THIS Is The Disturbing and UNTHINKABLE Reason Why You Should Wash Your New Clothes Before Wearing Them!

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I consider myself to be pretty savvy about what and how to launder garments, but I have to be perfectly honest…I did not know, nor do I, wash new clothes before wearing them.  I always wash new sheets because they seem to have a paint-like odor when they are removed from their packaging.

Since I never smelled anything off-putting on new clothes, it never crossed my mind to wash them before wearing them.  I’m more than a little skeeved out about this, after watching the video below, which has informed me that I may be wearing a lot more than just clothes.

Until your new clothes land on your body many hands have touched it during production, to say nothing of the number of people who have tried on the garment, before it lands in your possession for longer term wearing.

As you will hear, the Wall Street Journal was informed by Donald Belsito, a dermatology professor from Columbia University, that both some infectious diseases and lice can remain alive long enough to be passed on through clothing!  He advises that clothing should probably be washed TWICE before wearing, to be on the safe side.

However, the more common thing found in most clothing that should mandate washing before wearing, are formaldehyde resins and dyes used in clothing production.  You will hear the skin dangers discussed in an interview in the video you are about to watch.

I had to crack up at the end of the footage, where CNN’s Anderson Cooper’s admission of washing his jeans very infrequently, gets a surprise from Stacy London.  She had secretly had a pair of his jeans tested…the results will confirm the need to KEEP WASHING your clothes REGULARLY!!  Let’s just say, that Anderson almost fell off his chair!

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These Are The 6 Most Common Signs Of Ovarian Cancer That Are Overlooked and Missed!

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I truly hate alarmist health reports, but when I came upon the video you are about to watch below, I did become a bit scared as I had been experiencing several of the symptoms discussed.  It is an unfortunate fact that generally speaking, most women are unaware, that OVARIAN CANCER does have symptoms associated with it.  More people do know that it is known as one of the “Silent Cancers”, that gets diagnosed too late to prevent death.

The truth is that approximately 22,280 women in the United States will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year and 14,240 women will die.  It is not, however, true that there aren’t any symptoms that can forewarn women to go see their doctor, and be tested to rule out the possibility of ovarian cancer.

This cancer starts in the ovaries, and if not caught in the early stages, can spread to the rest of the reproductive system.  The problem lies in the fact that symptoms of ovarian cancer get overlooked, because they can be associated with many less harmful health disorders.

If you have some of the symptoms that might be associated with Ovarian Cancer, ruling out the possibility, is a worthwhile action. Information is power!

There are 6 Commonly Missed Signs of Ovarian Cancer: 

The first is a SWOLLEN OR BLOATED ABDOMEN.  This bloating occurs as a result of a fluid, called “ascites”, getting trapped in the abdominal cavity.  Unfortunately, this symptom occurs in the later phase of the progression of ovarian cancer, and obviously can be a symptom of many less serious health problems.  If this symptom occurs along with a couple of the other ones discussed, it would be prudent to see your doctor.

The second potential sign is a PERSISTENT PAIN IN THE ABDOMEN OR PELVIS.  Severe and unrelenting pain in this area, that goes on for a few days, should not be ignored!  It is a clearer sign that could be indicative of OVARIAN CYSTS or OVARIAN CANCER.

Women have hormones that control metabolism.  If these hormones get disrupted by ovarian cancer, a woman will experience the third often missed sign, which is a FEELING OF BEING FULL FASTER that can lead to DIFFICULTY EATING AS MUCH AS USUAL.

A fourth potentially missed sign of ovarian cancer may be an INCREASED NEED TO URINATE.  This occurs as a result of the buildup of the fluid discussed above, which presses on the bladder.  The problem, yet again, of this symptom being missed (by patients and doctors alike) as a symptom of ovarian cancer, is that bladder problems are a “normal health issue” that so many women experience.

When ovarian cancer spreads to the Colon, it can cause constipation or diarrhea.  This fifth potential missed sign of a change in BOWEL MOVEMENTS can also be a result of the fluid buildup pressing on the bowels.

For women who are pre-menopausal, a sixth potentially missed symptom of ovarian cancer that can be associated with other health issues, is SPOTTING BETWEEN PERIODS.  This is never normal if it persists, and should be immediately looked into.

Having one or two of the symptoms, that have been discussed, can obviously be attributed to a health problem that isn’t as serious as ovarian cancer.  Having one or two of these symptoms is common for many women, which is why the diagnosis of ovarian cancer gets overlooked until it is too late.

The testimony of the women in the video below, speaks to the notion, that it is better to be safe than sorry.

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THIS Is Why You Should Stop Using Tampons Immediately. THIS Reason Is Scary!

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The menstrual period is a monthly occurrence for every healthy woman, from the onset of puberty in teenage years, until the completion of menopause.  Dealing with menstruation, involves choosing a method of containing the bleeding, so that we can go about our lives with ease.

The choices that are available are: sanitary napkins, the cup and tampons.  Most of us have been alerted to the dangers of leaving a tampon in place for too long…more than eight hours leaves you susceptible to “Toxic Shock Syndrome”.  This danger first came to light in 1980, where 814 cases of TSS were reported; 38 of which resulted in DEATH.

The response of the tampon industry was to pull many brands which were deemed unsafe.  The video you are about to watch below does a good job of explaining the serious dangers inherent in all tampons.  One of the most startling facts is that tampons are bleached, in order to appear extremely white and “sanitary”.

However, the concern for appearance, is in fact extremely unhealthy; you are inserting bleach into your body and letting it sit there for hours on end.  Additionally, the fact that a foreign body is often forgotten past the 8 hour limit, makes it a host for deadly bacteria such as Staphylococcus!

Watch the video below for more information:

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If You Eat This Popular Summer Food You Need To Stop Because It’s Extremely Cancer-Causing!

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So, Memorial Day Weekend just past, the unofficial kick-off of Summer!  What does that mean to most Americans?…BARBECUE TIME!  The most popular food for barbecuing, without question, is the almighty HOT DOG!  They are without a doubt delicious, which leads people in the US to eat approximately 7 billion hot dogs, in the summertime alone! Hot dogs are a processed meat, and as with all processed meats, they are unhealthy.

I hate to burst your bubble, but as you will hear in the video you are about to watch below, EATING HOT DOGS PUTS YOUR HEALTH IN SERIOUS DANGER! Although, some hot dog sausages may not be as unhealthy as others, by and large these mixtures of pork, beef and chicken meat also contain fillers, additives and preservatives.  Most of the cheaper brands use parts of animals that aren’t “choice”, which includes legs, claws and fat.

The additives are unhealthy…large amounts of salt, monosodium glutamate, corn syrup and some use a substance known as CARMINE. Carmine is made of powdered insect bodies that are boiled in a sodium carbonate solution or ammonia!

I haven’t even gotten to the worst part yet, if you can believe it?!  Hot dogs contain CANCER-CAUSING NITRITES, which is also found in other processed meat.  According to research done at the University of Hawaii these Nitrites raise your chances of developing PANCREATIC CANCER by 67%!!  This is nothing to be scoffed at!

There are many other delicious and healthy things that can be barbecued, and traditions should be enjoyed, but not at the risk of your’s and your family’s health!

Check out the video which makes this message quite clear and so important.

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If You Have a Pair of Crocs, You Should Toss Them In The Trash Now.

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Here we are in the heat of summer in many parts of the world, trying to stay cool and comfortable.  As we navigate the imposing heat outside we not only wear more breathable clothes, but our footwear needs to allow our feet to breathe.  Sandals have been the answer for hundreds, if not thousands of years…but they have evolved in modern times.

“Flip flops” have been around for many years, as well as the infamous “Crocs” that became the summer “go-to” more recently.  For quite some time, the medical profession has warned about the dangers of flip flops, for the very reason people love them…ease of putting them on and slipping them off.  They have now issued a serious safety warning about wearing Crocs as well, as an all day replacement for shoes.

When Crocs were introduced to the public, the company promoted them as not only comfortable, but actually possessing benefits for the feet that were therapeutic.  They made these claims without any research to back them up.  The problem lies in wearing these footwear all day, according to podiatrist Dr. Tom Beasley, because without containing a shank they provide no support for the foot.  For children, who are still growing, the instability of Crocs can cause bone deformities and splayed feet.  As children grow, so do their bones and tendons in their feet, requiring footwear that is supportive.

As you will hear in the VIDEO you are about to watch below,  Crocs can pose the safety hazard of getting caught on ESCALATORS, causing serious injuries.  There have been multiple reports of such injuries, resulting in law suits against the Crocs company.  Unstable shoes like Crocs and flip flops have been known to get caught on gas pedals and brakes in cars as well, resulting in automobile accidents.  After watching the footage below, let us know what you think about wearing this footwear out in the world.

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If Your Vehicle Is Sinking Fast Underwater THIS Is What You Have To Do To Live and Survive

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For many of us, the thought of being trapped in a sinking car has crossed our minds. What would we do, how would we react, would we be able to make it out alive? That kind of stuff is what nightmares are made of, but for some people that nightmare could one day become a reality.

Think about it, all that it takes is one brief moment. Perhaps you’re driving down the road and become distracted, when you look up it’s too late and you end up crashing into a pond. Or maybe a deer suddenly pops out of nowhere. Without even thinking you instinctively swerve to avoid hitting it and in the process you end up losing control of the car.

If you end up in a lake, river, stream, marsh, or whatever body of water it may be, your car is going to immediately start sinking. Water will rush in and it will quickly begin to fill the interior passenger compartment space up. What do you do?

Many people have no idea what to do if they find themselves in this type of situation. As much as you may have thought about it, when it comes down to it you’re likely panicking and not thinking about what the best course of action is.

The obvious thing you’ll want to do is get out of the car as quickly as you possibly can. To help yourself escape as fast as possible, the first thing you should do is roll down the window while simultaneously taking off your seat belt. Rolling down the window and removing your seat belt is crucial because all that water may cause the computerized electronic equipment in your car to short out or completely malfunction. If that happens, you will likely be unable to roll down electric windows or disengage your safety belt.

Being trapped in a sinking car with the windows up is virtually impossible to escape from. At that point you’d need to break a window to get out. You won’t be able to open the door, even if it is unlocked the sheer pressure from the surrounding water makes it impossible to force open, you’d basically need to have superhuman strength. Only a special tool designed to break car glass windows will work. You can find these online and keep one in your car, but overall the best option is to roll your window down asap!

The next step after getting the window down and your seat belt off is to get out of the car as quickly as you can. Oftentimes people in sinking cars have less than one minute to both react and get out. In addition, if there are any young children in the back seat they will need help getting out from an adult.

They should first be taken out of their car seats and then passed through the front window, but only after it has been rolled down and the adult’s seat belt has been unbuckled. For any passengers in the back seat of a car that has either no operable windows or ones that don’t roll all the way down, they will have to work their way to the front and go out either the driver or passenger side windows. Here are some additional tips:

Never call 911, you will be wasting precious time where you should be escaping and it will be too late by the time help arrives.  Don’t panic. You have to react immediately and freezing up will get you killed. Every second counts and the instant you hit the water the clock starts ticking.

Watch this ABC News clip. It will show you exactly what to expect if and when you should ever have to escape from a sinking car. It also offers an inside-view of what a sinking car will look like and the experts take us through a number of scenarios. They show you how to get out from the front drivers seat, from the rear passenger seat, and how to help get little kids out as well.

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