Whenever These Baby Otters Spot Their Favorite Human They Proceed To Make The Most Hysterical Sound.

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Young animals are easy to love. They’re so full of innocence and are often downright adorable, no matter what they may be up to. The otter pups in this clip are no exception to the cute baby animal rule, they will make you smile and fall in love with them!

The adorable youngsters can all be seen lining up excitedly at the fence in anticipation of their favorite zookeepers arrival. That’s why they are making those cute, silly sounding noises, because they’ve just spotted their caretaker headed their way. This causes the group to erupt in chorus of delighted squeaks and squeals that all sound very similar to the noises a squeaky toy makes!

They look so sweet as they poke their noses through the wire enclosure and rest their funny looking hands on the fence. However, it’s those funny sounds that they make which sets them apart from other baby animals and makes them so cool.

According to reefovid’s channel, which posted the short clip on YouTube, the otter pups all live at the Otter and Owl Sanctuary at the New Forest Wildlife Park in Ashurst, England. The park is home to a wide variety of animals, including wolves, bison, ferrets, hedgehogs, deer, and of course lots of different types of owls and otters.

When it comes to otter behavior, they are known for being extremely social animals who absolutely love playing and messing around with each another. They are also incredibly curious and will readily go off to explore and investigate new things that may pique their interest. When they are pups they spend all their time in groups made up of mothers and their babies, away from any adult males, for at least several years. As such, they tend to live in large groups which are often very complex in the way that they are socially structured.

Check out the little pups to hear how funny they truly sound. Maybe you’ll even learn something new from this video like I did, because I never knew otters made these types of noises!

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This Baby Emu May Look Awkward, But When The Dog Walks In The Room She Throws A Hysterical Fit

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The world has seen its fair share of animal odd couples. There are cheetahs and dogs, monkeys and bears, cats and gorillas, rhinos and turtles, coyotes and lions, and so many more unlikely pairings. While they may be completely different animal species, that doesn’t get in the way of their incredibly close friendships and the bonds they share.

Most animal odd couples gravitate towards one another in the wild because of the circumstances they find themselves in. It’s either that or they’re brought together by people, which is how the baby emu bird and dog in this adorable home video met each other.

Their owner, Sue Holmes, captured the heart warming moment when Emee the baby emu did a sweet little ditty upon seeing her favorite dog friend in the whole entire world! The video starts off innocently enough with the young black and white feathered chick relaxing next to Sue on the carpet. At first the little bird is all calm and composed, nary a feather is ruffled, but her demeanor completely changes when the family dog enters the room.

The sight of her big furry four-legged friend is what amps Emee up and gets her super excited. In fact, she’s so happy to see the dog that she throws her body to the floor, does a quick 360 degree bird roll, and then hops back up on her two feet. She’s not done yet though, she’s just getting started as she begins to dance around the room in absolute joy and excitement. She hops from leg to leg and throws in some quick spins, her peculiar movements are easily the cutest thing by far that you’ll ever see an emu do!

While the dog may not appear to be so interested in Emee at the moment he definitely is getting used to her crazy antics. He quickly steps past his baby sister to sneak in a few pets from Sue before turning around to head out. However, the excited bird is blocking his path and so he has to fake a move in order to make his escape. He pulls it off with grace and it looks like he has clearly done this more than a few times before.

Even so, he and Emee are best friends and the emu loves to chase and mimic her pal, which is probably why she was rolling around on the floor just like a dog would do! In the end of the clip the pair are back beside their owner and they both look healthy, happy, and as cute as can be. It’s enough to brighten anyone’s day so check out this animal odd couple for an instant smile!

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His Human Asks This Pup If He Wants To Go To The Park. His Response Is Hysterical!

This dog has a hilarious reaction when his people parents ask him if he wants to go to the park. Sitting in the backseat, he almost loses it when he hears the word “park”, and he expresses himself eloquently with noises I have never heard come from a dog’s mouth!

He sounds more like he is telling a story than simply barking. Maybe he is speaking in full sentences, and we just can’t understand him? He gets his general point across, certainly, but what is he really saying?

The park? THE PARK?! Of course I want, to go to the park, it’s the only thing I have been thinking about ever since you grabbed my leash and took me to the car. Then we were driving down the road and all I could think was, “There might be squirrels in the park!”

I could catch a squirrel this time. Maybe this will be the time I actually catch one! And there will be other dogs, too. And so many smells, oh the smells! I can’t even contain my excitement, I’m slurring my words a bit. Why do you keep asking if I want to go, of course I want to go! Let’s just get there already, less talk, more park!

And when we get there, will you throw the ball for me? I love when you throw the ball. I go pick it up and bring it back to you, which seems to make you happy, and then you throw it again! Which makes me happy. I could play fetch all day long, if only your arm and attention span could keep up.

Oh well, at least there will be squirrels! Please, let there be squirrels, and maybe a chipmunk or two. Oh and pigeons! I just hope there are no crows, those sneaky bastards. I hate crows. Always lurking and playing tricks on me. Tell us what you think!

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