Cruel Bully Dumps a Full Bottle of Super Glue in This Girl’s Hair.

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There is no doubt, bullying is an epidemic that has plagued our society for far too long and needs to come to an end. So many kids out there are traumatized for life by bullies who picked on them and were evil and cruel to them while they were growing up. So many children from kindergarten even all the way up through the college years are bullied at some point in their life.

If you have ever been a victim of bullying, you understand how traumatizing and scary it can be. Especially when it’s at school where you are supposed to be learning and getting an education, but all your energy is going into avoiding the bully and not getting picked on!

With that being said, this brings us to today’s story which features a 15 year old Hannah Combs, who was attending Harker Heights High in Texas. Hannah was a brand new incoming freshman who already had anxiety like many freshman do about starting their first day of High School. All the older kids seem so big and cool but at the same time super scary. She was just starting to adjust to her new school and environment the best she could. Going to classes, trying to fit in and getting good grades of course.

One afternoon she was outside hanging with some of her friends when an older bully snuck up behind her and dumped a bottle of glue over her head and hair. At first she was just in shock, she had no idea who he was, what was in her hair or what was going on. She had been singled out and targeted by this particular ruthless bully, who decided to take his rage out on an innocent victim.

Soon, she quickly realized it was glue, but not just any glue, it was super glue! Once this stuff sets, it’s almost impossible to remove from anything. The super glue was now embedded in her hair and scalp and was drying at a rapid pace. The bully ran off laughing as poor Hannah sat their traumatized.

The glue wasn’t only setting, it was starting to burn and heat up her scalp and she was panicking. Not only was her hair rock hard and glued together, but now it felt like her scalp was on fire. The burning set in almost immediately and she said it felt like a sunburn times 10! She ended up getting rushed to the hospital. While she was there they diagnosed her with first degree chemical burns of her scalp. They tried to remove as much glue as they could, but the damage was done and it was too late to be salvageable.

Not only was Hannah suffering from a first degree chemical burn of the scalp, but she just received news that she was going to have to shave half of her head. The shaving would be the only way to remove the glue at this point. She was absolutely devastated. Not only was she already having trouble adjusting and fitting in as a freshman in high school but now she was going to be the ‘weird girl with a half-shaved head’!

Luckily a local hair stylist heard about her story and was happy to give her a free hair cut, where she would style the have shaved hair into a cool punk-rock style that actually looked really awesome after she finished.

The bully did get disciplined, but his punishment was basically a slap on the wrist. He got an ‘in school suspension’ which is basically like getting a day off from school.

Hannah’s father Christopher and mother Jessica were furious with how the school handled the situation. Their little girl got a first degree burn, had to shave her head and all this evil little bully got was a measly in school suspension?

Her mother Jessica got on social media and started a facebook page called Justice For Hannah. Hannah’s story was getting out to the world to hear. Victims of bullies from all over the world felt empathy and love for her as the story quickly launched off and become viral. Hannah just couldn’t believe all the support she was getting from all over the world. It was incredible and she never could’ve imagined that millions of people would know her story.

Although the bully only got an in school suspension, world wide media attention and the entire community was basically against him. An international public spotlight was exposing this bully for what he did. Hopefully this instilled enough fear and a lesson to the bully to never do anything like this ever again to anyone!

Although Hannah didn’t need to get direct revenge, the snowball effect of this story blowing up on social media and the public outrage towards the bully and the support for Hannah was next level.

This is a lesson to all the bullies out there. If you are thinking about bullying someone remember Hannah’s story..


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Everytime I went to my best friends house it smelled incredible. But then she showed me This Trick:

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It is wonderful to have our homes smell good, and scented candles became very popular over the last decade.  That is, until it was discovered that many of these candles and scented sprays contain really dangerous chemicals, that can cause permanent lung damage.

I, myself, have stopped using those candles that I used to love, because of the inherent health hazard they carry.  I’m always looking for natural alternatives that are chemical free, to provide a nice fresh smell in my home.  When I came upon this DIY video for creating a natural air freshener I was intrigued.

The video below is a great tutorial for how to easily, inexpensively and quickly make your own fresh and chemical-free deodorizer.  Two alternative versions are demonstrated, which differ slightly in how they release the fragrance.

For both versions, all you will need are: a MASON JAR WITH A TIN LID, HAMMER, FORK, EMPTY CANDLE CONTAINER, SCREWDRIVER, BAKING SODA AND SOME ESSENTIAL OIL.  The DIY is easy to follow, and gives you a great means to slow-release a pleasant scent into any room in your home.

Watch the video below for the full simple, easy and cheap DIY air freshener life hack:

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Check out this Awesome Vinegar Shower Head Cleaning Life Hack everyone should know:

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Vinegar is arguably one of the most useful substances on the planet, at least when it comes to making life in your home easier, less expensive and safer! Why use nasty chemicals that cost an arm and a leg when you can use something that has been proven by time and countless mothers and grandmothers? I personally use vinegar for more things than I can count, and I have known about the wonderful liquid since before I can remember because my mom used it for literally everything. We are going to thoroughly run through some of the best little known vinegar life hacks that will make your life so much easier.

Is your drain clogged? Try pouring baking soda, followed by vinegar, down the drain and watch the magic. Something gooey sticking to your wall? Grab the vinegar and give it a squirt, then easily wipe it away.

Does your trash can smell like garbage, even when it’s empty? Soak a piece of bread in vinegar and leave it in the garbage can overnight, and voila, no more stank. It can also be used as an all-purpose cleaner: just fill up a spray bottle with one third vinegar and two thirds water.

Too many fruit flies? Fill a glass with apple cider vinegar, cover it with plastic wrap, and poke a few holes. The flies enter, but cannot escape. It can even be used to straighten clothes if an iron isn’t available. A few other uses include keeping cats off the furniture, helping cut flowers stay fresh longer, getting tough stains out of pots and pans and cleaning glasses for a smudge-free sheen. Let us know what you think in the comments.

Hopefully you find these helpful tips and tricks over the next few weeks and months.

Please Pass These Vinegar Hacks Onto Family and Friends


If you found these 10 Vinegar Life Hacks helpful keep scrolling for more awesome vinegar life hacks:


Check out this Awesome Vinegar Shower Head Cleaning Life Hack everyone should know:

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When it comes to cleaning just about everyone loves learning new simple ways to get the same old things done. It can be fun and interesting to discover what nifty and quick solutions people have come up with to solve common problems. This video, from YouTube channel Outdoors and Gear Review highlights a helpful trick for dealing with a common and difficult problem you’re likely to encounter when tidying and cleaning your bathroom up; hard water deposits and stains.

Hard water can be a real pain in the neck and the nasty looking stains and blemishes that it leaves behind on bathroom and kitchen surfaces can be extremely hard to fully remove. The ugly spots and stains are caused by water that contains large amounts of minerals such as limestone, calcium, and magnesium.

These metals and minerals are naturally occurring, most often in areas with low water tables and mountainous regions, and water that contains them is perfectly safe to use and drink. The biggest downside to it is the crusty, whitish colored mineral deposits and stubborn stains it leaves behind. Over time these gradually build up on stuff, especially faucets and shower heads.

Many people struggle to remove these stains and often think that they need strong, harsh chemical cleaners to get rid of them effectively. However, there’s a better and more affordable way to go about cleaning a shower head with crusted on mineral build up. All you need is apple cider vinegar, a Ziploc bag, and a rubber band.

Simply pour some apple cider vinegar into the plastic bag and place it over and on the shower head. Use a rubber band to secure it in place and then leave it on overnight. Remove the baggy the following day, wipe the shower head clean, and it should be restored to its former glory!

Check out the video for more information and to see just how shiny and spotless looking it turns out. This may be the fastest, easiest, and most natural way to clean hard water stains. It requires minimal effort or exertion on your part so try it the next time you’re stuck cleaning the house!

Have you tried any of these? Will you be trying any? Let us know..

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If you found this gross and grimy vinegar shower head cleaning life hack helpful keep scrolling for more awesome life hacks


Check out These 5 Awesome Vaseline Life Hacks Everyone Should Know:

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While you may only think of Vaseline as an integral part of your grandmother’s home remedies and go to solutions, it actually really is a product that can seemingly do it all. People use the petroleum based, gooey, slippery substance for all sorts of things. There are countless household and beauty tricks that involve it, whether it’s loosening stuff up or smearing some on minor cuts and burns to help them heal. This article and video focuses on several beauty related uses for the product that may prove useful and come in handy, and will definitely save you time and money.

If you love to paint your nails then you likely have encountered polish bottles with their tops stuck on them. It takes almost superhuman strength to loosen and get them them of when they dry on and stick like that. To prevent this, take a cotton swab and dab some Vaseline around the base of the bottle opening and on the threads where the cap twists on, now it won’t stick the next time you go to open it.

Another nail polish trick is to coat the skin around your nails with some Vaseline before painting them. This will keep the polish from sticking to your skin, cut down on the clean up, and make your paint job look all the more professional.

If you have rough, dry skin on your feet rub a little Vaseline on them before you go to bed. Slather some all over your feet, then put on a pair of socks, and wake up to smooth soft skin. For those of us with sensitive ears that act up and become sore when wearing earrings, try rubbing Vaseline on the metal stud part that goes through your ear.

By coats the earring it helps them slide through and lessens any negative reaction or sensitivity you may have. If the scent of your perfume disappears way too quickly take some Vaseline, apply a thin coat to the area where you plan to spritz it on, then spray the perfume over that area. This works great at holding the fragrance and makes it last much more longer, plus it won’t alter the perfume’s scent.

If you haven’t already, toss a small jar of the wonder product in your bag so it’s always on hand close by. Use it to touch up makeup, soften rough skin, loosen stuck tops and lids, or as a lip gloss/chap-stick stand in when you inevitably lose or misplace them.

Besides being versatile, it’s also widely available and can be found in practically any pharmacy, health, convenience or grocery store around the world. Best of all, Vaseline is relatively cheap and costs only a few dollars, with a jar of it easily lasting a year or two before running out. With Vaseline, the possibilities may just be endless!

Have you tried these life hacks?

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If you found these 5 Vaseline Life Hacks Useful keep scrolling for more amazing life hacks:


The Next Batch of Life Hacks are some incredibly useful winter life hacks that will make your life so much easier this winter:

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Along with the cold weather, there are a number of special challenges that winter brings along with it, and we all have to just deal with them! Dry skin, chapped lips, stuffy noses, darkness at 4PM, winter storms, the list goes on and on. One of the most annoying things by far is clearing walkways and driveways of snow and ice. The same goes for cars, but while you can often drive through a little bit of snow, you can’t with an ice-covered windshield. Not only is it illegal to drive with an obstructed view, it’s also insanely dumb and extremely dangerous!

While defrosting the car and scraping ice off the windshield seems like a necessary evil, it doesn’t have to be. You really don’t need to wake up extra early just to stumble around in the freezing cold darkness so that you can drive to work. Instead, you can save yourself some time and energy by doing the following:

In a spray bottle container mix together 2 parts isopropyl alcohol with 1 part water and then add in 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap. Shake it up, spray it directly onto an icy windshield, and watch the ice literally melt away right before your very eyes!

This rubbing alcohol spray is the perfect thing to have on hand for freezing cold mornings and icy windshields. You can leave the bottle in your car and it won’t even freeze, unless it gets well under zero. That’s because the freezing point of isopropyl alcohol is -128.2 degrees Fahrenheit, so when you spray it on the ice, it doesn’t freeze up. Instead, it helps to melt the ice and keeps it from re-freezing. Since all you have to do is mist it on, it’s by far the quickest and easiest way to clear a windshield that’s coated with a thick layer of ice.

Don’t forget to check out the video to see exactly how well this works in action and be sure to pass it along to those who could use the smart tip. If it can make someone’s life a little bit easier this winter, then it’s worth it!

This is super helpful for those rough winter months.

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If you found this awesome winter life hack help keep scrolling and reading for 7 More Amazing Winter Life Hacks:

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Winter is tough. Along with the cold, dry weather comes a number of challenges that we all have to deal with. Cars need to be cleared of snow and ice and the same goes for walkways and driveways. Traveling often becomes way more difficult than usual and to top it off our health also takes a tumble for the worse.

Many of us are plagued by dry itchy skin, sore chapped lips, and stuffy noses that just won’t go away. These things quickly add up and can make it seem like winter is dragging on forever, especially when problems pop up outside on top of the health issues we may be facing.

Which is why these simple winter hacks, covered by the Millennial Moms YouTube channel, are perfect for right now. The video features some of the most clever ways to solve common winter woes and it might offer a solution to a problem you’re currently dealing with. These are some of the best hacks shown in the clip, but there are a total of fifteen, so be sure to check it out for all of the rest.

1) Winterize Boots- This trick does the job to keep feet warm and dry inside of boots that aren’t waterproof. After putting on your socks take two large plastic Ziploc bags and stick a foot in each. Grab a couple of rubber bands and slide them on over the bag to secure it in place and seal the top off around your leg. Pull on your boots and say goodbye to cold, wet feet.

2) Prevent Static Build Up In Hair- Pull a dryer sheet on over the bristles of your hair brush so that they poke through. Brush your hair as normal to eliminate the static, plus it’ll smell clean and great.

3) DIY Boot Inserts- Maintain the shape of tall boots by cutting a foam pool noodle into thirds or fourths, then stick a piece in each boot and they’ll stay upright, making them easier to organize and wear later on.

4) Stop Wipers From Freezing to a Car Windshield- Take an old pair of long cotton socks and slide them over each wiper, puling it down as far as it can go or reaches. This will prevent wipers from freezing and/or sticking to the windshield, and makes life all the more easier.

5) Organize Winter Gear- Hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, hand warmers, neck warmers and all other winter accessories can be neatly stored in one accessible place with a shoe organizer. Hang it over a door and never search for lost gloves again.

6) Windshield Treatment- This one is the best! A combination of vinegar and water works wonders at preventing frost and ice from building up on car windshields and windows. Mix the two liquids up in a spray bottle, spritz it on car windows, then wipe off with a soft cloth.

7) Boot Tray- Keep floors safe, clean, and dry by making your own boot tray. This one is much more appealing than commercially available ones and works even better. Fill a large metal cookie sheet with a layer of decorative rocks and put it near the door so that when people enter they can immediately place wet boots on the rocks. The water will drip through the rocks to the bottom and soon evaporate. Don’t forget to check out the rest of the tips covered in the clip and be sure to pass it along to those who could use these smart hacks to make their own lives easier.

These are just really helpful.

Please Pass These Awesome Winter Life Hacks To Your Family and Friends


If you found these 7 incredible winter life hacks to be helpful keep scrolling for a — For 12 Awesome Car Cleaning Life Hacks You Probably Haven’t Heard About:

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Having your car professionally detailed can easily end up being quite expensive. While it’s always nice to have a sparkling clean car, it’s even better when you can have it without spending a small fortune. Thankfully there are all sorts of cheap ways to clean your car with common items that you probably already have around the house. They can do the job just as well, if not even better, than what professional cleaners use.

These are just a few of the handy tricks covered in the accompanying video so be sure to check it out for even more:

Clean your headlights with toothpaste. Use regular toothpaste, not the gel type, to polish up car headlight lenses by rubbing it on evenly with a cloth. Move in quick circular motions to then buff it off and you should notice the grime and fogginess disappear.

Remove stubborn old bumper stickers cleanly and completely with WD-40. Simply spray the sticker with WD-40 and let it sit for a while, the sticker will absorb it, then you can peel it right off.

Remove pet fur from carpets and seats with a spray bottle, water, and a squeegee. Spray the water on the seat and then move the squeegee over the area, it will gather and lift up the hair so you can easily pick it up.

Clean air vents with small foam brushes. They can easily fit in even the smallest vents and pick up all the dirt and dust inside them.

Use coffee filters to dust your car dashboard. Unlike cloth towels and paper towels, coffee filters won’t leave behind lint or just push dust around. Instead they work great at picking up dust and you can toss a few in the glove compartment for whenever you might need one to freshen up the dash.

Get streak free windows by cleaning them with newspaper. It’s the cloths and paper towels that leave streaks when you clean your windows so don’t even bother using them. Instead, spray down the window with cleaner and wipe it off with a piece of newspaper as you normally would.

Get rid of stubborn, lingering odors by sprinkling baking soda on car seats and carpets. Let it sit for a couple of hours before vacuuming it up. The baking soda should absorb the foul odors, leaving your car smelling fresh and clean.

There are even more clean car tips covered in the video and it might just have the solution you’ve been looking for so be sure to check it out!

Will you be trying any of these? Let us know

Please Pass These Awesome Car Cleaning Hacks To Your Family and Friends

This Boy Was Called ‘Rabbit Boy’ and Bullied His Whole Life.

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Being a kid in a world that can tend to be on the cruel side has always been rough. Since the beginning of civilization there have always been the “cool kids” and the “not so cool kids”. Some kids are tormented by bullies for years and sometimes never recover from the cruelness they experienced in childhood. Sometimes bullying doesn’t even end after childhood. There can be people in the workplace who bully their adult co-workers and the cycle just never ends.

Bullying has been an epidemic for years, however with all the new technology that kids have access to these days, cyber bullying has now been added to the long list of terrible things bullies to do their helpless victims. The internet has also made it easier to bully people without any repercussions because of the anonymity factor that lets these cyberbullies do their dirty work in the shadows without ever even being exposed.

There have been tons of anti-bullying movements that have come and gone and it just seems like no matter how much we address the topic or try to solve it, it just won’t stop. No matter how hard we try to protect the people who are bullied through initiatives at school, teachers getting involved or parenting interventions the epidemic continues with no sign of letting up anytime soon.

In today’s story we are featuring a young kid named Evan Hill who grew up being bullied for his entire childhood because he had very large buck teeth. His front teeth were not only abnormally large but he had an overbite which made his palate extend so far past his jaw that it made his buck teeth stick out even further!

The kids at school would refer to him as “Rabbit Boy” and he had to endure years of suffering just because of the way he looked. Even though Evan was a super nice and friendly boy, his teeth made him stand out as “different” and he was such an easy target for mean jokes made at his expense.

Finally when he went to an orthodontist who explained that he had never seen a case like this in the 25 years he had been practicing dentistry. Not only were the teeth much bigger than average, but a normal bite had 2 degree tilt between the upper and lower teeth, Evan’s tilt was a whopping 12 degrees! To make matters even worse there was a full 2 cm gap between his upper and lower teeth which even made them more prominent and protrusive.

To get his teeth fixed, it would cost his parents over 12 thousand dollars. Money was already tight but then an earthquake rocked their house and the damage was severe and their car had been demolished.

His parents were heartbroken because all they wanted was for their son’s teeth to be fixed and they were even willing to mortgage their house to get the money to fix his teeth. That’s when a show picked up his story on the nightly news and his story touched millions of people. Soon donations began pouring in to help Evan get his teeth fixed…

Watch the video below for the full story and to see what he looked like after all the work was done:

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Everytime I went to my best friends house it smelled incredible. But then she showed me This Trick:

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It is wonderful to have our homes smell good, and scented candles became very popular over the last decade.  That is, until it was discovered that many of these candles and scented sprays contain really dangerous chemicals, that can cause permanent lung damage.

I, myself, have stopped using those candles that I used to love, because of the inherent health hazard they carry.  I’m always looking for natural alternatives that are chemical free, to provide a nice fresh smell in my home.  When I came upon this DIY video for creating a natural air freshener I was intrigued.

The video below is a great tutorial for how to easily, inexpensively and quickly make your own fresh and chemical-free deodorizer.  Two alternative versions are demonstrated, which differ slightly in how they release the fragrance.

For both versions, all you will need are: a MASON JAR WITH A TIN LID, HAMMER, FORK, EMPTY CANDLE CONTAINER, SCREWDRIVER, BAKING SODA AND SOME ESSENTIAL OIL.  The DIY is easy to follow, and gives you a great means to slow-release a pleasant scent into any room in your home.

Watch the video below for the full simple, easy and cheap DIY air freshener life hack:

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Check out this Awesome Vinegar Shower Head Cleaning Life Hack everyone should know:

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Vinegar is arguably one of the most useful substances on the planet, at least when it comes to making life in your home easier, less expensive and safer! Why use nasty chemicals that cost an arm and a leg when you can use something that has been proven by time and countless mothers and grandmothers? I personally use vinegar for more things than I can count, and I have known about the wonderful liquid since before I can remember because my mom used it for literally everything. We are going to thoroughly run through some of the best little known vinegar life hacks that will make your life so much easier.

Is your drain clogged? Try pouring baking soda, followed by vinegar, down the drain and watch the magic. Something gooey sticking to your wall? Grab the vinegar and give it a squirt, then easily wipe it away.

Does your trash can smell like garbage, even when it’s empty? Soak a piece of bread in vinegar and leave it in the garbage can overnight, and voila, no more stank. It can also be used as an all-purpose cleaner: just fill up a spray bottle with one third vinegar and two thirds water.

Too many fruit flies? Fill a glass with apple cider vinegar, cover it with plastic wrap, and poke a few holes. The flies enter, but cannot escape. It can even be used to straighten clothes if an iron isn’t available. A few other uses include keeping cats off the furniture, helping cut flowers stay fresh longer, getting tough stains out of pots and pans and cleaning glasses for a smudge-free sheen. Let us know what you think in the comments.

Hopefully you find these helpful tips and tricks over the next few weeks and months.

Please Pass These Vinegar Hacks Onto Family and Friends


If you found these 10 Vinegar Life Hacks helpful keep scrolling for more awesome vinegar life hacks:


Check out this Awesome Vinegar Shower Head Cleaning Life Hack everyone should know:

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When it comes to cleaning just about everyone loves learning new simple ways to get the same old things done. It can be fun and interesting to discover what nifty and quick solutions people have come up with to solve common problems. This video, from YouTube channel Outdoors and Gear Review highlights a helpful trick for dealing with a common and difficult problem you’re likely to encounter when tidying and cleaning your bathroom up; hard water deposits and stains.

Hard water can be a real pain in the neck and the nasty looking stains and blemishes that it leaves behind on bathroom and kitchen surfaces can be extremely hard to fully remove. The ugly spots and stains are caused by water that contains large amounts of minerals such as limestone, calcium, and magnesium.

These metals and minerals are naturally occurring, most often in areas with low water tables and mountainous regions, and water that contains them is perfectly safe to use and drink. The biggest downside to it is the crusty, whitish colored mineral deposits and stubborn stains it leaves behind. Over time these gradually build up on stuff, especially faucets and shower heads.

Many people struggle to remove these stains and often think that they need strong, harsh chemical cleaners to get rid of them effectively. However, there’s a better and more affordable way to go about cleaning a shower head with crusted on mineral build up. All you need is apple cider vinegar, a Ziploc bag, and a rubber band.

Simply pour some apple cider vinegar into the plastic bag and place it over and on the shower head. Use a rubber band to secure it in place and then leave it on overnight. Remove the baggy the following day, wipe the shower head clean, and it should be restored to its former glory!

Check out the video for more information and to see just how shiny and spotless looking it turns out. This may be the fastest, easiest, and most natural way to clean hard water stains. It requires minimal effort or exertion on your part so try it the next time you’re stuck cleaning the house!

Have you tried any of these? Will you be trying any? Let us know..

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If you found this gross and grimy vinegar shower head cleaning life hack helpful keep scrolling for more awesome life hacks


Check out These 5 Awesome Vaseline Life Hacks Everyone Should Know:

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While you may only think of Vaseline as an integral part of your grandmother’s home remedies and go to solutions, it actually really is a product that can seemingly do it all. People use the petroleum based, gooey, slippery substance for all sorts of things. There are countless household and beauty tricks that involve it, whether it’s loosening stuff up or smearing some on minor cuts and burns to help them heal. This article and video focuses on several beauty related uses for the product that may prove useful and come in handy, and will definitely save you time and money.

If you love to paint your nails then you likely have encountered polish bottles with their tops stuck on them. It takes almost superhuman strength to loosen and get them them of when they dry on and stick like that. To prevent this, take a cotton swab and dab some Vaseline around the base of the bottle opening and on the threads where the cap twists on, now it won’t stick the next time you go to open it.

Another nail polish trick is to coat the skin around your nails with some Vaseline before painting them. This will keep the polish from sticking to your skin, cut down on the clean up, and make your paint job look all the more professional.

If you have rough, dry skin on your feet rub a little Vaseline on them before you go to bed. Slather some all over your feet, then put on a pair of socks, and wake up to smooth soft skin. For those of us with sensitive ears that act up and become sore when wearing earrings, try rubbing Vaseline on the metal stud part that goes through your ear.

By coats the earring it helps them slide through and lessens any negative reaction or sensitivity you may have. If the scent of your perfume disappears way too quickly take some Vaseline, apply a thin coat to the area where you plan to spritz it on, then spray the perfume over that area. This works great at holding the fragrance and makes it last much more longer, plus it won’t alter the perfume’s scent.

If you haven’t already, toss a small jar of the wonder product in your bag so it’s always on hand close by. Use it to touch up makeup, soften rough skin, loosen stuck tops and lids, or as a lip gloss/chap-stick stand in when you inevitably lose or misplace them.

Besides being versatile, it’s also widely available and can be found in practically any pharmacy, health, convenience or grocery store around the world. Best of all, Vaseline is relatively cheap and costs only a few dollars, with a jar of it easily lasting a year or two before running out. With Vaseline, the possibilities may just be endless!

Have you tried these life hacks?

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If you found these 5 Vaseline Life Hacks Useful keep scrolling for more amazing life hacks:


The Next Batch of Life Hacks are some incredibly useful winter life hacks that will make your life so much easier this winter:

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Along with the cold weather, there are a number of special challenges that winter brings along with it, and we all have to just deal with them! Dry skin, chapped lips, stuffy noses, darkness at 4PM, winter storms, the list goes on and on. One of the most annoying things by far is clearing walkways and driveways of snow and ice. The same goes for cars, but while you can often drive through a little bit of snow, you can’t with an ice-covered windshield. Not only is it illegal to drive with an obstructed view, it’s also insanely dumb and extremely dangerous!

While defrosting the car and scraping ice off the windshield seems like a necessary evil, it doesn’t have to be. You really don’t need to wake up extra early just to stumble around in the freezing cold darkness so that you can drive to work. Instead, you can save yourself some time and energy by doing the following:

In a spray bottle container mix together 2 parts isopropyl alcohol with 1 part water and then add in 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap. Shake it up, spray it directly onto an icy windshield, and watch the ice literally melt away right before your very eyes!

This rubbing alcohol spray is the perfect thing to have on hand for freezing cold mornings and icy windshields. You can leave the bottle in your car and it won’t even freeze, unless it gets well under zero. That’s because the freezing point of isopropyl alcohol is -128.2 degrees Fahrenheit, so when you spray it on the ice, it doesn’t freeze up. Instead, it helps to melt the ice and keeps it from re-freezing. Since all you have to do is mist it on, it’s by far the quickest and easiest way to clear a windshield that’s coated with a thick layer of ice.

Don’t forget to check out the video to see exactly how well this works in action and be sure to pass it along to those who could use the smart tip. If it can make someone’s life a little bit easier this winter, then it’s worth it!

This is super helpful for those rough winter months.

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If you found this awesome winter life hack help keep scrolling and reading for 7 More Amazing Winter Life Hacks:

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Winter is tough. Along with the cold, dry weather comes a number of challenges that we all have to deal with. Cars need to be cleared of snow and ice and the same goes for walkways and driveways. Traveling often becomes way more difficult than usual and to top it off our health also takes a tumble for the worse.

Many of us are plagued by dry itchy skin, sore chapped lips, and stuffy noses that just won’t go away. These things quickly add up and can make it seem like winter is dragging on forever, especially when problems pop up outside on top of the health issues we may be facing.

Which is why these simple winter hacks, covered by the Millennial Moms YouTube channel, are perfect for right now. The video features some of the most clever ways to solve common winter woes and it might offer a solution to a problem you’re currently dealing with. These are some of the best hacks shown in the clip, but there are a total of fifteen, so be sure to check it out for all of the rest.

1) Winterize Boots- This trick does the job to keep feet warm and dry inside of boots that aren’t waterproof. After putting on your socks take two large plastic Ziploc bags and stick a foot in each. Grab a couple of rubber bands and slide them on over the bag to secure it in place and seal the top off around your leg. Pull on your boots and say goodbye to cold, wet feet.

2) Prevent Static Build Up In Hair- Pull a dryer sheet on over the bristles of your hair brush so that they poke through. Brush your hair as normal to eliminate the static, plus it’ll smell clean and great.

3) DIY Boot Inserts- Maintain the shape of tall boots by cutting a foam pool noodle into thirds or fourths, then stick a piece in each boot and they’ll stay upright, making them easier to organize and wear later on.

4) Stop Wipers From Freezing to a Car Windshield- Take an old pair of long cotton socks and slide them over each wiper, puling it down as far as it can go or reaches. This will prevent wipers from freezing and/or sticking to the windshield, and makes life all the more easier.

5) Organize Winter Gear- Hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, hand warmers, neck warmers and all other winter accessories can be neatly stored in one accessible place with a shoe organizer. Hang it over a door and never search for lost gloves again.

6) Windshield Treatment- This one is the best! A combination of vinegar and water works wonders at preventing frost and ice from building up on car windshields and windows. Mix the two liquids up in a spray bottle, spritz it on car windows, then wipe off with a soft cloth.

7) Boot Tray- Keep floors safe, clean, and dry by making your own boot tray. This one is much more appealing than commercially available ones and works even better. Fill a large metal cookie sheet with a layer of decorative rocks and put it near the door so that when people enter they can immediately place wet boots on the rocks. The water will drip through the rocks to the bottom and soon evaporate. Don’t forget to check out the rest of the tips covered in the clip and be sure to pass it along to those who could use these smart hacks to make their own lives easier.

These are just really helpful.

Please Pass These Awesome Winter Life Hacks To Your Family and Friends


If you found these 7 incredible winter life hacks to be helpful keep scrolling for a — For 12 Awesome Car Cleaning Life Hacks You Probably Haven’t Heard About:

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Having your car professionally detailed can easily end up being quite expensive. While it’s always nice to have a sparkling clean car, it’s even better when you can have it without spending a small fortune. Thankfully there are all sorts of cheap ways to clean your car with common items that you probably already have around the house. They can do the job just as well, if not even better, than what professional cleaners use.

These are just a few of the handy tricks covered in the accompanying video so be sure to check it out for even more:

Clean your headlights with toothpaste. Use regular toothpaste, not the gel type, to polish up car headlight lenses by rubbing it on evenly with a cloth. Move in quick circular motions to then buff it off and you should notice the grime and fogginess disappear.

Remove stubborn old bumper stickers cleanly and completely with WD-40. Simply spray the sticker with WD-40 and let it sit for a while, the sticker will absorb it, then you can peel it right off.

Remove pet fur from carpets and seats with a spray bottle, water, and a squeegee. Spray the water on the seat and then move the squeegee over the area, it will gather and lift up the hair so you can easily pick it up.

Clean air vents with small foam brushes. They can easily fit in even the smallest vents and pick up all the dirt and dust inside them.

Use coffee filters to dust your car dashboard. Unlike cloth towels and paper towels, coffee filters won’t leave behind lint or just push dust around. Instead they work great at picking up dust and you can toss a few in the glove compartment for whenever you might need one to freshen up the dash.

Get streak free windows by cleaning them with newspaper. It’s the cloths and paper towels that leave streaks when you clean your windows so don’t even bother using them. Instead, spray down the window with cleaner and wipe it off with a piece of newspaper as you normally would.

Get rid of stubborn, lingering odors by sprinkling baking soda on car seats and carpets. Let it sit for a couple of hours before vacuuming it up. The baking soda should absorb the foul odors, leaving your car smelling fresh and clean.

There are even more clean car tips covered in the video and it might just have the solution you’ve been looking for so be sure to check it out!

Will you be trying any of these? Let us know

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They Adopted This Young Child No One Wanted. But 20 Years Later The Girl Looks Completely Different!

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Being a person on planet earth is a pretty tough job regardless of where you come from. The everyday struggles that everyone goes through can take a toll even on the strongest willed people. Even when you are lucky enough to be born into a good family, with a roof over your head and food on your table life will still throw you curveballs that you will never see coming until it’s too late. However, consider yourself lucky if you are born without a congenital deformity, learning disabilty or any other hurdle that makes living that much more difficult. For those who are born with heriditary diseases or congenital deformities an already hard life becomes that much more difficult.

This brings us to today’s story about a special girl named Hannah who was born with a rare congenital defect called primordial dwarfism. Primordial Dwarfism is so rare that currently there are only 100 people out of 7 billion who have this rare disease. These people have the odds stacked against them from the start, they grow much slower than people without the disease and their life expectency is cut short to a mere 30 years. When her biological mother was told by the doctors about her daughters condition, she knew she wouldn’t be able to take care of her so she made the difficult decision to put up poor baby Hannah for adoption. Because of her condition pretty much nobody wanted to adopt her, knowing that the responsibilty of caring for a child with special needs is about 10x harder than one without.

After months and months of no one adopting her, a couple named Jackie and Larry finally came along, who took one look at Hannah and knew she was the one who would be their daughter and become part of their family! Young Hannah now had a full blown family with 1 big sister named Kelly and 2 big brothers Matt and Mark. The family was absolutely amazing and treated Hannah with extra love, care and affection. Her siblings loved her as well and treated her no different than they treated eachother.

When Hannah got a bit older she became aware that she was different than other kids her age and her parents wanted to be completely honest with her while at the same time letting her know that her condition didn’t make her less of a person than anybody else. In fact, they told her she was 10 out seven billion with Primordial Dwarfism and this made her a miracle child. On top of growing much slower than other kids her age, she also had other health complications, such as heart problems, aneurysms, small teeth falling out and needing implants, scoliosis and worst of all polycystic kidney disease which inevitably could lead to her kidneys completely failing. However through all of this she persevered with grace and bravery.

After a few years, Hannah was school age and ready to begin her education at the same school her siblings went to. Even though she required special care due to her complex health issues, the whole family was determined to not make her feel like an outcast and give her a normal and ordinary childhood. However, school wasn’t easy for her because kids can just straight up be cruel. She was made of fun of, laughed at and mocked. But over the years, this only made her stronger and stronger as she overcame adversity after adversity. Also, her older siblings were very protective of their little sister and if they ever caught wind of bullies being mean to her, they defended her and always had her back no matter what!

With all of this going on, her adoptive mother needed a kidney transplant and somehow Hannah was a match to be a donor for her mom. Hannah decided that because her mom had pretty much saved her life she would do the same and give up one of her kidneys to save her mom’s life! Hannah is not only brave, beautiful and strong she is also a hero that we can all learn from!

Watch the video below for the full story and for pictures and videos of Hannah growing up:

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Mom’s Friendless Kid Always Ate Lunch Alone. Then a Football Star Sat Down and Mom Breaks Down In Tears!

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Parenting is definitely the hardest job in the entire world. Not only are you on the clock 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, but you have to wear so many different hats. If they are sick, you have to be a nurse, if they are hungry you have to be a chef, if they need to go somewhere you have to be their limo driver.

On top of all of that, once they are school aged, the worry never ends. Will they get good grades? Will they make friends? Will they be bullied? All these questions and nothing is for certain and you only get to find out the answers once you are in the ‘parent trenches’ day in and day out.

Today’s story features a great mom named Leah Paske from Tallahassee who is raising a beautiful son named Bo who goes to Monfort Middle School. Bo is on the spectrum and is an autistic sixth grader who has a lot of trouble fitting in and dealing with stuff normal kids do everyday.

Kids can be cruel and bullying is an ongoing epidemic. Because of his autism, Bo wasn’t invited to most of the kids birthday parties and he always ate lunch alone at a table by himself. His mom was pretty concerned about her precious son, but he tried to reassure him eventually everything would be okay. He would just have to work a little harder than everyone else but things would eventually workout and his life would be just as good as all the other kids.

One afternoon, a surprise visitor came to Bo’s middle school. He is a bit of a local celebrity in Florida, he is none other than Travis Rudolph Florida State Football Superstar. Travis was with a few of the other players on the team and they were just meeting the kids and faculty and have a great old time.

That’s when Travis walked into the cafeteria and spotted a boy eating alone at a table secluded from the rest of students. Travis immediately could tell this boy needed a friend and a little company while he at lunch. Being the stand-up guy that he is, he immediately walked over to young Bo sat down, pulled out his own lunch and the two ate together.

Bo was super excited as they ate their lunch and had a chat about life, school and football. Before the lunch ended one of the faculty snapped a pic of this beautiful heartwarming moment. The teacher who took the photo sent it to his mother Leah. When Leah first got the photo it touched her so deeply that she broke down in happy tears.

Leah decided to upload the photo on social media and it immediately went viral. Neither Travis nor Bo expected this little lunch moment to touch so many people hearts as it did.  The photo was viewed by millions of people and picked up by publishers and bloggers from all around the world.

This story is a good reminder that one small kind gesture and paying it forward can end up changing someones life for the better!

Watch the video below for the full story:

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THIS Mother Was Confused When She Saw Her Daughter’s Hair Kept Getting Shorter! Then She Realizes The Horrifying Truth!

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School is supposed to be a safe place and environment for kids to learn and get a great education. It is also a place for kids to learn how to be social, make friends, learn how to interact with adults and slowly but surely become self-sustaining adults that can survive in the ‘real world’. The problem is a lot of time, this education comes with a price that many kids aren’t prepared for.

Bullying has been around for a very long time and even as many schools attempt to stop this epidemic it still shows up almost everywhere. In almost every school there are always certain kids who get picked on and certain kids who tend to be the bullies. Many have just accepted this as ‘the way it is’ or a ‘right of passage’ but sometimes the victims of bullying never fully recover and carry this pain in fear from school into adulthood.

This brings us to today’s story about a mother named Samantha Flemming and her daughter Melissa Flemming. Melissa was born with a rare condition called Microcephaly which caused her head to be smaller at birth than it should be and her brain development in turn develops slower than the other children. When the school year had begun Melissa had really long hair but her hair was strangely getting subtly shorter as the months progressed.

One morning mom made her little girl breakfast and sent her off to school like any other day, nothing was too out of the ordinary. When her daughter got back from school at the end of the day Mom had noticed that her daughters hair had gotten a lot shorter than when she left the house earlier that day. This was the most drastic it had ever been and Samantha had realized something was truly wrong.

At first she thought maybe her daughter was just cutting her own hair experimentally or maybe she and a friend were giving each other makeovers and cut each other’s hair and this time the friend just went a little overboard with the clippers. However the truth would be so much worse than she initially imagined.

Because of Melissa’s disorder she had a lot of trouble speaking and being able to vocalize how she felt and what she had been going through. Her mom began to fire questions at her because she was becoming very concerned at this hair shortening situation. Finally it became clear from Melissa’s description that a group of ‘mean girls’ at school had been making fun of her and cutting clumps of her hair out for the past few months.

Watch the video below to see how Samantha handled Melissa’s bully at school and for the full story:

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