He Reunites With A Gorilla He Saved and Raised For 5 Years. The Ape’s Reaction Is An Unexpected Surprise!

The Aspinall Foundation has been reintroducing captive gorillas back into the wild over the past 10 years. The gorillas are brought to the foundation’s million acre reserves in West Africa from England’s Howletts Wild Animal Park. There they are set free back into the wild jungles so they have a chance to live their lives as nature intended.

Kwibi, a lowland gorilla, had been brought up at the park by a conservationist named Damian Aspinall. After 5 years in England the gorilla was brought to the West African country of Gabon where he could live the rest of his life in the wild.

Since Kwibi’s release five years ago he had only come into contact with several humans, and each time he acted aggressive towards them. With that in mind, Damian set out with his brother, determined to find his old friend.

They traveled up and down a river that cut through the jungle for a few hours, calling out for him along the way. When they rounded a river bend, Kwibi appeared at the edge of the river, full grown and healthy as ever.

Damian’s crew were prepared for the worst and had food ready to throw if anything went bad. But they wouldn’t need to use it because as soon as Damian approached him, Kwibi let out a deep rumbling gurgle that signified his love for his old friend.

The two sat close together, looking deep into each others eyes, silently sharing a moment and appreciating all that they’d experienced together. Kwibi pulled Damian in for a hug and after that his girlfriend and family started to come forth, feeling safe enough to meet the strange new man.

There was much love and affection shown between them and Kwibi held his old friend close in his arms, not wanting to let go. Once Damian managed to get back into the boat so the crew could leave for camp, Kwibi followed them the whole way back, and set up his own camp on the opposite side of the river. All night long he called out for his old friend.

Early the next morning Damian went for a swim in the river and Kwibi immediately appeared on the bank. The love between the two is beyond words or belief. They truly shared an unbreakable bond and will hold each other in their hearts forever.

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They Strapped A Camera Onto THIS Stray Dog’s Collar. What It Caught Tore My Heart Up!

This is a heart wrenching video taped by a go pro camera that was strapped to a dog’s neck in Mumbai, India. It shows an abridged version of a day in the life of a stray in the populated city. The dog frantically wanders the streets in search of nourishment and shelter, but instead he encountered numerous assaults.

More than once people dump water on the dog, they hit and kick it, push it around, honk at it, and other dogs attack it. It even appears as though the dog was hit by a van at the end of the video. From a pet-loving standpoint, this video is terrifying.

We like to think of our canines as cute and cuddly, well-loved and taken care of, however, in the densely packed city of Mumbai, the vast quantity of dogs on the street are a nuisance. Thousands of people are bitten every year by the undomesticated animals.

The dogs get into trash, generally making a mess of things, so it is no wonder why people are driven to disregard and mistreat them.The good news is that there are people out there trying to help. Many organizations have been established for the sole purpose of saving the street dogs.

Although there are street-dwelling people who care for the free-range animals, and there is abundant food for them in the form of dead carcasses and human scraps, the dog’s lives are not what you would call comfortable, so the organizations are aiming to improve the situation. The dogs are being put up for adoption to get them the care they need.

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Dad Tells His Bird It’s Time To Go In The Cage. He Proceeds To Throw The Most Hysterical Tantrum!

image via – facebook.com

One of the loudest, most noisy animals in the whole entire world happens to be a Cockatoo. The vocal birds evolved their shrill sounding voices for survival related reasons as the distinct calls are what helps them to communicate with fellow Cockatoos in the wild.

Loud mouths aren’t the only thing the parrot species are known for, they’re also highly intelligent animals who love to talk. The ones that spend time around people often pick up human words and will repeat the ones they hear the most often. That’s not always a good thing because Cockatoos are also screamers, when they talk it’s like they’re yelling. If they pick up a naughty word, like a curse, expect to hear it often!

The outspoken bird in this clip named Pebbles is a case in point. Be forewarned, she curses like a sailor and has a lot of impolite things to say. According to her caretakers at the Saskatoon Parrot Rescue up in Canada, before they took her in she had lived in approximately 10 homes over the last 20 years or so. Somewhere along the way she learned how to swear and the rest as they say, is history.

Pebbles had been enjoying the day outside of her cage and clearly didn’t want it to end. When she was asked to get back inside of it, she threw a temper tantrum and had a major freak out! The beautiful white feathered girl acted like a diva as she flapped around and stomped back and forth on top of her cage. She noisily protests everything from her cage to the veterinarian and more.

However, not everything she has to say is so negative and foul mouthed. At one point in the video she can be heard saying something that sounds like “I just like rock and roll” and the video comments seem to confirm this. Check out her wild and crazy rant and see what you can decipher from it!

Pebbles would get along quite well with another famous angry bird, Eric the Legend. He’s a bad boy who also does lots of naughty things, like curse at all the other birds in his neighborhood and the poor family dog. They both have some of the biggest attitudes around and love to yell out swears like they just don’t give a hoot!

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A Young Girl Gets In Between Six Pit Bulls and Their Food. Now Watch Their Reaction!

Pit bulls are often viewed by many as dangerous dogs who behave unpredictably. Over the years there has been an ongoing debate about whether or not they deserve this reputation and the saying “it’s the owner, not the breed” always comes up. People invoke this expression to defend the animals, claiming that it’s how owners treat the dogs and their environment that factor into whether or not they turn out to be viscous or sweet.

If a pit bull is treated well and trained properly then the dog will act in line with how it was brought up to behave. The same goes for the opposite, if the dog is treated bad, untrained, and never disciplined, then it will likely act mean and aggressive.

One woman made a video displaying how the right training and environment can turn out pit bulls who are incredibly patient, attentive, loving, and non-aggressive. In the clip, uploaded to YouTube by the Pitbull Channel, a little girl stands in front of 6 adult male pit bull dogs.

She tells them all to sit and makes sure they fully comply before turning to prepare their dinner. The girl is only 4 years old and not much bigger than each of the dogs that surround her. Yet they all sit patiently waiting for their food, and not one of them whines, barks, or moves out of position.

She pours the dry food onto the floor as they watch, spreads it out, then counts to three before giving them the okay. All six dogs immediately spring forth to scarf down their dinner and even while they are eating the girl moves around them. They don’t nip, growl, or bite at her, as some dogs do around food, and clearly they have been trained extremely well.

In the background a woman explains “six male pit bulls, some people say it could never be done. They live and eat together. We are a family.” She is indirectly referring to the stereotype that many people cite when talking about pit bulls and how uncontrollable and aggressive they can be.

Her video is proof that this definitely is not always the case and that she trusts them around her young child. It’s strong evidence that the dogs have a bad reputation based on a few bad apples in the bunch. They have the ability to be family dogs who are gentle and patient, and should be loved just the same as any other type of dog.

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A Sneaky Burglar Decided To Break Into This Yard But He Forgot To Check For THIS

This sneaky burglar thought he was home free when he scaled the two fences to get to this backyard. Good thing the homeowner had security cameras to catch the event on film. The intruder makes it into the grassy haven of the home and proceeds to inspect around the house for a way to get inside. When he gets to the side of the yard closest to the camera he is surprised by an unsuspected warden.

Toto comes flying out into the yard barking like he’d just landed in Oz. The speed and vigor of the tiny dog is not to be underestimated. Almost before the pilferer even notices the little yipping creature, his ankles are in great danger.

But being a practiced fence hopper, and with the added adrenaline of vicious attack dog, the man swiftly leaps not only one fence, but another, in order to escape merciless pummeling.

The prowling fellow did in fact get out just in time, which left the guardian pup bewildered and unaccomplished. He continued his barrage by jumping and spinning as if to find the invader somewhere around him.

He was not quite as unsuccessful as he may have felt however, because the perpetrator was scared so silly there’s no way he was trying to creep into that house again. After viewing this footage, Toto’s people parents likely rewarded him with a good belly rub, a big bowl full of dog food, plus a Milkbone!

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When Rescuers Arrive This Dog Starts Having The Worst Panic Attack. But Watch Her Next Reaction

It is reported that a dog is trapped after hiding to escape the noise of passing trains. Cue sentimental pop music to start feelings for the poor stranded golden retriever, Clarabelle. The rescue team arrives at the scene after several attempts to locate the confused animal. They shine a light in the dark area where the dog is hiding to show that she is not in fact stuck, but just stubbornly inhabiting what seems to be a secret sanctuary.

The hero places a poled noose around Clarabelle’s neck in order to comfort her to safety. Once in place, a little tug on the collar scares the pup so thoroughly that she rolls over several times in an attempt to break loose.

The man’s soothing tone and reassuring words coax the vicious family pet to allow gentle poking in the face, and subsequent eyebrow rubs. He then continues to inspire her trust and convinces the canine to abandon her unusual haven so he can more effectively shower her with his abundant love.

Lucky Clarabelle is then taken to a local shelter where she is bathed to perfection and given more attention than she can absorb. Now here is the plea for help from you, compassionate viewer. This heart melting story must have moved you to want to support all the helpless animals with stories similar to Clarabelle’s.

A charitable gift of your hard earned money will ensure proof of your warm heart and maintain the pup’s innocent lapping and cheerful soul. Share this story to help support Clarabelle and her new friends.

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