicinity, she is fostering Herbert, the most adorable 5-month-old Pit Bull.
Known to be very intelligent dogs, Pit Bulls seem to very observant. As you will see Herbert seems to have gotten the gist of how humans smile. Each time Amanda points the camera at him and asks him to “say cheese!”, Herbert gives a response that is like nothing I have ever seen a dog do.
I literally watched this 10 times, because what he does is beyond hilarious!
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Daddy Tells His Kid He’s Making Potatoes But He Doesn’t Want Them. How The Dog Reacts? HILARIOUS!
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Many pet owners love talking with their animal companions as if they were fellow humans. Practically everyone is guilty of chatting with their pets at some point over the course of their relationship, whether in a regular tone or as baby talk, it just happens.
It’s a natural, normal and possibly even instinctual way to communicate and bond with them. Sometimes our pets will even initiate conversations or talk back to us. A recent survey found that 67% of pet owners claim they understand their animals barks, meows, purrs and all of the other random sounds they make.
Of those surveyed, 62% reported that when they speak their animals seem to understand them and get the message. Those numbers are from a 2008 AP-Petside poll and have likely increased since then, as pets are increasingly being considered important family members.
Some people even place their beloved pets on equal footing with children, hence the name fur-babies! Which leads us to this adorable, and perhaps familiar, video of a family trying to figure out what to eat for dinner. The camera is focused on two beautiful husky dogs who are just chilling on a covered futon which appears to be their spot.
A little boy swiftly pads by the pair and from off camera his mother can be heard telling him “daddy’s going to cook potatoes,” to which the kid replies “I don’t want potatoes!” They talk about this for a second before the dad then asks one of the dogs, “Mishka, do you want potatoes?”
Mishka, the black and white husky, looks straight at the camera with her gorgeous, piercing eyes and answers him! She murmurs or whines and makes some dog noises that sound exactly like she’s saying “I want potatoes.”
Her answer is so cute and her timing is perfect, I just hope she got to enjoy some of the potatoes later on!
Watch the video below and let us know what you think!
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These 4 Pups Line Up In Front Of The Door Now Watch Who Comes Up Behind Them!
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Golden Retrievers love playing games, romping around, and living up to their name fetching balls and toys. Their sweet, friendly nature has made them one of the most popular dog breeds throughout the world and nothing demonstrates their natural laid back attitude better than this adorable video.
In it four sweet Golden Retrievers can be seen lining up orderly at the front door of their house after a long day of playing outside. They’re each patiently waiting for their turn to have the dirt and grime wiped from their paws before heading inside. It’s a sight every dog owner would love to see, especially those with hardwood floors!
What stands out the most about this clip is how calm and cool they all are, these dogs display more discipline and patience than most people ever would in the same situation. They’re clearly well cared for as can be seen by their long, shiny, brushed coats and all the attention that’s being lavished on them to keep everyone clean and comfortable. It’s great seeing such dedicated owners who care a great deal about their four legged companions.
It’s no wonder that so many people think highly of Golden Retrievers and the awesome dogs make wonderful family pets. Their sweet, loyal, trainable and even-tempered nature is perfect for families with young children. Those traits, along with their intelligence, also makes them excellent service dogs.
The list goes on and on and there are so many other great qualities to this breed, but the ones that stand out the most is their patience and gentle nature.
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She Confronts This Guilty Pup About A Missing Sandwich. But Then He Reveals It With An Unexpected Surprise!
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Everyone reacts differently when they get caught red handed doing something that they know is wrong. Some people stop whatever they were doing, own up to their guilt and apologize for any wrongdoing, while others just try to disappear and avoid any and all conflict.
A lot of the time we deny that we’re doing anything bad, regardless of how obviously caught we may be. When that happens, it helps to hide all the incriminating evidence of the misdeeds and to keep your mouth shut.
That’s exactly what one dog did when his owner noticed her sandwich was missing after she briefly stepped out of the room. The only suspect she had was her dog, Saben, who was sitting looking innocent and yet guilty all at once on the couch. She asked him “what happened to my sandwich” to which he responded by turning his head to avoid her eyes.
That’s when she noticed that he had a suspicious looking lump bulging around his mouth area and she deduced that he’d hidden her sandwich in his mouth! Poor Saben must have been caught in the act before he could even swallow the tasty treat and thought he’d be able to hold it there for later.
As hard as he appears to have tried, the dry bread and uncomfortable feeling of a mouthful of food was too much for him to bear. Saben ended up gracefully spitting out the sandwich, which fell from his mouth to the edge of the sofa to the floor.
By doing that he killed two birds with one stone, he gave the sandwich back to his owner and relieved himself of the guilt of his crime. His owner thankfully appears to have a great sense of humor about the whole situation and hopefully Saben learned a lesson from all of this!
The next time you get caught red handed and are about to get an earful, try keeping your mouth shut no matter what. It helps to avoid an escalation in the drama and your words can’t be used against you if you say nothing. Try to look as innocent as can be and a little groveling action, in terms of slight bodily movements, can also help.
However, make sure your mouth isn’t stuffed full of food because as Saben has taught us, it will all come spilling out!
This dog video will make your day! 🙂
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He Walked Into The Room And Saw A Disaster. When He Asks What Happened I Spit My Drink Out!
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Everyone reacts differently when they get caught red handed doing something that they know is wrong. Some people deny they’re doing anything bad, regardless of how obviously caught they may be. Others take a more direct approach and stop whatever it is they were doing, own up to their guilt, and apologize for any offense or wrongdoing on their behalf.
And some just try to look as cute and innocent as possible in a vain attempt to avoid any and all conflict. That’s what one dog did when his owner came home and saw what a mess he made by getting into some stuff which he had no business sticking his nose into.
The adorable white dog didn’t knock the trash over or chew up any cushions and pillows, it was something much more colorful and vibrant than that. Instead, he took the non-traditional route and managed to get into some colorful food supplies.
He found a bottle of green food dye, chewed it open, and then went to town painting the carpet and house a lovely shade of emerald green! When his owner came home and saw the mess he was clearly taken aback. He also knew who the culprit was and when he approached his furry companion the guilt was written all over the puppy’s face.
Well, more like it had stained the dog’s mouth and white fur green, as the evidence was undeniable. The little doggy knew he was in trouble and sat there looking as sweet and innocent as he could, wagging his little tail and making adorable facial expression, but he had been caught red handed and green faced!
There may be a lesson to learn from this video and the next time you get caught doing something naughty and are about to get an earful, try this dog’s approach to avoiding any bad fallout. All you have to do is remain quiet and try your best to look remorseful, sweet, angelic, and as lovable as possible while facing the person you offended, until you’re hopefully forgiven!
This video is so funny enjoy and it will make your day! 🙂
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These Tired Puppies Are All Laying Down In A Row. But Watch When The One On The Left Does THIS
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There is nothing more peaceful and darling than watching a newborn sleep…except maybe watching six of the tiniest most innocent newborn Pug puppies! In the video you are about to watch below you will see the precious movements of these little angels as they settle themselves into their much needed sleep.
They are all lined up on their backs, making little twitching motions, as they begin to drift off to the dulcet tones of a bedtime lullaby. At first viewing it seems a little unusual to see newborn pups all sleeping in identical positions on their backs. Some who have viewed this footage thought it might not be safe for them in this position.
However, after reading about the breathing habits of pugs, it seems that at an early age, they may be in this position exactly because it makes their young respiratory systems more comfortable. Watching each one’s different little motions to get comfortable is just about one of the cutest things I’ve seen.
As each one settles down they appear to be dreaming as they doze off into “Puppy Lalaland!”
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