Nobody Believed Her When She Said What The Pups Do Everytime He Enters The Room. So She Caught THIS

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The sight of 16 energetic puppies pouring out of a doorway is likely the cutest thing you will see today. The herd of little Basenji doggies seen in this video is comprised of puppies from three different litters that were all born around the same time.

Each individual pup sports similarly colored brown or black markings set against a white fur coat, and all appear to have a white line down the center of their heads and noses. The big family gets along well and no puppy ever needs to worry about not having a playmate to romp around with!

The puppies were born and raised in Norway and live with Dag Christer Lie and his wife Liv, who own and run Kingwanas Kennel, which is Swahili for “Congo.” Their two sons, aged 4 and 6, also share the house with the puppy herd and can be seen in the video getting swarmed by the baby Basenjis.

The kids love to play with and among the dogs, and are definitely living every child’s dream of having a gang of puppies to run wild with. The family has an active passion for the breed and have been very involved in the Norwegian Basenji Club and Norwegian Kenel Klub over the years.

The breed’s origin can be traced back to Africa, around the Congo Basin, where they were kept mainly for hunting. They make excellent hunters due to their strong prey drive and are also extremely intelligent. Basenji’s have big personalities and are incredibly curious, attentive, smart and active.

They also love to groom themselves and keep their fur so clean that they rarely need to be bathed, like a cat. Best of all, they are nearly odorless, so you never have to worry about stinky dog smells if you own one. One of the most interesting traits about these dogs is that they don’t bark, hence their nickname the “barkless dog.”

Instead they make a wide range of other sounds, including a common yodel-like noise and deep growls. Some even produce hair raising screams that can scare the pants off a person. Then there are the other usual dog sounds that every dog seems to make such as whimpers, whines, and groans. Finally, they have adorable, cute as a button, furry, and lovable puppies, as evidenced by this video so check it out and enjoy!

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This Little Penguin Runs Toward His Human. When He Reaches Him I Can’t Stop Laughing!

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Cookie is a “little penguin” both literally and figuratively. The adorable little bird is a member of Eudyptula minor, which is the smallest species of penguin in the world. On average, they grow up to 13 centimeters tall and weigh in at around 3 pounds. Cookie lives at the Cincinnati Zoo’s Bird House in Ohio, while other fellow species members are often found on the southern coasts of Australia and New Zealand.

Little penguins are so small, cute, and magical that they are often called fairy penguins. They go about their days zipping through the waters close to the shore looking for tiny fish to eat. The little one in this video, named Cookie, has a bumblefoot and can’t be in the water a lot.

Bumblefoot is when feet become inflamed and infected with bacteria. To prevent it from worsening or becoming fatal, staff at the Cincinnati Zoo keep Cookie inside when the other little penguins go swimming. He needs to keep his foot bandaged and as dry as possible.

That’s why you see him waddling around in the hallway, behind the scenes at the zoo. Cookie visits with staff and when he see’s his favorite zookeeper he hurries over to say hello. That’s when he lets out a joyous giggle type noise that is delightful to hear.

You have to hear Cookie’s trills and happy sounds to get an idea of his vocal capabilities. One thing is certain, this little penguin is one special bird that will melt your heart!

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They Walked Outside and Saw A Puppy Who Escaped From A Dog Fighting Ring. What Follows Is INCREDIBLE

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A five month old pit bull puppy ended up in a rescue shelter after he was found wounded on a porch this past May. The punctures to his neck and face are thought to be from illegal dog fighting. Lovingly called Jax, the pup was in rough shape.

His head was swollen, eyes shut, with a big gash on his neck. Jax showed his appreciation for being taken in by loudly thumping his tail at the approach of a person, despite his painful state. Nightly visits to Jax revealed perseverance and recovery. His tail wagged a little longer, his eyes opened a little wider.

Jax began showing interest in play and even began to smile. The poor thing spent two weeks in emergency care before he was released to foster. The young lady who was the recipient of the porch pup thought he was going to die on the way to the hospital. She confessed being angry when she saw what had happened to him. She felt saddened and needed to help.

A victim of dog fighting, Jax was fully recovered after three weeks. He was allowed to go to his self appointed home by the magic of Grace. This heart breaking story serves to send the message that dog fighting is detrimental.

If you suspect this sort of animal treatment anywhere, it should be reported immediately to your local authorities. Don’t let animal abuse go without penalization! There are animals everywhere suffering and you can save them.

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This Animal Shelter Just Got 5,000 Dogs Adopted. But The Unexpected Way They Did It Is Brilliant!

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If you want a good friend who loves and supports you unconditionally in everything you do, then look no further than your local animal shelter. There are countless animals of every breed, size, color, and temperament imaginable out there. They are just waiting to help someone who comes along in need of companionship and immeasurable joy.

Most people assume that when they adopt at a shelter they are saving an animal and helping them out. While this is partly true, the reverse of that thought is often a better way to describe the situation. Pets that we adopt are saving us, in more ways than one, and if you have a rescue animal at home you likely already know and understand why.

This was the idea behind a new adoption campaign at the Lost Dog’s Home, a shelter for dogs located in Australia. They thought of a great way to get people and their homeless dogs together, by way of “The Human Walking Program.”

The word was spread among office workers that at lunch and break times they would be able to spend time playing, walking, and hanging out with the dogs. It gave the workers a chance to get away from their desks for some fresh air and exercise, and the animals got much needed attention and exposure.

By the end of this adoption drive every single one of the over 5,000 adoptable dogs found a new home with an office worker. The program was an immense success and all of the rescued workers will now lead healthier lives because of it.

Being around dogs naturally makes humans more active. The animals love to play, take walks, chase things, and do all sorts of fun activities. Nothing is more relaxing and enjoyable than taking some time out of your busy day to hang out and spend some quality time bonding with your dog.

It’s a proven fact that people who own pets are better off because of it. Not only do they help to fulfill our social needs, they also improve our overall happiness, physical health, and well-being. People report that they are just as close, and oftentimes even closer, to their pets than they are to most of their family members!

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Cat Sees a Fan For The First Time Ever. Now Watch His Friends Hilarious Next Move!

The world through the eyes of a cat is likely a weird and wonderful place. They must look around our houses and think what the heck is all this stuff for?! We can only guess at what they imagine all of our knick knacks and furnishings to be. It seems that some cats think our clothes are for sleeping on, carpets are for throwing up on, and plants are for chewing.

From their vantage point they are always looking up at our taller positioned furniture, counters, windows, doors, and so on. It’s no wonder that cats like to jump up on things and be at a height, so they can scan the room and see everything in it and what’s going on.

When people bring home new things their feline companions often have to thoroughly sniff and inspect it all. This is most often true when something new gets taken out of the box it came in. Expect a cat to jump right in and take it over. Boxes are familiar and user friendly to cats, they know exactly what they have to do when they see one.

However, there are some other items around our houses that randomly pique their interests and a few sometimes even shock and amaze them! Such was the case when two cats were introduced to a common ceiling fan.

The odd fixture suddenly coming to life, slowly rotating faster and faster until it was spinning around swiftly, was almost too much for the cats to take in. The sight transfixed the kitties as they stared up at it in curious wonderment.

It was almost as if they could reach out a paw and touch the fan, and so they both tried to do exactly that. The cooling breeze and rush of air it provided was also a thrilling new experience. The cats seem mystified and it’s as if they are wondering how this strange thing could magically move the air around.

The cute duo look quite perplexed and adorably innocent in the short clip. If you were a cat imagine how it would feel to see such a sight, not knowing the use or purpose of a fan. It would be very strange indeed.

It’s more than likely that five minutes later the cats had forgotten about the fan and moved on the more interesting stuff, like food or a new box. Thankfully, their owner captured this adorable moment on film and shared it for everyone to see, because we all love a good cat video!

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THIS Lion Was Bored So They Tossed Him a Toy. They Were Baffled By What He Did With It!

Adult male lions are formidable big cats with majestic manes and powerful builds. Their very presence commands respect and the wild, noble air about them has fascinated humans for centuries. When you think of the large carnivores you often think of them prowling around, fighting for dominance, hunting, and of course sleeping away the hot days and relaxing with other lions in the pride.

One thing you don’t imagine is seeing one playing with a soccer ball. However, there is a beautiful adult male lion who loves nothing more than doing exactly that! Triton is an eleven year old white lion who comes to life when a soccer ball is thrown his way.

Whenever he sees his caretaker about to toss him the ball he immediately jumps up, lets out an excited roar, and runs over to inspect it. That’s when the playtime fun begins. He likes to swipe the ball with his huge paws and pass it around to himself while chasing it around the enclosure.

He even follows after the soccer ball when it rolls into the water, not hesitating for a second to jump into the pond and get soaked. It seems that nothing can stop him or get in the way during his football practice. He won’t even pay attention to or play with the female lionesses when his soccer ball is around!

Triton’s caretakers are always giving him new balls because he wears them out so quickly with all the chewing and batting around. He lives at the Johannesburg Zoo in South Africa where caretaker Agnes Maluleke looks after him and all of the other large carnivores.

Out of the ten lions at the zoo in her care, she says that he is the only one who ever takes an interest in the ball. She also says Triton is the best soccer player and that the professionals could learn a thing or two from him.

After seeing his skills in action, I have to agree with her. It seems that he is the the only soccer playing lion in the world and a natural at the sport!

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