VIDEO: He Stops His Car On The Road When He Sees This Lost Goose. What Happens Next INCREDIBLE!

Wow! That’s the first word that comes to mind after watching this amazing video depicting the unbelievable kindness of a man who comes upon a wild goose seemingly lost on a country road near Alberta, Canada. He was driving along in his pickup truck when he noticed the goose wandering along without direction.

Wild geese can be very aggressive towards other animals and humans, but that didn’t stop this caring man from stopping to get out of his truck and speak gently to the lost goose. He spoke in such a soothing and encouraging tone, that the goose never let out one squawk. He seemed to sense the man’s compassion and trusted him on such a gut level, that what happened next was awe-inspiring.

The man got back into his truck and the goose began following on foot and then took flight following the truck. After going a ways, the driver got out and spoke to the goose again telling him he would lead him back to his buddies at the nearby Shining Bank Lake. Getting back in his truck again, the goose takes flight, continuing to follow this amazingly kind man.

This was no wild goose chase! Rather, it was a beautiful example of trust between a human and a wild animal, that not only saved the goose from being run over, but led him back to the safety of his natural environment.

Please Share this inspirational video that exhibits the power of caring engagement between humans and animals

Mama Caught Her Pup Doing Something Very Strange To The New Baby! I Never Expected THIS

Man’s best friend?  I’m not sure who is taking this incredible video, as the man speaking in the background is talking on the phone and doesn’t seem aware of the remarkable scene going on in front of him.  Yorkshire terrier Misty is baby’s best friend!  I have seen maternal care taking of one animal to another and across different breeds, but nothing like this.

The attachment Misty has to this little human is actually like a mother to a child.  I don’t know if she is modeling the mother’s behavior, or just instinctively has such human-like maternal instincts.  The baby is asleep in his pram but according to Misty’s assessment, he just isn’t tucked in properly.

In a most protective and loving way, watch how Misty methodically tucks the baby in.  She makes sure that her baby human is snuggled up all around, in a most protective and cozy way.  Assured that the baby is properly wrapped and warm, Misty seems quite satisfied with her “nanny” work.  What a darling dog!  This video will make your day.  Please share it with others.  There’s nothing like watching an unexpected moment of love!

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This Puppy Wiener Dog Thinks His Human Is Being Assaulted. Now Watch How He Reacts..

The short legged hound in this video is of German origin, with the name Dachshund meaning badger dog. The canine has been used for smelling, chasing, and flushing out badgers, as well as other small burrow dwelling animals.

This particular pup’s behavior is therefore not unusual as it identifies its target, its human mother’s man friend, and tenaciously encroaches upon him. The long, narrow breed are now frequently just house pets, but as you can see, the dog’s roots have not been forgotten.

When the wiener dog believes his owner is under attack he viciously charges the assaulter, barking to chase him away. The little pup seems unaware that his barrage is less than terrifying however, as his size is such that one can only laugh instead of feel threatened when he pounces in their direction. The pretend harm is continued and the canine persists with wholehearted defense, which pushes the assailant quickly out of view of the camera.

Dachshunds are statistically aggressive to strangers, as well as other dogs, and their stubborn nature can make them difficult to train. Apathetic to their small size, they are dominated by determination and ferociously work toward their objectives, which are typically hunting birds, small critters, and tennis balls, or intimidating unfamiliar and disliked people. They energetically growl and bark to express their disinclination, though the hostility can be easily vanquished with ample affection and socialization. Isn’t this dog admirable!?

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10 Cats Discover A Huge Ball Of Ice What They Do Next Will Melt Your Heart

What do you get when you place a giant ball of solid ice in front of 10 cats? Lots of interest, to say the least… One intrepid cat owner decided to find out how their cats would respond to a frozen globe of water. They filled a water balloon up with water, put that in the freezer until it was rock hard, and then completely cut away the balloon.

Then they placed the ice chunk in a shallow dish on the floor and let the cats have at! In the video you may notice that there are a lot of different cats being shown. This isn’t a compilation clip and the 10 kittys who star in it are all part of one big happy family.

Their owner started a YouTube channel in their honor called 10 Cats. It turns out that the 10 cats really enjoy licking the ice ball and it looks like a good way to keep their water bowl clean and topped off.

One would imagine that because cats hate water they would also hate the frozen water or at least find the coldness off-putting. Surprisingly they absolutely loved the ice globe and couldn’t get enough of it. All of them licked the bejeezus out of it and once it had melted they started drinking the water.

One adorable cat ends up stepping in the ice cold water and freaked out a little and one little kitten was entranced by it. The tiny tiger looking kitten was seen the most licking and playing around with the ice ball. At the end he was the only one still into it. He pawed the melted remains around in a circle and followed it with his little bobbing head, he was so cute.

If you’re into cat videos then you have to check out this one to see all the various reactions and how damn cute they all look!

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He Grabs His Fish By The Face. In My Whole Life I Have Never Seen Anything Like THIS

I had no idea that even fish can enjoy a good rub down, and I give massages for a living! The people family of the fish noted that it waits in the corner of its tank for someone to dole out affection. It actually starts adamantly splashing the water when someone comes home, and doesn’t stop until there is a hand present in her company. It’s adorable that the water creature yearns for and demands the love of her human comrades.

The sentiment is obvious when the fish responds to caresses with excited kisses and tail waving. The gentle coddling and belly strokes inspire the fish to swim in enthusiastic circles, pleading for more. It rubs itself against the loyal hand and you can imagine it purring like a happy kitty.

The fish playfully swims through the fingers and suckles at the skin, giving back in the only way it knows how. With bright eyes and a fishy smile, you can tell it would accept this attention all day.

Blood parrot cichlids are a hybrid fish that were first created in Taiwan in 1986. Typically bright orange with large yellow-green eyes, the friendly fishy can grow to be eight inches long and live for up to ten years.

Known to have strong personalities, the domesticated fish are often seen dancing at feeding time, digging in its aquarium, and getting into territory tiffs with tank mates. At night, they may snuggle and share the same cave, but in the day they are menaces, bumping and charging each other for entertainment.

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This Guy Is About To Take A Selfie But Keep Your Eye On The Surprise Dog Behind Him!

Sometimes, our pets feel like they are missing out. They see us doing something that they really like, and they want to be a part of it. Sometimes your dog might become the “monkey in the middle” while you are throwing a ball with a family member.

You might be swimming and your dog is begging to be allowed to join. These are common occurrences and would not surprise anyone. Little did we know, at least some of our pets have noticed our technology.

You want proof? Check out this video, where we find a dog who is most certainly interested in taking a selfie. At first, it isn’t clear that he knows what is going on. He may just be reacting to his owner paying attention to him. Maybe he thinks the phone is a treat.

But then, the dog does something that makes it very clear he knows exactly what is going on. He seems to be focused on his reflection in the camera, and he carefully lines his head up perfectly to get the best selfie ever.

The dog’s human seems to know the dog will do this, which implies this dogs does this consistently. That means the dog knows something about what’s going on with the phone, although how much he knows is impossible to say.

What can be said is that this dog really wants to take a selfie and is a natural actor. He could be the next James Dean with chops like that. Move over, George Clooney, there’s a new leading man in town!

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