They Arrive Back At Home and The Walls Have Blood Splatter. They See Their German Shepherd and Discover The Scary Truth!
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Anyone who shares their life and home with a dog knows how devoted and loyal they can be. Our animal companions love nothing more than spending time with us, whether it be playing fetch, going on walks, or sleeping nearby. When a dog owner has to go to work or leave them for any extended period of time, their dog is more than likely missing them the whole time they’re gone. That’s why they go so excited and go crazy when you get home, it’s like they thought you were never coming back!
When Tristan Murrin arrived back at his Virginia home after being away on vacation for a week, his trusty canine companion, a German Shepherd named Oden, was waiting to greet him at the front door. The big handsome dog was super excited, more so than Tristan expected, and at first he thought nothing of it. But as soon as he entered his house, he was met with an unbelievably shocking sight.
Blood was spattered all over the walls, up and down the stairs, and in practically every room inside his house. There was so much blood in places that it had dripped down, and you could see where it had spurted on the carpet and doors. After making sure Oden wasn’t harmed anywhere, Tristan concluded that his dog must have attacked an intruder who broke into his house. There had been several robberies recently in the area and it was the only possible explanation for his house looking like it belonged in a horror movie scene!
After checking Oden, he then looked to see if anything had been stolen. Nothing appeared missing, so whoever had broken in had probably been attacked by his dog right away before they could find anything worth stealing. Oden must have chased them all around the house as well, that explained why the blood was everywhere.
Tristan called the police next and they came over to investigate. They also notified all the local hospitals that if someone came in seeking medical attention for a dog bite to let them know, that would most likely be their suspect. It didn’t take long for the story to get out and the local news soon showed up to interview Tristan about what happened. He praised his dog for protecting his home and said that “I think the dog did its job.” He also said Oden has never been aggressive towards anyone, he knows all the neighbors and even plays with their kids, who absolutely adore him.
After seeing how protective and effective Oden proved himself to be at defending his home and property, Tristan couldn’t be prouder. He especially loves German Shepherds and wants everyone to know that if they are thinking about adopting or getting a dog, they should go with that breed!
Watch the video below for the full story:
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You Will Not Believe Your Eyes When You See How This Pup Saved THIS Toddler’s Life!
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Experts believe that man and the canine first became friends and later domesticated anywhere from 16,000 – 32,000 years ago. Over thousands of years the bond between our two species has become even more intertwined. The canine is almost always refferred to as “Man’s Best Friend”. Anybody who has one of these incredible fur babies can attest to just how strong a friendship and bond can be between a pup and his human. Over 1000’s of years dog’s have evolved with humans and sometimes this evolution can be visually striking as the sizes and shapes of canine’s continues to change.
Whether its burrowing into small holes to catch badgers and rabbits, being a home security system, cleaning up rats and other rodents, being a service dog for the handicapped, tracking scents in hunting or police work, saving people from fires, herding sheep for farmers our furry little friends can do just about anything! Sometimes just sitting on the couch and binge-watching some shows with your pup can be one of the most fun and fulfilling ways to spend your day.
In today’s incredible video we will be featuring the story of a young 14 month old boy named Stanley, Labrador Retriever named Bear, and his mother Patricia. If you have ever had children you know what’s they get past their first birthday, toddlers start to be able to explore their environment. This is obviously just a natural and healthy part of childhood development, however during the time the child is this age, you have to remain extra vigilant to make sure your baby doesn’t wander off into a dangerous situation.
Stanley like many other kids his age, loves to shadow and follow behind his mom wherever she goes. Whether it’s to the kitchen, the yard or to the driveway your toddler is most likely to be right behind you kind of like a dog. On one particular morning mama Patricia had been doing some gardening with Stanley by her side getting some fresh air, sunshine and some exercise.
When Patricia finished up the job in her garden, she headed to the garage to put away all the gardening tools. After she put the tools back in their proper place, she looked around and Stanley had vanished. Patricia like any other mom immediately began to panic screaming out his name, searching everywhere and hoping and praying he would just show up safe.
When she got to the backyard she saw Stanley in the pool, but he wasn’t swimming, he was in the pool floating face up, but he was unconscious. She jumped into the pool grabbed him and luckily he was breathing but still not conscious.
Somehow, Bear the Labrador Retriever sensed that his little brother could possibly be in grave danger as he heard him splashing around in the water. Without hesitation, the dog leaped into action, jumping into the pool, swimming beneath Stanley, lifting him up to the surface and finally turning the toddler face up so he wouldn’t drown or swallow any water! What is even more amazing, is Bear stayed underneath the boy, keeping him floating above the surface and stayed as still as possible so the boy wouldn’t tip over sideways and go back under the water’s surface!
Patricia carried him out of the water and brought him to the local fire station where he regained conscious and made a complete recovery! His big bro Bear had saved his life and became a local hero among the community! Good boy! 🙂
Watch the video below to see the top 10 best dog’s saving humans. Stanley, Patricia and Bear’s story begins at 3:59:
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After This Guy Literally Just Finished Building His Dog Fence In The Yard He Let His Dog Out To Test It.
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Dogs love going outside to get some fresh air and exercise and for responsible owners that means they have to either put them on a leash and take them for a walk or go to the dog park. Unless, of course, they have a sturdy fence installed that allows the dog to roam free and explore the yard safe and securely. The convenience of having a fenced-in area for your pets at home simply make people’s lives easier and they also make life easier and happier for the pup, and a lot more fulfilling!
One guy, YouTube user rgraves62002 decided that his best friend in the world, an adorable dog named Stella, could benefit from a nice penned in area. He rescued Stella after finding her in a dumpster and saw how much she loved to run and jump around, so she needed a place to play in and keep her from wandering off…
Knowing how much of a jumper the pup Stella was he tried to figure out how high she could leap before he went out and bought a fence. He set up a test and explained in the comments that he “had Stella jump a baby gate inside and when she stopped jumping it I added 6 inches.”
After putting up the new fence he couldn’t help but admire it and the clip he posted shows the end result of all his hard work and effort. He can be heard in the background saying “Yep, just completed fixing this fence. Pretty proud of it I’d have to say. Trying to keep Stella in the yard.”
As if on cue Stella comes running, she flies right by the camera, and leaps up and over the new fence in a single bound!! She barely paused and cleared the top with room to spare. Moments later the man simply says “Dammit!” It’s the perfect reaction to the moment and one can only imagine what a stupefied look he must have on his face. Stella: 1 Fence: 0!
In the end, the fence didn’t end up going to waste. The man commented that he re-purposed it into “a tree house with a zip-line for my grandson!” so it wasn’t a compete failure. This video just goes to show how everything worked out for the best, and how agile some dogs are! Show this hysterical video to other dog lovers and anyone else who will appreciate the hilarity of this moment.
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He Realized His Pup Stared At Him Every Night While He Slept. When He Finds Out The Truth It’s Heartbreaking!
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Rescuing a dog from a shelter is one of the most selfless deeds you can ever do. Being able to care for an animal, and give them a second chance at life is such a beautiful thing. Not only are you saving them, but they will soon return the favor by being the best friend you could ever ask for. Dog’s unconditional is unmatched and they have heart’s of gold!
In today’s story we feature a man who decided to adopt a dog from a shelter. He drove to the rescue center, got out walked into the shelter and was immediately drawn to this one special golden retriever. He brought the pup home and just knew this was the perfect match for him and his family. Everybody in the household loved the pooch and the pooch loved them all back. He was fully trained, obedient and just an overall delight to be around.
Then one night the guy noticed something strange the golden retriever kept doing every single night. He had gotten a little dog gate so that the dog wouldn’t come in his room during bed time. Many people have these and it’s a great tool to let dogs know what is a dog friendly area of the house and what is not. Anyway, the man realized that every night when he went to sleep, his dog would wait by the gate all night and stare at him from the second he got into the bed, then fell asleep and when he woke up the dog would still be staring.
Initially he didn’t think much of it and thought it might just be because he was slightly uncomfortable in his new environment. Strangely, the behavior didn’t stop, it went on for weeks and then months. Finally the man wanted to figure out what or why his otherwise amazing dog was doing this every single evening. His first thought was, the pup wasn’t getting enough exercise and had excess energy that was causing him to stay up and watch him all night.
In turn, he began to increase his walk and playtime exponentially. The dog of course loved the new level of fun time with his beloved human, but when night came, there he was again, staring all night long. This became a little more concerning to the guy, he now thought maybe the dog had an underlying issue or illness. He brought the golden retriever to a Vet who examined him and did a full work up and everything came back fine. This dog was in great health physically which was great news, but why wasn’t he sleeping and why did he stay up all night staring at his intently.
Since the Vet couldn’t shed any light on what could possibly be going on, the guy went back to the shelter he adopted the pup from and asked them if they knew why he could possibly be doing this every single night. Surprisingly some of the staff had some insight and answer that could potentially be the reason the dog was exhibiting such a strange behavior.
They told him, his old owner’s wife got pregnant and the couple thought it would be way too much work to have a baby and a dog so they decided that they would get rid of the poor golden retriever and bring him to a shelter before the new baby was born. The old owner was crushed because he truly did love this dog but didn’t think he and his wife could handle the full responsibility. He decided to bring it to the shelter. The thing was, he just couldn’t stomach looking at the dog as he dropped him off at the rescue center and walked away.
One day, he waited for the golden retriever to fall asleep in the car. As he was sleeping the man quietly drove to the shelter, brought him in while the dog was still sleeping and left him at the shelter while the retriever was still catching z’s. When the poor dog woke up in a scary new place without his family he couldn’t understand what had happened. He was now alone in a cage, it was scary and there were lots of other strange dogs all around him also in cages.
They figured out that the poor dog, wouldn’t go to sleep or take his eyes off his new family because he couldn’t trust, that this new human wouldn’t just drop him back off at the shelter while he slept. Basically he was too scared to sleep because he didn’t want to get abandoned again! When his new owner put it all together his heart was shattered. This truly was the saddest thing he had ever heard.
That night he got back home assured his sweet dog he would never abandon him, then removed the gate that was blocking the dog from coming into his room while he slept. From now on the wonderful golden retriever could now sleep in the same room and bed as human and hopefully could trust people enough to get some sleep.
The guy posted his story online about his dog’s story and experience. The story quickly went viral and people from all over the world were touched by this one special shelter dog’s story. I dream of a world where all shelter dogs get fur ever homes! I know this golden retriever tore my heart up, as wipe a happy tear off my face as I write this final sentence…. Such a good dog!
Watch the video below for the full story:
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She Felt Something Strange Was Up With Her Dog and Hubby. She Set Up A Hidden Cam and Caught THIS
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No matter what type of animal our pets may be, they all have their very own unique personalities and special quirks that set them apart. Whether it’s a hamster, cat, bird, lizard, or horse, the animal companions in our lives seem to always find a way to make us laugh and love them even more!
Lots of animals even end up taking on and adopting some very human-like traits. There are horses that sing and dance, parrots that talk, cats who can open doors, and the dog in this video who enjoys dancing to music alongside his owner!
The two were hanging out at home one afternoon just taking it easy, relaxing on the couch and enjoying each others company. The man was sitting in his boxer shorts perusing the web on his laptop and listening to music with his black and white dog by his side when a song came on that they both really liked.
That’s when things got interesting and it’s also when his wife came home unbeknownst to the lovable pair of couch potatoes! She whipped out her phone to secretly record the hilariously adorable sight that awaited her and what she captured is pure gold!
The man and his dog started to do a strange type of dance, moving their bodies and heads from side to side in unison. The moves are definitely all their own and judging by the looks they gave one another at the beginning of the clip, it seems as if they’ve done this before!
It’s hard to say which one taught the other how to couch dance but either way they clearly have a great time doing it. This dynamic duo proves that it’s the little things that make life awesome. On another note, how the wife kept herself from bursting out laughing is anyone’s guess!
Watch the video below:
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Lady Brings Dog Covered In Strange Spots To The Vet. What They Reveal Underneath His Skin Is Horrifying!
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Humans and dogs have relied upon each other for thousands of years. They used to help us hunt and protect us, but these days dogs are more of a companion animal. While dogs are many people’s best friends, others are their worst enemies. Some people are just plain cruel and animal abusers rank among the most sadistic.
The story of Jackson, a one year old English Mastiff puppy, is a sad case of how low people can stoop. His owner Hayden Howard of Seymour, Indiana said that one Saturday afternoon he was playing in the fenced in backyard.
He looked ok and was acting normal but when she called him inside later in the day he appeared to be covered in bug bites. Since he seemed fine Hayden didn’t bother looking closer until later that night and what she found was the worst thing any animal lover could ever imagine. Jackson wasn’t covered in bug bites; he was riddled with bullet holes.
Completely shocked, Hayden rushed her poor dog to the vet who immediately found several small pellets, the type which matched those likely fired from a BB gun. There were so many bullet holes that the vet had to shave off almost all of Jackson’s fur and by the time he was done a total of 30 BBs and 7 plastic pellets were recovered from the dog’s body. A further 20 holes riddled his body, but those shots could not be recovered without further invasive surgery.
The police were called in and they went to Hayden’s house to investigate the terrible crime. Upon looking at the backyard where the dog had been attacked, they estimated he must have been shot more than 70 times. Craig Hayes, the Assistant Chief of the Seymour police department, said he had never seen such a small animal shot so many times survive.
Wanting answers and justice for Jackson the police were determined to solve the case. They found evidence of BBs lodged in trees on Hayden’s property that showed which direction the shots were fired from and traced them back to a nearby property.
Soon after that they obtained a search warrant for the house next door and found hidden bullets and a gun along with the BB gun and pellets used to shoot Jackson. The police also found evidence of drug-use at the house and arrested a man on drug possession charges. When they asked him who had shot the dog he refused to answer without an attorney present.
While no animal cruelty charges have yet been filed, the cops are hopeful for an arrest in the case and plan to further test some of the evidence they gathered. In addition, the Howard family has set up a $500 reward for more information leading to charges in the case.
Most important of all is that Jackson is alive and well on his was to living a normal dog’s life. He was given medication and antibiotics to help him heal and is at home recovering with his family. Hayden reports that he is fine and well on his way to better health. Hopefully the person who did this to him will be caught and punished severely for their inhumane cruelty.
Watch the video below for the full story:
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