Man Sends His Sheepdog Over The Hill. What The Dog Herds Is Hilarious!

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The Border Collie Is a herding dog breed that mainly herds sheep.  They are extremely intelligent and obedient dogs.  In Stanley Coren’s Intelligence of Dogs Rankings they ranked number 1! They are considered to be the smartest dogs on the planet.  Besides being brainiacs they are also athletic, energetic and acrobatic.

They can follow direction by voice or whistle from very long distances while they herd.  They utilize their intelligence, energy, and herding instincts by herding all kinds of animals from the traditional sheep and cattle, to free range poultry, pigs, and ostriches.  They are sometimes used to get rid of unwanted wild birds from golf courses and airport runways.

These dogs can basically do anything. But in the video below even this extraordinary dog still pulls off something so that is unexpected, surprising, funny and smart! Wait until you see him on his way back to his human.

In this hilarious video below, this Border Collie herds something rather unusual.  In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, this pup herds up his human’s ‘mates’ to make sure they get to the local pub right on time.  I can’t stop laughing at this one.  Source: Wikipedia

Let us know what you think of the video! Enjoy! 🙂

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This Dog Died From Drinking Out Of A Puddle On The Grass. The Reason Is Scary!

Leptospirosis is a potentially deadly disease that affects humans and animals. The bacteria can be contracted through the urine of livestock, wildlife, and rodents. This means that pets are susceptible when drinking from puddles or open water, or eating dirty grass and feces.

The illness can cause kidney and liver failure, making it a severe threat especially to small animals. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst and urination, fatigue, fever, and blood in the urine.

Although leptospirosis is not a new disease, new strains of it are emerging which make its prevention more difficult. There is controversy among veterinarians about whether or not to administer the available vaccine.

The treatment has a tendency to cause extreme side effects such as diarrhea and vomiting which can become fatal. Not only does it have the possibility of being deadly, the leptospirosis vaccine only kills four out six known strains of the organism.

Other veterinarians see leptospirosis as a real danger to pets and their owners, witnessing the disease multiple times per month in a busy practice. These vets recommend the lepto vaccine to all dogs with exception to those who rarely go outside.

The belief is that the benefit of prevention outweighs the risk of contracting the horrible sickness. Another reason to diligently inhibit the disease is because it is zoonotic, meaning is passes from animals to humans and therefore can spread from pets to owners.

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Man Kicks This Innocent Puppy But Then He Gets Some Instant Karma!

In the privacy of  our bedrooms we watch the news incredulously, and ask each other how it is possible that there is so much inhumane behavior in the world.  What possesses people to be cruel just for the sake of being cruel?

Such cruelty exists amongst human beings toward each other, and then we see inexplicable cruelty towards animals by people, who seem to have nothing better to do.  What you are about to watch on this video, was just such an insane act of abuse, that was caught by a security camera in an Internet Cafe.

The footage shows a dog calmly wandering into an open door cafe.  He’s just exploring, going about his day, when out of nowhere a man walks in behind him.  He lifts his leg high in the air to give the dog a strong kick!  What happens next can only be termed a dose of “instant karma.” Sometimes the universe doles out just consequences to acts of cruelty instantaneously.

Somehow that is satisfying, when so much goes on in our world that goes unpunished.  You will understand why this went viral so quickly after it was released, getting more than 225,000 views in just a few days.

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Man Claims He’s Filming The Homeless & Their Pets. But What He Is Really Doing Stuns Everybody!

When Tom Mabe of Prank It FWD decided to make a documentary on the homeless and their pets he came across a heartbreaking story of a man and his dog. Tom started off by contacting Beth Green who runs a local non-profit called My Dog Eats First in Louisville, Kentucky. The charities mission is to provide food, supplies, and medical care to the under served, homeless people, and their pets. After spending some time with the volunteers and homeless Tom decided he wanted to do more than just observe and film!

When he learned that a man who had been living out of his truck had surrendered his dog of 12 years because he needed to go to the hospital, Tom teamed up with Beth to help. The man, Ricky, was told by doctors he had less than 6 months to live.

Against their wishes he left the hospital to be with Buddy again, whom Beth had with her to ensure the two would not be separated for long. Ricky and Buddy were each others best friend and loyal companions for the past 12 years, which was Buddy’s whole life. When times were rough Ricky would make sure Buddy was fed even if it meant going without food himself.

After he checked out of the hospital Beth put Ricky up in a pet friendly hotel for as long as she could afford. When the funds to do so ran out Tom decided to get them their own apartment and made sure it was comfortable and furnished with all the essentials.

He took Ricky to see the place and surprised him by revealing that it was all for him and Buddy. The happiness and gratitude from the news lit up Ricky’s face and Buddy wasted no time in checking out the bed. After years of living in a truck the two now had a large warm place to call their own!

Wanting to do even more, Tom and Prank It FWD ended up giving Beth and My Dog Eats First a years supply of dog food from Halo, plenty of leashes, and a top dog award of recognition for all their work. Tom also came away from the whole experience with a completely new understanding of the homeless and their animals.

The pets give those who are less fortunate a sense of responsibility, unconditional love, friendship, and a purpose in life. Everyone deserves those things and the story of Ricky and Buddy shows just how much their lives were further enriched through their friendship. The love and devotion they share for each other is clear, especially when Buddy looks up and nestles his head into his owner’s side.

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Strange Animal Seen Creeping Around Woman’s Backyard and The Species Has Finally Been Determined

If you spotted this strange, mutant looking creature in your backyard would you scream and run away or take a picture of it? The woman who found the creepy, snake-like, two-headed thingy had both of those reactions and she even called her friends over to take a look at it. Naturally she wanted to know what the heck it was she was dealing with because you don’t see something like this everyday..

Lujan Eroles filmed the odd little creature in her Santa Fe, Argentina driveway and when she was still unsure as to what exactly it was, she posted it social media. According to Lujan, she and her friends “all thought it was a mutant animal, which is why we filmed it and put it online for people to give us their opinions.” The post has since gone viral and the answer as to what the creature is has been narrowed down to two possible answers, neither of which include any mutants!

The main explanation that people seem to agree on is that it’s either one of two caterpillars which are native to where Lujan lives in Argentina. The first one is what’s known scientifically as Eumorpha labruscae which is also more commonly called a gaudy sphinx. When in the larval stage the caterpillars look like mini-snake heads, as you can see in the picture, and after they pupate they transform into moths as adults.

The second possibility is that the caterpillar is a different type of moth, Deilephila elpenor, aka an elephant hawk-moth. These moths also display a snake-like appearance as a means to ward off predators, mainly birds, and to keep from being eaten. The color patterns and placement resemble serpent scales, while the black patches give it eyes on both ends. The creepy look is all part of the little caterpillar’s first line of defense and without it they’d be plucked up by a hungry bird!

Regardless of whatever species caterpillar this snake-worm insect creature belongs to, it’s ugly and creepy up close and it’s not anything I’d want crawling on me. Make sure you check it out and weigh in with your opinion as to what type of caterpillar you think it is!

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They Find a Helpless Newborn Fawn Lying In The Middle of The Street. But Then They Notice THIS.

Baby animals are just about the most precious little things in the world and fawns are no exception. The adorable tiny deer can be hard to spot because of their naturally camouflaged fur but thankfully that didn’t prevent Steve Knoop from noticing one in the middle of the road.

Steve and his friends had been driving down a scenic country road when they came across the newborn laying right in the middle of the road. It was mushed down in an odd, seemingly uncomfortable position that made it look like it’d been hit by a car and injured. Nevertheless, the men pulled over to the side so they could get a closer look and check it out and that’s when they noticed it wasn’t dead or hurt, it was healthy and had likely just been born!

The men deduced from the scene that this fawn was maybe just a few minutes old. The fact that its mother was nearby and the way it was positioned all pointed to this conclusion. Now the fawn was simply trying really hard to blend in with the pavement and not be noticed but instead it ended up sticking out like a sore thumb.

The men debated what they should do, leave it in the road or move it to safety, and end up deciding on the latter option. They don’t want to risk it getting run over by a car so one of them, Paul, gently scoops the newborn up and moves it off to the side of the road. Before he can even set it down the baby immediately jumps up and runs back to its mother’s side. The group erupts with joy at seeing the baby safe and reunited with its mother and one of them sums it all up best with the remark “That was awesome!” Agreed, yes it truly was.

Here’s a little more information on fawns and what to do if you should ever come across one: Fawns are easily identifiable since they’re born with white spots that dot their fur. These help to camouflage and keep them safe from predators all day long while their mothers are away foraging for food. If you ever see a baby fawn alone during the daytime the best thing you can do is leave it alone and not touch it. It’s almost guaranteed that the fawn is not orphaned or abandoned and mom is probably somewhere close by, she returns later in the day after it gets dark outside.

If you do need to handle or move the fawn for its safety, as in the video, you should use gloves and not move it very far. If you touch the fawn you should wipe the area off with a clean towel to remove as much of your scent as possible because it could cause the mother to reject the baby. Rub the towel in dirt first to lessen the human scent before wiping and then leave the fawn alone. Its mother will only come back to it when she feels completely safe and that could take well over a day, so give it plenty of time. Hopefully you learned something from all this but won’t ever have to use the knowledge!

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