I Couldn’t Ever Get My Corn On The Cob To Taste Just Right. But Then I Added THIS Secret Ingredient!

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Now that the worst of winter and the coldest temperatures seem to have passed, many of us are looking forward to the warm weather and getting outside. While there’s countless things to love about the spring and summer months, one of the best parts about them is all of the fresh fruits and vegetables that we get to enjoy. Who doesn’t crave a sweet, juicy serving of fresh corn on the cob once in awhile?

Corn on the cob is just as American as apple pie and when it’s in season you can often find it at any farmer’s market, roadside stand, or grocery store in the country that’s worth their salt. While eating the corn is easy, picking out the best, most fresh ears is not. Nothing is worse than buying some corn, lugging it home and cooking it up, just to sink your teeth into a bland piece of mealy corn.

You can avoid that scenario in the first place by knowing exactly what to look for when picking out corn at the market. Here are some tips from CBS New York’s “Fresh Grocer” segment on selecting the freshest, sweetest ears of corn. First, check the outside appearance and look for tight husks that hug the corn, avoid loose ones.

Peel back a section of the husk so that you can view the inside kernels and check to see whether or not they look healthy and if they’re arranged in tight, compact, straight and even rows. Avoid ears with kernels that are loose or falling out. Finally, don’t wait a day or two to cook the corn.

If possible, cook it right away to preserve the best flavors because the sugars inside the kernels are rapidly breaking down and turning into starches. Those sugars are what make corn on the cob taste so sweet and yummy, so the longer you wait, the less sweet they will taste.

Here’s another corn on the cob cooking tip. Bring a pot of water to a boil and then add some milk to it. Place the ears in the milky water and drain when done. You’ll end up with delicious, sweet, creamy tasting corn that melts in your mouth.

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I’ve Been Taking The Husk Off The Corncob Wrong My Entire Life. I Had No Idea..

Summer is full of awesome things from the weather to vacations, fireworks shows, and beyond. But perhaps one of the best parts about it is all of the delicious fruits and vegetables that are in season. On a hot, sunny day nothing is as light and refreshing as a fresh picked ear of corn on the cob!

Corn seems to go with just about everything people love to eat in the summertime, especially BBQ. It can be boiled and served simply with butter and salt or grilled and shaved over salad for a more exotic dish. It’s also one of the most convenient and versatile veggies out there. Plus even picky children love the sweet, crunchy kernels!

Regardless of how you choose to enjoy your corn, the fact remains that it needs to be peeled and the husk fully removed before you can bite into it. If you have a dozen ears you need to get through, shucking them all can take some time. It can be a messy endeavor too, all those fine silky fibers stick to everything and fly around.

You can avoid all of the hassles of peeling corn in the first place with this simple trick from America’s Test Kitchen. The less than one minute video quickly goes over the easiest way to shuck corn on the cob so check it out and try this method the next time you’re having it for dinner:

First, take a piece of corn and lay it flat and securely on a cutting board. With a sharp knife carefully cut about one inch off the end where it grows from the stalk. Place the corn in the microwave for 2-4 minutes, remove and let it sit briefly so it cools down. Grab the end that you did not cut firmly and gently shake it until the ear slides out from the husk. It will be silk and husk free and ready to be cooked!

One last thing! Here’s another corn on the cob cooking tip: Bring a pot of water to a boil, add a little bit of milk to it, place the ears in the milky water, boil for about five minutes, and drain when done. This easy method gives you delicious, sweet, creamy tasting corn that melts in your mouth!

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