THIS New Mama Just Had a Litter of Puppies But Wait Until You See What She’s Holding In Her Mouth!
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Two tiny four week old kittens had been found abandoned and alone. With no mother around and no time to spare, a woman decided to rescue the babies and took them in. She tried her best to hand feed the kittens with a dropper but they just weren’t eating and soon started to grow weak. In need of an alternative solution, she reached out to a family friend whose dog had recently given birth and the two decided to try and place the orphaned kittens with the new mother.
The new mother happened to be a 3 year old Jack Russel terrier named Annabelle. Two weeks prior to the kittens arrival she had given birth to a litter of two puppies. Her owner, Kristy, was unsure about how she’d react to the new additions but any apprehension or worries were soon forgotten.
In no time at all Annabelle had taken the kittens in and adopted them as her own babies. She performed all the motherly tasks that a cat would do for their young and groomed, fed, cleaned, and protected her two new additions. She would gently pick them up and carry them around the house in her mouth to keep them safe and close and snuggled with them day and night.
The ABC News clip of the new family is absolutely adorable and heart warming, it’s the kind of positive story that you actually want to hear about! According to Kristy, Annabelle “has accepted them as her own, no questions asked.” In fact, she’s even more protective of the kittens than she is of her own puppies, but that’s because the kittens are older and more active, moving around a lot, so she has to keep a closer eye on them to make sure they’re safe.
It looks like everyone in Kristy’s household is happy, from Annabelle to her puppies to the kitties! Even though life started out rough for the kittens, in the end it all worked out for the best thanks to the woman who saved them and for Annabelle taking them in as her own.
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Loggers Chop Down This Really Old Tree. But Were Completely Stunned By What They Found Inside The Trunk!
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People have been logging the forests ever since they stopped being nomadic and settled down in one area. In America, as soon as the settlers arrived in Jamestown, Virginia they set to work falling trees to make shelters and protect them from the elements.
Over the years the industry has changed drastically to fit people’s needs. Nowadays logging is primarily done for lumber and producing paper pulp to make into a variety of paper products. That was what a team from Georgia Craft Company were out logging for one day back in 1980 in a forest near Jasper, Georgia. They were cutting down American Chestnut trees when they noticed that the first one they stuck their axe into was hollow. While unusual, it wasn’t a big deal, so they forged ahead and cut it down because it was still useable and valuable.
Once the tree was felled, they began cutting it up into smaller pieces that would fit on the back of the logging truck. However, before they started sawing it down to size, they realized that something was stuck up inside the tree trunk. When they looked down it there was no light passing through.
Curious, the loggers moved in to take a closer look and what met their gaze was shocking. The angry looking face of a snarling animal with sharp teeth peered out, causing them to immediately jump back and away from the tree. They couldn’t believe their eyes; they were looking at what seemed to be a very odd looking sort of dog. It appeared frozen in time and the loggers just knew they’d stumbled upon something strange. Not knowing quite what to do with it, they set it aside and got back to work.
About a year later the hollow Chestnut tree ended up at Southern Forest Word, a new museum dedicated to forestry that was about to open to the public. Staff at the museum knew the strange discovery would be a huge draw and wanted to know everything about the story behind the dog in the tree.
The dog appeared to have been naturally mummified and Kristina Killgrove, a biological anthropologist from the University of West Florida, came up with an explanation for how this likely happened. Part of her studies involve how tissue decays and the microbes involved in the process of breaking it all down. Because Chestnut trees have tannin, which makes them rot resistant, they absorb moisture.
That property is what prevented microbes from beginning the decaying process so the dog didn’t break down and instead became mummified. Another major contributing factor was that the tree trunk blocked other animals from both smelling and reaching the dog. Since it was hollow, any scent the dog gave off would have travelled up the tree like smoke where it’d be blown away by the wind.
The biggest question yet remained, how the dog ended up in the tree trunk in the first place. Since it appears to have been a 4 year old hunting dog, experts theorized that it likely chased an animal, such as a raccoon or squirrel, into the tree sometime around 1960. After somehow managing to climb up about 28 feet the dog then got stuck and after that it probably starved to death.
The dog in the tree has always been the main attraction at the forestry museum, people are fascinated by the story. For years it was simply given the name “mummified dog” but in 2002 the forestry museum held a naming contest for it. They ended up choosing the name “Stuckie” in homage to the poor hound’s sad fate.
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THIS Guy Believed He Took Home A New Little Puppy. He Would Soon Realize THIS Wasn’t Even a Dog!
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Everyone knows that dogs are man’s best friend and the connection between people and canines runs deep. Naturally, when an 18 year old man from Tucson, Arizona found a cute little puppy abandoned in a shopping cart he couldn’t just leave him there. He took the dog home and asked his parents if he could keep him, they said yes and named him Neo.
From the start there were issues with Neo, he would relieve himself in the young man’s car and was very anti-social, yet needy at the same time. He’d only let the man get close and feed or care for him and shunned any of the other family members attempts at showing him any attention. Being that the man worked long hours and was enrolled full time at college, Neo was often left at home in the back yard.
Thinking that the fenced in area was roomy and safe enough for the dog, the family was surprised when Neo first got out. However, he started escaping regularly and would either dig a hole to freedom or jump right over the fence. Once he was out, Neo would head over to the neighbor’s house where some German Shepherds lived and loved to hang out and play with them.
Time and again he escaped, so the boy and his parents put up a much bigger and better fence thinking it would keep Neo in. It didn’t, the dog chewed right through the new fence and escaped in no time at all, heading straight back to the neighbors and his old dog friends.
The neighbors had been understanding and wanted to help. They would bring Neo back every time, but after awhile they got fed up with having to constantly return him. Plus, Neo clearly still didn’t trust them, he’d avoid eye contact and refused to eat any treats they threw his way. They ended up bringing him to the local Humane Society of Southern Arizona to see if they could offer professional help on what to do with the situation.
When Maureen O’Nell, the CEO of the shelter at the time, first saw Neo she knew right away he was different and not an ordinary dog. His amber eyes, long legs, rough coat that featured specific markings, and the anti-social behavior he displayed towards humans indicated that Neo was in fact a wolf! That came as a shock to everyone, but now all of Neo’s quirks and strange behavior made sense.
With this new revelation came a whole mess of issues. Arizona law prohibits anyone from owning a wolf unless they are either of Native American descent or they get a special permit. Not even animal shelters can take a wolf hybrid in and the humane society was required to report him to the authorities which left Neo’s fate in limbo.
Watch this video for the full story:
Not wanting to see him put down, his family and O’Nell started looking into options for his future care. They found a California sanctuary called Wolf Connection Organization that was properly equipped to take care of wolves and wolf hybrids, which is what Neo likely was. The sanctuary agreed to take Neo in and soon he began the slow, gradual adjustment process of living at the facility and among other wolves.
For Neo, being an impatient escape artist, the adjustment period was a little too slow. He soon broke out of his enclosure and headed straight to the one next door where an established pack lived. His friendly nature soon won over the alpha female of the pack, a wolf named Maya, and with that the rest of the group accepted him into their family.
Thankfully Neo’s story has a happy ending; he ended up among fellow wolves rather than confined to a backyard or put down.
See Neo all grown up in the video below:
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If Your Yard Ever Has One of These Brown Patches Don’t Go Near It or Touch It and Keep Your Kids and Pets Far Away!
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So now that summer is here we are all going to be spending so much more time outside. Nothing feels better than stepping out of your house or apartment breathing in the fresh air, feeling the warm sunshine hit your face and just simply enjoying a beautiful day. We will all be spending a lot more time outside whether it is our backyards, the local park, the pool or the beach. Laying in the grass with a towel and catching some rays is definitely a favorite hobby of mine.
This brings us to today’s article. We have all been out in our backyards, our friends lawn, a public park or basically anywhere where the grass grows. Seeing a brown patch of grass doesn’t really seem like a big deal and most of us just overlook it and think, “What’s the big deal it’s just a circle of dead grass?”
While sometimes this can be the case, a brown patch of grass can be something much more than that. Now have no fear, the brown patch of grass is not dangerous and it isn’t going to hurt you, however what’s lurking just beneath it could be potentially hurt by you.
Confused? So was I until I learned about this little known fact about nature. As it turns out, that innocuous patch of brown grass could have a family of animals living right beneath it. In today’s story a man in Ontario, Canada noticed one of these brown patches on his lawn and then looked closer and saw the patch moving like the earth beneath had a mind of it’s own! He immediately called Ontario Wildlife Removal to see if they had any idea what this could be.
The expert from the Ontario Wildlife Removal got to the house inspected the strange brown moving patch of grass and quickly realized it was a rabbit’s nest filled with a bunny family just below the surface. He took a closer look and saw a litter of tiny hairless rabbits. He took some pictures in and a video you can watch in the video below.
The expert explains if you see one of these brown patches do not touch it under any circumstances. Even if you see a litter of ‘abandoned’ baby rabbits moving, the mother is most likely very close by and only brings them food twice per day. Many people don’t know this, but the reason the nests are usually in plain sight near human houses or apartments in the middle of your lawn or park is because predators tend to stay away from these places because they are afraid of people!
These dangerous predators who would otherwise eat baby rabbits won’t even attempt to approach the nests because they are too scared to come too close to the human population. Little did I know I was a baby rabbit protector! I don’t know about you but that’s a job I’ll take and do it free!
These baby rabbits are safe from their natural predators such as foxes, wolves and coyotes however, little kids, dogs and outdoor cats now become their biggest threat. Your best bet if you spot one these brown patches in your yard is to make sure your kids and pets can’t get to it until the baby bunnies are ready to leave the nest.
Baby rabbits grow extremely fast and within just a few weeks, that brown patch on your lawn will be vacant because the baby bunnies will be big enough and strong enough to fend for themselves in the wild. So next time you see one of these brown patches on the grass keep your distance and let your friends and family know.
Watch the video below for a full explanation and footage of the baby bunnies and what you should look for:
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THIS Pup Just Moved Into a New House But Then Freaks Out When She Notices THIS Strange Thing Outside!
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Moving can be extremely stressful in more ways than one, especially for our animal companions. When they first step foot into their new home it’s both exciting and terrifying all at once and they can quickly become overwhelmed by the experience. That’s because a new house is full of different types of strange smells, unfamiliar sights, and sometimes there are even new rules that pets have to get used to, like no going on the couch or upstairs.
Our four-legged friends often need a little extra time and space to process and become accustomed to their new surroundings. Once they settle in after a bit, it’s as if they’ve always lived there. It’s always interesting to see how animals approach and explore their new digs, especially dogs.
Compared to cats, they’re quicker, more animated, and much less cautious. A dog will run around sniffing out every single nook and cranny they come across, whereas cats run and hide under furniture. Some dogs will even run and jump straight into the new swimming pool, which is exactly how one adorable puppy named Christy reacted when she saw that her new house came with an in-ground pool in the backyard!
When the little snow-white West Highland Terrier caught her first glimpse of the pool, all her attention immediately was focused on getting outside to see it up close. Christy happily spun in circles, jumped up on the screen, and barked in delight at the awesome new upgrade in her life.
She was so excited that her little tail was wagging back and forth at a hundred miles an hour and when the door finally slid open she wasted no time and bolted right outside. She went full speed straight ahead without hesitating even the slightest bit and jumped right into the water like a champion! she ended up in the pool! She didn’t hesitate in the slightest and jumped right into the water like a champion.
As soon as she ended up in the pool Christy looked like she was on cloud nine as she swam around blissfully, nipping here and there at the water. The excited pup doggy paddled over to the stairs, got out, and ran to the other end of the pool to jump in and do it all over again.
After watching this little Terrier’s reaction, it’s safe to assume that she will be very happy in her new home. Now that she has a pool to go swimming in whenever she’d like, she’s probably already forgotten about the previous place she used to live.
Check out her unbelievably joyful reaction and pass it on with anyone who may need a smile!
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THIS Little Puppy Tries To Howl For The First Time! But What Comes Out Is An UNEXPECTED Surprise!
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Chances are you don’t remember learning how to talk. Most people’s memories of such a young age are cloudy or non-existent. The experience would likely be lost forever which is why so many parents record their children’s first attempts at saying words.
The same is often done by pet owners with very young animals who are learning to meow or bark for the first time, like the family who captured this adorable home video. As you can see, the boy is teaching his malamute husky named Bella how to howl. The tiny puppy has barely opened its eyes and is just 20 days old at this point, but she’s already making strides towards her first howl. The sounds she makes are so cute and adorable, it’s impossible to not smile when hearing her squeaky little voice!
The best part about this, besides Bella’s obvious loveableness, is the boy teaching her. He is so gentle and sweet and handles her with such care and tenderness. With an owner like that, Bella will grow up to be a wonderful, loyal, and loving family dog.
Just in case anyone is wondering, Bella was not taken away from her mother, she’s the family pet of the people who filmed this. No animal should ever be separated for long from their mother at such a young age as they are still dependent on them for milk, love, and vital care.
While it certainly can be a struggle to learn something new, with a little practice, patience, and guidance, most eventually pick up whatever it is they’re trying to do. Once Bella gets the hang of it, she’ll be howling at the moon alongside her mother in no time!
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