He Says Hi To a Strange Wild Raven That Approaches. The Bird Has A Very Naughty Response.

If there is one thing for certain when it comes to wild animals, it’s that they are always full of surprises! The black bird in this hilarious video clip is no exception to that sentiment. It manages to really shock the heck out of the couple it chose to interact with and once you see what it does, you’ll be flabbergasted too!

The wild bird appears to be either a raven or a crow but it’s hard to be certain for sure which one it is because the video quality isn’t the best and both species look very similar in appearance. Either way, these two types of birds are incredibly smart so what happens here is totally understandable.

The bird landed right at the feet of a man who was relaxing and sitting outside on a bench while chatting with a woman. The little feathered fella then hopped up next to him and perched on the armrest, so that the two were practically at eye level with one another. The woman can be heard in the background encouraging the man to try and pet the friendly bird, but he takes one look at its long, pointy beak and says no way! At this point it’s quite amazing that the bird is chilling on the bench alongside the man, let alone that it landed so close to him in the first place. But what happens next is the funniest, most unexpected thing ever. The bird opens its mouth and says clearly ‘bleep you’ to the man!

Upon hearing that the guy bursts out laughing and repeats the curse aloud, it’s as if he can’t believe what he just heard this innocent looking little bird say to him. He’s not alone, that was the last thing anyone would expect to happen! Plus, where in the world did a wild bird pick up such foul language?

This video just goes to show how intelligent certain bird species are and both ravens and crows are at the top of the avian IQ scale. They have passed numerous logic tests including ones that test their ability to count and work in steps in order to solve problems. In addition, they have been observed using tools and love to play around, both of which are behaviors associated with intelligent animals. Perhaps picking up foreign languages, or cursing, is yet another one of their unique talents! Note: If Trouble Playing Video Turn Mobile Device or iPad Horizontal.

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Dad Tells His Dog He Bought a New Pet From The Pet Store. He Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Fit.

When it comes to cats and dogs, it seems like they either get along great or they can’t stand each other. You never know how they’re really going to act until you socialize and introduce them to other pets. When a cat and dog initially meet the general belief is that the earlier in life they do that, the better they will get along with one another. Sometimes the initial meeting between the pets goes smooth as silk. Other times, the first meeting can go horribly wrong and a close watch and lots of intervention is necessary before the two animals are comfortable enough to be together alone.  Every animal is different and just like their human counterparts, some of them are more solitary and like being alone, while others prefer having company and are more social in nature.

The adorable black and white dog in this clip falls under the latter category, he would absolutely love and adore to have a fellow animal companion by his side. Well, at least that’s how his owner imagines his dog’s thoughts and feelings to be! Although most likely these are this cute pups precious wish to have a new best friend! He especially does not want a snake, hamster, guinea pig, mouse, gerbil, newts or parrots. This pup is very clear he wants a new kitty!

He gave his dog a voice and dubbed in quite an interesting conversation between the two of them. He felt that his dog would be absolutely delighted and ecstatic at the thought of getting a brand new addition to the family and would welcome a little fuzzy kitten to call his sister. An adorable baby tabby cat would perhaps be the perfect addition to their lives, and so maybe it’s time they get one!

The hilarious clip of the energetic and happy looking black and white dog talking excitedly about finally getting a new cat has already captured the hearts of well over 6 million people. It’s easy to see why, the video is just funny and enjoyable to watch! Everything from the conversation to the dog’s actions, words, and movements are quality and spot on. If you’ve ever talked to your pet, or had pretend convos in your head with them, then all of this may look, sound, and seem very familiar to you. Check it out and share the love!

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Video – Russian Farmers Were Stunned When They Found This Strange Animal Inside Their Barn!

I can’t help but feel sorry for this poor little creature. The deformed baby sheep was found by Russian farmers amongst its family in the barn. The innocent lamb has what appears to be some form of cleft palate, leaving it with an almost human shaped nose. Due to the defect, the animal struggles to bleat in the typical baaing fashion and instead croaks small noises with the gang. An adult, presumably the mother ewe, still lovingly tends to the baby despite the abnormality.

It is curious will become of this challenged babe. Hopefully, it is accepted by people and animals alike and is capable of living a normal, happy life on the farm. Will the lamb suffer any impairments because of its malformation? Can it eat, drink, and play along with all of its peers or will it need special care and attention? I’m going to infer that either way it will be alright since, aside from the interesting facial features, it seems otherwise healthy in appearance.

The good news is that it is probably easier to be an animal with a birth defect than a human with an obvious physical flaw. At least the lamb won’t have to face a lifetime of the social discomfort that is caused by humans’ difficulty to respond to irregularities without judgement and awe.

I can imagine there is a natural amount of heckling from the sheep herd, but its impact could only be far smaller than the gawking and ridicule that is the immediate reaction of an uncultured human being. Good luck little lamb, the internet is rooting for you!

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Parents Try To Get Their Baby To Say Mama. But Listen To The Dog’s Hysterical Response.

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Parents of newborns always look forward to the day when they finally hear their little baby say ‘mama’ or ‘dada’ for the very first time. Those simple words are just so special to hear and mark a momentous occasion in a babies life and development.

Even though you can never know when a child will say their first words, that fact has never stopped a parent from trying to get their baby to say something. That’s exactly what was going on here in this sweet short clip. Andrea Diaz-Giovanini was gently trying to teach her toddler son Sam how to say “mama” while offering him a tasty little bribe. As she holds up a forkful of food she repeats the magic words to her baby boy, who is standing right in front of her alongside Patches, the family dog.

While Sam seems somewhat oblivious to the yummy food being waved around in the air, Patches has honed in on it with laser focus. The Australian Shepherd’s attention is completely focused firmly on the fork as he whimpers and whines for a bite. In terms of encouraging her son to say anything, it’s not going so well for Andrea, but Patches is a whole other story. The clever dog is giving it his best shot and doesn’t give up so easily. After what sounds like several attempts to say the word “mama” he eventually works out the sound and ends up actually speaking the word successfully. This is something you really have to watch and see him do, it’s awesome and hilarious how much he sounds like a person!

In the end, the dog managed to do what the youngster couldn’t and so he definitely earned a bite to eat as a reward for his hard work. While Sam’s parents set out to capture and preserve his first words on videotape for posterity, they ended up capturing a moment that was just as cute and special instead; their dog’s first human words!

Oh and one last thing. Many viewers commented on the video and noted how Patches never got a bite to eat. They expressed so much concern over this that the Diaz-Giovanini’s posted a second follow up clip to the one seen here. That video was longer and showed that the dog did really get a tasty treat so check Patches talents out and enjoy!

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Nobody Believed Her About What Her Dog Does When He Learns He’s Going To Nanas. So She Caught This

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Lots of people have fond memories of the good old days when their parents would bundle them into the car and they’d all head over to grandma and grandpa’s house. If your grandma doted on you like how many are known to, then the visit was always made extra special by all the love and attention she showered on you. Chances are she’d already have whipped up a batch of delicious cookies or brownies from scratch that were waiting for you, and they tasted scrumptious!

Not only did our grandparents have the most delicious food and tasty treats, they also let us get away with a lot. The rules our parents enforced went out the doors at their house and that made for an even more awesome time. This also happens to be the case for our beloved animals because just like how grandparents spoil their grandchildren, they also know how to treat their grand-pets right!

Which is why it’s no wonder that this adorable dog named Georgia had the reaction she did when she found out that she was going to see her grandma. In this clip the fluffy gray and white dog can be seen sitting pretty in the car waiting expectantly to go on an adventure. All that her owner, Samantha Magowan, has to even say is the word “Nana” and Georgia goes nuts! The word sets her off and as you can see, she barks and whines in utter excitement.

Her anticipation at the thought of seeing her grandma is so sweet and energetic, it’s clear that she loves and adores her nana! I bet grandma has a meaty dog bone or some crunchy biscuits waiting for when Georgia runs through the door and a comfy spot for her to rest on.

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Sun Gazing is pleased to introduce you to Explore.org’s live “Hummingbird Cam”.

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Sun Gazing is pleased to introduce you to Explore.org’s live “Hummingbird Cam”.   Explore.org’s philanthropic mission to to connect humanity to nature and we encourage you to “like” their Facebook page – <Explore.org> and check out this – <http://explore.org/live-cams/ player/rosie-hummingbird-nest>,  features a tiny hummingbird nest about the size of a golf ball.

Two chicks have recently hatched, and viewers of the camera can watch live as Rosie, the mother hummingbird, feeds and watches over them.  Like all female hummingbirds caring for her young, you will see that Rosie is a very busy mama.  Her two eggs hatched on January 26, 2017, bringing Acacia & Aster into the world at 11:17am & 1:00pm.  Acacia, was named after the flower that though small, is strong and symbolizes love and friendship, while Aster means “star”.  These very special and delicate offspring will be yours to watch evolve and grow stronger, as Rosie nurtures them.

Hummingbirds have a magical quality throughout their lives; watching these vulnerable creatures receive food and warmth from their mother is mesmerizing.  Generally speaking, the oblong eggs of hummingbirds, (around 1/2 inch long x 1/3 inch wide), incubate between 14 to 17 days.  Upon hatching they have no feathers, are about an inch long and only weigh about one-third of the weight of a dime.  The biggest concern in their early care is regulation of their body heat, which will be one of Rosie’s main jobs for the next 8 to 12 days.  Acacia and Aster will have developed enough temperature regulation at about two weeks of age, to be in the nest through the night and stay warm.

Watching Mama Rosie feed them regurgitated insects during this time, is really amazing to behold, as she inserts her long beak down their throats, one to three times per hour.  These enchanting chicks will leave the nest when they are ready to;  depending on weather conditions this usually occurs after three weeks.  Rosie will continue to instruct her fledglings after they first leave the nest, to insure that they know how to catch bugs and find nectar, so that they can successfully separate from their loving mother.  We hope you enjoy this unique opportunity to watch nature at it’s most beautiful.

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