THIS Is The Actual and Unexpected Reason Why Dogs Jump On You When You Get Back To Your House!

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For anyone who has ever had a dog it isn’t huge news to find out that dogs feel actual love for their owners. However, because they’re unable to speak, they have to find other ways to communicate their love. Even dog lovers might be surprised by the hidden meanings behind the things that your dogs do on a regular basis.

Sleeping on their side – It seems that when dogs sleep on their sides, they’re actually trying to tell their owner how they feel about them. By doing this, dogs are telling you that they love and trust you.

Sleeping on their stomach – When dogs sleep on their stomachs, its often because they are shy or gentle dogs. When sleeping in this way, dogs are unable to sleep deeply and cannot reach REM sleep in this position.

Sleeping on their back – When a dog sleeps or lies on its back, it is often because they are hot and are trying to cool off. If the dog’s arms are crossed, it means they want to be left alone so he can sleep.

Staring – If a dog is staring at you, it simply means that he wants your attention and love. So go out and play already!

Staring with their tongue out – While staring certainly identifies a desire for attention in a dog, a tongue out also can show you what mood they are in. Usually, when a dog stares with his tongue out, it means that he is relaxed and generally content at that moment.

Intense eye contact – When a dog stares intensely at you, it actually means something different than a normal stare. This kind of scrutiny signifies that the dog is trying to read your expression as to better understand what you want from the animal.

When Your Dog Jumps On You After You Arrive At Your House – This is because he missed you so much that if it means knocking you over and giving you a hug while licking you on the floor; so be it! This is the ultimate show of love any canine will ever show for their human.

Stance with open mouth, relaxed tail, and high ears – When a dog carries this stance, it means that the animal is relaxed and secure in its surroundings. If you want to approach a dog you don’t know, look for this stance.

Stance with a pointed tail and forward-facing ears – When a dog maintains this posture, it means that the animal is curious about something. They probably hear or smell something that interests them.

Loose floppy tongue – When a dog has its mouth open with its tongue hanging out, it simply means that your dog is extremely happy. Keep up the good work!

Soft increasing bark – If a dog starts barking at you and steadily continues louder, it means that he wants to play with you. So what are you waiting for?!?

Everyone knows that dogs are full of love. What most don’t know is that many regular actions that dogs take can actually tell you things about the dog. Through their actions, dogs communicate mood, wants, and even love. Here are some of the ways they tell you that something is bothering them.

Howling – Dogs have exceptional hearing, often much better than humans. As a result, they can hear things that we can’t. This includes high pitched noises. Dogs usually howl when they hear these noises either because they’re irritated by the noises or because the noises are actually hurting the dog’s ears. 

Baring teeth, ears back, and snarling – This one is pretty obvious. If a dog is exhibiting this kind of aggressive behavior, it means that it is aggravated and on edge. Make sure to always be careful when approaching dogs in an angry state as they could pose a physical threat. If your own dog is like this, try to calm them down by giving them a treat, bone, or toy they like. Hopefully, this will relax your pup.

Low growl – This just means that your pup is anxious or scared. Logically, if there is something that is clearly scaring the canine, separate the two. If you’re not sure what could be causing it, employ the same tactics as when your dog is angry. Note what antagonizes your dog so you can avoid negative interactions in the future.

Watch the video below for a more in depth look at all these dog behaviors:

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Husky Is Terrified of Julia Roberts and Runs When She Sees Her. Her Response Is UNEXPECTEDLY Hilarious!

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Out of all the billions of things in the world to be scared of, one Husky dog is afraid of Julia Roberts! For some odd reason the silly pooch named Achmed is absolutely petrified of the actress and when he catches even just a brief glimpse of her it’s enough to send him fleeing in terror.

The short clip below is the original video which shows Achmed’s strange reaction. According to Kayla R, the dog’s owner, she had been the couch reading through Brides magazine and watching TV with her fiance when her dog suddenly freaked out. She noticed that it was in response to something he had seen in the magazine and after a little investigating the source of his fear was found, a Lanôme advertisement featuring Julia Roberts!

Kayla told her fiance and they set about capturing Achmed’s unusual reaction. When the magazine is held up for the dog to see he immediately starts to cry and whine before running far, far away from the offending picture. As soon as the magazine is lowered and Julia is out of sight, Achmed feels safe enough to return. The rest, as they say, is history!

Fast forward a few years to when Julia Roberts was a guest on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. He played the clip for her and then suggested that she “say something nice to him in the camera and maybe he’ll be your friend.” Julia agreed and after figuring out which camera to look at she smiled broadly and gave him something to really be scared of!!

Watch the video below and enjoy!

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Dad Confronts His 2 Dogs About Who Ate His Shoes. How The Guilty 1 Confesses Made Me Spit My Drink Out!

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We know that dogs understand commands, and as all you dog owners out there know, we do plenty of talking to our furry friends that is more complex than simple commands like Sit and Stay.  We go on and on asking them questions, telling them how much we love them etc. etc.

Do we all believe that they understand us as we babble on and on?  Well, if you have any questions about this reality, the VIDEO you are about to watch below will make you a believer in your dog’s level of comprehension.  Daniel Martino discovered one of his slippers had been chomped on and confronted the two culprits…his two adorable Dachshund and Pit Bull pups.

As the interrogation begins about which one of them was responsible… “Who was it? Who did this to my insole? Which one of you two was it?”, each of their reactions are priceless!  They are literally like two children whose hands were caught in the cookie jar.

The Dachshund stands up to the pressure, alternately lowering his eyes and trying to win his human over with his expression, but the Pit Bull’s guilty reaction is a hilarious sight to see!

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Their Owner Left These Dogs In The Car Alone. But Then The UNTHINKABLE Occurs!

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Imagine pulling up into a parking spot next to a car with two dogs inside. One is sitting in the back behind the other who is up front in the driver’s seat looking as if he’s about to start the car and head on down the road. But these two dogs aren’t going anywhere, which is why one of them is laying on the horn trying his very best to make their owner come back to the car faster and hurry up!

That was the hilarious scene that greeted Melissa Tonkin in Altoona, Pennsylvania one weekend when she was leaving a local pizza parlor. She couldn’t help but hear all of the noise they were making and soon afterwards traced it back to a silver car nearby, where she spotted the pair of impatient Airedale Terrier’s inside.

The bizarre scene was too hilarious to ignore, so she pulled out her camera and captured the memorable moment. The frustrated dogs paid her no mind and barely glanced over while she stood by the car laughing and recording their antics.

Her presence didn’t stop them from making a racket and they were clearly ready to go as soon as possible. The fact that the dog in the driver’s seat kept his paw pressed firmly on the horn while staring straight ahead makes the sight even funnier, and stranger!

According to the details posted along with the video, the dogs’ owner returned shortly afterwards and spoke with Melissa. They told her that the Terriers “love going for rides, but apparently they don’t like waiting.”

That appears to be the case but the next time the owner leaves their dogs in the car they should roll down the windows, or at least crack them a bit. That way the dogs can get a breath of fresh air, talk to passerby’s, and most importantly they can stay cooler and thus safer.

This incident took place back in November, so it likely wasn’t hot enough outside to heat up the car interior to dangerous levels. However, it’s never excusable to leave any animal, pet, child, or dependent person alone in a car on a warm or hot day, even for just a minute or two.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) the temperature inside a car can quickly climb to 110° F or higher when the outside air temperature is in the 60s. That’s when it starts to become dangerous for people and pets to be left inside a car.

In the end, it turns out that there is a way in which dogs can disturb the peace other than by barking up a storm. Some use a more modern, advanced approach to hurrying someone up and lay on the horn incessantly! Check out the video and pass it along, it’s great for a couple of chuckles.

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He Tells His Big Pup He Can’t Have His Sandwich. The Big Baby Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Tantrum

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In this hysterical video, Dinky the Great Dane throws a tantrum because his daddy, Ron, won’t give up his egg sandwich. It looks so delicious, and Dinky loves eggs so much. He doesn’t hold anything back as he lets his dad know just how he feels about the situation! In response, dad uses logics, “You didn’t even eat your own food, why do you want mine?” to which Dinky repeatedly replies, “I love you!” It is a respectable and exceptionally effective move!

The situation eventually becomes too much for his brother, Romeo, who jumps up and performs a perfect sad puppy routine that no human, no matter how strong, would be able to resist. In a feat of indelible persistence, Dinky and Romeo finally manage to break down dad’s defenses and manage to get a little piece of that sweet and tasty egg sandwich action. But, the real winner in this story is their little brother Peanut!

While his brothers were losing their minds over the dire situation, he played it cool and let them do all the work. He made sure to stay close by, however, so that when the inevitable payout commenced, he would get his fair share. Whereas Dinky got paid for his incredible vocal skills, and Romeo for his amazing sad eye performance, Peanut garners his wages through sheer conniving intelligence! Well played, Peanut, well played…

Watch the video below and enjoy!

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This Guy Bought A Dog Proof Food Box To Keep The Dog Food In. But A Hidden Camera Caught THIS!

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All dog owners know how hard it is to keep certain dogs from eating either their own or human food.  Dogs can get sick from so many things they get into, so it’s always a challenge.  We try to “dog-proof” things we don’t want our pups getting into so that don’t overeat or make a mess.

That is what Gil Jacobs had in mind with the really unique dog food container that you are about to see in the video below. He was trying to keep MeMe, his Australian shepherd, from stealing his dog food when it wasn’t meal time. When you see this clever contraption it looks like it will do the job…

This doggie-proof container seems like it will be a challenge for MeMe.  Try, try again seems to be his motto.  This clever pup has other ideas, as Jacobs sees when he reviews the footage that is caught on camera!

This is great enjoy the video below!

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