A ‘Scary’ Little Cockatiel Approaches A Huge Great Dane. The Giant Dog’s Reaction Is Hysterical!

One of the best traits Of Great Danes is their accidental and adorable way of making us laugh without them even knowing it.  The are so big, cute, and goofy that their reactions to life usually always put a smile on our face.  The video below is no exception to the rule, a tiny Cockatiel approaches this giant Great Dane and then hilarity ensues.

Every time the Cockatiel takes a step closer or tweets The Great Dane becomes started and twitches uncontrollably.  The funniest part of the whole video is how the bird is completely calm and collected and has absolutely no fear of the giant dog.  I think we can tell who the boss in this relationship is.

I guess in the animal kingdom, size doesn’t necessarily matter.  Most youtubers agree that the Great Dane in this video looks a lot like the character Scooby Doo who is always being startled by ghosts and monsters.  This video is sure to put a smile on your face to start the week off right. Enjoy!

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This Rottweiler’s Human Asks Him To Show His Mean Face. Now Watch The Pup’s Reaction!

Reese the Rottweiler is an incredibly talented dog with a special gift for play acting. While many people will spend their entire lives practicing and perfecting the art, Reese seems to be a natural at it. Even though his owner likely spent a lot of time and dedication teaching him this awesome trick, now that he has it down pat he can do it on command without even thinking. Reese certainly is a natural, not many dogs can do what he does so easily, time and time again.

This short clip of Reese in action is proof of his skills. In the beginning, he looks like any other strong, powerful, handsome male Rottweiler as he sits serenely on a cushion. When his dad asks him to show his teeth, he immediately obliges.

But that’s only the beginning and he’s just getting warmed up. When his dad tells him to “show me your mean face” the real acting begins. Reese curls back his upper lip and bares his sharp white teeth to the hilt. Then he adds in a low, menacing growl and he even does that weird licking thing dogs seem to do when they’re super angry. Personally, I’ve never seen a dog look so mean and angry on cue, at least not like this!

In fact, Reese’s acting is so good that I had to watch the video a few times to convince myself that he isn’t actually angry. The give away doesn’t happen until the very end; up to that point he stays in character perfectly, although his eyes do look pretty calm and gentle throughout.

Either way, to be able to learn this trick and perform it so well, that takes talent and brains. Reese has both in spades and you have got to watch his performance to see just how well he nailed the part. It’s spot-on!

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THIS One Simple Trick Will Get Rid Of Those Annoying Fruit Flies and Gnats For Good!

A fruit fly infestation in your home can be more than a bother.  These tiny pests, also known as gnats, can often become unbearable. It can require disposal of fruits and vegetables, replacing cleaning supplies, fixing suspect drains and plumbing and on and on.

After attempting all of these fixes you may find yourself still battling the infestation.  This is due to the fact that the breeding of these gnats is rapid. If you have run out of patience with these annoying pests, there is a simple solution that I truly wish I knew about years ago!

All you need is a cup, some apple cider vinegar, plastic wrap and a device to poke very tiny holes like a toothpick.  This DIY will show you what to do with these simple products to finally take care of the problem. Watch this simple video, and your problem will be solved. It is the perfect life hack with spring in full swing and summer right around the corner!

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This Pup Is Scared Of The Carpet. How He Overcomes His Fear Is An Unexpected Surprise!

People and animals face their fears in all sorts of different ways. The most common advice that you often hear given involves going head first and staring whatever it is that you’re afraid of in the face. If you have a fear of heights, go to somewhere high enough to make you uncomfortable and look down.

If you are afraid of swimming in the ocean, go to the beach and jump in the water. While this is sage advice, it doesn’t work for everyone. Instead, people turn to alternative ways in which they can try to stand up to their fears. Whether it’s through meditation, hypnosis, therapy, or something else, if you can find a way to get past personal fears it should be considered a huge success.

Many people like to say “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” and that’s the attitude you should adopt before, and after, you conquer your inner demons and fears. Take a page out of this dog’s book, and watch what he does in the video to do just that!

The adorable Golden Retriever has a very unique way of facing his fear of carpet. While he doesn’t mind walking on hardwood floors, the sight and feel of carpet beneath his paws makes him very nervous. As you can see, he whines and glances at the carpet before him with fear in his eyes as he hesitates to step on it.

Finally, he gathers the courage and strength from deep within himself, turns his body around a full 180 degrees, and backs up rear-end first onto the carpet. He successfully faced his fears in the cutest, most comical way possible. What an awesomely clever dog and more power to him!

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Nobody Believed Him When He Described The Cat’s Before Dinner Ritual So They Caught THIS On Film

We humans are told that in order to increase the power of our brains, we need to solve puzzles, think “out of the box” and engage in novel activities.  People who have an intrinsic desire to learn, experience the rewards of satiating that desire.

Cats too, are clearly intelligent animals, who benefit from such activities.  The pet parents of the cat in this video have set up a task that needs to be completed in order for this feline to receive his extrinsic reward… his meal.

Watching this cat exhibit his problem solving ability is truly amazing.  It’s as if you can practically hear him thinking out his next move, exemplifying truly intuitive instincts leading him to be methodically resourceful in every move he makes to find each part of the puzzle that will lead to the reward of his dinner.

Watching his clever moves is truly astounding.  Not only are his pet parents providing him dinner, but an opportunity to use his brain that could very easily prolong a healthier longer life.

By providing him opportunities to use his brain in novel ways, this cat will experience a more content and interesting existence.  Watch and enjoy this feline intelligence and please share your thoughts about this amazing animal!

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Human Confronts His Dog About The Mess. The Dog Denies It With The Most Hysterical Tantrum.

image via: facebook.com

Siberian Huskies are well known for their easy going nature and beautiful wolf-like looks, but it’s their high-spirited personalities that draws people to them. The medium sized breed is ultra energetic, intelligent, friendly, and highly accepting of both other dogs and even strangers.

In the popular culture of books, movies and television husky’s are known as sled dogs who travel thousands and thousands of miles with unparalleled speed, agility and endurance. At the same time, Huskies are a lot of work and need plenty of exercise. If they get bored, or are left alone to their own devices for too long, they can end up getting into a lot of trouble!

Many a Husky owner has left the house all nice and tidy, only to come home later to a complete disaster of a mess! Their bored dogs go on destructive rampages when they step out, like the adorable Husky in this video.

The big handsome boy is named Blu and this clip shows the moment that his owners returned home from a date. While they were gone Blu decided to redecorate and used the stuffing from his bed to embellish the plain old wood floor around his kennel.  Maybe since Christmas is right around the corner this was just a simple ‘husky-human’ misunderstanding and he was just trying to decorate for the holidays!

There were bits and pieces of his shredded bedding strewn everywhere and in the middle of it all was a very guilty looking Blu. But he wasn’t about to sulk away in shame from what he’d done, instead he had a few choice words for his parents!

Before they could even say a thing or reprimand him for his bad behavior, Blu was off and running his mouth full throttle. He all but drowned them out with his whines and moaning, there was barely even a pause where mom and dad could put their two cents in. This is one seriously strong-willed Husky and he wasn’t about to shush up or back down!

While Blu’s tantrum may at first appear to be over his ripped up bedding, it’s actually about his parents leaving him all alone while they went out and had a fun date without him. According to his owners, “Blu is a sweet boy that only acts up when no one is present. In this video, he was told to go to bed and be a good boy… [but] Blu wasn’t ready for bed… so he ate it.”

He wasn’t ready for nap time or for alone time either and took out whatever boredom, anxiety, stress, or pent up energy that he was feeling on his poor comfy bed! Blu is one of the most expressive and persistent Huskies we’ve seen yet, and that’s all part of what makes the breed so endearing and adorable.

Blu is really just a big adorable baby at heart. Wait until you hear how persistent and “believable” is denial is. I wonder if they strapped him to a lie detector if he could pass the mess test! Blu’s personality, charm and absolutely hilarious nature is sure to make your day. The back and forth between Blu and his human is pretty much the best thing I have seen all week.

He whines cries and makes sure not to keep direct I contact with his human to give away the truth of what really went down while he was left alone in the house. At times he really does sound like a human baby who is going through the terrible twos. Any parent who has raised a two year old baby knows how challenging these years can be!

Unlike cats who take pride in their mischief, dogs especially Husky’s tend to feel a sense of remorse and guilt when they know they messed up and have done something very wrong.  There is an entire genre of guilty dog videos and pictures that are just incredibly amusing.

If you have never dabbled in the world of guilty dogs I recommend you google it to brighten your day up.  This hand picked video is one of the best we have ever seen.

After the hilarious show Blu puts on claiming his complete innocence and clearing himself of all wrong doing, I’m sure his owner gave him a big hug, kiss, cuddle and let him know everything is going to be okay!

Hopefully they can go for a nice long walk through the neighborhood so Blu can clear his head and mind while he transforms back into the happy, cute, fuzzy, lovable fur baby he is 99 percent of the time!

An internet superstar has been born and I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of the this outspoken husky. Blu the Husky has officially earned the title of master of all hissy fits, tantrums and just being darn right adorable in the process.


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