If You Drink 1 Serving Of THIS 4x Per Week You Will Get Rid Of Your Joint Pain Within 1 Month!

Aches and pains can become chronic ailments that occur in a large portion of the population; common areas include: the legs, back, joints and neck.  These afflictions become much worse with age and the increase in arthritis.  Living on anti-inflammatory pain medications can seriously impact your gastrointestinal tract, making that solution dangerous in resolving chronic pain.

Finding a natural remedy to alleviate pain symptoms that impact your life daily, offers a solution that will not only minimize your experience of pain, but will have multiple areas of impact on your overall health!

As you will hear in the video below, adding  NATURAL EDIBLE GELATIN (brands she has carefully researched) to your daily diet WILL BE LIFE-CHANGING.  To use it in a drink, 5 grams of gelatin peptides can be added to water or juices, or in other forms that “Wellness Mama” explains in the video, if you prefer a jello-like consistency.

She goes on to explain the other vast health benefit impacts of daily consumption of natural gelatin.  It affects your resistance and treatment of serious diseases, digestion as well as contributing to how YOUTHFUL you are from the INSIDE OUT!

You will begin to feel the effects of this drink within one week’s time;  it adds amino acids which build collagen, recover lost tissue in tendons, bones and cartilage and ultimately prevents and/ or alleviates osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

Maintaining this SuperFood in your daily diet, can make a substantial difference in how you live out your life.

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The Simplest Way To Lose Those Annoying Love Handles Side and Back Fat!

As summer approached, did you up your amount of exercise to get in shape for summer clothes and the dreaded bathing suits?! You, like so many of us, may still be struggling with those love handles no matter how hard you’ve worked.

According to Kyla Gagnon, a fitness guru from British Columbia who informed the “Huffington Post”, love handles are a part of the body where fat settles in and can’t be conquered by exercise alone! While exercise is important in “[strengthening] the muscles underneath the fat”, losing them requires the eating of certain foods along with strategic exercises.

HEALTHY FATS should comprise 25-35% of your daily diet, while eliminating unhealthy saturated and trans fat foods, according to “Health”; seeds and avocados are good examples of healthy fats.

Gagnon further suggested to “Huffington Post” that to achieve the most weight loss, ELIMINATE REFINED SUGARS AND CARBS. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins are the foods that have the highest “glycemic index”, which means the body uses them more easily for fuel and energy.

“WebMD” suggests that burning as little as 100 more calories per day will make an amazing difference in SHEDDING that EXTRA FAT that still lurks in your LOVE HANDLES. Simple things such as: (1) parking further from your destination and walking (2) washing your own car (3) taking the stairs instead of an escalator or elevator whenever you can (4) turning on some music in your house and dancing for 15 minutes (5) Drinking water instead of beverages that contain calories (6) Use mustard on your sandwich instead of mayo.

Making these changes in your daily diet, along with the TARGETED EXERCISES illustrated in the EASY-TO-FOLLOW VIDEO you are about to watch BELOW, will give you the results you want in ELIMINATING YOUR LOVE HANDLES within a few weeks!

Please SHARE this sure-fire way to get RID OF LOVE HANDLES with your family and friends!

She Cuts The Top Off a Banana and Places It In Boiling Water Before Bed. The End Result Is Incredible!

Millions of people experience difficulty falling and staying asleep. When bedtime rolls around they lay down in bed and roll their eyes shut but their minds and brains stay active, preventing them from getting a good nights rest. Not getting enough sleep can wreak havoc on your health and sanity, it adds stress and leads to even more exhaustion.

That’s why so many people turn to different things like sleeping pills, warm baths and milk, or even counting sheep, in a desperate attempt to pass out quickly. Some of these remedies may work for certain people, but most of them fail to bring about the desired effect.

One alternative method that has proven successful and helped many people fall asleep is banana tea. It’s incredibly all-natural, simple to make, and relatively inexpensive compared to lots of other sleep remedies. Minerals are what makes banana peel tea effective and the large amounts of potassium and magnesium naturally act to relax both muscles and nerves.

In addition, bananas are rich in vitamin B6 and tryptophan, which our bodies use and turn into serotonin. Serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter that makes people feel relaxed, happy, calm, and improves overall mood, all of which can lead to better and more sound sleep!

A hot cup tea in and of itself can also work wonders at helping you relax and fall asleep. To brew up a batch of banana peel tea tonight you’ll need the following ingredients:

– Filtered Water – 1 Organic Banana – 1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon –

1. Wash and clean the banana before cutting both ends off of it – 2. Bring a pot of water to a boil and then add the whole banana and one teaspoon of cinnamon – 3. Allow it to simmer for ten minutes and then remove the banana – 4. Pour the remaining water through a fine mesh strainer over a cup – 5. Let it cool a bit before drinking – 6. Eat the banana and crawl into bed!

Give banana peel sleepy tea a try because it may be just what your mind, body, and bedtime routine need!

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She Stacks 2 Terra Cotta Pots On Top Of Eachother. The End Result Is Priceless!

If your thinking ahead for the perfect Father’s Day gift or a birthday present for your brother son or husband this could be the perfect homemade present for any of the special men in your life!

Generally speaking, men are hard to shop for and finding the perfect gift for your father can be downright difficult to do. Most dads don’t even ask for anything, leaving you further in the dark, and would be happy to simply get a nice card and spend some time with you. However, a thoughtful present is the way to go if you want to show just how much you care and appreciate him.

If you need some ideas or inspiration for what to get, check out this video on how to build a homemade smoker. It’s not only affordable and easy to make, it’s also super cool and original. No store is selling anything like this and ones that are available cost well over $500. So if you’re dad loves meat and grilling out, he’ll love this smoker and the fact that you made it yourself.

All that this simple smoker requires is the following:

For the smoker: For the handle you will need these parts:
— 2 large terra cotta pots ½ x 8 inch steel pipe — 1 hot plate ½ inch coupling — 1 pie plate tinfoil ½ inch T pipe — 2-4 bricks 2 steel washers — woods chips 2 ½ x 3 inch pipes — grill grate 3 ½ inch pipe caps

Start by assembling the handle first. Attach the coupling to one end of the 8 inch steel pipe and the T pipe to the opposite end. Screw in each of the 3 inch pipes to the T pipe and seal them off with the ½ inch pipe caps. Attach the handle to the bottom of the terra cotta pot by placing a washer on the inside hole and threading the remaining pipe cap through it. Place the other washer on the outside of the hole and on the pipe cap, then twist on the end of the 8 inch steel pipe into the pipe cap. Make sure it’s tight and sturdy, then set it aside.

To assemble the smoker portion take the other terra cotta pot and balance it on the bricks. Use at least 2 or more to ensure that it’s secure and not rickety. Take the hot plate and place it in the bottom of the pot, thread the cord through the bottom hole, and set the pie pan filled with wood chips atop it. Next, put in the grill grate and make sure it sits flat and rests snugly against the sides because you don’t want the meat tipping off it later on! All that’s left to do is place the pot with the handle directly atop this bottom piece and you’re finished.

To use, simply plug in the hot plate and place some meat on the grill. Set a timer for 6-8 hours and by then the meat should be smoked to tender perfection. Smoking times will vary depending on the type of meat, the cut, and size you use, so adjust accordingly.

Elissa Benzie, the woman who guides us through this project on the Rare Life channel, says that she spent under $100 total on all the materials for this. If you already have some of the parts on hand, it’ll be even less. This smoker even turned out to be good looking, dad won’t be embarrassed to use it, and it works great which is most important!

Check out the video for more detailed instructions and to get a better visual idea of what it will look like at each step.

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Are Ants About To Mess Up Your Year? Try THIS Simple Trick To Get Rid Of Them Immediately!

Spring and Summer are almost here, at least for half the earth, and with it comes great outdoor activities and freedom from the cold!  However, there are some annoying things that come along with summer treats, that could use a clever remedy.  YouTuber Grant Thompson has come up with 10 SUMMER LIFE HACKS, that you don’t want to miss in the video below!

You will be amazed at the cool tips he’s come up with, from getting rid of ants naturally by making homemade corn meal, to ridding your home of fruit flies which are everywhere during this season.  We all love hamburgers on a bun, but it’s usually a messy eating experience, often embarrassing when you are out with friends…he’s got a trick that’s foolproof!

Every kid loves a popsicle…but ohhh those sticky hands..Thompson has the cutest trick for that one!  Going to have a relaxing day at the beach and getting to go into the water together is always a problem…how do you keep your valuables secure and hidden?  This hack is great!

These and 5 other Phenomenal Hacks are offered in the footage you are about to watch.  Let us know which are your favorites.

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At First I Laughed When She Put Orange Peels In The Fridge But When She’s Done YUM!

The world is full of fast food options and temptingly convenient prepackaged snacks which make it difficult to find and choose healthy foods. It is even harder when you need to come up with a tasty snack that will please a whole classroom full of youngsters. On top of that, many schools now strictly enforce no-nut and no-candy or junk food policies that aim to keep kids healthy and safe from potential allergic reactions. When one woman was asked to bring in a homemade snack for her daughter’s class that fit within the guidelines she came up with the perfect recipe. It is simple, easy to make, delicious, and above all healthy.

All you need for ingredients are six oranges and one packet of unflavored gelatin. In the video the chef, Meg, uses valencia and navel oranges for juice and then the navel orange peels she saves for a later step. Start by slicing the oranges in half crosswise and then juice them until you have one and three quarters cups of juice. Next, pour the juice through a fine mesh strainer to remove the pulp.

Place the gelatin in a saucepan and pour about one quarter cup of juice over it, let this stand and dissolve, before placing the saucepan over medium heat for approximately 5 minutes or until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Mix in the remaining juice and set aside. Take the orange halves and remove the remaining inside flesh with a spoon. Place them in a muffin tin so that they stand up and fill them halfway with juice, place the tray in the refrigerator, before finally filling them up. It is best to refrigerate them overnight or at least four hours before slicing them into wedges and serving.

Kids and adults will love this snack and many children who don’t even like fruit will be tricked into eating it because its presented to them as a treat. There are no added sugars and its even fun to make. Get the kids involved by having them help you juice the oranges and strain out the pulp. If you ever need to bring an item to a potluck, picnic, baby or wedding shower, or really any type of party, they magically fit the bill for all occasions!! Even if you have no where to go make them for yourself as a guilt-free treat. Plus, eating them will make it feel like summer has finally arrived.

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