This Pushy Kitty Tries Waking Up His Sleepy Dog But Instead The Unexpected Happens!

There seems to be some misleading information circling around which posits the belief that cats are not all that affectionate. This false notion is absolutely absurd and nothing could be further from the truth. Cats are incredibly loving, warm, caring, and affectionate all the time towards their human companions, other animals, and each other.

If you need proof of feline affection then look no further than this video. In it a sweet gray cat can be seen snuggling up to his best friend who happens to be a big white sleeping dog. The cat and dog often share the same bed when it comes time for naps, and it looks like the kitty is trying to wake the pup up as he gently paws at his lazy pal.

However, the dog is a heavy sleeper and doesn’t stir no matter what kitty does. Finally, after being absolutely and completely adorable, the cats decides to hunker down next to his best friend and give him a little massage before passing out as well.

The kitty just cannot get enough of the dog and shows his love by trying to get as close as he possibly can to the sleeping giant. If that isn’t love then what is!?

Cats are truly full of positive energy, life, happiness, and more. They often extend these vibes and feelings towards other animals and their human counterparts. A lot of the ways and manners in which they show affection are misunderstood and not recognized by people.

In a way, the signs and behaviors that cats use to communicate their love and emotions are often lost in translation. For example, a cat holding its tail straight up with a curl at the end is showing happiness. If a cat blinks his eyes slowly at you that means he is likely comfortable, relaxed, and loves you.

There are many more signals that indicate different feline feelings, and then there are the behaviors similar to the ones on display in this video. These overt and clear moments of affection between a cat and dog can only mean one thing ~ love!

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This Pup Sees A Ball Pit For The First Time. His Reaction Is Priceless!

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If you’ve ever experienced a ball pit then you know how this adorable French Bulldog feels. The first time you jump into a box filled with thousands of small plastic balls is a feeling like no other. You instantly have the urge to flail about and bury yourself in them and because there are so many that is inevitably what happens!

The little black French Bulldog in this video got a taste of the fast food play life when he was given a couple of kiddie pools filled with the colorful balls to play in. He romps around from one to the other wildly, like a little kid on a sugar high, and he just can’t seem to get enough.

The dog is clearly overjoyed with his new playthings and his face shines with that happy, delighted type of look only a dog can make. He’s so worked up by the ball pits that he can barely catch his breath! One of his doggy friends can also be seen following him around, back and forth between the tubs full of balls.

That white and gray furred pup seems a little more apprehensive about jumping into the balls and is content to stand on the sidelines and watch Frenchy play.

If you need to smile, or make someone else smile and cheer them up, send them this video. It should do the trick and will lighten up anyone’s bad day, a least just a little smile 🙂

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There’s A New Danger At The Beaches This Year. It Looks Stunning But It Could Kill You!

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What a cool looking creature! Turns out, the man o’ war is not a jellyfish, but actually a colony of little sneaksters that are attached and integrated so thoroughly that they can not live by themselves. At the surface of the ocean, the man o’ war floats through life, moving only by the force of currents and tides.

Strong winds may push them into bays and beaches, where they should be only looked upon and with caution. Where there is one man o’ war, there is many, but often an entire beach will be closed after the sighting of just one.  Recently there has been a massive increase in numbers of Portuguese Man O’ War from Delaware to New York. Watch the video below to learn more about the risks and what to do if you come into contact with one.

When I was in sixth grade I spent a week in West Palm Beach, Florida with my friend and her dad. We stayed in a hotel on the beach where we spent everyday from sunrise to sunset in the outdoor pool. Entering the sunshine state mid Northeast Winter, we grew layers of blistering sun burns in the first part of the week.

We were so heat exhausted that my friend was vomiting up her daily grilled cheeses in the groomed poolside plants, and her father’s concern was that we were spending too much time in the pool, so he sent us to the beach. My friend and I reluctantly approached the beautiful ocean water and were delighted when we learned it was many degrees more comfortable than the Atlantic we were familiar with.

Promptly, I was thrashed with a wave across the face, which knocked my child body to the ground to be pummeled by undertow and exasperation. Then I felt it! An electric shock like whip along the side of my arm. I struggled to catch my breath through the inhaled salt water and looked down to see my forearm and hand red and inflamed.

My friend and I made our way back to the hotel pool where the lifeguard confirmed I had been stung by a man o’ war. The hero then sprayed my arm with cologne to soothe the welts and told us to go swim in pool.

Enjoy the beach this summer, but always stay aware of your surroundings.  Keep your eye out for these beautiful but dangerous and potentially deadly creatures.

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THIS 2 Week Old Pup Howls For The 1st Time Ever. Now Watch His Proud Mama’s Funny Reaction!

Do you know when you giggle the deepest, soul-filling laugh that makes you feel like a little kid and you can’t control it? That’s the kind of giggle this video provides. In just twenty short seconds an effing adorable puppy gains a little more communication with the world.

He starts the ascent of his hoot with innocent little grumbles and whines. Then he notices what happens when he opens his mouth. He is so impressed with himself that he belts it out from the bottom of his lungs. He falls out of howl when he runs out of air, and no sooner than his next breath is it he at it again.

This Alaskan Malamute is only fourteen days old and sounds almost like a cat meowing. His short howl meanders into barks and then mama dog succinctly tells him to pipe it down. He responds with whimpers and retaliation, which leads to the gang chiming in. It’s funny how as pet owner’s, we bark when our dogs do. Who’s really in charge?

I love videos like this that are short little uplifts to your day. They come in with a jolt of impact and when it’s over you’re left with reassurance that the world is all kinds of beautiful. Cute baby animals lift the spirits of every being they come in contact with, creating joy and laughter for people throughout the earth and in the endless realms of the interwebs.

The cuteness of the baby animal is so powerful, it holds the very fabric of human society in a higher state of vibration through welcomed psychological manipulations, exercised through very large, round heads and relatively enormous eyes. Thank you, cute baby animals!

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They Start Blowing Bubbles At This Chameleon. His Reaction is an Unexpected Surprise!

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If you have had a rough day up to this point, have no fear, for Laura the chameleon is here! She has come to pop the bubble of your sadness. By popping bubbles! I can honestly say that I have never seen a chameleon popping bubbles. It is not something I would have ever expected to see, or thought about the possibility of seeing, but it has now been seen.

No one can take that away from me, I will always be able to know that I lived a good life, for I have seen a chameleon pop bubbles. This may come as a shock to you. A lizard popping bubbles is quite disquieting, kind of like pigs flying. The phrase could just as soon gone “when chameleons pop bubbles”.

Well guess what, pigs are transported via aircraft every day and we are sitting here watching a video of a lizard popping bubbles. What an incredible feat. Those lizard feet are not designed to pop anything, they are solely for hanging on to trees and climbing branches.

Anything outside of the realm of locomotion shows incredible advancement in the lizards primary forebrain. It is impossible to say for certain, but it is safe to say that Laura may be the most intelligent lizard on the planet, maybe even of all time.

It will take some more tests, likely involving larger bubbles coming at more divergent angles simultaneously, but we will find out the truth. If Laura is as intelligent as she claims to be, we may have an entirely new species of lizard, the likes of which have never been seen on planet Earth.

Let us know what you think!

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Nobody Believed Him When Described His Dog’s Morning Ritual So He Got A Camera and Caught THIS

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Mornings can be just as hard on dogs as they are on some humans. No sane person or animal wants to willingly throw back the covers and get up out of a warm, cozy, perfectly slept in bed. This is especially true when you don’t really have to get up for awhile and want to stay comfy and keep on snoozing.

Unfortunately, sometimes our fellow sleeping partners make it impossible to get back into that zen state in which you were just basking, and that makes some of us really grumpy.

That’s exactly the case in this adorable yet strange video from Rumble Viral. It stars Buddha the Bulldog, a big white and wrinkly ball of joy, who does not want to roll out of bed. Much to his dislike, his parental units try to wake him from his deep slumber. He whines and groans in protest and sounds nothing like a dog at all.

The weird noises emanating from his mouth and chest are more alien than canine, but a cute, sweet alien and not some nasty, mean one. Buddha’s lazy grumbling makes his human friends smile and laugh as they record him, but that just pisses him off even more. It’s bad enough that they have already rudely awoken him, but laughing is going to far.

As Buddha gets up he lashes out a paw and slaps his male human in the face, serving him up some dog-style justice. That will teach him to never mess with a sleeping dog, especially this one. No…but seriously, this dog is too cute and his unique noises are almost too much. Buddha definitely wins the top spot for being the sweetest grump.

Check him and his odd noises out if you want to smile! 🙂

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