If You Drink Out of a Copper Cup 1x Per Day For a Month THIS Happens To Your Body
I hear about many things online that have health benefits that are surprising, but I truly had no idea that DRINKING FROM a COPPER PITCHER or CUP, was one of them. The video you are about to watch below, does a great job of discussing the health benefits and the optimal means of storage to get the best results.
In actuality, the ancient Egyptians and Vedic people of India, used copper for water storage, to insure cleanliness and freshness. Modern scientists have studied these ideas, and verified the top seven health benefits provided by copper usage.
Trace amounts of copper consumption have the effect of stimulating the BRAIN. Cognitive acuity and sharpness, rely on the synapses in your brain firing at a certain speed. Because copper helps the production of myelin sheaths which make the synapses fire, drinking from a copper container will make your brain sharper.
Many people swear that wearing copper provides relief from JOINT PAIN. This seems to be particularly effective when it oxidizes and turns green; regrowing of cartilage and pain management for arthritis tend to be more anecdotal, than scientifically based, but countless people swear that it works miraculously.
Ingestion of trace amounts of copper found in certain foods and from drinking from copper vessels, improves DIGESTION by eliminating certain microorganisms that cause an upset stomach. The video you are about to watch below will also discuss copper’s effect on the THYROID (which balances weight and moods), improving HEART HEALTH and providing CARDIOVASCULAR SUPPORT.
Copper effects MELANIN PRODUCTION which directly effects HAIR FOLLICLES and HAIR GROWTH. Similarly, copper’s effect on melanin supports SKIN HEALTH by producing COLLAGEN. The footage below, will go into more detail that will be quite helpful in using this significant information, about the health benefits offered by trace elements of copper.
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She Crumbles Up a Ball Of Tin Foil And Puts It In The Laundry Machine. The Reason Is Brilliant!
Laundry. Because dirty clothes aren’t going to clean themselves. It’s an unavoidable and necessary part of life which makes it all the more painful. We all have to wash our sheets, towels, and clothing regularly to stay as fresh and clean as can be and it helps us get the most mileage and wear out of them.
Now you can get the most out of how you go about doing laundry with these tips from the WhatsUpMoms YouTube channel. They cover a bunch of laundry hacks that show you new simple ways to get the same old things done better and more efficiently. We listed some of the best tips below but be sure to check out the video for more and pass it along to anyone else who could use the information!
No time to iron a wrinkly shirt? Grab a spray bottle and fill it with clean water. Spray the shirt, stretch it out, and the wrinkles should go away.
Socks going missing in the wash? Take a mesh zippered laundry bag and clip it to the side of a hamper with a couple of clothes pins. Have everyone place their dirty socks in the bag, zipper it up when full, then toss it in with a load when you go to do laundry.
Ironing board always in the way leaning haphazardly up against stuff? Secure it in one safe spot off the ground by sticking two clothing hooks on the wall. Place them high and wide enough apart so that the board fits and hangs up against the wall. Now you won’t be constantly moving it out of the way or knocking it over!
Drying rack leaving an ugly, prominent wrinkle where clothing hangs over the bar? Take a foam pool noodle and cut it to fit the length of the bar. Slide it on to cover the metal and place clothing over it for crease-free results.
Need more hanging space? Install a cheap towel rack and instantly have more room for hanging clothes up to air dry. It will also come in handy as a spot to hang wet, dirty, stinky clothing that you need to wash soon. Always try to hang up damp or wet clothing as soon as possible, instead of tossing in the hamper with all the other dry clothes, to prevent it from forming mildew and becoming all rank.
Need to dry clothes in a hurry? Speed up the process by tossing a clean dry towel in with the wet clothes. Set the timer for 15 minutes and when it goes off remove the towel. It will have absorbed a lot of the moisture and thus lessen the overall amount of time needed to dry everything.
Out of dryer sheets? Grab some tinfoil and scrunch it up into a ball. Toss it in the dryer and clothes will come out static-cling free. The same ball of tinfoil can be used for up to 6 months so it can easily save you a lot of money. This is also great for people with sensitive skin issues because you won’t end up with all the chemical and perfume additives that are used in commercial dryer sheets on your clothes.
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This Guy Puts 2 Sponges Inside His Refrigerator. The Reason Is Brilliant!
I consider myself to be pretty strong in the housekeeping department, but never cease to be amazed at all the “tricks of the trade”that are out there on the internet, that I’ve never even heard of! I love finding really useful life hacks, like the ones you are about to watch in the video below, that are really clever and innovative!
The simple life hacks, brought to you by HouseholdHacker, offers EIGHT great ideas that are beyond simple, and just make life easier… and who doesn’t like that? These tricks are simply amazing and will help to make your household chores less painstaking. The footage will give you a step-by-step tutorial that I hope you will find as useful as I did.
For full instructions watch to see how to:
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He Places Chocolate Chips Inside THIS Crock Pot. When He’s Done I Can’t Stop Drooling!
I don’t know about you, but for me there is nothing better than a simple recipe that isn’t labor intensive, which results in a delicious dessert. The Cooking With Jack Show, aka The Lazy Man’s recipes, offers just such a trick, for a really decadent dessert often served in fancy restaurants!
The video you are about to watch is perfect for chocolate lovers. If you have ever tasted a mouth-watering lava cake, you understand how amazing it would be to concoct this at home. Something definitely brain-altering occurs when you taste a great lava cake. I was once at a party where one such dessert was served, and as the first tastes were taken the whole group fell silent, and then all you heard was the buzz of yummmmmm!
Jovial Jack, our lazy chef, demonstrates how to produce this in a slow cooker. In fact, he’s so lazy that he shows us how to line the cooker so no clean-up is necessary! Ingredients required are: Devil’s food cake mix, water, eggs, canola oil, 2% milk, chocolate pudding mix and semisweet chocolate chips.
After 5-7 minutes of mixing, everything gets poured into the slow cooker, while Jack takes a nap for 3 hours! The results look sumptuous. I can’t wait to try this as a confirmed lava cake lover. Let us know how your’s turns out if you give it a try. Don’t miss the last minute of bloopers on the video!
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Video: He Takes an Aquarium And Turns It Over So It’s Inverted. The Result Is STUNNING!
Aquariums tend to be quite limited in terms of shape and what you can do with them. Most are simple rectangles or bowls that end up sitting on a flat surface or stand. The same cannot be said for the majority of outdoor fish ponds, they’re much more versatile and many are custom made. Even so, they also seem to follow a very general design type!
However, if the two are combined, like how YouTuber TCHelmut did in this video, you end up with one truly amazing looking aquascape! The creative German took his outdoor koi pond to the next level by flipping a plain old aquarium upside down and sticking it in the middle of the water. His ingenious idea is the perfect way to transform a run of the mill garden pond into a stunning masterpiece that’s fun to look at!
It’s also fun and neat for the koi fish. According to TCHelmut every day the koi in the pond swim up into the glass tower to check things out and have a look around. They’re free to come and go and they please and some even stay there for hours on end taking in the 360 degree view.
And while at first glance the tank looks incredibly cramped and overcrowded with way too many koi fish, it’s not as bad as it initially appears. The water and glass distort our view of what’s inside and make the koi appear larger than they actually are.
The visually impressive inverted fish tank is one part magic, one part work of art. Check it out and show this unique idea with friends, family, and any fish or aquarium enthusiasts you may know!
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If You Press and Hold This Point On Your Forefinger For 60 Seconds THIS Happens To Your Body
There is an ever ongoing and constant search for alternative, natural ways to help treat health conditions and disorders. People don’t want to be forced to rely on modern health options that usually involve harsh, complex, and expensive pharmaceuticals. Perhaps the answer lies not just in the complex modern products out there, but also in the more simple and ancient practices that were developed centuries ago.
Many people end up turning to homeopathic remedies in an effort to naturally balance, restore, and heal both their bodies and minds. One of the most popular, effective, non-invasive, and natural treatment methods comes from the alternative medicine field of reflexology. Reflexology is the stimulation of reflex points to relieve and help regulate abnormalities between different body parts.
By massaging and applying pressure to specific points you can help bring about physical changes to your body. It works by increasing the blood flow and stimulating the thousands of nerves located in our hands and feet. In fact, human hands and feet have well over 15,000 nerves and they all connect to form a network that reaches different areas of the body, such as our main organs and glands.
Reflexology offers an easy, all natural way to help treat a variety of health issues and people have found that by using the simple techniques at home they could dramatically relieve pain and discomfort caused by many common ailments.
One major point found on the hand is primarily used to help relieve pain and discomfort stemming from headaches and migraines. The point is located right above the webbing between the thumb and index fingers on each hand. To activate it, press firmly down on the point while massaging and rotating in a circular or back and forth motion for at least 60 seconds and up to a couple of minutes at a time.
Make sure you are relaxed and comfortable, sit back and close your eyes, and breathe evenly in and out. This may be done anywhere at anytime of the day and it can be repeated however many times you’d like. The accompanying video shows you exactly where and how this self-massage should be done and also demonstrates a number of other hand reflexology points and techniques.
Who knows, a simple hand and finger massage may be just the thing your health and body could benefit from. Either way, it’s a great way to both start off and unwind after a long stressful day. Plus, there’s no harm in trying so you may as well do so today. Don’t forget to pass this along to help others find comfort and better health in their own lives!
Below is more information on what organs and bodily ills each finger corresponds with:
Thumb: Linked to the stomach and spleen. It helps eliminate stress, digestion, and tension in the upper body, lungs, and head. It also helps with nervousness, headaches, skin issues, and stomach aches.
Index Finger: Linked with the kidneys and bladder. It helps eliminate mental confusion, fear, frustration, and self-criticism. It also helps with backaches, constipation, digestion, and jaw, teeth and gum issues.
Middle Finger: Linked to the liver and gall bladder. It helps eliminate irritability and anger. It also helps with eyesight, frontal lobe headaches, indecision, and feelings over general fatigue.
Ring Finger: Linked to the lungs and large intestine. It helps eliminate negativity, sadness, grief, and feelings of rejection. It also helps with skin conditions, excessive mucus, ringing in the ear, respiratory functions, and negative attitude.
Little Finger: Linked to the heart and small intestine. It helps to eliminate insecurity, nervousness, and low self esteem. It also helps with blood pressure, sore throat, bloating, bone and nerve problems, and heart conditions.
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